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Work Viewer

Chellynne Bailey

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I need a new viewer for scripting.

I love my customers and clients, but it's utterly impossible to get anything substantial done when I'm constantly getting IMs. I finally said enough this week and started using "Unavailable" during my aloted "get ***** done" times, thinking it'd keep me from seeing incoming messages and distracting me..... annddd I still get messages. -.- (Like srsly, whats the difference between this and autoresponse if you can see them?)

So, does anyone know a good work viewer that will actually let you turn off incoming messages and isn't a major pain to do scripting work in?


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7 minutes ago, Chellynne Bailey said:

I need a new viewer for scripting.

I love my customers and clients, but it's utterly impossible to get anything substantial done when I'm constantly getting IMs. I finally said enough this week and started using "Unavailable" during my aloted "get ***** done" times, thinking it'd keep me from seeing incoming messages and distracting me..... annddd I still get messages. -.- (Like srsly, whats the difference between this and autoresponse if you can see them?)

So, does anyone know a good work viewer that will actually let you turn off incoming messages and isn't a major pain to do scripting work in?


Can't you just use a "building alt" for a good portion of your work. Since it is scripting, that seems like a very viable solution. 

That or get a customer support person full time. I would opt for the alt. I don't know of any viewer that would solve your issue since the viewer notices that you are THERE and so won't send to email. 

Good luck!   

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2 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

Can't you just use a "building alt" for a good portion of your work. Since it is scripting, that seems like a very viable solution. 

That or get a customer support person full time. I would opt for the alt. I don't know of any viewer that would solve your issue since the viewer notices that you are THERE and so won't send to email. 

Good luck!   

I DO have a building alt I use for larger projects, but because of the nature of the work I do, it's only practical a small fraction of the time. 
I also have a customer support person. That helps a great deal, but people still IM me even though she's listed in my profile and a million other places.

And there are some things they HAVE to come to talk to me about. It's nothing a CSR could handle.
So I don't BLAME them.. I just need to be able to ignore them for a couple hours at a time...  


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I spend a good part of every day scripting.  When I am in world, I am in as my work alt and none of my non-work friends even know who I am, much less that I am in world.  Most scripting can be done outside of SL ( I use Sublime Text, which has much more flexibility than the in-world script editor).  When I am unavailable, I am unavailable.  People can leave a message, send me a notecard ... I'll get back to them later.

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3 minutes ago, Fionalein said:

you don't need a new viewer.... you need an alt ;)

Have one. It's not practical for most things I do. I need access to my giant inventory of meshes and tools I've built for myself.  Get LL to change the permissions system so I can hand myself all my tools and scripts in one fell swoop without having to change all the nested perms... then it'll sorta be viable.

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3 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

I spend a good part of every day scripting.  When I am in world, I am in as my work alt and none of my non-work friends even know who I am, much less that I am in world.  Most scripting can be done outside of SL ( I use Sublime Text, which has much more flexibility than the in-world script editor).  When I am unavailable, I am unavailable.  People can leave a message, send me a notecard ... I'll get back to them later.

Congratulations. You're a normal person. I, however, cannot help but get distracted by IMs popping up.  I also use an outside editor, but I'm still tabbing in and out testing the scripts frequently to make sure I'm on track and every time I tab in, I'm liable to get distracted by someone needing something they think is important >.>

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i use SL standard viewer and when I need to focus to get something done:

in Preferences \ Chat I set everything to 'No Action'

close the Conversations window and I am good

the IMs and chat still come in, but as No Action then is no visual or sound indicator that they have been received

i also turn on Do Not Disturb so as not to receive any stuff sent

I also stand inside my 12x12m lock space on my parcel - Visibility Off and No Access.  I can build on my main parcel when I need too but nobody can come into my locked space



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I'll often take my main avatar to ADITI for script testing. I can escape all distractions. The only drawback is the inventory update, but even that is seldom a problem. Within 24 hours everything I have in AGNI is available in ADITI. Just remember, it is the login to ADITI that triggers an update. The update comes after you log out of ADITI. Exactly when is a bit fuzzy. It seems the updating process takes some time to get to all the accounts needing an update. At this point it may only be the operations people that know exactly 'when' updates are likely to happen.

The bigger problem on ADITI is inventory-swell. Whatever I delete on AGNI is not automatically deleted from ADITI inventory. So, I use ADITI folders for all I do on ADITI. I can delete everything else and only the good stuff comes back at the next update.

Firestorm has round trip script editing. You can set FS to use your favorite editor. Open the script in Firestorm and it opens your editor. I haven't used it as I usually start in my editor and then move to the viewer for additional testing. 

I use LSLEditor for most of my work as it has an amazing IDE allowing me to work with multi-script projects. So, I can debug one script's output and see the input in the target script. The BIG drawback is the editor is getting out of date. Also, the debugging system is not well documented.

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