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The new featured are Ridiculous..a creators perceptive

Aris Pancake

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I always have kept it low when it about Secondlife Business and public things, but this featured news is ridiculous, and I have to speak up and say my 2 cents on the subject. If u don't agree with me fine but I hope this goes in the face of someone who manages so.

I know that Second Life has to Make profits is it a business and in order to balance things up about new featured and etc, they have to decrease increase somewhere else.

But 2.5% to 5% what? I'm sorry that seems a bit excessive, is it going to raise up every year by 2.5 %? Like whats more does it give to feature for the Business wise and wide of the community. Okay, they add up more options to the Marketplace and give an opportunity for new jobs options for managers but aren't they changing a lot more than few little featured here and there? Second life has been on the grid for years at this point the reasons why is it mainly because (the servers are up) lol but mostly the Customers Users Creators Bloggers Artist etc. I don't see a WE ARE the people who run the Business-wide of Secondlife. The only things we do not manage are the Platform itself the script, HTML, etc. Membership new homes etc. That's is their job as The platform to provide for people who decide to pay for a featured to receive a result back of what they are paying for. But this applies To the people who have the membership, not the actual Free user's point. There is nothing more the users get not only they are downloading the program spending bandwidth in the servers (don't get me wrong I'm sure this regenerate lots of traffic and money as well.) but Yes for the Whole community but isn't Second life make their profits from the whole community. What are the Free Users get? Nothing. Because whats u actually get is Opportunity to get land lesser prices. This is a Business move is it not a friendly user move. This is another tactic for more money in their pocket and I found it disgusting that nothing is given back to the community. We always have to pay more then we should! They give us a platform to work on and play with but they are not only taking fees from Upload Market etc. Fees charged for processing, fees from buying. fees from Membership. I felt like they are taking us for granted. Only the fact they announce this NEW FEATURED 2 Week before the actual move shown their Character and how Sl thinks as a whole. The people who work in Linden labs are they users Or are they just standing at Noob island and make presentations with 10 people listening? I don't think they see this Whole community has what is it really. Also, they talk about an increase in sales last years they make whats Millions of dollars? Billions? Why do you think there is an increase. BECAUSE OF EVENTS. EVENTS BRING A lot of Traffic and people in an area Spending a lot of money in a small amount of time. First I felt they should work on the land and give us Lag free Servers and More opportunity for the people who run Events and have the teams work more on the Actual WHATS IS POPULAR area than those 2008 Popular places in Second Life. They should give the users a more variety of Store Selections Free Clothing based on Whats is trending like the New Store and give out The noobs a More 2019 ways of understanding how being in Second life work. Showcase Artist works and land and Bloggers. I truly believe Bloggers deserve such recognition in Second life and have a page dedicated like a Blogs Style in Marketplace like an actually places where they can HAVE a BLOG on the SITE! Second life is about Creativity and they are turning it into just business. I agree it nice to make a living here and i have to pay it normally. I am making this rant because this is making me angry seeing it like this. I will probably get hate from this post but u know what I don't give a dam. I'm done, I think Secondlife and i think the Community deserve more than that. ..Also The group Decreasing? You CANT TAKE BACk something u implanted in the Community .. this is a nope

Sorry and thank you for reading.. Also if you care enough maybe you should look more about a HUGE Community of Secondlife resident who are on facebook just a head up: 


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It's a bit of a meme to say about video games, but I think it's safe to say by this point that SL has lost its soul. LL has lost that focus which was maintaining a vibrant world with a bustling economy they can tax for income. SL is stagnating, and what we can assume while they refuse to share statistics, is that it is slowly depopulating. Interacting with world it's evident we're in decline. At this point for the company it's about damage control, and trying to bump revenue up as the profit margin grows tighter and tighter.

For withdrawing:

1.5% in 2017, 2.5% in 2018, 5% in 2019.

For buying Lindies. 

60c in 2016, 90c in 2017, $1.49 in 2018.

We are seeing drastically increasing rate hikes without corresponding improvements in the game. It's getting worse for users, and it is a user run world, which means it is going to get worse for SL and LL.

The increasing fees could even be an indicator that the marketplace is on a downturn, and the amount of "taxes" is dropping accordingly.

Edited by Desudesudesuka
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This is literally the only thing they can think of to keep their sinking ship afloat. Bilk more money from the existing user base instead of coming up with ideas to increase AND RETAIN. new user registrations. 

The "incentives" being offered are little more than a band-aid, they have NO genuine appeal to a new user base.

They are literally hiking prices, then PUNISHING those who don't have premium, by lowering caps on basic features. 
How is any of this in the interest of the user??

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35 minutes ago, Desudesudesuka said:

For withdrawing:

1.5% in 2017, 2.5% in 2018, 5% in 2019.

For buying Lindies. 

 60c in 2016, 90c in 2017, $1.49 in 2018.

 We are seeing drastically increasing rate hikes without corresponding improvements in the game.

Owning a region (USD per month):

$295 in 2017, $249 in 2018, $229 in 2019. (Full region, setup-cost for new regions lowered from $305 to $100.)
$125 in 2017, $109 in 2018. (Homestead, setup-cost for new regions lowered from $100 to $40.)
$75 in 2017, $60 in 2018. (Openspace, setup-cost of $75 removed entirely.)

Owning land:

Premium's free land allotment was doubled for everyone (from 512 to 1024) in 2018.
512sqm = $4 per month.
1024sqm = $7 per month.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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14 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

Owning a region (USD per month):

$295 in 2017, $249 in 2018, $229 in 2019. (Full region, setup-cost for new regions lowered from $305 to $100.)
$125 in 2017, $109 in 2018. (Homestead, setup-cost for new regions lowered from $100 to $40.)
$75 in 2017, $60 in 2018. (Openspace, setup-cost of $75 removed entirely.)

Owning land:

Premium's free land allotment was doubled for everyone (from 512 to 1024) in 2018.
512sqm = $4 per month.
1024sqm = $7 per month.

I mean, thank god. That won't affect most of us however so that does not offset it to us. Anyone complaining about a minor uptick is unlikely to afford a region as is. If you want to celebrate the reduction, it should be because those prices are actually insane. As LL lowers server rental costs they're coming more in line with reality, here's a humourous quote which pretty accurately assesses land prices - why nobody wants to pay them - and why they must come down.

4 hours ago, Gadget Portal said:

Still 229 for a full region.

I can rent an entire server, 3+ GHz, 8 cores or more, with 96 gigs of RAM, for less than that. I guarantee we're not getting that much hardware dedicated to our 229 sim. At best we're getting a VM that's running on a server already hosting others.

And being premium still doesn't offer a lot for the cost when regions are still that expensive.

High membership cost, high L$ cost, high land cost... I'll just go play an MMO that makes me pay one reasonable price and gives me access to everything. Or for the same price as being a member of SL, I'll host an entire MMO for 600 people.


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Merchants are not the only ones who cash out. Land barons need to cash out too, and they are probably the ones who cash out the most. So for cashing out $4000 they were paying $100 before, now they will pay $200. That's quite a significant loss.

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@Desudesudesuka Did you glance over the part where Premium now comes with double the free land tier, giving you $3 more value per month? But the cost of Premium only went up by $2.49 per month (if you pay monthly) or $2.25 (if you pay yearly). All the other perks aside, the price is relatively cheaper than before. (I don't like how basic perks were reduced though.)

That said, I agree that land prices are still too high. I speak as someone who doesn't own a sim, land, or premium but sell enough things to be able to cash out quite a bit. (I don't cash out though, I like virtual expendable income.) But I still argue that Second Life has come quite far with new features like mesh, rigged mesh, fitted mesh, bento, animesh, bakes on mesh, etc. Maybe your interests lie elsewhere, but that doesn't mean nothing has improved.

22 minutes ago, Elvina Ewing said:

Merchants are not the only ones who cash out. Land barons need to cash out too, and they are probably the ones who cash out the most. So for cashing out $4000 they were paying $100 before, now they will pay $200. That's quite a significant loss.

But over what period was that $4000 gained? That's a very important detail you'd have to include in this hypothetical example. With 4K a month, that "land baron" could support 17 sims and still stay in the green. With more sims or less frequent cash-outs, they'd be losing money regardless of the increased fee and they would've already accepted that.

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23 minutes ago, Elvina Ewing said:

Merchants are not the only ones who cash out. Land barons need to cash out too, and they are probably the ones who cash out the most. So for cashing out $4000 they were paying $100 before, now they will pay $200. That's quite a significant loss.

I'd like to say that explains the land price reduction, mitigation.

@Wulfie Reanimator

I did nearly glance over it since I'm among the people who will never see value in premium the way it stands. Neither the trailer park-esque homes or the apocalyptic looking land. The numbers there don't mean much to me.

Okay, so to be fair they did update recently with animesh, but with 300% increases abruptly in 2 years it's still not justified based on the level of progress. There is one clear thing correlating to these increases in cost, and it is not improvements to SL. Sansar came out in 2017. I think lots of money that should've improved SL over the years went to Sansar, and here we are.

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21 minutes ago, Desudesudesuka said:

Okay, so to be fair they did update recently with animesh, but with 300% increases abruptly in 2 years it's still not justified based on the level of progress. There is one clear thing correlating to these increases in cost, and it is not improvements to SL. Sansar came out in 2017. I think lots of money that should've improved SL over the years went to Sansar, and here we are.

Even if it was true that Sansar was somehow the main motivator for these changes (I don't believe this, though RIP Sansar), it's just flat-out wrong to call it just a flat "price increase" as other things have been made cheaper as well. It's an overall price balance, while it obviously affects individuals... individually. Again, I think your interests are just in a different area of SL and you're not looking at the greater picture (or going way out into the atmosphere with Sansar).

5 minutes ago, Fox Wijaya said:

...was 1000 !

That $1000 setup fee still included the first month's rent, I believe, so the actual setup fee would've been $705. (The setup fee right now is listed as $600, but includes first month.)

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I totally agree ! ! rise the price BEFOR all have same conditions, it scare people away, even one of my besties (she loves SL) already said she wont update her billed annually not because the price rise, just because she dont has the same condition like me but have to pay more for something she dont got yet... even i have premium and a new linden home i would do the same and i dont know if i want to update in the end of the year yet... BUT even more worse: remove condition they already gave over years to free member is super anti social. even linden lab is a company this plattform would be NOTHING without us consumers, creators, bloggers, Artists, entertainers etc..

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13 minutes ago, Sarralie said:

 one of my besties (she loves SL) already said she wont update her billed annually not because the price rise, just because she dont has the same condition like me but have to pay more for something she dont got yet...

ehm..what is different for you and her when both have premium subscription?

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1 hour ago, Elvina Ewing said:

Merchants are not the only ones who cash out. Land barons need to cash out too, and they are probably the ones who cash out the most. So for cashing out $4000 they were paying $100 before, now they will pay $200. That's quite a significant loss.

Their costs will increase 2.5% to cash out, but their cost for each full region will be reduced over 8%. If their business is more than about 1/3 full regions, they'll still come out ahead.

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6 hours ago, Intoxicate said:

This is literally the only thing they can think of to keep their sinking ship afloat. Bilk more money from the existing user base instead of coming up with ideas to increase AND RETAIN. new user registrations. 

The "incentives" being offered are little more than a band-aid, they have NO genuine appeal to a new user base.

They are literally hiking prices, then PUNISHING those who don't have premium, by lowering caps on basic features. 
How is any of this in the interest of the user??

It is still 10 more groups that the 25 everyone was capped at for *years*. And you can call it a punishment when it is really a means to ease "resource-load" on the back-end to improve performance. But you see it as punishment; poor you.

6 hours ago, Elvina Ewing said:

Merchants are not the only ones who cash out. Land barons need to cash out too, and they are probably the ones who cash out the most. So for cashing out $4000 they were paying $100 before, now they will pay $200. That's quite a significant loss.

Oh, those poor people taking out 100% *profit* of only $3,800 instead of a full $4,000 every week? As for the "little guy," it's in the vicinity of $2.00 for a $50.00 cash-out. Boo-hoo. Hey, cost-of-business, dealwithit.

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1 minute ago, Alyona Su said:

It is still 10 more groups that the 25 everyone was capped at for *years*. And you can call it a punishment when it is really a means to ease "resource-load" on the back-end to improve performance. But you see it as punishment; poor you.

Oh, those poor people taking out 100% *profit* of only $3,800 instead of a full $4,000 every week? As for the "little guy," it's in the vicinity of $2.00 for a $50.00 cash-out. Boo-hoo. Hey, cost-of-business, dealwithit.

Wow yes being pedantic and condescending totally makes me want to listen to anything you have to say. 
Good job!

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6 minutes ago, Intoxicate said:

Wow yes being pedantic and condescending totally makes me want to listen to anything you have to say. 
Good job!

And you just did. :D

If it's condescending to you, then it's condescending to you. However, it is flat-fact to those who place logic over emotion.

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12 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

Oh, those poor people taking out 100% *profit* of only $3,800 instead of a full $4,000 every week? As for the "little guy," it's in the vicinity of $2.00 for a $50.00 cash-out. Boo-hoo. Hey, cost-of-business, dealwithit.

i am not sure i understand what you meant to say by that. What *I* meant to say was: it's not only merchants who will pay the fee, but *all* who make money in SL one way or another (and take it out). But for *all* those whose RL entirely depends on their SL income it will be a very noticeable hit.

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10 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

And you just did. :D

If it's condescending to you, then it's condescending to you. However, it is flat-fact to those who place logic over emotion.

LOL no. But if you'd like me to dissect and disprove your argument, I can make time :)
And you can label anything a "flat fact", but it doesn't make your statements true or even accurate. 
Good day ;)

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13 minutes ago, Elvina Ewing said:

i am not sure i understand what you meant to say by that. What *I* meant to say was: it's not only merchants who will pay the fee, but *all* who make money in SL one way or another (and take it out). But for *all* those whose RL entirely depends on their SL income it will be a very noticeable hit.

Pick any number you chose, any number. Deduct 10% - that is a noticeable "hit". Sure, it's *noticeable*. It is a painful hit? Hardly. You pay a heluvalot more than that in your income and sales taxes; on average most people get to keep around %50 or less of all the money they earn in life, yet they still keep voting-in the same politicians that lay the taxes onto them.

Is that little Linden Lab Cash-out hit so hard that it not worth taking the remainder? Go ahead, cash your $50.00. If the $5.00 cost such a huge hit that you will no longer bother trying to take out the remaining $45.00 you get to put into your pocket? Seriously? And this is with a %10 example.

It is the cost of doing business and most RL business have real, genuine business expenses like resources, tools, materials, wholesale goods, etc. This new cash-out fee is *less* than what many credit card companies charge the merchant for *each and every sale* and is the *only* real cost of doing business in SL (yes, I know about texture upload costs and all the rest and Estate Owners are making real bank, so if you want to plead for the SL %1-ers, go ahead.)

All you people who cash-out for RL legal tender? Deal with it or stop cashing out. It's the cost of doing business.

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4 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

All you people who cash-out for RL legal tender? Deal with it or stop cashing out. It's the cost of doing business

The point here is - we eventually *will* stop. And that will mean LL is shooting themselves in the foot.

I could say lots more on the subject, but there is already a 10 pages long thread about this on General forum, and many other people already said it there better than I could. I saw you were posting on that thread too, so you probably have already read all that has been said. So I'm not going to waste my time since the main point seems to have been lost on you anyway. 

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29 minutes ago, Elvina Ewing said:

The point here is - we eventually *will* stop. And that will mean LL is shooting themselves in the foot.

I could say lots more on the subject, but there is already a 10 pages long thread about this on General forum, and many other people already said it there better than I could. I saw you were posting on that thread too, so you probably have already read all that has been said. So I'm not going to waste my time since the main point seems to have been lost on you anyway. 

Yes, I know you will. But until you do, you haven't. Those that are projecting their complaints in ways that come-off as shrill-paranoia are the ones my comments are mostly aimed at. The fact is Linden Lab has made their changes and they are not going to change them. So shouting out about in ways that make one a doomsayer is really a moot point. It's when tall the "yes, yes, nod, nod, me-too" crowd chimes in that I get a chuckle. Especially those proclaiming how "SL is doomed..." and this part they leave out, but are thinking it: "...because *I* will quit." :)

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1 minute ago, Alyona Su said:

Yes, I know you will. But until you do, you haven't. Those that are projecting their complaints in ways that come-off as shrill-paranoia are the ones my comments are mostly aimed at. The fact is Linden Lab has made their changes and they are not going to change them. So shouting out about in ways that make one a doomsayer is really a moot point. It's when tall the "yes, yes, nod, nod, me-too" crowd chimes in that I get a chuckle. Especially those proclaiming how "SL is doomed..." and this part they leave out, but are thinking it: "...because *I* will quit." :)

1) The fact that there are at least 2 Lindens watching that thread and replying, and that Grumpity seems to have been losing sleep over it shows that they are listening. Who says they are not going to change their mind? The changes have not been made yet, btw, only announced. Maybe you should go and read the thread and see for yourself. The point is very far from moot.

2) SL is doomed in a way that everything and everybody is doomed: everything comes to an end. Sooner or later. But certain unwise decisions will have the tendency to speed things up a bit.

3) If LL continues treating their customers in this way there will eventually be not many left to sell to. So it's not about *me* leaving and you know it.

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13 minutes ago, Elvina Ewing said:

1) The fact that there are at least 2 Lindens watching that thread and replying, and that Grumpity seems to have been losing sleep over it shows that they are listening. Who says they are not going to change their mind? The changes have not been made yet, btw, only announced. Maybe you should go and read the thread and see for yourself. The point is very far from moot.

2) SL is doomed in a way that everything and everybody is doomed: everything comes to an end. Sooner or later. But certain unwise decisions will have the tendency to speed things up a bit.

3) If LL continues treating their customers in this way there will eventually be not many left to sell to. So it's not about *me* leaving and you know it.

And that would the estate holders and premium subscribers. The rest account for the economy, certainly (and that is the main push of all these changes; to beef that up) - but the only two direct "customers" Linden Lab has are these two. The rest is collateral economic statistics, like the extras in the background scenes of a movie; they are needed, though not as significantly as the leading actors.

We all debate and predict and surmise and basically play a guessing game at all things Linden Lab. You and others have made your points, I have made mine, now we sit back to wait and see what happens. Some predict the sky is falling, others are predicting the earth is opening up and evil spews forth. I prefer to simply adapt to what I see coming down the road and prepare myself, rather than run around screaming about how my entire family will now starve to death because the price of bread went up another 50 cents. ~shrugs~

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