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How Does Your SL Look Today?

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23 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Great idea! I saw LL doing similar in the new Mobile promotion video. You don't need no stinking PP+!



Now I can enjoy the convenience of having SL, while away from my computer!  I can take this anywhere.  I am looking forward to playing SL, while on the go.  Alpha, pffft!!!  


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24 minutes ago, Istelathis said:



Now I can enjoy the convenience of having SL, while away from my computer!  I can take this anywhere.  I am looking forward to playing SL, while on the go.  Alpha, pffft!!!  


* wonders if those roadside memorials with artificial flower wreaths will become popular in SL due to car+pedestrian accidents *

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Meanwhile, at the halls of justice


After nearly avoiding crazy taxi drivers who haven't a clue how crosswalks, or pedestrians with mobile viewers work, I decided to adjust my Christmas tree star.


This is how you do it, see, there was a plan behind stuffing my tree in this alcove.. 


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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

When the party doesn't go quite as you planned . . . you can always find a place to take refuge.

(Has anyone not been there before?)


Question, do you KNOW you're in a bathtub, or do you think you're off doing something else? 

There's always that aspect! 🙂 


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Putting along in my G&D, on empty roads and stopping every once in a while to check out the scenery around me.  Along the way I found a drive in theater, and watched an episode of the creep show hosted by The Dead Vault set to autoplay on the screen.


After I watched that, I decided to drive a bit further.  Usually I see little green dots lining the road in my minimap, but tonight has been relatively empty, it is as though there were some SL rapture and all of the residents that did right by the SL gods have been beamed up to the cloud.. I've been... left behind!


And to think, I have sacrificed so many noobies to the volcano, I bet Anubis has something to do with this.  Apparently there are 30,710 others that have been left behind.  I wonder where they are all at?

So far, the LL viewer has been doing pretty good.  Most of the drive is in the 30fps range, with a draw distance of 128.  That for this computer, is pretty good in SL.

Edited by Istelathis
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Playing with reflection probes


For those that don't know, they are really easy to make, just a prim with the setting "reflection probe" checked in the features tab of your build window.  Mirrors are easy to make too from a prim as well, but would require a few screenshots for me to properly explain.  Don't buy any simple prims off the marketplace, I've seen sellers do this with media prims and customers praising them in the reviews for their excellent TVs that work flawlessly 🤣😢

Now raising the probe to fit most of the tower, and adjusting it for my camera angle.


Yay!  I learned that I had to cover the whole scene(well most of it) with the probe.  It is not quite big enough to cover the whole of the tower as the tower is about 64m and to get the right perspective I had to lower the probe.

Then angling the mirror, slightly for a better screenshot, adding some trees, a waterfall, some lights.


I wonder how many people are going to use these as privacy curtains, to give an illusion of solitude, or whatever and what sort of issues this will raise with their neighbors.  




Welcome to the mirror universe SL denizens!   My powers are even stronger here 😜

Edited by Istelathis
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