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I have stumbled upon a Forgotten City. A vast metropolis inhabited by, seemingly, nobody. There are humanoid but robotic-looking creatures here and there but they seem inert. Did they build this place? It's not clear.

Forgotten City.jpg

I've heard rumors, though. There is a widespread belief that this is the secret headquarters of MISL—the Ministry of Intelligence for Second Life. What MISL actually is appears to be a subject about which nobody is well informed. It seems to be a web of agents, scientists, spies, and even assassins. Who they really are and what they are doing is the subject of a great deal of speculation.

The organization is supposedly run by a shadowy figure known only as 'M', who's very identity is a closely held secret. It seems that MISL is trying to infiltrate or destroy some organization they refer to as "The Other Side". Even less is known about the Other Side than about MISL. Whether there even really IS an 'Other Side' is questioned at times. The only really consistent data I've learned about the Other Side is that they seem to enjoy referring to MISL people as Measlies.

Just as I finish writing my notes and set up my camera for a 'street scene' picture, a solitary figure appears in the distance. I manage to snap a photo before she disappears between two buildings.

The Forgotten City.jpg

There is an eldritch feeling about this place. I've no idea what lies ahead. I will continue my research.

Oh, my name? Levenque. Dillon Levenque.



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I found a Toy Store, and what amazing toys they have. On the second floor an entire airplane hangs on the wall. Whoever built this place was very good with mechanicals. But even while admiring the craftsmanship I had this feeling of being watched. And I kept hearing things, even though I was alone in the store. I'm beginning to think that MISL business is real.

Toy Store Plane.jpg

What's this? Looks like some kind of mini-door. I wonder what's on the other side? It does seem like the noises are louder here. On the other hand, maybe this would be a good time to go find that saloon...I am a bit parched.

Secret Doorway.jpg

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Oh!  Dillon!  What a coincidence!  I had never heard of this sim until today and the person who told me about it could be considered 'M'!

/me beckons Dillon around the corner, opens her trench, and points to a frame in which a series of images cycle from one person to many

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I can't tell you how much easier it would have been had I decided to go look for the saloon and have a cold one.
I now am well aware that MISL is very real. I'd have been a lot better off not learning that, I think. I'd have been so much happier sipping a pint of Yingling's Black and Tan.

Did I go for a cold one? No, not me. The door was there. I was on a roll. I tried it; it opened. I found myself in a room full of rather odd looking things, but that didn't matter. The shock was seeing someone I recognized in front of a computer on the other side of the room. At first I was pleased, but she was clearly stunned to see me and I knew right then that I was in trouble.




Yes. That's just who you think it is. Quinn. I'd stumbled into some kind of secret spy nest and found someone I knew, or thought I knew. My friend. My friend, who knew all along I was nosing around in the Forgotten City but somehow didn't think it was important to tell me to stop. My friend who I now know to be a spy! I barely had time to even talk to her before what must have been the better part of a regiment of security officers descended on the room and took me away. The last thing I heard was a very angry and very loud, deep, voice asking, "Who the bloody **** left that door unsecured?".

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I live, at least. I don't know where I am; I've been moved several times. I've found someone who will smuggle out a note. If I don't get back you'll at least know what happened.

Quinn is not actually a spy, but she is a Measly. She's the director of what they call Q Branch: they make all sorts of gadgets for the actual spies. Exploding fountain pens (what's a fountain pen?), that sort of thing. Quinn's official 'title' is Q—they seem to favor initials for job titles here—but most of her staff refers to her as Q'ute. Can't imagine why.

I found that out during my one visit from Quinn. She's the only person I've talked to other than my 'jailers'. I also learned that my future is under discussion. Apparently they're trying to decide whether I should be recruited or executed. I'm not really anxious to be a spy, but it's better than Option B. I seem to have things both for me and against me.

Against, mostly, is that I know too much. That is reason enough for some of these people to arrange a nice quiet disposal.

On the plus side, I have Quinn speaking up for me. They have also noted my ninja training and I've been given some credit for having found out what I found out unaided; those are qualities they think might be useful.

There was also an unintended consequence of my 'break-in' which has produced good feelings for me. Seems the last person to use (and leave unsecured) the doorway I crawled through was the Chief of Security, a person thoroughly detested by a great many of his co-workers. Apparently he is now in a safe house being debriefed and declassified, a process that will probably take about 30 years. His deputy (the guy with the loud voice, as it turns out) is taking over. I would guess that means security will improve; this will probably be my last chance to get a message out.

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You can imagine my surprise to see my friend Dillon stumble into my research laboratory; the place where ideas are conceived and modeled before moving on to the development facility for production and testing. I have tried to fight her incarceration, and I have reason to believe the organization sees Dillon's potential as an MISL recruit. She'll require deep training, however. A crash course in stealth techniques as well as in the operation of the custom gadgets my team constructs. And she will be watched closely. A single misstep, a single wrong word, and I won't be able to save her a second time.

Because I am someone Dillon knows and trusts, I have been tasked with delivering her the offer of life as a spy. My public objective is to ensure her silence by recruiting her into the fold. My private objective is to help her succeed, and stay alive. She is my friend. I couldn't bear to see circumstances make her my enemy.

I am granted access by the steely, robotic guard to the place where Dillon is being held. I take a deep breath, then make my way inside to present the MISL offer of reprieve.


Because Dillon is unknown, untested, and untrained, there is a condition to the offer, should she accept. She will be paired with an experienced spy. One who will serve as both mentor and guard. And possible executioner, should Dillon go astray. Until such a partner is identified, Dillon will remain under lock and key. For her own safety, and for ours.

I return to the MISL headquarter office to submit my notes of our meeting.


I can only now hope that a suitable partner is identified for Dillon soon. Meanwhile, I begin brainstorming the gadgetry that Dillon will need in her new career...

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Dillon has managed to slip another note out after my last visit. She appears to be evaluating weaknesses in the security where she is imprisoned. I naturally draw the conclusion that she is weighing a possible escape attempt. Whether this would be a wise action, I cannot say. No one has ever been known to escape alive from MISL. But I know Dillon. If anyone has the quick wits to pull it off, she does.

I redouble my efforts to provide the tools Dillon will need to stay alive, either as a spy or on the run from spies.

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Quinn made another visit. It seems my choices weren't as clear as I'd thought. Option B is still the same: I can be executed. But I learned if I accept recruitment, Option B is still my penalty for failure. I don't expect to fail. I don't even plan to fail (nor fail to plan, for those who enjoy inspirational posters). Even so, it was a decision I could not make without thought.

I found yet another loophole in security while I was trying to decide between flight and acceptance, and I managed to smuggle out another message. I did some very extensive testing on the efficacy of digging an escape tunnel with a spoon—sterling, mind you. I'll give the Measlies this: they don't scrimp. After much soul-searching, I've decided to accept the offer of employment. Where that will take me I know not.

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So they say "Curiosity killed the cat" but I am not a cat, so I thought why not. 

forgotten city2_001.png

The beauty is astounding.  There did not appear to be anyone around, so I decided to have a look around and maybe snap some photographs of the beautiful architecture. 

forgotten city_001.png

Suddenly I found myself falling from this terrifying height to the water below.  Was I pushed??
I managed to snap a few pictures underwater, but there is nothing that can be seen from them.  It's a good thing I know how to swim.  I found a row boat and decided maybe I'd be safer closer to the ground and water.  Then suddenly, this massive robotic cat is coming straight toward me!  

I couldn't row away fast enough and sure enough I was rammed... I managed to grab a hold of it's tail amidst the wreckage of my little row boat, I climbed on it and rode it to the edge of the city where it literally disappeared....I'm getting very sick of getting wet.  I can see that something is defiantly fishy here. ...

oh sh...01.png

worried now_001.png


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Strange goings on... I don't have much time to write, as this place makes me quite nervous.  I feel like someone is following me.  Someone warned me about going into dark places, but I didn't listen.

dark place_001.png

What ever could this be???  There is no opening in this thing, I've searched, I did manage to fit my camera phone and hand through one of the slats.

dark places 1a_001.png

dark places 1_001.png


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A second intruder into the Forgotten City in less than a week?  Dillon I know, but this interloper, I do not. An innocent bystander, or is it possible that the Other Side have discovered our whereabouts? I have trained our hidden surveillance equipment on this one to learn more. If my hunch is correct, she could be the break we need to infiltrate that group.


She must be tailed, but other missions have left the population of trained spies here in the Forgotten City momentarily empty. Can one of our elite be recalled back for this mission? Or can Dillon be trusted to go it alone as her test of allegiance? If only M were here to make that call.

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I've been given at least the freedom of the Forgotten City. They attached a GPS Locator bracelet. No doubt it opens a vein or something if I go where I'm not permitted. But at least I can get out. They brought a lot of my clothes as well, which means they know where I live and how to beat MY security. Not surprising.

GPS Bracelet.jpg

While I was walking I saw someone in a rowboat. I found the boat 'rental' dock. I've always loved rowing; it's such a quiet peaceful  way to move on the water. This place really is beautiful; it's almost possible to forget I'm little better than a condemned prisoner at the moment.

Evening Row.jpg

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I walk though the deserted streets, there is no one in site.  The city looks well maintained, yet resembles a ghost town.  I can smell faint scents of meals cooked but how long ago?  The silence in places is deafening.  I can even hear clocks ticking inside the seemingly abaondoned homes. 

No one_001.png

I still can't shake the feeling that I'm being followed... this is kind of creepy.

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From what I've heard, it's probably not a good idea to be around anyplace with the word Toy in it's title. I round the corner and encounter this hapless creature. Not sure if he's asking for spare change or spare parts. Whatever the case, I definitely get the impression that this is not a place I should be standing around in. I drop a few linds in his hat and move on.

Toy Factory.jpg

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I'm growing concerned at the continued silence from MISL field operatives. There are strange goings on afoot, and strange visitors here. We can wait no longer to investigate. Ready or not, I believe it's time to send Dillon out to see what she can discover. I've been preparing a communications kit for her. But before I can hand it off, I must set out to field test it away from the laboratory.


A deceptively rickety ladder leads me to my secure testing facility.


The communications equipment hidden inside the simple briefcase contains much of what Dillon will need to begin her first mission. Inside it she will find instructions for her assignment, a dossier on her targets, hacked access codes to the FBI Criminal Database, media for recording whatever information she obtains, and a transmission satellite.



The equipment testing was a success. The only piece remaining to prepare Dillon for the field is weaponry. She may be covered due to her ninja training, but just in case, I'll be returning to the lab to prepare something for her should she need it.

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Oddly, as I make my way back to the lab after testing the communication kit, I notice in the distance the wreckage of the rowboat destroyed by the strange visitor who I have discovered is known as Lillie Woodells. Perhaps there is evidence here worth salvaging.


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I really feel as if I have to exercise even more caution now.  I have no idea why someone would want to follow me!  I've been very careful to put my past behind me and move on to something simpler.  I see some movement from some of those strange metal men, so I let my instincts take over (old instincts and training come back quite easily  in this place) and I drop down to observe. 

forgotten city_002.png`

I need to find higher ground where a girl like me feels more comfortable. 

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Since most of what I had with me was displaced with my unfortunate boating "accident", I decided on my way to higher ground, I better look for some supplies.  Luckily, I came across some useful items.

salvage 2_001.png

I did manage to hang on to my cell phone, and a few other important items.  I will regroup myself and see if I can find the wrecked boat and make sure I didn't leave anything else important behind...

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Spotting a sunken ship always seems to bring out the explorer in me. But something strange happen when trying to explore this boat. There seems to be some type of force field around it! I could not even get close enough to discover what types of treasure might have spilled overboard. 

While I was trying to get to the boat I discovered some type of strange underwater structure. I wonder where this door leads....?


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I am neither prepared nor willing to get soaked in search of treasures that may or not be there, but the hunter in me is intrigued by the prospect. I make my way to the board walk.

Board Walk.jpg

I encounter a pair of locals, I can not discern whether they are confused by what they are reading, or are admiring the photos they have found.


I manage to literally hop aboard a vessel, the lack of any apparent sentient pilot makes the boarding treacherous.


I make my way to the front of the boat, not knowing where it may take me.    


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