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Is there anyway to reset your account/avatar

Arty Ziplon

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2 hours ago, Arty Ziplon said:

I haven't been on in awhile and I would like to experience SL as a newbe without having to make an ALT.

Do you mean reverting to the default avatar?
In the official viewer go to the pull-down menu on top: Develop > Avatar > Character Tests > Test Male or Test Female

A reset or creating an alt won't be necessary.  For the avatar customization part, if you were absent during the era of mesh bodies, you can get to relive the noob experience again trying to figure out which brand works with which part, and how to dress it.

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I assume you mean you want to get into the new user areas with those beginner tutorials. You cannot do that. Restricting people from the new-sign-ups training areas is a protection for them. So, you being OLD 😛 are locked out.

HOWEVER... you can go through a similar newbie training area on Firestorm's Social Island. That is about as close as you'll get.

Firestorm Support is an in-world group with good 24x7 support. They often have volunteers on Social Island to help new users. There is a lot of neat training and stuff on the island. Check it out.

To get the Linden made experience, you will have to create an Alt. But once you are through the training you can switch back to you other avatar. I think I have 3 Alts, which I use for different tasks. Most shop owners have several.

Welcome back.


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6 minutes ago, AilsaSara said:

SL won't let me change my account from premium to free  ..... it keeps saying error ... I will cancel my account if I have to 

when we have a Linden Home or any mainland then we have to either abandon the land, or sell if mainland, before we can downgrade. And also remove any tier we have credited to any inworld group

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