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Discrimination or not?

Gwendolyne Finney

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Thank you all for responding. For me it was also interesting to see how people view this issue, even though I do not always per se agree with everyone's idea on it (and some times I do, even though I might not always like the facts myself from my own point of view). Thanks especially to Maitimo, who made the most down to earth comment when comparing it to RL situations with regards to fancy restaurants who ban people in jeans or shorts. ;)


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I'm a live and let live type of girl. People that know me know this about me. I absolutely don't care what you look like, what color you have or if you have 7 eyeballs. And even though my avatar as average a human being as can be, i fully support "different" looking avatars to visit whatever place they want in SL. I personally believe that (also in RL) places that restrict what you look like, or in RL's case what you're wearing, is small-minded.

Funny anecdote: Before joining SL i had no clue what a furry was. First time seeing one was in SL and then i learned more about them and that people actually dress up like that in RL and go to conventions and whatnot dressed like that. I personally don't see what it is all about but that doesn't mean i won't support it.

So OP, if you want your avatar to look like it does, more power to you. I support you fully and i'm sure by now you got the idea that most people here think that way too. The sad reality is that sim "owners" do have the "right" to restrict you access and usually those type of things tend to amplify on the internet when people have such power they might not usually have in real life, but that's a whole different can of worms i won't open here. ;)

More power to you. And if i'm truly honest, i think your avatar looks neat.

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10 hours ago, benchthis said:

Maybe regions need review system? I don't travel as openly as I used to. If I could read reviews on a region, I would travel there. Maybe only residents with payment information on file can review and a way the region own can respond to reviews. For example.

Review: This region descriminated against me because I have a dark skin avatar.

Region Owner: We apologize for the misunderstanding and we have members from all mesh skin tones and all are welcome. We will follow up with the reviewer and come up with ways to fix.


NO. Primarily because it will be abused or gamed and LL doesn't have the resources to monitor such a thing.  Secondary - see next comment.



7 hours ago, benchthis said:

A region description screen could pop up giving potential visitors more information about your region and if they agree and are ready to teleport proceed, If you need to change or disagree do not proceed with teleport. 


7 hours ago, benchthis said:

And! the teleport screen could also display region reviews. 

99.9% of users won't even bother reading anything that pops up.  They simply click whatever needs to be clicked in order to do the TP -- and most will actually get irritated that they had to click some special "are you sure" button first anyway.


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Exclusion is the result of a human need for boundaries, that's why we have nations and a separate dinner plate. Discrimination is when people with similar traits are treated all the same and no one is the same as anyone else. There's 7.8 billion different people in the world and each person is an individual, making their own choices, and creating their own experiences. Good experiences become tendencies and habits. People have a right to self-determination, but some don't want to put too much effort into it, it's easier to believe what they're told to believe. It comes down to whether they harm or help others. It's the old saying guns don't shoot people, people shoot people. Everyone has their own life, it's their life, it's their sim, it's their choices. But just because someone has a weapon or horns doesn't mean their intention is to hurt people.




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The reasons why land owners ban or allow certain sorts of avatars is usually either for immersion in a particular theme, or for economic reasons, because they fear that certain avatar types will put off existing paying customers. The latter is particularly common in adult regions.

Then again, sometimes the paying customers aren't worth keeping.

Avatars of all types are welcome at Club Noir, and from time to time we've had furry guests. One time at an event, a guest demanded, in local chat no less, that I eject another guest, who was a furry. I replied with "She is appropriately dressed, she has tipped the DJ, and this is not Frank's". I felt like adding "and she is not as rude as you" but I didn't. 

Guess which one of the two was gone 5 seconds later (I didn't ban her, she just flounced off). Hint, it wasn't the furry. No regrets, except maybe not telling the dreadful woman how rude I thought she was.

As for place reviews... nope. That would end very, very badly.

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When I started SL about 2 months ago I never thought there would be so many places with 'no furries' rules lol. I am yet to see a furry area with 'no humans' rules. Anyway I understand where I am not wanted and move on to places I am.

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I used to participate in a fantasy-based RP community that only allowed a Drow to participate because s/he brought so much to the table as far as volunteer work and teaching and organizing. Prior to this person's tenure, they had a strict no-dark-elves policy.

While it may baffle some people in today's world why anyone would disfavor a certain type of avatar, dark elves are, well, dark. Consider someone who has, say, a faery glen and an Orc shows up and thinks nobody will associate them with anything negative.

I know it's kinda wussy, but some people associate creatures of darkness with evil, and they don't want that in their fantasy. On my home sim, you'd just be another ordinary visitor.

But then, I live on a darkness-and-horror-themed sim. I hang out with people who have spider legs and tentacles and stuff.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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