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We have a listing of new Roles created, especially for being employed to work in our Learning Centre! Enjoy the thought of teaching? Supporting? Or guiding through Meditation classes? These roles may be for you, so keep reading!


Thank you for your interest towards joining our Staff Team. Listed is some basic information about the Staff Positions available and a link to our Application.


Event Staff Listing:

○ Life Coach.
○ Mental Health Support Coach.
○ Mindfulness Coach.




Life Coach:

Holding Discussions/Events In aid of support for various topics including, balancing relationship/families, confidence building, making friends, reducing stress, personal growth, facing fears, building confidence towards dream jobs/hobbies, and other subjects created by the Life Coach which is deemed appropriate.


Teaching an on-going course of Meditations/Mindfulness Meditations.

Mental Health Coach:

Holding Discussions/Events for various topics in aid of Mental Health Support including, Living with Mental Health Conditions - or a particular condition, What is PTSD, Depression, Anxiety (or any other Mental Health Conditions), How to support someone with a Mental Health Condition, Myths about Mental Health Conditions answered, How to feel safe/in the present, Grounding Techniques, Coping with Nightmares/Flashbacks, Coping with Social Anxiety, How to help someone or yourself with Panic Attacks, and other subjects created by the Mental Health Coach deemed appropriate.


For each of these roles, the coach will be working in an office space in the Learning Centre for shifts wrote down on the TTC | Staff Schedule. Submitting their draft for approval and being set up for their Event During the week. Each Event is to last a minimum of an hour, must also be held once every two weeks at the minimum.


Pay Rate:


L$80 Per hour.

Tip Jar Access during Events/Discussions held - 80% Tips.

Commission of 75% of Patient Service fees (for one appointment) by any proven refereed patients.

○ Application: 


~ No Gmail/Email required to use this form.

○ LM/SLurl: 



Thank you for your interest. If you have any questions please feel free to ask those in the Questions section of your Application. Or you may contact our Lead Staff before filling out your application aswell. Contact details are below:

○ Lead Staff Contact:

Tranquillity Therapy Clinic | General Manager: Ava Tresor (avatresor)

Tranquillity Therapy Clinic | General Manager: Jayster Shinn

Tranquillity Therapy Clinic | Head of Staff/Owner: Steffani Sugabum Black (queenbswag)


Look forward to hearing from you! 


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1 hour ago, tableclock said:

Which rl qualified and trained therapist does this job for 80L an hour ?? 

rofl yet you think 200L is enough of pay for someone writing a thought out, researched blog post with citations that needs hours. Which comes to a lot LESS than 80L an hour.

Double standars mate, you have them.


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Mindfulness is blatant hippie philosophy which only ever serves to cause greater anxiety in people who already have it and should only be recommended for people who are quite fine to begin with and simply have more time and money than they know what to do with it. Morning group 'therapy' with mindfulness to a group of young people with a fun mixture of ADD, ADHD, Bipolarity and Autism may well have been one of the more interesting scenes I've witnessed as far as mental therapy goes. 

Do I think anyone that I know who also qualify for one or more of the above mentioned job descriptions would work for L$80/hour? Well, seeing as most of them charge about USD$175/hour, I highly doubt it. And I do know 'a few'.

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I will reply to Orwar shortly to clarify a few things about Mindfulness. Think there are some things you do not realise.


As for Table, the other lady. I'm not forcing anyone into anything. We have Therapists already employed who are perfectly happy with the amount. They put in a lot of effort though which soon sums up the L$80. They also earn from the price of the booked Appointments themselves. There will be no further replies on that subject now because you have already had this answered too a previous time in-world and it seems to me its more about getting a reaction at this point.

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Ok, Orwar, first of all. This is Second Life, not Real Life. This is not intended to replace any Real Life work. It's supposed to be aimed towards Mental Health Support, and Awareness in Second Life. I am paying staff for their time and efforts though. To which they usually earn pretty well because they put in a lot of effort putting in more then even the required amount of shifts of 4 hours minimum. Why? As its not just about money for them. They genuinely enjoy, want to help people. I am also doing the work there aswell, whilst paying them. I am not bothered about earning a load of Linden personally. Yes its nice to be able to keep the tier up and everything. I care more about the people we are supporting then that though.


Also, you are entitled to your opinion of course. Mindfulness isn't for everyone. However, its proven to help aid symptoms of Depression and Anxiety. There are many different kinds, which manage many different topics. It helps bring people into awareness of themselves and the present. Aiding to relax and manage Depression and Anxiety symptoms. Hence why in Real Life, Clinical Practitioners, Doctors, Therapists, Counsellors etc are recommending it to their patients regarding Mental Health.

Edited by QueenBSwag
typoed aims instead of aimed
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1 hour ago, QueenBSwag said:

As for Table, the other lady. I'm not forcing anyone into anything. We have Therapists already employed who are perfectly happy with the amount. They put in a lot of effort though which soon sums up the L$80. They also earn from the price of the booked Appointments themselves. There will be no further replies on that subject now because you have already had this answered too a previous time in-world and it seems to me its more about getting a reaction at this point.


Nevermind, I thought 'the other lady' was referring to me but I suppose you mean table. Not sure how tables are female though ;)


On topic. Be very, very careful with what you and your therapists do and say. Mental Illness is no child's play and everything you say can cause disaster. Hence why in RL only qualified people are allowed to practise something like this.

You may be able to help them simply by listening, but giving advise? I am honestly afraid for the mental well being of those you try to help. Your intentions may be good but always remember, there's a reason people have to go through years of specified training to learn this trade.

I can only hope with all my heart that none of the 'patients' you treat turns to self harm or worse, suicide. The mind is a fragile thing and there is SO much room for missunderstandings in written text as you do not hear the sound of voice nor see the other persons facial expressions.

I would never take such a risk but if you can live with it if something does happen then well....

Edited by Syn Anatine
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I don't wanna be "breaker" of freedom of speech if you will. However I'm going to ask kindly that the dispute stops on this forum. I don't want this to turn negatively. I also don't want it to continue to go against the guidelines - not talking about issues in an In-World IM.

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3 hours ago, Syn Anatine said:

rofl yet you think 200L is enough of pay for someone writing a thought out, researched blog post with citations that needs hours. Which comes to a lot LESS than 80L an hour.

Double standars mate, you have them.



when did i ever say 200L is enough pay for a blog post?  oh u said "think"..now you are trying to imagine me thinking what you want me to think...you need to take a break from here sweetheart...



and i ask which rl therapist works for 80 L per hour is cause i doubt these ppl have trained therapists like the owner claimed to me in ims inworld....there can be rl psychologists who work for little to no lindens inworld but as long as i dont see their linkedin ill keep doubting about their rl credentials..in my country its  a crime to practice therapy without a license 


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Don't get me wrong - I'm not looking to discredit or insult anyone, but as Syn says, mental illness is no child's play. And as a cynic I simply do not think that it's the right way to promote awareness, to play with people's fragile minds.

I may be rude and condescending, some people may even go as far as to call me cruel and brutal - but my empirical conclusion of seven years of interacting with people in SL is that the majority of people in SL were unleashed upon society from kindergarten much too soon for their own, or anyone else's, good. People have no grasp of where to draw the lines, and no ability to recognize mutual understanding - everyone, sooner or later, cries about how they've been tricked and deceived, whether it's a 'friend', a business associate or a 'partner'. Manipulating such weak minds is of absolutely no adversity to anyone whose skill in rhetoric surpasses that of a mule. Throw mental illness into the mix, and a desire to get better, and you've got a subject you can have walk through fire simply because you find it amusing if they think you're actually trying to help them.

This isn't supposed to stop any RL therapy? Well, ask any physician about their thoughts on people who try to find 'alternative' aid for their issues, whether it's people going for crystal baths or who go online to self-diagnose themselves and you'll receive a roar of disapproval in response.

Forget I mentioned how meager the pay was, it's most certainly enough to attract the attention of people who are desperate for an SL income for whatever reason; people who absolutely are not qualified to be given any authority or respect in a room where people with very real and complex issues are looking for help.

If you're looking to promote awareness about mental health issues, there are a million kinds of efforts I would applaud - but this is not one of them. 

And as far as Mindfulness goes - no, it's not for everyone. Try to use that tool on people who looks inside of themselves and only see darkness and pain, whose issues are as real as broken bones and failing kidneys, and you'll have someone somewhere in the world sitting by their computer screen helplessly bawling their eyes out and screaming in absolute horror, very possibly with no direct help around them. If you had ever witnessed a room turn, from a rough half dozen people laying on the floor trying to feel inside their own bodies - into a synchronized panic disorder outbreak where half the group crawled into a corner crying whilst the other half ran around flailing their arms and screaming at the top of their lungs, then perhaps you'd share my concerns.

I'll pose Syn's statement as a question instead - could you live with that responsibility if something was to go wrong? Do you, who propose awareness, have any idea how volatile some of the rather common mental illnesses can be?

Been there, done that. Can't recommend it.

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Again, could you please take it to my IM as requested its not the place for it and against the Guidelines of the forum. You have made a lot of assumptions there. None of those are actual fact of what we are doing here or how we handle Mental Conditions. You've not been here, you've not seen the work we do, you are just making your own judgement. We are all trained in RL. There are also resources in place for if someone is in danger in RL to themselves or anyone else. We do not replace RL support people may need.

Before you continue, continue in my IM, get facts before judging. Further negative, argumentative comments will continue to be reported.

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How is this against the guidelines of the forum? Please link the exact rule we're breaking.

If you do not wish to receive comments on your posts I strongly advise against posting in a public forum then and instead use the multitude of in world advertising means.

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If I post them, then I break the guidelines forums for acting as a moderator. I'm not a moderator. Think you'll find though what you're doing is considered fuelling someone if you remember about that? They ask if there is an issue, to take it to In-World IMs. 

It's not that I don't wish to receive comments, I've not stated that. I'm asking that the "dispute" stops here, you go to my IMs. However you're refusing, because you want to gain negative attention by going public. 

I'm not here to defend myself, my staff and people who come here for help to you. No one asked your opinion here. It's an "Employment Forum" not discussion. 

Edited by QueenBSwag
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6 minutes ago, QueenBSwag said:

It's not that I don't wish to receive comments, I've not stated that. I'm asking that the "dispute" stops here, you go to my IMs. However you're refusing, because you want to gain negative attention by going public. 

Really? Duh,... you put very questionable job offers on a forum and now you complain about "negative attention". If you cannot even think through the possible aftermath of an action like this, it is not so far a fetch to qestion how you dare to treat fragile minds then... sorry! Forget it, no sorry I mean every word of it!

Edited by Fionalein
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No one is fueling anything here, we're simply voicing our concerns, this is a public forum. Talking is what a forum is for. I do not wish to speak with you in world, yet I will not be muted either simply because you say so. Again I'd like to point out this is a public forum. That reply button isn't there to look nice and shiny for no reason.

Also, by answering my question you would be doing just that, answering my question, that has nothing at all to do with acting as a mod, or impersonating one.

The way you carry yourself in this thread shows just how unfit you are for this role you have taken and I am surely not the only one who is more concerned as ever for the well being of others.

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I've been posting here since December, no ones found it an issue apart from you today. You don't have a clue how we do, because you've not been here. If you wish to get facts, feel free to come. Otherwise, don't judge what you don't know. Again, its not the place for it. 

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That's quite funny, I distinctly remember your job adverts garnering controvery before. Of course those posts got deleted so there's no longer evidence, but wow, a blatant lie. I will rest my case at this point and strongly advise anyone who has mental health issues to stay as far away from your business as possible.

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Some of us may spend a lot of time on the forums, but we can hardly be blamed for not noticing everything that pops up. Luckily, you've repeated yourself to the point where you were noticed.

Let me try to recap: You give us information X, then tell us we can't react to information X without having experienced Y, which is hidden behind the dubious veil that X poses to us - and that because we converse around your topic we're breaking the guidelines? 

And, if you can't even rationalize to support the presentation of your project, how are any of us to be convinced that you are the professional that you claim to be?

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We're talking in IM Orwar. I'm offering for you to speak with me, and my staff about our experience and what we do. 

Bottom line is, this is not a post to "promote" our services. Hence why that information isn't included. It's simply, for employment. Offering if anyone wants to apply. Giving a very, basic overview of New Roles we have here.

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5 minutes ago, QueenBSwag said:

We're talking in IM Orwar. I'm offering for you to speak with me, and my staff about our experience and what we do. 

Bottom line is, this is not a post to "promote" our services. Hence why that information isn't included. It's simply, for employment. Offering if anyone wants to apply. Giving a very, basic overview of New Roles we have here.

And we've been speaking about this employeement and your work, we remained on topic. To make it even more on topic; Nowhere in your OP do you request RL credentials yet in a previous post you said:

51 minutes ago, QueenBSwag said:

We are all trained in RL.

Wouldn't that be the first thing to talk about in your OP or at least a bolded statement that only those may apply who have training in that field? Would you be willing to show verifiable RL credentials of said training those who seek your help?

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