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Secondlife performance at all time two year low , Sailors leaving Secondlife,,,,,

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For the last month Secondlife as a whole has been by far the worst performing platform on the Internet

Im part of a large Sailing Community , In Secondlife, We used to enjoy Sailing cruises and locally sponsored races by the many Yacht clubs and Sailing Groups, Keywords here will be Used To enjoy ,

Recently before his departing Secondlife Blondin and Mike linden Worked on Keeping SL Sailing waters

Some what Clear and Sailable . They were instrumental in connecting Mainland areas with new Sims ,,Opening new oceans. Adding great content , If the leaving of blondin is any sign of things to come Im afraid Secondlife is overlooking  The loss of many Sailors and tier revenue , The map my friends is getting yellowed as I write this , 

Sl Sailing has helped many in Real world Examples of this are our efforts ever year for Breast Cancer awareness Via our Sail for life events ever summer raising donations with sailing events and auction and charity races This to is now subject to The loss of Sailors and the horrific conditions in Secondlife when centering on Vehicle performance,

This isn't just little bump in the road There is a major issue Going on at Secondlife . Build all the viewers you want which seems to be the only thing there worried about . Fact is if the platforn your building for does not work any longer why do it at all ,

Where the great Gaming Ceo promises of grid performances number one priority ?I haven't seen anything since he's come on board other than the loss of residents loss of service loss of community outreach Loss of ability to leave a single Simi , In the real world Im in charge of a America's Cup team's Logistics and Media and New social Media outlets,

This week we were to film a Video for a Major television network . We had to cancel it . We have tried to contact press offices and marketing regarding this . There answer to Us ,. There under staffed and busy well get back to you ,

Or keep us informed ,Im also charged with the task of bringing The Americas Cup to Secondlife . A huge RL Sporting event . Secondlife seems to be completely Unaware of the worldwide audience this would bring to them , After two years of planning and a great cost to us , This seems to be a great risk now , 

We can not bring a major event into a unsuitable platform like Secondlife has become , With no answers coming from the front office , Or the same old were working on it , Im sorry to say Secondlife is on the downhill plunge , 

New Residents flat across the board . This has nothing to do with the Global economies Its poor management Failure to Invest in The current infrastructure and poor Future outlooks that involve the Current and future residents , 


This is our last plea for Secondlife to wake up . For Community groups to raise up and state enough enough ,

Even though I thought we have a voice any longer with the leaving of first Jack Linden And now Blondin linden , 

We'll Give it a week for Secondlife to respond to this and any replies . Then We go initial and international with Our many Media Outlets afforded Us , Starting In San Francisco All the way to Asia . .

Pease leave your past Sl experiences here, as well as your present , I propose a New In world Forum to be held in the coming weeks anyone with ideas or any LL department heads would be interested please post a answer here or contact me directly , This not only effects Sailors in Sl but all vehicle performances as well simplest of things like TPing ..


This effects the future ever builder's designers To plain resident , Voice your thoughts Thank You , 

Don Berithos Commodore Golden Gate World Sailing Center SL or GGYCSL . 


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I'm a little confused. You talk about major performance problems but don't seem to give any real examples of what problems you are experiencing. If you give some details, someone may be able to help.

Personally speaking, performance in general seems to have improved for me recently. In particular, I don't seem to have anywhere near as many problems with 'rubber banding' on sim corssings like I used to. Something which I would have thought would be greatly beneficial in sailing?


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These past couple weeks have been plagued by grid-wonk.  But, otherwise, teleports are getting faster and faster... Even to the point that the TP "swoosh" doesn't even have time to complete before I've arrived and the new location starts rezzing. (^_^)

Vehicles and simlines are still an issue, but, it's not getting worse.  It's just staying the same. (o.O)

Walking and simlines have gotten nice.  So nice, in fact, I've built a causeway between my main sim and homestead.  I and my friends have walked across it dozens of times.  Only the most heavily scripted AVs rubberband and, to date, nobody has taken a swim on the other side. (^_^)

Also, the latest mesh beta client has a major upgrade in shadow rendering which makes it reasonably possible to run full-time shadow rendering on a GTX2xx series Nvidia card. (Dual GTX295 here) (^_^)

Have you tried out the Kirsten's client? (^_^)y



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Thanks were talking About Sailing here not walking or tping Vehicle performance at all time low . We can't hold a race or leave a Simi , If you don't Sail or fly a plane You probably don't notice it , This is real thread These things are happening if you can't sail out one Simi or  you can just make it to next then crash , Id say That's bad Performance these are in proven Sailing Vessels , Some designed just for low lag Sims crossings and there getting thrown around like toys Debarking frame rate its all Low , To say its improving well That's just not true at all , As one Marketing executive said were out of bandwidth  what that say to you , There improving ?????

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Mesh will be the end of secondlife as we know it , the about of people on non high performance computers way out ways the ones with . If you can't run this platform how in the world they gong run that one on a shoe string staff, Mesh lol = no more secondlife . 

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I don't understand the problem.  SL seems to do well for me most of the time.  I do see problems during the frequent server rollouts.  But  I see no increase in problems in the last month.  

I don't do sailing so can't speak for that.  As to TP's, I have not seen any big problem.  And no problem in Sim crossings.  I wil lbe posting an article this week about  YavaScript pod tours.  In testing those tours, I took extensive rides around Heterocera and Sansara.  Probably made more that 50 sim  crossings.  No problem.  Mostly i did not notice the crossing at all.  once or twice I noticed th pod slowing down.  

If you are having problems on TP's and sim crossings, you may need to check you ISP services and router.  

I hope you are successful in promoting the America's Cup  in SL.  I run a blog and would be happy to post  stories about that.  Please send me any information, pictures, or  public  video you have about that.  (The video you posted in your note here is no public and cannot be reused in a blog.)  

Thinkerer Melville  



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I fully agree Don, flying and sailing s*cks for weeks now .... I even have packed all my vehicles in a prim box and doing some other things in-world. I remember the good times I could fly (with a 560 prim lancaster bomber) in one flight from PA airport to Saint Martin, which took me about 1hr50mins real time flying and no sim crossing issues at all, I enjoyed also airport hopping which was flying from one to another airport, it is getting truly sad :smileysad: *meows*

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After  years in Second Life is so sad that only LL rules relative to "economy" aspects has raised, while forget about real pleasant life inworld. In any matter SL can beat the high quality of others platforms, where playing or living online results an amazing time...

But SL forgets his TOUR DE FORCE, his GOOD POINT: the residents. They are the only way to survive and at same time create inwolrd. It used to be an alive online wolrd. And a MEETING POINT of million encounters and sharings, a place to grow and learning.

At first time, mid 2007, just walk and meet local people and real friends whom bring me to that "wonderland" where learn and create. Soon my sporting aim show me a whole approach to activities and disciplines that only dream or TV before.

Right SL in not offworld, is not the same gravity, dynamics, and other effects and senses as RL does. But for a bunch of people was the way to know and feel.

To all people that likes fantasy, I still recommend other platforms where the play is a game, and of course the visual and audio experience is miles away of this "poor" world…

But to all like me, that enjoy meeting charm people, amazing creators, builders and scripters who make alive Second Life.

The only way it's to have a conscious, reliable, affordable and stable platform that regards no matter the user hardware.

Second Life, an unforgetable residents met here, make me exploit my love for all kind of vehicles -real like replicas and futurama/steampunk-. My joy of drive trial bikes, paragliding, aerobatics, dragters… and finally lovely ancient and classic yachts as well modern yacht racers...

…but at the same time this world lack more and more every day of an stability that mades a nightmare make anything a bit serious… even a walk with friends through a forest that crossing to the next sim.

And instead to improve our experience, permit with option in preferences to banning and limiting scripting as well building in a non sense manner… A big BOOOHHH!


All of you that never goes but using teleports, and no more than two continents in maindland HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I?M WALKING ABOUT.


Hugs Don!


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I'm not an avid sailor, pilot, driver or anything like that. I just enjoy getting out my train or boat for a trip now and then. A couple of months ago, I found this more or less  impossible. I kept spinning off into space on every sim crossing. I didn't enjoy it anymore so I stopped for a while. 

Last week I got my train out to have a go to see if things were the same. They were not. I had a great time, riding the train around Heterocera in a way, and at a speed, I don't think I ever could before. Major improvement. I hope this improvement I saw is something that is going to continue, and that Blondin leaving LL does not affect it.

- Luc -

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me-thinks this is more a product related performance issue than a server related one. Like Luc, I'm not seeing the same problems... but then it's hard to troubleshoot when no details are given...

the only thing of note I've seen is a half second rubberband on all physics objects, scripted or not, when crossing region borders.

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Perhaps it is strange. I don't know why things work better for me now than a while ago, and why things haven't improved for you. I suppose your planes (or other vehicles) travel at a higher speed than my train does, and that it makes sim crossings less smooth (an understatement?) for you. Mind you, I haven't been out with a boat lately, which may give a different result...

- Luc -

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I understand your frustration. Really. It does take the fun out of it. If I read things right, It seem as if some of the people posting in this thread have seen improvements. Perhaps things are improving, but not at the same rate for everybody? (I don't know if that's possible...)

- Luc -

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Do you know if it makes any difference which server versions the to/from regions are running (Help/about)? I have severe rubber banding (15 seconds) going between the newer mesh servers in Aditi, but none going from one of those into a region with an earlier version. The rubber banding is entirely due to my 118 prim hair. So it's something to do with a delay of everything while waiting for the attachment info to arrive. It takes about the same 15 seconds to re-attach the hair after I take it off. Are any of the regions you crash when sailing into sail into running the new mesh-prep server (Magnum, I think).

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If the magnuim is a mesh server they should all be put in the same area no dotted all over the grid that only causes problems I un fact dont know f thats the case But yes there doted all over the grid and dont seem to have a pattern at all ,
if this is in fact true they should start the Grid Incorperation as a seperate area I think , Annoucing it and letting people know that that infact is a new mesh area As far as I know and I could be wrong , No mesh servers are in the main grid yet Thats why ive posted here , To Get answers as per LL theres no reply ,  

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A timely post, Don.

Sadly, I have read similar posts before from long-term residents who note the decline of the grid performance and because LL seem to be striving to set the standards for not listening to the very people they should, ie. those long term residents who have seen SL in it's prime and know what they are talking about, I am sure I shall read plenty more unless, as you say,  the CEO gets a kiss off Prince Charming,  wakes up and decides to improve the grid performance before facebook plugs, Viewer2 tweeks (when it should have been done right the first time) and the magic wand that is mesh. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

Also note the inevitable, almost deprecating 'no, listen, everything is running great for me, honest, it must be you or your machine' replies from the ever present LL apologists and shills, who I strongly suspect even the Lindens wince at when reading.  Sighs.  

I hope you do get a reply from the powers that be.  After that post, you certainly deserve one...but I am not going to hold my breath.

 What LL - and the apologists - need to realise is that we want  SL to be wonderful, the potential is still amazing.....we are still here..... paying, in my case for two parcels, and buying content regularly (I am delighted with my new zombie apocalypse rezzer :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:).....but.....we are getting tired of posting about dreadful weekend insane lag, the dire customer service, fixing what ain't broke and neglecting what is, and so on and so forth, we are here clinging on hoping that SL will be improved where it matters and not where it doesn't.

There is hope, however.  Maybe a little over a year ago, in frustration, I took a look at 3 or 4 other virtual worlds, and found them wanting.  Now, though, they are catching up fast, and you can bet the Lindens are aware of this, too!  What we, the customer, have failed to do with LL, let us hope the increasing competition may yet achieve. :matte-motes-tongue:


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Which viewers have you tried? I've been having some really horrendous performance results with the latest viewer 2, but other viewers seem fine. Others aren't having the same issues as me so I'm suspecting something is borked with my viewer 2 install and I need to do a full uninstall and re-install, haven't had the time to poke around.

Also are you getting these results everywhere or do you only sail on certain sims?

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to give an example Drongle, I crash here very often ...



simulator: Second Life RC LeTigre


simulator : Second Life Server (note that here 'no RC type' is available, both nrs look the same though)



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As one who once sailed regularly but hasn't sailed much since March, I would say that SL's lack of  "technology" support for sailing reflects economics. There are not that many people who depended upon getting from A to B in a sailboat (racing or organized crusing) compared to the total number of people on the grid. Also, these people are not paying for it directly, that is, they sail in either Linden sims or those paid for by others. So I am not holding my breath waiting for LL to help sailing one bit.

The irony of this is that if LL could solve the sailing problem (sim crossing crashes, lag), it would make the platform much more suitable for the masses. My prediction is that some other company will solve this problem and that is where we will be sailing.

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same version would be because leTigre just got promoted to the main server channel today.


@Thread: woo hoo, I'm and apologist AND a shill today, because I'm not having the same (vague) probelms as the OP.... woo hoo.... never mind my track record of calling foul when LL blows it, or pointing out their past mistakes... ::rolls eyes::


think for just a second... if one person is having problems and another isn't, where is the problem? a little application of scientific method, some critical thinking skills, or even good old fashioned common sense should give you the answer....

there's something different between the two users.... could be their tools (everything from hardware to the vehicles they're testing against), could be their environment (everything from region server and load to net connection). I'm not telling anyone I have no problems with it to brag or pat the lindens on the back, I'm stating it because it's different. differnt is good because it helps narrow the field to find what the source of the other persons problem is.... maybe it's a specific product, maybe it's overloaded avatar or region, maybe it's two different server versions that aren't playing nice. dunno... probably shouldn't care, since it doesn't affect me... but I try anyway, so do a great many others here.

figuring out the difference, isolating and correcting the problem is what it's about, so that the person having trouble, doesn't; and we all get to be happy and enjoy things.

being nasty and trying to lowball people for saying thing that you don't want to hear but is nevertheless true, is just going to get you written off as another whiny person with a victim complex... you might feel better about try to take out your frustration on others, but I guarantee you that you'll get much better results by being polite and thorough.

this is not official LL support, no one here is paid to put up with BS, and if you misdirect your anger at them, you'll quickly find less and less people willing to listen.

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I have drove dozens of sim and I say "same old" BUT with odder prim bouncing now...well, now and then. BUT, I didn't do it with others in an event.

Um, they talked about giving different attention to different sims (when M LInden was here) and they where doing away with the notions of Class 5 always having x amount of resources or whatever. They said they where moving toward giving more power to the sims that need it, like physics heavy sims. But I can't imagine you guys not practicing before filming or at least sort of floating around a bit and deciding what to do. Wouldn't that give the sims more attention and power for physics stuff? Those sailing boats use wind and so on, they are using the physics engine for sure! I can't beleive they don't have this working. I drove almost flat out on a homestead sim the other day, granted it was very ver sparse with like less than a dozen scripts on it's telepors and group sign up boards. It had 2 megaprim tracks on it, identical ones with only a few thousand prims on it. It was alright, I got super speedy laps and stressed it a bit and it was fine! I mean, I was testing collision handling stuff, so I was hitting the edges and fences now and then to! Homstead sims are not known for being good track sims. Maybe it is the sims needing restarted? Maybe this is something your Linden contacts where doing?

I also will add that all the Viewer 2 issues are sometimes related to vid settings possibly different(ctrl+p and dig through that), http textures (turn them off in advanced menus), auto downloading newer versions(turn off tha tfeatures via ctrl+p and then check out the tabs for settings...I dont' remember where it is at) and also there is a issue of it crashing and so on due to inventory cache issues that I don't see any solution for but to spend 2 days logging in over and over every time it crashed and eventually it gets better. Yeah, I deleted the folders .secondlife and original and installed from a manal download. There is more to it than just those folders? Either way, it sorted itself out mostly. I am not defending it, just sharing my experience. I lost hours of work worrying if it would stop and contemplated switching to the other viewer. Figured it was worth sending in crash reports and also seeing what a newer person who does not seek out or hear about 1.23 viewers has to deal with. I am not defending it, but pointing out it was buggy and also has the previously mentioned flaws.

I was testing steering for mainland driving, which I reluctantly am working into the turn adjustment lists...I am not so happy with mainland driving BUT do look on the brightside that it will work and exploring is fun. The only reason I did is due to requests and an incidence of finding a car crashed beside the road just one sim away! They went out to the rez area at the roadside that was right in front and basically didn't make it one sim length before crashing it off the road! It was reccomended for a track, which was an insinuation to not bother with mainland and that car. It has agressive steering and no adjust that is controllable to make it lower. Still, people buy a race car with racestripes and all and drive it on mainlands itty bitty 2 laners with massive lag lol. Those roads make people want to drive and I bet they ruin driving for a lot of people, which is why I stopped bothering with roadside as a serious investment in location searching. Sad.

I guess this is so unproductive I need to just stop now! I don't feel I am bashing LL, I am not. But, saying "same old same old" is very much not a good spirit tohave about it. I wish I could give people tips, figure out what to do....but, alas....there really seems like nothing can be done. It is like barbi's car vs. a R/C racer....cars are looked at as being ornamental and they are not very cool or fast. Just toys for slight momentary role play with peoples digital dollies. Sad really.

As far as Real LIfe sailing...well, I can only suggest you look at what Formula X Rocket Racing plane racing has done. They made a stand alone game and then worked on an iphone one and some new stuff. But I imagine the whole idea is virtual world based and using the existing community to sort of make something different. But, I can imagine a sailing sim being wonderful if there was some nice coastline to see. No goal, no racing or anything even! Being able to get out and mingle would be neat! Oh, now I remember that one new online world with cars that was arriving soon a few months back!! Wow, another diversion!

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