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is it my bad internet or my computer causing my frames to drop?


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I used to have better frames I think, I'm not sure, but my internet has always been bad

Lately it's around 50-60 fps on a good day. Down to 20-30 in some places. Can get up to 100 in my skybox when I'm alone.

On a good, good day, I get 3 mbps. More often than that it's 1. If I'm unlucky, it's lower.

A friend of mine absolutely insists my frames have nothing to do with my internet but my computer.

So here's my comp specs:

Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor             (12 CPUs), ~3.4GHz
                   Memory: 8192MB RAM

 Card name: Radeon RX 580 Series
        Manufacturer: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
           Chip type: AMD Radeon Graphics Processor (0x67DF
      Display Memory: 12198 MB
    Dedicated Memory: 8137 MB


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5 hours ago, Rumancekk said:

I used to have better frames

Unless you downgraded your computer, this is almost certainly due to increased rendering complexity of the scene in view. One huge culprit would be expanded draw depth, but making the window bigger can hurt, too. Most likely, though, somebody "decorated" a space you're visiting, or an avatar in view got more complex (maybe your own avatar got a new mesh head or hair or HUD or something).

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Your computer appears to be good enough, from what you have shown us. That you commonly get 20-30 FPS is about the average for most users. In events and crowds 10 FPS is often what we will see, even with a HOT gaming machine.

FPS is not dependent on connection speed. There is some connection to FPS performance but we can skip that techie rabbit hole as it is minor. The connection gets info to and from your computer. With a slow or bad connection you will notice a scene taking a long time to render. People and things will be gray. Mesh objects may not render. These are problems caused by it taking too long to download the information needed to render the scene. You will also see the avatar ignoring your keystrokes and walking or not walking after you press or let up on key. The info transfer is lagging. But the render will be fine. You'll have an excellent view of your avatar walking into a wall.

A major factor in FPS performance is your Draw Distance (DD). Other viewer settings have significant effect too. You can search (SL performance) for how to improve SL performance and learn how to tweak the viewer settings. But the most impactful setting is DD. I typically have DD set to 128 or 256m. If I am flying or sailing I bump that up to 512m. For photography I may bump DD up to 1024m and LOD to 4 for landscapes.

When you go up to your sky-box you often move up to 2k or 3km. This moves almost all the stuff outside your DD and the viewer stops rendering it. The result is you see your FPS jump up. This shows the importance of DD.

Viewers have graphics presets. I use those change my balance between performance and quality. With one click I can change between the settings I need for flying/sailing or for an event with 40 or 50 people.

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Allot of Firestorm users whom recently upgraded have reported a recent drop in FPS, the firestorm wiki has details.   Usually the better FPS you had, the larger the drop you get and usually FPS over 50 most affected accordingly with drops to below 50 rare.   The 'culprit' is EEP.    Apparently the effects are different depending on your graphics card and updating your drivers is suggested if the drop is catastophic.  Apparently Laggy Sims that bog out at 10FPS are still laggy sims bogging out at 10FPS, but 'quiet' sims where most current 'gaming' rigs run at 100FPS+ (unless you have your firestorm governed at 50 like mine) players are reporting 50-70 FPS.   Thing is... anything above 46 is meaningless as regions in SL are limited to 46FPS.  So if you get a FPS above 50 anyway you really should govern that to 50 to save your rig from heat and workload as your not seeing anything better on your screen as you would if you were paying Grand Theft Auto that runs at a much higher FPS.    Additionally your FPS won't spike and your won't have drop freeze as often when your governed. 

Edited by kalamityjane
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