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First, I will say: This really is not a rant, not at all. I'm being responsible & making a gesture for responsible community interaction & development.

I am making & releasing a Composits HUD on the Marketplace, with the OcculTek Store. The scripts will be modifiable. The object will be no transfer.

The intention of making the scripts modifiable is so that other developers can use the Composits HUD in their own creations.

Note about GPL: A bunch of American attorneys & judges get tripped up & "believe they merely act dumb" about GPL. It's really obvious that's not a legal license, not at all. It doesn't matter whom touches my work before or after me, I have a right to earn a financial reward for my work. We're talking about programming languages & science, & accomplishing a task. It's like folk songs at best: GCD, GCD Chord progressions, & nearly all folk musicians have their own song with a GCD progression. It's like Gravity in truth: You can't tell me that you own Gravity, not at all, & you surely can't tell me that I don't own my own fair share of it!!

I will release the scripts for the Composits HUD, along with other comments specific to the Composits HUD itself within this posted column of appended & separate post upon releasing the Composits HUD in my Store. It'll be priced moderately. It's quite a lot of effort to write out details about people acting with common integrity & respect. Really, it's simple: Don't give my stuff away for free, not at all. You can modify it & use it in your own creations, though it's mine & I have a right to earn a financial reward for my work. So do you. Treat me with respect. That's the point.

Composits HUD.png

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You all might remember the "Mega Prims HUD". A OpenSim Guru made really large prims & uploaded them to SL in basic building sizes that people could use within their builds. It gave all the people paying a pretty penny to Linden Labs a bit more for their buck, & it wasn't long before people complained about the 10 meter prim size limit & Linden Labs came off of it.

I'm programming a Composits Engine for my OpenSim Grid, & I wanted to introduce the features of having Chemical Composits for all objects. Included as well will be the added PRIM_MATERIAL_TYPEs of Light, Myst, Dark, & various others including, Liquid, Gas, & object Weight.

I'm as well programming more CONTROL_BUTTONs for my Grid, which would blow the CONTROL_LBUTTON out of the perverbial water, so to speak.

I think these really are important issues for an advanced & responsible Virtual World Community.


The Crystal Ship_001.png

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The Composits HUD is designed for SL.

The Composit Engine is something I am working on for my OpenSim Grid.

So, this actually is the breve edition of the story about how I came up with the concept for the Composits Engine, the way it is described:
So, I thought about the simple concept for having a Periodic Table of Elements within the object parameters within Virtual Worlds, & I started working on the Composits Engine for OSVL. I then thought, "I should work on an object to implement features of the Composit Engine for SL & OpenSim Grids that don't have the OSVL Composits Module installed in their Grid Software & Viewer Software.", so I started making this HUD (depicted in the attached image above). I then, half way through (maybe), realized "Wouldn't that be a riot to not make an inhibitor switch that tells the HUD that if there's not a Element in cue & "Subtract Element" is selected to ignore the Subtract Element entry?! I could make Anti-Matter!!" & then my mind started to reel!!

With a bit more research & ingenuitive thinking, I realized that Dark could be an example of Anti-Matter on this Planet. In fact, I make "Dark" with subtracting what makes light, & then I generate the code for that & my objects are effected.
Sort of neat.

I as well realize that Linden Labs might not program Chemical Composit interactions of objects the same way that I would, not actually.

So, they're working on things like "Sansara" & "High Fidelity", & people are rushing out to get VR, & insisting that people update their computers & run fibre optic lines around the world.

I noticed that they still sell drawing paper & colored pencils at Walmart, & they still make American talk shows.

It's like, where are all the trees that they want paper & colored pencils?!

Where are all the programmers that they want GPL?!

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21 hours ago, JasonClandestino said:

You all might remember the "Mega Prims HUD". A OpenSim Guru made really large prims & uploaded them to SL in basic building sizes

I thought mega prims were made in SL during the brief windows when faults in new SL simulator code that allowed people to create prims larger than the then 10*10*10 size limits were open.

Edited by Innula Zenovka
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7 hours ago, JasonClandestino said:

I as well realize that Linden Labs might not program Chemical Composit interactions of objects the same way that I would, not actually.

We recently had someone else wondering about SL simulations of "chemistry". It's both impossible and unnecessary. We don't "see" chemistry in RL, so why simulate it in SL? What we see every day in RL are the very macro level effects of unseen chemical and physical reactions. We're barely able to simulate the most basic of those macro effects now, yet we're pretty convinced those simulations are real.

The idea of assigning "elemental" properties to SL objects also doesn't make sense, as there are precious few RL objects that consist of only one element. Most of them are incredible mash-ups of atoms, molecules, compounds, mixtures, formations and assemblies. Outside of scientific exploration/explanation, what need is there to simulate more than we can perceive?

Have I misunderstood what you're attempting?

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5 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

We recently had someone else wondering about SL simulations of "chemistry". It's both impossible and unnecessary. We don't "see" chemistry in RL, so why simulate it in SL? What we see every day in RL are the very macro level effects of unseen chemical and physical reactions. We're barely able to simulate the most basic of those macro effects now, yet we're pretty convinced those simulations are real.

The idea of assigning "elemental" properties to SL objects also doesn't make sense, as there are precious few RL objects that consist of only one element. Most of them are incredible mash-ups of atoms, molecules, compounds, mixtures, formations and assemblies. Outside of scientific exploration/explanation, what need is there to simulate more than we can perceive?

Have I misunderstood what you're attempting?

Would “gold” (au) prims be heavier?

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4 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Would “gold” (au) prims be heavier denser?

Well, they'd be appropriately dense.

The moment objects possess density, that implies it's important to the simulation. So then I imagine you'd want to model buoyancy, viscosity, etc. SL already does that. But it's done at the macro level, with no consideration to the actual makeup of the object. If you want to model an object's collision physics from an actual simulation of the object's molecular makeup, you're faced with trying to compute a problem with a computer that has perhaps 10^30++ times fewer transistors than there are atoms in the thing it's trying to simulate. Just representing the collision surface to the atomic level would require more memory than any existing computer has, perhaps more than all existing computers combined. The problem is insoluble, even neglecting quantum effects.

Most humans are completely oblivious to the physical and chemical underpinnings of the world they inhabit. All humans are oblivious to most of it. So, why model it? Virtual reality need model only enough to give us the impression of reality, and we're still struggling to do that.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
Added "times" to fewer, because that's important!
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1 minute ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

Well, they'd be appropriately dense.

The moment objects possess density, that implies it's important to the simulation. So then I imagine you'd want to model buoyancy, viscosity, etc. SL already does that. But it's done at the macro level, with no consideration to the actual makeup of the object. If you want to model an object's collision physics from an actual simulation of the object's molecular makeup, you're faced with trying to compute a problem with a computer that has perhaps 10^30++ fewer transistors than there are atoms in the thing it's trying to simulate. Just representing the collision surface to the atomic level would require more memory than any existing computer has, perhaps more than all existing computers combined. The problem is insoluble, even neglecting quantum effects.

Most humans are completely oblivious to the physical and chemical underpinnings of the world they inhabit. All humans are oblivious to most of it. So, why model it? Virtual reality need model only enough to give us the impression of reality, and we're still struggling to do that.

Sounds hard. Can always just make it shiny!

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I'm gonna suggest that Madelaine McMasters really is just "wrong", concisely, & continue with my point.

On 10/5/2018 at 11:38 AM, Love Zhaoying said:

Would “gold” (au) prims be heavier? 

Yeah, that's one thing to consider, Love Zhaoying.

I mentioned that there would be more PRIM_MATERIAL_TYPES within the Composits HUD, which is a soft coded simulation of features that can easily be employed within my OpenSim Grid, running on a server that has dual Xeon Processors & 20GB of RAM, & functions well enough to host 3 or 4 regions at a time without slightest trouble.

The PRIM_MATERIAL_TYPES would assign default Chemical Composit Values to the Object or Prims (I coded mine in the individual prim level, & added "COMPOSIT_TYPE_SIMPLE" &."COMPOSIT_TYPE_COMPLEX" feature differentiation for compatibility with Sculpted & Mesh objects, which are often textured to represent various PRIM_MATERIAL_TYPEs.

The added PRIM_MATERIAL_TYPEs, concisely, are (Featured within the Composits HUD code): Cloth, Organic, Liquid, Gas, Light, Fire, Air, Plasma, Myst, & Dark.

Those features can be utilized to automate simulated object behavoir with ease & truly drastic effect, concisely.

So then, you code your Gun Bullet as a PRIM_COMPOSIT_TYPE_COMPLEX & you give it qualities of Metal & Gun Powder, & then you code your Gun Stock as PRIM_COMPOSIT_TYPE_COMPLEX & give it qualities of Metal & Flint, "Just Because", if you want me to tell you the total story about something that Madelaine McMasters wants to throw away immediately while SL desperately needs realism & content.

So, SL finally introduces "Remote Inventory", which allows for objects to be stored in "Pockets" & "Inventory Holders", for quick access & an attachment at the attach point. Suddenly, I have house keys!! WHO WANTS TO GO THROUGH ALL OF SL & RECODE ALL THE DOORS to allow for functionality with a House Key object?! Who wants to go through all of their inventory & hunt down all of the builders that made houses for them, & request a door key feature for their house doors?!

"Nano level" & "macro level" & "Falco level" & "Let's give him Commisary. How about that?" & I'm tired of the naysaying of gibronies at a good suggestion, for sure.


For an example of the Sociological Importance of a Composit Engine, Tobacco is comprised of Carbon & Hydrogen molecules. Tobacco does not contain any cancer causing agents, not at all, in it's true & pure form, & the 2nd Hand Smoke of Tobacco reacts with the Chloroplasts within plants to incite creation of Oxygen, though "Who am I talking to?".


"It ain't over yet, not at all."


"Jack & Jill & Jane ran around in a circle" & that's a smarter thing than any shrink wanted to lie about to get a degree, whether right side up or upside down.


The only thing that people see are the chemical composits of what they crudely suggest to even perceive.

Most of the human body is comprised of empty spaces between various molecular compounds. In reality, it's appropriate & scientific to suggest "I see right through you".

Matrix Code_006.png

Edited by JasonClandestino
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5 hours ago, JasonClandestino said:

For an example of the Sociological Importance of a Composit Engine, Tobacco is comprised of Carbon & Hydrogen molecules. Tobacco does not contain any cancer causing agents, not at all, in it's true & pure form, & the 2nd Hand Smoke of Tobacco reacts with the Chloroplasts within plants to incite creation of Oxygen, though "Who am I talking to?".

"It ain't over yet, not at all."

If we add O2 to the "tobacco" will it's formula change to C21H30O2

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It's always nice to see people creating new things, but a genuine question: What use would regular folks in SL that are interested in shopping, dancing, chatting and more social things do with this kind of technology? It does sound heavily oriented to a niche of a very specific chemistry enthusiasts.

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I'm confused by the example of 

22 hours ago, JasonClandestino said:

So then, you code your Gun Bullet as a PRIM_COMPOSIT_TYPE_COMPLEX & you give it qualities of Metal & Gun Powder, & then you code your Gun Stock as PRIM_COMPOSIT_TYPE_COMPLEX & give it qualities of Metal & Flint, "Just Because", if you want me to tell you the total story about something that Madelaine McMasters wants to throw away immediately while SL desperately needs realism & content.

I don't see how you combine arbitrary "qualities" ("metal") with chemical elements.   I mean, it's going to make a big difference to how your gun behaves depending on whether the bullet is is made out of lead or magnesium, or whether the stock is made of out of steel or lead.

I know how use LSL to make a gun in SL and have it fire a projectile at a particular velocity and how to produce sound and visual effects when the gun fires.    I also know how to adapt the method to produce appropriate results, including visual and sound effects, depending on whether my "gun" is a flintlock pistol, a machine gun, a ship's cannon or a rocket launcher.

How will using PRIM_COMPOSITE_TYPE* and various flags offer me a better method?

I'm not dismissing the proposal -- simply trying to understand it.



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22 hours ago, JasonClandestino said:

I'm gonna suggest that Madelaine McMasters really is just "wrong", concisely, & continue with my point.

For an example of the Sociological Importance of a Composit Engine, Tobacco is comprised of Carbon & Hydrogen molecules. Tobacco does not contain any cancer causing agents, not at all, in it's true & pure form, & the 2nd Hand Smoke of Tobacco reacts with the Chloroplasts within plants to incite creation of Oxygen, though "Who am I talking to?".

Chewing tobacco, which is comprised of many compounds containing far more than just carbon and hydrogen, and which is not burned, causes cancer. The creation of oxygen would require either nuclear fusion or nuclear fission, neither of which occurs in the smoking of tobacco.

If you have a substantial misunderstanding of the thing you're modeling, how will you avoid substantially mis-modeling it?

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Unlike at least some respondents, I happen to be a chemist -- or at least was one for nearly 40 years before I retired. Maddy, who is an engineer, is quite right.  Tobacco contains a good deal more than carbon and hydrogen and is totally incapable of creating oxygen, whether mitigated by second hand smoke or any other process known to mankind.  Chemistry can indeed perform all sorts of amazing feats, but it has its limits.  Coding simulated materials for SL. however, is not chemistry.  It's a fine idea to add extra PRIM_MATERIAL_TYPEs with whatever fanciful properties you like  ( Cloth, Organic, Liquid, Gas, Light, Fire, Air, Plasma, Myst, & Dark sound as good as any -- although most of them are not "materials" in the real world. ) in order to make simulated objects do different magical tricks, but don't pretend that it's chemistry.  How about Virtual Alchemy?

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So then, you code your Gun Bullet as a PRIM_COMPOSIT_TYPE_COMPLEX & you give it qualities of Metal & Gun Powder, & then you code your Gun Stock as PRIM_COMPOSIT_TYPE_COMPLEX & give it qualities of Metal & Flint.

Are you trying to implement a game with crafting? The kind where you collect 3 Iron, 1 Brass, and 1 Wood, and you go to a Level 7 Smith, and he puts all the stuff into a Forge, and you get a Sword out?  That can be done within SL. Some of the SL farming systems have something similar, where you harvest crops, do things in a kitchen, use an oven, and food comes out.

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