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Is MP search messed up again?

TessaPaige Jupiter

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Relevance is broken. And it is bouncing around - when I close the page and then return minutes later, there is an entirely new order.

Best Selling and Relevance which "were" similar are now completely different. Both incorrect, and different from one another.

Anything that was bookmarked in a particular sort order, now goes to Relevance. For instance, I have a list of specific searches that are bookmarked to "New", now they all open to Relevance instead and must all be reset.

This is probably just the tip of the iceberg and the things that I watch the most...

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46 minutes ago, TessaPaige Jupiter said:

I have been trying to price check gachas on MP and noticed it's hard to find specific items again. Is anyone else having this issue?

They have re-implemented the search mode from February, were an exact match with any search filters works only if put in quotes " "

18 minutes ago, Arwen Serpente said:

Yes it is totally messed up again.

it's now officially confusing or are the bugs "normal"?


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The 50 page search cap is also another issue especially when it comes to searching a Gacha store specifically with every item in the Gacha category. Also checking a store by rating can become a problem for customers...the worst ratings (one star) have always been on the very last page of a store so they won't show up again unless they put in a rating search by low to high. That is for stores that have thousands of items in particular....sigh.

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Here's a thought LL:

Next time you want to roll out new code to the MP,  make a blog post before it is done so that Merchants have a head's up and can be informed and watching for issues, and work with you to implement the best solution possible. Informing us after the fact leads to incredible frustration, not to mention, these changes play with Merchant's real life livelihoods (in some cases). Changes would be embraced if we are part of the process not just the recipients (victims for dramatic impact).

Yes, I know these kinds of things are discussed in Web group meetings, but most Merchants cannot attend those and to the best of my knowledge there are no Official Minutes posted here in the forums (correct me if I'm wrong. I know there are excellent bloggers who follow the progress, but these are not top of mind for the majority of stakeholders). 

The current pattern of implementing change needs to change - in the best interests, and sanity, of all - residents, Merchants, Lindens.

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I had a convo with Tommy Linden about this earlier as I am trying to list gachas and his fix was to put the gacha item title in ".." and that would work, it's not working properly and the speed of mp now loading is sooooo slow, I hope it's fixed soon as this new way if its the new way makes no sense


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It's great that TLinden reached out to you with a work around. Problem is, if there is a new way of listing/searching etc, then everyone - shoppers and merchants need to be specifically taught how to do it. And that's a long road to nowhere, imo. Changing learned behavior (the way we currently do things) is a very, very difficult task. Changes need to be intuitive, reflexive, not dependent on learning a new way of using characters or ways of stringing phrases.

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Seems like the default is to roll out screwups and then say it's intended behavior.

Between keyword spam single letters matching parts of whole words and no way to filter out spammers, searching for something returns so much crap now, it's worthless.

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