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So, since no one has anything useful to say on these "new" forums, and it seems there is an abundance of lackluster amount of intelligence going around the "Knowledge Base", I thought I would try to solve this mystery here and now, since its been bugging me for nearly a year now. Derendering. Derendering something makes it, in all effect, vaporize completely from second life. You no longer can see an object or avatar, nor can you interact with said piece, save for its physics (Derender a platform you are walking on and you can still walk on it, even though it is completely invisible.) Now, since on occasion, and due to the fact Second Life uses one of the worst tools in the world for any moving object (The pie wheel), I and other individual builders I have spoken to regarding this, have accidently de-rendered objects and people without the intent on doing so. This is a problem...and thanks for making it so obscure and impossible to find any answers to this problem, Linden Labs. My question to any and all is: "How exactly does one Re-Render something when one cant even select or see it any longer?"
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Unless you are on Phoenix, you can just relog or even TP out and back. On Phoenix its permanant until you manuallly remove the textures from the Asset Blacklist, which is located in the Phoenix menu at the top of the screen. You can then change your group tag or relog etc as mentioned before, to see the objects again.

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Also, as a note, Second Life, regardless of the viewer, DOES use a pie wheel for anything involving right click. While not all viewers use "Derender" as this option, my confusion was reguarding the Pheonix Viewer derendering. I hope this helps someone in the future as well, since there is no mention of this sort of thing on the forums here. It is rather suprising, since more people use Pheonix Viewer then any other viewer in Second Life, even the official one.

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It used to just be a temporary on Phoenix too, so if accidents happened a relog would fix it, but from about 908 onwards they made it this new permanant version with the manual list to remove it. Which is actually a brilliant feature when you have neighbours with horrid trashy plots etc you can just derender all the junk and not have to do it again each time you login. But yes it has caught out a few people who have accidentally derendered their land and even their friends lol :D

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Neelah Xue wrote:

So, since no one has anything useful to say on these "new" forums,


Excuse me, what?!  No one has anything useful to say?  No one at all?

Wow, way to insult the ENTIRE community that you're trying to ask for help from.  On behalf of everyone who's ever posted anything on this site, I take great offense to the whole of your opening statement.  I think we'd all appreciate it if you'd edit your post, and delete that part, especially since the fact that your question was answered in less than 40 minutes absolutely 100% proves your comments false.

Look, some of us volunteer SERIOUS time here, answering people's questions, providing TONS of helpful information for anyone and everyone who asks, often for not even so much as a thank you. If you can't bring yourself to acknowledge that, well, that's your loss.  But kindly don't go around outwardly pretending the opposite is true, calling our efforts "not useful".  That's a disservice to everybody here, yourself most of all.

The fact is everything posted here is useful.  Thousands of people benefit from what's written on these forums, every single day.  If you don't want to believe that, again, that's your loss, and you're welcome not to count yourself among them.  Just don't disrespect the rest of us by insisting nobody's getting use from the things that clearly ARE important to people other than you. 

Next time, how about just asking your question, and leaving out the insuliting rant?



Neelah Xue wrote:

Also, as a note, Second Life, regardless of the viewer, DOES use a pie wheel for anything involving right click.


Not that it really matters, but just so you know, tha's not entirely true.  Only 1.x-based viewers use the pie menu.  Viewer 2 uses a standard linear context menu, just like you'd find in almost any other program on earth. 

Of course, if you prefer not to use Viewer 2, that's up to you.  But whether you do or you don't, it's not helpful to pretend it doesn't exist.


On a side note, for what it's worth, I would encourage everyone to give Viewer 2 a whirl, if you haven't played with it in a while, or if you've never used it all.  It's true that it was all kinds of disastrous when it first came out, but since then, it's come an awfully long way.  It really is a fine viewer these days.  It's got its share of annoyances, for sure, but then so does every 1.x-based viewer.  They're just different annoyances is all.



Neelah Xue wrote:

It is rather suprising, since more people use Pheonix Viewer then any other viewer in Second Life, even the official one.

Where are you getting that statistic?  Was it just wishful thinking by a Phoenix fan, or do you actually have a link to published demographics on viewer usage?  If it's the latter, I'd love to look at the stats.


In the absense of any hard statistics, I'd have to assume that the vast majority of SL users use whatever is most current on the signup page, since most SL users are new.  For every one of us old timers who make informed decisions from experience, there are probably at least several hundred newbies who just singned up yesterday.

It's also worth noting that there's a sizable percentage of old SL'ers like me who won't touch any third party viewer with a ten foot pole.  I was part of the SL Views team that LL consulted with when they were making the decision to open-source the client.  I knew long before the general public that third party viewers were to become a reality, and I was extremely cognizent of the potential dangers that could come from their arrival.

We've seen quite a few malicious viewers come and go, including the one that was formerly the most popular third party viewer ever.  Call me paranoid if you want (and no doubt some of you will), but I don't want my login info going anywhere except to LL.  Those of you who are braver than I in this regard, I wish you the best of luck, and I sincerely hope my fears are unjustified.

For my part, I don't think a handful of features that I can easily live without could ever be worth the risk.

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Good post Chosen!! :)

I would say that, love them or hate them, the TPVs do serve a good purpose for the SL Community. Before they existed, we had one viewer and if it wasn`t compatible with your system, tough!! You had to wait for the next update and hope that things improved & some people were locked out of SL for ridiculous lengths of time.

From having seen the sort of issues that people report on SLA it is really great now that most people can find at least one viewer that they can get inworld on, even if its one of the chat only viewers. Those that don`t like the idea of using a TPV, when faced with the option of a TPV that lets them into SL or not being able to get in at all, they do appreciate that the option is there.

Some TPVs have gone out of their way to include features aimed at benefitting specific needs, like builders or photographers etc & the popularity of some of their features has pushed LL into adding some features to their own viewers, as well as the LL devs benefitting from collaboration with TPV devs. The end result can only be good for all of the residents. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

hello i acsadently Derenderd my partner  and i cleared the black list and told it to reee RENDER everything inthere and she still never came back to site so  if she just  relogs will that fix her  for her ?

 orr does she have to do that herself ?

my name is TarZan321 Resident and hers is Jane321 resident

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I really wish the LL viewers would include derender because they do so much other really useful stuff like object linking in outfits. 

I use phoenix for everything now except to save outfits which i have to load the LL viewer 2 for.

I sure hope phoenix supports meshes when they come out because I can not live without derender any more;  and i've kind of given up hope that derender objects and avatars will ever be a feature of the official viewers.

SL is not a comfortable place to be without the ability to derender stuff you don't want to look at.

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  • 2 months later...

To rerender her you need to remove her from the blacklist.

  • Access the Asset Blacklist from the Phoenix menu at the top of your screen.
  • Click on the item you want to rerender, note avatars show as objects.
  • Click the Remove button.
  • Change your group tag, or teleport out and back.

Your girlfriend will render in a few seconds.  And then you have to decide whether to admit what you did, or just pretend that it never happened.  She won't know unless you tell her ....... :smileywink:

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  • 3 months later...

Firestorm doesn't have a blacklist, at least in its current Beta version.  That is still supposed to be in the final release version.   To rerender something that you derendered, simply TP to a different sim and back again.  If it's something you are wearing, detach it and wear it again.

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  • 8 months later...

First, an update. The current version of Firestorm (4.1.1) has an Asset Blacklist at the bottom of the World menu.

Chosen suggested that you edit out the slur to residents. May I suggest you simply edit out everything except the last sentence? I had to take a meal break just getting to the actual question.

Thanks. I accidentally derendered a sandbox sky platform. Oops.

Now that TPVs are required to comply with LL’s TPV policy and TOS if they want to survive, security isn’t such a critical factor. Just choose one that does comply.

Personally, I wouldn’t touch the SL viewer with a ten foot pole (unless it was being rammed up my rear end). The SL viewer is positively the most poorly conceived piece of garbage out there. I don’t know anybody (speaking of friends) who doesn’t hate it. Intensely. And at the time I write this, Firestorm has claimed the number one spot for lowest crash rate.

Final note: I just love derender. It’s my favorite tool. I especially love zapping griefers and their toys, most of which seem to be rendered (no pun intended) ineffective by the process.

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  • 1 month later...

It does not work for me , i derender a friend and have days that i cant see him , i relog, i tp for anotherplace, i put my draw distance to 0 then i change again ,and nothing work. i dont know what to do , i am using v4.2.2.29837 of firestorm. can anyone help me ? 

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That's because you are adding a necropost to a thread that was started when Firestorm did not support blacklisting.

Go to World >> Asset Blacklist and remove your friend's name from the blacklist.  Then TP to a different sim and back again.  The derendering should be complete.

If you have other questions, please do not add them to this thread, where they are not likely to be seen.  Start your own thread.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...

Sorry for dragging up an old post but figured someone may know how to help me out regarding Derendering. I been an SL user for quite sometime and in my time I have seen a plethora of things some of which I find visually offensive. I am a furry and frequent furry realms my problem lay with a particular avatar that seems to have exploded in popularity and now I see tons of these offensive looking creatures. Is there a way to globally derender/blacklist these avatars? That way I am not constantly having to right click every single one of these creepy things and never have to worry about seeing them ever on my screen. Someone suggested I mute the creator and this does not work as I see the offending avatars still. Please can anyone shed insight I'd really love to know. 

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