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Void Singer wrote:

the only solid correlation that has been linked to RL behavior from various forms of media, is that people who already act on those behaviors are drawn to their virtual counterparts... not vice versa....

playing lemmings does not give people a desire to watch RL rodents pushed of a cliff, nor the desire to try to build bridges to save them. but people that already have those desires tend to be drawn to it, along with countless others as a competitive pass time. Claims to the contrary have never been shown to hold water, no matter how loudly they are yelled.

 and the fact that films and games are censored has nothing to to with copycat behaviour, you talk absolute rubbish Void.

the cartoon program Mutant hero ninja turtles had its name changed to mutant hero fighting turtles and the word ninja was seen to be a trigger for violence.

this is the power the media has and dont fool yourself that you are not controlled by it.

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Mayalily wrote:

Unless it's in the American Journal of Psychiatric Medicine, I do not wish to have dueling websites with you nor anyone on this subject.  As I said, I am not googling anything on this topic and I do not wish to read your googles nor engage in dueling websites about this either.  Do I believe the internet can teach?  In a word:  No.  Anyone can write a website. 

So, as I trust the American Journal of Psychiatric Medicine, all I came up with is this: The Deviant Mind: when I googled American Journal of Psychiatric Medicine and rape fantasy.  It gave me the deviant mind.    Nuff said for me.

If you can find something in this link about rape fantasy, good luck on your search.

I'm done with this discussion.  Hope that spells that out for you. 


Oh, it spells out that you wish to live in ignorance.  Which  is "bliss" for some folks. 

How in the world do people carry on through life ignoring facts, information and documented research is beyond me. 

IF you have anything close to an actual University of higher education in your area... I urge you to take some classes. 

Or go to a library and read some actual books.  There is nothing good about remaining ignorant.


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Are you talking about teenage mutant ninja turtles?

when did they have their names changed? after the series was long passed over?

it never changed where i lived..even the movies were teenage mutant ninja turtles hehehehe


go ninja go ninja goninja go :P

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

Are you talking about teenage mutant ninja turtles?

when did they have their names changed? after the series was long passed over?

it never changed where i lived..even the movies were teenage mutant ninja turtles hehehehe


go ninja go ninja goninja go


Upon TMNT's first arrival in the
, and some other countries in
, the name was changed to "Teenage Mutant
Turtles" (or TMHT, for short), since local
policies deemed the word
to have excessively violent connotations for a children's program (in Ireland, however, the first season aired as "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" before changing to "Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles").
Consequently, everything related to the Turtles had to be renamed before being released in these nations (comic books, video games, toys, etc.) The lyrics were also changed, such as changing "Splinter taught them to be
teens" to the "Splinter taught them to be



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 For a laugh break, here's a confession. I preface this by saying that I worked in the music industry for some years. Though I live and work in vintage, and my favorite types of music stem from the 30's and 40's, I have an extremely broad knowledge and appreciation of music, even those artists who are mocked (and sometimes rightly so).

Anyway, big confession:

I know most of the lyrics to Vanilla Ice's music.

And I enjoy it.

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his music wasn't really so bad..it's that he let people put him on stage as something he wasn't and everyone saw him as a wannabe..

i saw him later in a few interviews and he hates that he let all that happen..one interview on mtv he took a bat to the tv and tape they were playing of him doing ice ice baby..he scared everyone in the room  LOL

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yes, and people go around dropping anvils on each other or trying to run across gaps between cliffs all the time...

censorship doesn't prove anything other than what the censors don't like, period.... seems like you are the one being controlled by the media.

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Void Singer wrote:

yes, and people go around dropping anvils on each other or trying to run across gaps between cliffs all the time...

censorship doesn't prove anything other than what the censors don't like, period.... seems like you are the one being controlled by the media.

not at all, we are all to some extent controlled by the media, its unavoidable, we are faced with a bombardment of situations each and every day.

the censors are there to make sure we are not too influenced by what we see in the media.

to assume censors are there just to cut stuff out that they dont like for the hell of it is a ridiculous  assumption.

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Mayalily wrote:

I always thought they had gun control in Netherlands?  I find that a bizarre story actually.   Internet webcams, that just sounds bizarre to me.  Sorry, off topic. 

I believe they do have gun control laws in The Netherlands too. Which kind of made the whole situation even more laughable. Imagine the fun he'd have explaining to the police why he had an illegal gun .... AND a "dead" webcam.

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Void Singer wrote:

Mayalily wrote:

[...] I can't understand why they allow rape sims in the TOS.  That's quite baffling to me in the first place and kind of coconuts imo.

 I don't get why people are into it either, but it's allowed because it's really just a ridiculous misuse of the word... look up "Rape Fantasy" and you'll see what I mean.... and why it fuels so mush idiotic macho behavior... If ever something something needed the labels self-contradictory and self-defeating, that's one that should filed near the top.

I'm gonna incur the Wrath of the Dreaded Scylla here but ...

My real-life experiences on this planet have at various times involved interaction with people with some pretty strange and off-beat preferences. Yes, I have known and been friends with women (and men) that got intense satisfaction from playing out Rape Fantasies.

While some of them were decidedly "off" in the sense that you could just tell there was something twisted inside their soul or psyche, the majority weren't any more visibly different than the average human being. Even to those that knew them well (co-workers, family and friends for example), they were no different in any way ... yet I'm quite sure that were their fantasies to become common knowledge, those same people would be shocked and/or horrified.

But it has to be made very clear here .. of all those "normals" that shared a penchant for Rape Fantasies, without exception not a one of them would EVER conscience or support actual rape. For them the two were distinctly clearly different, and they were quite able to pull out and describe the reasons and particulars to each that determined which category it belonged in.

The key word is "Fantasy". It's a safety valve that lets us rationalize (and even enjoy) depictions of acts and simulated acts that would otherwise be abhorrent. Allow me an example:

I recently watched the original Transformers movie again. During one of the giant battle scenes, the Autobots and Decepticons are literally tearing the downtown area of some big city to shreds. In the movie we see buildings shattered, destroyed, reduced to rubble ... and yet we are all sitting on the edges of our seats enjoying the back and forth of the battle between Good and Evil.

And yet .. there was this tiny movie playing in my head ... replaying that horrific day when I watched the Twin Towers in New York City crumbling to the ground. Memories of the pain and disgust triggered by that event crept up to the edges of my enjoyment, but did not venture inside and "ruin" the movie for me. Why?

Because the movie was Fantasy. I could hold up the "This is just make believe" shield and let my moral dilemma pass by without twisting me into tormented emotional agony.

As adults, we (hopefully) have developed a good command of that perceptive skill that allows us to properly recognize that which is fantasy and that which is real. I know for a fact that I was physically ill on that day in September, watching the bodies of people plummet to the ground ... because I knew "this is for real". And yet I can watch a movie like Terminator or Alien and not even flinch as bloody carnage is portrayed on the screen.

On the subject of Rape Fantasy ... it's not "my thing". But those I have known that do find pleasure and satisfaction in it, also hold tight to that same shield that protects the fantasy as just that ... Fantasy. I should also point out that in that community, those that are NOT able to keep the two separate are disenfranchised and ostracized by the group. And they do know the difference .. can spot it clearly .. because they are also mature enough and capable enough to know where that line between Fantasy and Reality is. Those that ignore the line or cannot discriminate between the two are unwelcome and will not ever find themselves "protected" ... because they are not amongst their peers in the slightest.

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(WAAAAY off-topic warning ... story time)

I was recovering from major surgery, still totally doped outta my skull on the wonderful drugs they give you to ease the pain. My roommate was snoring up a storm, so I clicked on the TV to find something to drown out the sawing noise. A couple clicks on the channel button and I found a cartoon show.

It was about these four adult-sized turtle-like creatures that had mad Ninja skills .. and were students of a similarly sized talking rat.

I turned off the TV and waited for the hallucination part of the anesthesia to subside.

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

Void Singer wrote:

Mayalily wrote:

[...] I can't understand why they allow rape sims in the TOS.  That's quite baffling to me in the first place and kind of coconuts imo.

 I don't get why people are into it either, but it's allowed because it's really just a ridiculous misuse of the word... look up "Rape Fantasy" and you'll see what I mean.... and why it fuels so mush idiotic macho behavior... If ever something something needed the labels self-contradictory and self-defeating, that's one that should filed near the top.

I'm gonna incur the Wrath of the Dreaded Scylla here but ...

My real-life experiences on this planet have at various times involved interaction with people with some pretty strange and off-beat preferences. Yes, I have known and been friends with women (and men) that got intense satisfaction from playing out Rape Fantasies.

While some of them were decidedly "off" in the sense that you could just tell there was something twisted inside their soul or psyche, the majority weren't any more visibly different than the average human being. Even to those that knew them well (co-workers, family and friends for example), they were no different in any way ... yet I'm quite sure that were their fantasies to become common knowledge, those same people would be shocked and/or horrified.

But it has to be made very clear here .. of all those "normals" that shared a penchant for Rape Fantasies, without exception not a one of them would EVER conscience or support actual rape. For them the two were distinctly clearly different, and they were quite able to pull out and describe the reasons and particulars to each that determined which category it belonged in.

The key word is "Fantasy". It's a safety valve that lets us rationalize (and even enjoy) depictions of acts and simulated acts that would otherwise be abhorrent. Allow me an example:

I recently watched the original Transformers movie again. During one of the giant battle scenes, the Autobots and Decepticons are literally tearing the downtown area of some big city to shreds. In the movie we see buildings shattered, destroyed, reduced to rubble ... and yet we are all sitting on the edges of our seats enjoying the back and forth of the battle between Good and Evil.

And yet .. there was this tiny movie playing in my head ... replaying that horrific day when I watched the Twin Towers in New York City crumbling to the ground. Memories of the pain and disgust triggered by that event crept up to the edges of my enjoyment, but did not venture inside and "ruin" the movie for me. Why?

Because the movie was Fantasy. I could hold up the "This is just make believe" shield and let my moral dilemma pass by without twisting me into tormented emotional agony.

As adults, we (hopefully) have developed a good command of that perceptive skill that allows us to properly recognize that which is fantasy and that which is real. I know for a fact that I was physically ill on that day in September, watching the bodies of people plummet to the ground ... because I knew "this is for real". And yet I can watch a movie like Terminator or Alien and not even flinch as bloody carnage is portrayed on the screen.

On the subject of Rape Fantasy ... it's not "my thing". But those I have known that do find pleasure and satisfaction in it, also hold tight to that same shield that protects the fantasy as just that ... Fantasy. I should also point out that in that community, those that are NOT able to keep the two separate are disenfranchised and ostracized by the group. And they do know the difference .. can spot it clearly .. because they are also mature enough and capable enough to know where that line between Fantasy and Reality is. Those that ignore the line or cannot discriminate between the two are unwelcome and will not ever find themselves "protected" ... because they are not amongst their peers in the slightest.

Hannibal Lecter: First principles, Clarice. Simplicity. Read Marcus Aurelius. Of each particular thing ask: what is it in itself? What is its nature? What does he do, this man you seek?

Clarice Starling: He kills women...

Hannibal Lecter: No. That is incidental. What is the first and principal thing he does? What needs does he serve by killing?

Clarice Starling: Anger, um, social acceptance, and, huh, sexual frustrations, sir...

Hannibal Lecter: No! He covets. That is his nature. And how do we begin to covet, Clarice? Do we seek out things to covet? Make an effort to answer now.

Clarice Starling: No. We just...

Hannibal Lecter: No. We begin by coveting what we see every day. Don't you feel eyes moving over your body, Clarice? And don't your eyes seek out the things you want? 

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

And Mr. Lecter was by NO means an example of the "normals". Thank you for providing a citation that excellently illustrates the warped types in every group.

of course lecter wasnt normal, because of his education and understanding  he could see further into most criminal minds than most ever could.

this is the point which you so spectacularly missing.


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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

of course lecter wasnt normal, because of his education and understanding  he could see further into most
criminal minds
than most ever could.

this is the point which you so spectacularly missing. 

Are you equating "criminal minds" with "normal people"? I don't believe I'm the one missing the point.

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

of course lecter wasnt normal, because of his education and understanding  he could see further into most
criminal minds
than most ever could.

this is the point which you so spectacularly missing. 

Are you equating "criminal minds" with "normal people"? I don't believe I'm the one missing the point.

noooo lol.

maybe drink some coffee and come back eh?


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