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Been asked but I can't find it ... longest/largest sailing route? Where to rezz and sail?

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I am giving up my small parcel eventually that is currently sailable, and am wondering what spot has the largest/longest body of continuous water for sailing? I have heard names but do not know my geography yet well enough to know what is what. Obviously we will also need a place to rezz our lovely BBX sailboat in this place as well. Recommendations?

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Start on the south of the gulf of Jeogeot on the continent of Jeogeot, the region Spurness looks like it may have a place to rez your boat. Then sail north to the mouth of the gulf and continue north-east to Arching Area or thereabouts and start heading north again. When you find yourself in Mizzenmast or Crows Nest you have reached Belliseria. Here you should take a sharp turn west until you enter the region Cormorant Luck, then head north again. 
When you reach Sirens Rock, wait until you find yourself in Kuga and change your heading to North-north east and sail up the waterway. Follow the waterway until you reach the lake which starts in Fourze, then keep going north-ish until you see another waterway. Follow that until you find yourself on the inner sea which starts in Humansville.

From here there are many routes that you can take and, well, there is still a lot to see there. 
This route should have taken you a few hours, if you have a boat which goes about 10knots or so.


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14 hours ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

Start on the south of the gulf of Jeogeot on the continent of Jeogeot, the region Spurness looks like it may have a place to rez your boat. Then sail north to the mouth of the gulf and continue north-east to Arching Area or thereabouts and start heading north again. When you find yourself in Mizzenmast or Crows Nest you have reached Belliseria. Here you should take a sharp turn west until you enter the region Cormorant Luck, then head north again. 
When you reach Sirens Rock, wait until you find yourself in Kuga and change your heading to North-north east and sail up the waterway. Follow the waterway until you reach the lake which starts in Fourze, then keep going north-ish until you see another waterway. Follow that until you find yourself on the inner sea which starts in Humansville.

From here there are many routes that you can take and, well, there is still a lot to see there. 
This route should have taken you a few hours, if you have a boat which goes about 10knots or so.


You can sail all the way to Sansara.  Unfortunately, though, you can't get around the Sansara coast or into its waterways. There are few water regions around the edges of that continent.

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4 hours ago, animats said:

You can sail all the way to Sansara.  Unfortunately, though, you can't get around the Sansara coast or into its waterways. There are few water regions around the edges of that continent.

I opted for sailing up the river inland on Belli because A: it makes for a much more interesting route than going straight up to Sansara and get stuck there (unless you choose to sail back the way you came) and B: the route that I chose effectively will be longer because it's winding, plus once you find yourself in the Sea of Belliseria, there are many routes to explore, making that a much longer adventure than going to Sansara.

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Blake Sea is my favourite. But you'll have to go some to find land to buy with access to it. I have my boat in a rented slip at Hibernia Marina from where I can access Blake Sea. Gull Wing Sailing Club has slips and is a collection of 21 sailing sims. There is also Half Hitch and Free Adriatic in the Blake Sea where you can rez your boat.

Sailing & Boating | Second Life



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My friend used to do yacht rallies, I have the info on NC still - they would start at Asella and sail all the way up to Exeuxoa and then back, or turn left and into Gibbosa cove. You might have to look for the boat rez points but that could be an alternative route. 

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