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Lolitas. A sneaky attempt to by-pass age-play ban?

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What to say? General opinion seems to be "if you can ignore it, do so". Alternatively - go elsewhere. Oh no, wait. Maybe the general opinion was "fuss over nothing". Well, anyway, whatever. It's hardly worth continuing the discussion, as to do so would require me to repeat over and over that, no, they are most certainly not full adults and yes, I'm aware that the word Lolita can refer to a fashion style worn by grown women but that is not what I attempted to discuss here, and yes-I- know-but-thank-you-for-educating-me, that the term Lolita does not actually originate in this Japanese fashion invention but was actually a character in a book...

Thanks for your contributions.


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LL is, unfortunately, to blame for a lot of the less than friendly attitudes towards the entire debate. I know are specifically referring to child sized avatars who dress like children (sounds like you're referring more to actual children's clothes than "lolita fashion"), but LL themselves made a huge mess of the whole situation early on creating a lot of confusion, a lot of hard feelings, and a lot of animosity on all sides of the issue.

A lot of us early on in SL's life discovered that creating properly scaled avatars, much smaller than the 7-8' tall giants that make up the majority of residents, allowed us to do a lot more in SL in terms of land and prims. So we scaled down our avatars and designed our private residences around this fact, giving us far larger and more detailed builds for a given amount of land.

 When the "ageplay" issue was stirred up by a sensationalist german tabloid, LL overreacted and basically lead the user base to believe that even the suggestion of ageplay occuring in a sim could mean the instand removal of that sim and all its content. LL even posted a blog message encouraging people to witch hunt for ageplayers. "Report any suspicious activity, we can keep SL safe together!"


 The result, as anyone could have foreseen with even a little thought, was that a lot of residents overreacted just as much as LL. "No child avatars" came to mean "No avatars under 7' tall!" for many residents. People who'd found smaller, more realistically sized avatars to be more practical found themselves getting harrassed and even banned from sims. Agent Height, an attribute used by scripts to display an avatar's height has been broken since SL first came into being and LL has refused to fix it yet. As a result, height detectors report everyone being a half a foot or more shorter than they actually are. A 5' tall adult will be reported as 4'5" by a scripted height detector using AgentHeight.


My own avatar is 5'7", which makes me taller than the average woman. Yet this is how I appear next to the average SL avatar.

 The words "loli" and "lolita" were filtered out of search, angering content creators who specialized in lolita fashion. Many lolita fashion style avatar or people with lolita fashion groups in their profile were also harassed.

 Much of this hysteria, and it is hysteria, has died down over the years since it first became an issue. But there's still a lot of sore people who get twitchy whenever someone so much as suggests they saw a child avatar in an adult sim. It's like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", when there's so many false accusations, it becomes difficult to take anyone seriously about it even if they see the real thing.


So it's not that people are trying to be rude, or trying to shove this issue under the rug, it's that there's been so much witch hunting, so many false accusations, so much overreaction, so much hysteria, that people are extremly burnt out on the topic and find it difficult to take the topic seriously anymore.

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Carole Franizzi wrote:

I'm seeing them in sex sims

Yep. Dressed like lil gurlies, with ankle socks and baby doll dresses and puff sleeves, they sometimes were flatties and sometimes heels, which creates an odd effect - rather like seeing a little girl trying on her mother's high-heeled shoes. The cutsie hair-dos, like bunches and ponytails, add to the infantile effect, the primary "symptom" of which is the height - usually about waist-height to everyone else. The odd lollypop or teddybear can also be seen....

So....what the heck is going on?

Is this a troll post or something?

The 'sexy school girl' look for adult women dates back to some cave in Africa in the year 40,000 BC or so.

Pigtails, fluffy mini-dresses, and so on... that's not age play. Its just 'F-me now' play.

Personally I'd be more suspicious of any child dressed like that than any adult...

Look at real 'Catholic School Girl' outfits and no, they don't exactly look like that.

(all of the images below are PG, but you might get a raised eyebrow if you look at them at work)

The real thing:




The "Look":



You might think that's ageplay...

But goole 'sexy uniform' on google images... its a generic theme - men, and women, like women in uniforms that are 'somewhat revealing' - and it doesn't matter what kind of uniform:



You've got the 'fantasy' all wrong I suspect.


Oh, and this is a pretty popular theme around the world:

I think its amost absurd to confuddle this with ageplay.



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Or... as my estate covenant says... 

This sim is to be constructed to-scale.  Meaning the meter will be honored as-is and "short" avatars will be considered proper adult height.  Avatars taller than 1.8 meters in real prim height will be considered creatures of fantasy and lore and will NOT be used as reference in order to falsely accuse properly scaled avatars of being depictions of children.



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Penny Patton wrote:

A lot of us early on in SL's life discovered ...


Speaking of which -- so long as I don't have to deal with giant p_nis* avatars roaming the landscape (again), this really doesn't cause me any concern... That said, I'm glad I missed or blocked out this panic over age-play as I wouldn't have been terribly sympathetic.

Unfortunately LL will always have to have a strict policy for anything too sensational lest they be subject to a media frenzy or a local prosecutor/politician seeking to make a name for themselves. And of course age-play falls in the saddlebag of one of the Four Horseman of the Infocalypse -- Terrorists, Pedophiles, Money Launderers and Drug Dealers.

So look at it this way - it's a benefit of SLs decline in the hype cycle that everybody outside who would've been sensationalizing things like this are instead screaming about Facebook and US Rep. Weiner's frame-up via YFrog!


* Case in point -- the word filter for these forums will block the anatomic term for the male member. Pretty much unavoidable since this is a commercial service/product and not a private forum...

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Carole Franizzi wrote:


Melita, I'm not in a position to ban anyone as I don't have land. In theory I could report. In practice, I'd spend a good part of my time in SL typing out reports as I'm seeing them more and more. Do I want to spend my SL time volunterr policing? Not really. Plus, the whole point of this thread was my admission that they're borderline - HIGHLY ambiguous balancing act between adult and child avatar. If I was talking about pure child avies in sex sims rather than waste time discussing it here, I'd just make a report. It's because it's not quite clear - and whatever it is I see - it's on the increase.
But scanning through the replies, I see I'm the only one who seems to note the phenomenon.

As Cabbage said, people will try and push the boundaries. I've also noticed and noted this ever-growing popularity for "legal teen" looking avatars all over the place. In one club I visited last week, there were 7, looked like they had been cloned from one brain cell, similar hairstyle in "cute" schoolgirl style of being tied, and way shorter than the SL average avatar. And while I'm on the subject of "to scale". I get so annoyed with people who complain about amazonian avatars. Amazonian size IS the scale in SL. Just like Barbie is the scale she is, she fits her car, she fits her house, etc. Buildings are taller in SL, avatars are to their own scale.

And so, the "legal teen" brigade make themselves as small and as child-looking as possible, and shoot me down, the pedophiles get their jollies then go out into real world and fantasise about doing it with the real teens. Maybe. But I'm an old fuddy duddy, well past the "ooooo can you see my panties" stage, so it will repulse me. I saw Taylor Swift today in a video looking like the "legal teen" brigade, of course it's made to tease and please, although if they could see the drooling dirty unattractive slobs that get turned on by this, they might think twice about doing it.

/me shudders

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So, OP is saying that by RPing a slutty 19 year old, I'm breaking some kind of moral code? My avatar is around 5'10" - 5'-11" with A cup breasts and a very petite figure. I look TINY next to the horribly over-scaled 10 foot avatars in second life. I find this terribly insulting, you're basically calling me, and all other like minded girls in SL, pedos. I don't log onto second life to play a middle aged woman. I play my avatar for her youth, her LEGAL youth. I'm very sorry that this offends you, actually I'm not that sorry, considering the attitude you came to this forum with.

I think the OP has violated the ToS with her ranting, finger-pointing post more so than anyone that choses to RP a youthful avatar. Have you ever stopped for one moment to think that the reason people act insulted when you pull the child card on them, is because they ARE insulted. No matter what, there will always be ill-minded people in second life, do NOT punish the rest of us for the actions of others.


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Marigold Devin wrote:

I get so annoyed with people who complain about amazonian avatars. Amazonian size IS the scale in SL. Just like Barbie is the scale she is, she fits her car, she fits her house, etc. Buildings are taller in SL, avatars are to their own scale.


Whereas I get annoyed that people are in denial that a meter is a meter.  If things were supposed to be out of scale, they should have been called Slilimeters, or something.  (=_=)

Barbie... Wonderful example.  A totally exaggerated male fantasy ideal.  Some people are short and fat, you know?  Not everybody likes how Barbie looks. (=_=)

You'd bump your head on my to-scale doors.  (^_^)

But, if you like being 7'10", more power to ya'... Just realize that you really are 7'10" and that's not "normal". (^_^)

In fact, I'd go as far as arguing that overtall avatars are the perverted party.  While most of the concious grid create themselves in believable scale, the tall mob keep themselves up in their lofty 'superior' form.  Now, given the context at hand, which is more disturbing?  The person small enough to be the victim?  Or the person big enough to be the agressor?  Plain Jane nobody?  Or big bad Father Feelemep? (=_=)


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Marigold Devin wrote:

Carole Franizzi wrote:

Melita, I'm not in a position to ban anyone as I don't have land. In theory I could report. In practice, I'd spend a good part of my time in SL typing out reports as I'm seeing them more and more.

Its not a ToS violation to not be a frankenbarbie.



Marigold Devin wrote:

As Cabbage said, people will try and push the boundaries. I've also noticed and noted this ever-growing popularity for "legal teen" looking avatars all over the place. In one club I visited last week, there were 7, looked like they had been cloned from one brain cell, similar hairstyle in "cute" schoolgirl style of being tied, and way shorter than the SL average avatar. And while I'm on the subject of "to scale". I get so annoyed with people who complain about amazonian avatars. Amazonian size IS the scale in SL. Just like Barbie is the scale she is, she fits her car, she fits her house, etc. Buildings are taller in SL, avatars are to their own scale.

The only difference I've seen is that some of the frankenbarbies have gotten shorter. They're still wearing the same **bleep** wear they were wearing Tuesday at 12:35... they've just gone from being James Cameron Avatar scale to noticing that value on the prim with the label 'meter' next to it.


Marigold Devin wrote:

And so, the "legal teen" brigade make themselves as small and as child-looking as possible,
and shoot me down,

So... that's what's going on with your rant. If you think they're child AVs and not adults, why are you hitting on them in the first place?




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I dunno... I think people forget that if SL still surviving for the next 8 years, it will be loaded by a much younger generation that grew up in the 80s & 90s than the 70s and backwards. Trend will change, mind set will change. What you see now as "Nuuu..nu..nu..nu..nu.nuuuuuu" might be the only thing in the near future. SL is currently dominated by much older generations.

I see more people in their 40s and older here than people around my age and younger...Rockstar, Vampires, Bikers, Pirates, Victorian, your usual Suits and Tuxs Kens and the overtly popular cookie cutter Barbie girls in their phletora of come-sex-with-me attires are so the olden era and currently roaming free like the saduccees in SL shoving down on other residents throat that they, too, need to be like them.

A small percentage of players in SL decided to be different and they get shot right in head for doing so?

This will change...

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Marigold Devin wrote:

And so, the "legal teen" brigade make themselves as small and as child-looking as possible,
and shoot me down,

So... that's what's going on with your rant. If you think they're child AVs and not adults, why are you hitting on them in the first place?




Carole writes:

I'd seen by page 2 of this thread that it was impossible to have a civil, half-intelligent discussion, since the more I wrote that I was referring to hypersexualised child avies in sex sims, the more many posters replied talking about witch-hunts against poor innocent child-avies trying to have nice clean SL fun. All completely irrevelevant to the discussion. Hence I decided not to reply anymore (utter waste of time and energy) - HOWEVER - the crass stupidity of the above remark to Marigold takes the biscuit and I feel, since it was my thread, that the above sort of not-very-subtle abuse shouldn't go unnoted.

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>I get so annoyed with people who complain about amazonian avatars. Amazonian size IS the scale in SL. Just like Barbie is the scale she is, she fits her car, she fits her house, etc. Buildings are taller in SL, avatars are to their own scale.


My complaint is that with the normal SL avatazr's "scale" you're cheating yourself out of 3/4 your land, if you're renting/owning any. If you're not renting/owning, the fact that the vast majority of avatars are so large cheats public shop/landowners out of 3/4 their land trying to compensate for the larger avatars.

 SL may be virtual, but land is finite and expensive. Not to mention that larger builds use more prims. So the end result is that SL is far smaller and far less detailed than it easily could be, all beause LL messed up avatar scale from the get go.

 That's the key, there, too. It's LL's refusal to provide proper avatar creation tools. I don't blame the masses with their 7' tall avatars. They've no idea. When they do finally figure it out, they're already set in their ways. Re-sizing is a huge pain in the rear, if you don't own any land I can't really blame you for not seeing any reason to go through the effort. (Again,. however, if you do own land you're throwing money away with all this rampant overscaling.) So long as the 7' avatar isn't harassing the 5-6' avatars for being so "short" I'm not going to complain about them.

 I will complain about the confusion and other scale problems LL has caused. LL needs to fix those problems. The sooner the better. These are not problems you solve by harassing everyone on the grid to scale down. These are problems you solve by correcting the SL bugs that add to the confusion, supplying new users with correctly scaled and proportioned avatars, and using scale more effectively in Linden maintained builds like the Library content, infohubs and welcome areas.


Of course, that's not to say that there aren't misguided people out there harassing tall avatars without provocation. Seen it happen. I don't agree with it. All that does is annoy people. Of course, pointing out that avatars tend to be "amazonian" in size isn't any such harassment. Might as well get upset at someone for suggesting the sky is blue.

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Carole Franizzi wrote:

I call them Lolitas as I'm stuck for a better word. The original Lolita was very young - twelve - so a true Lolita avie would actually be a child avie. I know there's a Lolita fashion - but in theory those clothes could be worn by any age of woman. What I'm referring to are not adult-looking women avies, however. 


Maybe you attend the wrong places, Carole.   Certainly my impression of the two or three of clubs on Adult land I regularly attend (Old Lar's, House of V and Twisted Orchid) is that their rules about no  avatars who don't appear to be adults (the avatar as opposed to the clothing) are enforced pretty strictly.    

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Carole Franizzi wrote:

I'd seen by page 2 of this thread that it was impossible to have a civil, half-intelligent discussion [...]

utter hogwash considering the charged language and bias in the opening post. and exactly why I responded in kind to begin with. it's every drama mongering trick in the book...

you know full well the solution, if you believe it violates law or ToS report it... done. and I suspect that you are perfectly aware that it does neither, so you are dragging the hyperbole to the court of public opinion to see if you can't scare up a new witch hunt to satisfy some inner vampiric need for attention, or some skewed moral sense that sees pedophiles everywhere (even though they'd scarcely be interested in the kind of curves you describe as hypersexualized)

is what you describe tacky and tasteless? IMO yes... and if I think ti crosses the pretty well defined lines I AR and ban like a good little citizen, as I'm sure plenty of others do as well. but until it does I have no compunction in calling this thread exactly what it is... a base attempt at rabble rousing using boogeyman tactics.

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I read a lot about people "pushing the boundaries", which is bull. The boundaries are pretty clear and cannot be pushed. Residents who present themselves as pre-pubescent children, in both appearance and behavior, are child avatars and need to stay far away from explicitly sexual content. Everybody else is not a child av.

There are no teenage avatars in SL. Avatars are ageless. Pre- versus post-pubescent appearance is the only sensible and possible distinction in a cartoon world where almost everyone strives to look young and attractive. There is no way to tell the difference between a 16-year-old and an 18-year-old cartoon, which means that an avatar who reminds you of a 16 year old school girl is most definitely sexually mature and thus not a child avatar. In other words: If she has breasts, she's indeed not a child.


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Marigold Devin wrote:

 I get so annoyed with people who complain about amazonian avatars. Amazonian size IS the scale in SL.


Um... no. Your world, your imagination, your scale. There are fully sculpted fairy avatars who are less than 1 foot / 30 cm tall, but who still look sexually mature. Body size is a matter of personal preference and has nothing to do with age / sexual maturity. Even in RL, height is no indicator of age (think of porn star Bridget Powers).


Marigold Devin wrote:

And so, the "legal teen" brigade make themselves as small and as child-looking as possible, and shoot me down, the pedophiles get their jollies then go out into real world and fantasise about doing it with the real teens. Maybe. But I'm an old fuddy duddy, well past the "ooooo can you see my panties" stage, so it will repulse me. I saw Taylor Swift today in a video looking like the "legal teen" brigade, of course it's made to tease and please, although if they could see the drooling dirty unattractive slobs that get turned on by this, they might think twice about doing it.

/me shudders

You keep using that word, but I don't think it means what you think it means. Pedophiles have little interest in the kind of avatar that you describe as "legal teen". People who find Taylor Swift attractive -- who is a woman in her twenties, for god's sake, even if she happened to wear a romper suit -- are definitely not pedophiles.

Even people who feel physically attracted to 16-year-olds, which happens to be the age of consent in most parts of the civilized world, are no pedophiles. The only people who keep pushing the boundaries are those who have a self-interest in keeping younger looking females off the market in order to increase their own reproductive chances. Which makes little sense in a virtual fantasy world where everyone has the opportunity to look as young as one feels.

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Imnotgoing Sideways wrote:

Marigold Devin wrote:

I get so annoyed with people who complain about amazonian avatars. Amazonian size IS the scale in SL. Just like Barbie is the scale she is, she fits her car, she fits her house, etc. Buildings are taller in SL, avatars are to their own scale.


Whereas I get annoyed that people are in denial that a meter is a meter.  If things were supposed to be out of scale, they should have been called Slilimeters, or something.  (=_=)

Barbie... Wonderful example.  A totally exaggerated male fantasy ideal.  Some people are short and fat, you know?  Not everybody likes how Barbie looks. (=_=)

You'd bump your head on my to-scale doors.  (

But, if you like being 7'10", more power to ya'... Just realize that you really are 7'10" and that's not "normal". (

In fact, I'd go as far as arguing that overtall avatars are the perverted party.  While most of the concious grid create themselves in believable scale, the tall mob keep themselves up in their lofty 'superior' form.  Now, given the context at hand, which is more disturbing?  
The person small enough to be the victim?  Or the person big enough to be the agressor?
 Plain Jane nobody?  Or big bad Father Feelemep? (=_=)


And that's just the crux of it. So often those playing small are playing out being the victim.

"I'm 5'2" in RL, I'm 5'2" in SL, I'm not a kid, I'm age verified" said one, at a kid-friendly area, the white ankle socks, mary jane shoes, cutesy AO, lollipop, and then the groups on profile "Tie Me Up Daddy", "F*ck Me Daddy".

I find that offensive.

Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong (but I'm not wrong and LL need to sort it out)




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Pussycat Catnap wrote:




Marigold Devin wrote:

And so, the "legal teen" brigade make themselves as small and as child-looking as possible,
and shoot me down,

So... that's what's going on with your rant. If you think they're child AVs and not adults, why are you hitting on them in the first place? 


/me scratches my head. I'm not hitting on them. Where the hell did you read that. Oh I see, the "shoot me down" part. I didn't mean, they shoot me down, I mean, so you lot on the forums can shoot me down for my opinion. My poor choice of English.

No, I know it's not against ToS to be a frankenbarbie (great word for it btw), but I still don't have to like it.



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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Marigold Devin wrote:

 I get so annoyed with people who complain about amazonian avatars. Amazonian size IS the scale in SL.


Um... no. Your world, your imagination, your scale. There are fully sculpted fairy avatars who are less than 1 foot / 30 cm tall, but who still look sexually mature. Body size is a matter of personal preference and has nothing to do with age / sexual maturity. Even in RL, height is no indicator of age (think of porn star Bridget Powers).


Marigold Devin wrote:

And so, the "legal teen" brigade make themselves as small and as child-looking as possible, and shoot me down, the pedophiles get their jollies then go out into real world and fantasise about doing it with the real teens. Maybe. But I'm an old fuddy duddy, well past the "ooooo can you see my panties" stage, so it will repulse me. I saw Taylor Swift today in a video looking like the "legal teen" brigade, of course it's made to tease and please, although if they could see the drooling dirty unattractive slobs that get turned on by this, they might think twice about doing it.

/me shudders

You keep using that word, but I don't think it means what you think it means. Pedophiles have little interest in the kind of avatar that you describe as "legal teen". People who find Taylor Swift attractive -- who is a woman in her twenties, for god's sake, even if she happened to wear a romper suit -- are definitely not pedophiles.

Even people who feel physically attracted to 16-year-olds, which happens to be the age of consent in most parts of the civilized world, are no pedophiles. The only people who keep pushing the boundaries are those who have a self-interest in keeping younger looking females off the market in order to increase their own reproductive chances. Which makes little sense in a virtual fantasy world where everyone has the opportunity to look as young as one feels.

And this thread will rumble on and on, undoubtedly, like all the others of this nature do, and the main point will be lost.



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PS: I also notice a disturbing trend, namely the shift in age of childbirth in RL. While teenagers still make their first sexual experiences at the same age they always have (laws can't regulate nature), women are having children much later in life, which leads to a rapid deterioration of the gene pool.

The chance to have a genetically healthy child are much lower at age 30 than at age 20, and from age 35 on the chance of stillbirth is alarmingly high. There is a reason that humans hit puberty at such a young age and that youth equals attractivity. Point in case: My mother had her first two children at age 17 and 18. Both of them are perfectly healthy. She had me at age 31, and I'm a disease-ridden piece of genetic waste that should have never been born.

I mean, how often have you heard something like "my youngest has autism"? And nowadays, you can pretty much replace "my youngest" with "my first and only child". One reason for this alarming trend is that adolescents in the Western World are treated as children well beyond the age of physical maturity, and that males who as much as look at a 17-year-old woman are deemed pedophiles and sexual predators (at least in the USA). Many people still live at home in their twenties, some even in their thirties, unable to cope with a world that they have been shielded from far too long.

This -- along with the instinctive female tendency toward hypergamy, which is rather detrimental in an environment where women enjoy the same social status as men and have become their own providers -- is also the reason for the low birth rates and the population decline in Western Europe. A hundred years from now, we'll live in a society of hyperallergenic schizophrenic autists, each of which have to provide for 3.5 senior citizens, and 20% of the male population will be imprisoned as sex offenders after the age of adulthood and consent has been raised to 25.

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Marigold Devin wrote:

And this thread will rumble on and on, undoubtedly, like all the others of this nature do, and the main point will be lost.

I have already addressed the main point. There are child avatars -- which are defined as pre-pubescent in appearance, and, according to the SL Wiki, do not include "fairies ... as well as smaller than the average avatar, tinies ... or those wearing gothic lolita and/or cosplay fashions and styles" -- and sexually mature avatars. The latter are not children, no matter how small they are or how they dress. People who want to define some of the latter as child avs are the ones that are pushing the boundaries here.

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If you seen them a lot - you even said you AR quite a few times if I read you posts correctly - you probably have some pictures taken. Showing those pictures should go a long way towards clearing things up for everybody.


So in short, I say post up or shut up.

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Marigold Devin wrote:

And that's just the crux of it. So often those playing small are playing out being the victim.

"I'm 5'2" in RL, I'm 5'2" in SL, I'm not a kid, I'm age verified" said one, at a kid-friendly area, the white ankle socks, mary jane shoes, cutesy AO, lollipop, and then the groups on profile "Tie Me Up Daddy", "F*ck Me Daddy".

I find

Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong (but I'm not wrong and LL need to sort it out)



I went from a 5'1" cyberdoll to a 5'0" human lately.  What does that mean?  It means I'm as tall as 80% of the human population of my RL neighborhood. (^_^)

Though, you know what they say about men with big hands and big feet... Right? =^-^=







Yeah, big gloves and big shoes! Rawr! =^-^=

Though, you won't find me in any of those "dadday" groups because... well... it's not my thing. (o.O)

People can play the victim in any roleplay.  In fact, most RP sims I'm aware of require a certain part of the population to be consistently victims and/or submissives and/or slaves and/or objects... regardless of height.  If you want to be offended by that, I won't let it be my problem.  (=_=)

If I ever chose to RP with someone, I'd start with being darned well shure I at least came up to his/her chest.  Otherwise, the height difference does put me in a situation that makes me feel highly uncomfortable.  I may request someone to shorten up so that we can be properly scaled and even.  If the other refuses, I refuse to play.  Simple as that.  I'm typically far more interested in sculpting, building, and scripting anyway. =^-^=

Boobzilla Frankenbarbie and Hulk Manchunk have no place in ~MY~ SL.  In my point of view; they're deformed, shallow, cookie cutter, and often quite ignorant.  No, human legs are not 2x the size of the torso.  No, arms do not stop at the waist.  Speaking of arms, your entire head should not be able to fit inside one of them.  Boobs are round, often wide, and obey gravity.  I know that shoes are made for size 0 feet, but, a size 99 avatar would surely crush those micro-ankles. (=_=)

Be a super hero, I don't care.  Be a giant among giants, I don't care.  Be proud of those size 99 boobs with that polygonated shape that makes them look like they can turn Allen screws.  I'm going to be as short and cute as I feel inside.  And, if you've got a problem with that, it's not ~MY~ problem. (^_^)y



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Carole Franizzi wrote:

I'd seen by page 2 of this thread that it was impossible to have a civil, half-intelligent discussion, since the more I wrote that I was referring to hypersexualised child avies in sex sims, the more many posters replied talking about witch-hunts against poor innocent child-avies trying to have nice clean SL fun. All completely irrevelevant to the discussion. Hence I decided not to reply anymore (utter waste of time and energy) - HOWEVER - the crass stupidity of the above remark to Marigold takes the biscuit and I feel, since it was my thread, that the above sort of not-very-subtle abuse shouldn't go unnoted.


We object to you calling anybody who is not giant sized a lolita pushing some 'age-play' boundary.

NOT being some giant frankenbarbie does not mean you're a child, nor a 'child-boundary-pusher.'

Its the giant frankenbarbies who've got issues here, if anyone. At least the few of them who keep up with this misdirected attack against normal avatars.


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Marigold Devin wrote:

Imnotgoing Sideways wrote:

Marigold Devin wrote:

I get so annoyed with people who complain about amazonian avatars. Amazonian size IS the scale in SL. Just like Barbie is the scale she is, she fits her car, she fits her house, etc. Buildings are taller in SL, avatars are to their own scale.

Whereas I get annoyed that people are in denial that a meter is a meter.  If things were supposed to be out of scale, they should have been called Slilimeters, or something.  (=_=)

And that's just the crux of it. So often those playing small are playing out being the victim.

"I'm 5'2" in RL, I'm 5'2" in SL, I'm not a kid, I'm age verified" said one,

5 pages of this rant by your frankenbarbie side and you claim the small folks are 'playing out the victim'?

Who launched the first shot here?

There's a non-issue here, save for people with a complex against short AVs.


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