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Newbie Nooberson Buys Some Land

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Hi All. I'm a first time buyer looking at some private land and trying to decide between two parcels. One is 468 prims and the other is 936 prims. My question is: how many prims does a person really need? I'll be looking for  a very modest, low-prim dwelling , but will be wanting to decorate with lots of plants and trees. One parcel has several trees left by the previous owner, and I'm also wondering if those can be reclaimed by him/her at a later time (hoping to keep them).

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Hello, as more prims as better. While building ur home u will run out of very soon.

If you allowed for Linden trees u can fake a forrest with this one-prim plants. They aren´t pretty but ok.

But soon you will want a nicer house, more furniture more animals, nicer trees bushes ....

Maybe you get the smaller land first, without a long term contract and see if thats enough, then you can allways upgrade to a bigger parcel. Usually more prims = bigger land.

One thing to keep in mind. Alot people have awesome homes but spend all their time in clubs or somewhere away from.

I started with a tiny plot and ended with a quarter sim. Now i´m homeless because i only come online to work.

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Firstly, regarding the trees left by the previous owner. If you purchase a parcel of land, if the land is set for sale including objects, only the transferable objects will remain on the land after you purchase it.


Very tongue-in-cheek I just have to say that I only need 4 prims (this remark is aimed at a particular person who might read this and find it amusing)!


Seriously, it really depends what type of person you are, as some people find that the more land and prims they get, the more prims they seem to "need" (like the bigger a woman's handbag, the more gets stuffed into it).

For a better idea of how many prims you might need, have a browse on the Second Life Marketplace.  My house is only 7 prims, but it is a 1970s-style boxy dwelling, and very basic.  A friend of mine has a fabulously detailed skybox that has large fireplaces, pictures, furniture, bathroom, and that is 233 prims.  Plants can start from 1 prim, and stay at 1 prim, it all depends how "real" you like your detail.

I'd advise you to purchase the land you can comfortably afford (don't forget the more land you buy, the more your tier fees will be every month).

And have fun decorating.

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How many prims one needs is very personal.  I have continued increasing my lust for prims since I first had my own place which was a rental that allowed 100  prims. After that I moved to a rental which had about 500 prims and put up an entire steampunk theme.  When I hit the 500 prim mark and still had more steampunk things I wanted to put in, I  moved to my current rental which has 1080 prims. I  have a midieval scene on the ground and some houses in the sky and right now have used all but about 80 prims. I also own 2 1024 sqm plots which I've decorated. So I'm pretty addicted to decorating and tend to collect interesting buildings and skyboxes.

Have fun!!



Edit to add: Reply meant for abeautifulday365 :) 

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Hello abeautifulday. As already mentioned everything depends of what you want and you have in your mind. I believe that with 936 prims you can live very comfortable, with a very big house and lots of plants arround. With 468 prims you will live in a smaller house and you will have smaller space generally.

Also depends of how much you are able to spend per week or per month. If you think that you can pay the tier for a land with 936 prims, get it and enjoy it! I use to say arround to my friends who desire to get a new land that the important isn't to buy a land, but to keep it (to be able to keep it economically).

Also how much time are you gonna spend in your land? I explain. I know many people who rent big places and they never be there. They hang at the clubs in world all day and night. Or they work many hours, so no time for their own place. So, if you want a place just for some private moments in your SL, no reason to get the big land. Get the small one.

I suggest you at first to decide about your house and other stuff you want to put in your land, to calculate how many prims you need and after it is easier to select which parcel is most suitable for you and cover your necessities.

One last thing. If you want my opinion i suggest you to rent a parcel in a homestad sim and no in a full sim. If we accept that you will get a land with 936 prims you get 16,384sq m2 (1/4 of homestad), when in a full sim you get only 4,096 sq m2 (1/16 of it). Homestads for the same prims are a little more expensive but i think it is worth.

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I've found that I work more efficiently if I have limited resources, whether that's space, prims, time, or L$.  If I have a lot of resources, I tend to get sloppy.  I'm on a parcel with a 1200+ prim allotment.  I've filled it with a nice house and a skybox, plenty of planting, furniture, and whatever, and I still have about 500 of unused prim allotment.  If I only had half of my 1200+ allotment to work with, though, I could probably still fit the house and skybox in, along with most furniture and planting, but I'd be more careful about it.  If I were you, therefore,  I'd learn to work with a tiny lot first instead of buying into the "bigger is better" philosophy.

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mmmm prims good!!!  24.gif

They are the real currency of SL, get a sim with 15000 prims and rezz whatever you want on a whim without ever getting that vewy rude message that says "parcel full you cannot rezz that completely useless object" because if you can`t rezz completely useless things in SL just because you want to, whats the point? lol LMAO.gif

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Everyone's given me lots of great info. Thank you! Your responses brought up a couple more questions:


If the land I'm buying is from a private owner, do I still pay monthly in the tier system? Both parcels are not on the mainland.


Can a skybox be placed on the ground? I'm a little unclear on the difference between a skybox and a normal dwelling.

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abeautifulday365 wrote:

Everyone's given me lots of great info. Thank you! Your responses brought up a couple more questions:


If the land I'm buying is from a private owner, do I still pay monthly in the tier system? Both parcels are not on the mainland.


Can a skybox be placed on the ground? I'm a little unclear on the difference between a skybox and a normal dwelling.

If the land you are buying is from a private owner, you pay them to buy the land, but also have to pay them a fee every week/month, which they in turn pay to LL for tier fees. This means you can be a "land-owner" without actually having to commit to a Premium Membership with LL.

A skybox can be placed anywhere on your land, subject to the private region owner's terms of ownership. These vary from sim to sim, so be sure to read the Covenant - this is on the land details usually, or can be found in an information notecard available at the plot of land you wish to buy/lease.

Skyboxes are just usually created to be more aesthetically pleasing not at ground level, often being boxy to look at from the outside, with all the important homely details tucked inside.


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Be sure that you understand whether you are buying or renting. In most cases, you will be renting a parcel from whoever owns the sim itself.  The sim owner is responsible for paying tier for the sim and is covering that cost by collecting rent.  Read the covenant for the sim very carefully and get any agreement i writing before you commit to it. Remember that LL rarely involves itself in disputes between residents, unless there is a violation of its TOS, so it's wise to go into any major agreement with your eyes wide open.

A skybox or a ground structure each use prims, so they are the same as far as resource allocation is concerned. Again, though, read the convenant very carefully to see whether the landlord has a building code that restricts the size or type of buildings that can be placed on the sim, and the kinds of activity that may only be permitted in the sky.  Pay particular attention to the boundaries of the parcel, so that you understand the implications of building things that may block a neighbor's view or access.

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There is nothing specific about builds that mean the HAVE to be on the ground or in the sky, with the exception that some skyboxes don`t have doors, as people tend to TP into the - But adding a door isnt` hard if you wanted to live on the ground.

If you are buying land on a private estate, yes you do still pay tier fees, just to the sim owner instead of LL, howver one difference from the mainland is that you with mainland you buy the land, stay however long and then sell it again. Since a lot of private estates don`t allow resale of your land, they often don`t charge a "buying price", the upfront payment that you make is usually your first months tier fee.

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Yes and if you 'buy' from an estate owner you are hoping that they will continue to pay their tier to LL. Some residents have found out one day when they can't get to their parcel that it has disappeared since the owner of the land did not pay tier. In some cases it is hard for the person to get back their possessions that were on the land. If you buy land on the mainland there is no other go-between person. You pay tier directly to LL so there are no surprises. As long as you pay tier that land is yours, forever :) 

*winks* at LL/SL being around 'forever' but one can hope!

edit to add: Also if you pay tier to an estate owner ( a week or sometimes a month ahead) and they don't pay tier and the land is  lost in most cases you won't get your money back. IF you can find your previous landlord and ask them to refund your money you might get it but there is no guarantee and LL won't get involved in this kind of dispute.

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abeautifulday365 wrote:

Wow- lots to think about. I'm actually wondering if I need land at all. Sounds like a lot of hassle, when I could just materialize, hang out, and dematerialize til next time.

Hey, that's always an option.  I did that for three years.  I didn't bother renting and building a house until I was sure that I really needed a permanent spot to work in, and was going to spend enough time there to make it worthwhile.

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Since you're new, I think it's a good idea to start small & try not to get in over your head.

You can rent a home which will allow you to rez furniture & plants & learn about high prim vs. low prim options.  You can lease a parcel that will allow you to rez a home & play with Edit Land.  When you rent or lease (what Estate owners may call "buying") don't pay more than a month in advance, in case your landlord may disappear or kick you out.

When you buy directly from LL, you'll have to keep paying tier or will have to sell or abandon your land if you change your mind about owning it.  When you buy Mainland from LL, be sure to first take a good walk (or fly) around the neighborhood to see what kind of neighbors you'll have.  High-traffic places like dance clubs & breedable animal farms add to lag. So do items with lots of particles emiters & scripting.  Linden roads & waterways or parks mean your view & abilty to travel around the region are both less likely to be blocked.  Turn on "View Ban Lines" to be sure you don't have too many blocked parcels around you.  If there are places in the neighborhood where you can explore & hang out freely, it's like having a free backyard or park, so your own living space is larger.

I've owned land for a couple years now, but I always see neighbors who buy a lot & then quickly abandon all or part of it, probably because the monthy tier ended being more than they expected or they found another location they liked better.  In today's SL ecconomy, you don't want to get stuck with a large parcel of land that you might have to almost give away to get rid of it if you change your mind.


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You know, I did make a mistake. I thought that buying privately-held land involved a one-time fee. I didn't understand that buying actually means renting. Even though the price is low, I'm not sure I'm invested enough in SL yet to make that move. Thank you all for clearing up some confusion!



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abeautifulday365 wrote:

I wonder if I might ask one more thing, though, in case I change my mind in the future. The skybox I had in mind has the measurements of 60x60x60. So, the parcel that measures 2048 wouldn't support it, I suppose, without it overhanging a neighbor's boundaries.

Double that, a 4096 is 64x64m

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