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A Plea From a User

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Please for the love of all  that is right and wrong ....fix the groups..it has been like this for a long long long long long time..I have a account much older then this one...They use to work,we could chat and use the groups to organize and keep the goal of a social network alive...I miss talking in my groups..even the small ones fail..this has gone  on way to long..we hate viewer 2 I think that we all can agree on...A lot of the rules suck now...and you manage to **bleep** up the search so bad a high price add is 1/3 the value what they use to be...all that set aside can you please fix the groups so we can chat again...

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TammyTgurl Umaga wrote:

..it has been like this for a long long long long long time..

How long again?


..we hate viewer 2 I think that we all can agree on...

I don't think we can all agree on that. In fact, I know we can't.


...A lot of the rules suck now...

What rules would those be?

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bligatory chat lag....chat works perfectly....

the act of contadicting  gainsaying or opposition. act contadicting
assertion of the contrary or opposite; denial.
a statement or proposition that contradicts or denies another or itself and is logically incongruous.
direct opposition between things compared; inconsistency.
a contradictory act, fact, etc.

Perfect Example of contradiction
"same here if you take out the obligatory chat lag which we all love group chat works perfectly"
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Group chat is "broken" to some extent and does need an up haul.Chat lag is a regular occurence especially in the larger groups.

I have been able to go several hours without any chat windows opening-I belong to a Midnight Madness group so this shouldn't happen as there is constant 24 hour chatter there.

I have also frequently not been able to start up a chat in open chat groups.

All these problems though are not a SL2 problem as they prexist  2.0 and are present in Phoenix ( with the added joy of dropped posts during chats) and Kirstens.

One can only hope that if a new chat system is started these problems will be fixed finally.


                         Dim Sum Garden group banner (750x167).jpg


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Yes it sucks. ..

Constantly get errors. Can not start chat session. Or extremely bad lag. They said they planned on rolling out a new chat platform around the end of March. But never has,

Other problems I have with groups is unable to use my big group of 20,000 members. Unable to load all the names. So we can not assign residents to rolls and or remove them from any. We also can not load the names which disables our ability to remove a resident from it if we so desired.

We actually have to pay for the groups. but they are broke :smileymad:

Would love to see a web based interface for groups someday :)


I wonder if they broke up the group systems into 2 types. Land system groups which are used for land dealings and land interactions

The Second Type would be Social groups which would not be land dependant. Make the social groups less depndant on system maping of names for group rolls etc...


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Thank you !!

You have to understand just because you are not having a issue many others are.


To sit there and just say "works fine for me,you are wrong" is just silly!!

For months no matter what viewer I use I can not post chats and huge chat lag.

My groups I own.. And I pay for all the users monthly to the tune of 1000s of lindens a month.

Most do not understand the more users the more liability the owners have to pay monthly , I do not feel my users should pay their cost and I pay it all  as owner.

Our groups only range from 300 to 600,but always active users! Many are not last years log in but active daily users And I own  6 of them.


Its not really the cost,it is more of all these things they seem to worry about are far from  solving the current issues like groups reaction so slow they do not send a message or if they do its 2 days later,or the sim that cost 300 RL a month has not been working well at all and has to many issues to list.I was at a sim a week ago that after a rolling restart came back 100% empty... I could go on for hours about the problems at hand.


The Adds in search had top listing over 400k a week and many of them..That is no more ,now the first page of search is only a value to a few shops and the list gets smaller by the week.Viewer 2 search is just very poor from a vendors point of view.

My post was not about any of that.I just want to be able to talk in my group again,support my users and be able to plan events live not via notices.Acting like  like I was out of my mind and nooo one has ever hear of a group having a issue...

I got a warning from a admin for standing up for my self...

But you know what,the way you all react on these forums, jumping any one that has anything to say  and thinking you are god of all SL and know all that there is to know...I will just not use them as normal.


Let me add to my growing list of SL services that I rather not use or that do not work.That I pay for as a member with lands and investment on my main account.


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Yes. This is me trying to use my 90 user group this morning after 2 Am when things are slower in Sl


[02:31]  A message you sent to a group chat is still queued for processing.  
If the message does not appear in the next few minutes, it may have been dropped by the server.

[02:31]  A message you sent to a group chat is still queued for processing.  
If the message does not appear in the next few minutes, it may have been dropped by the server.


I feel the same pain daily


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I am not crazy about the SL viewer but many love it. 

On group chat, it works most of the time for me...like all things in SL:  I mostly don't crash but sometimes do.  Most transactions go through but some don't.  Sometimes I can find what I want in search and sometimes not...the list is endless.  Everything in our world is partially broken.  Not sure fixing group chat would be high on my priority list for things needing immediate repair but that is just imo

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Yeah I don't group chat very much but I have seen it, even in the land-renter group I am in, sometimes I might post and it won't go thru or whatever.


But there is a solution - there is a plug-in with the viewers called V i - Viewer Imaginary.

The way it works is when you post on a group chat, you just have to IMAGINE how nice it would be if it worked, like what people would respond with. The lag on it is limited only by your imagination.

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"  Not sure fixing group chat would be high on my priority list for things needing immediate repair but that is just imo"

Maybe not for you , but a lot of people have sims or groups of sim which rely on  group chat for organising events etc after notices of these events have been sent out .  It is almost impossible to do this with group chat not working .

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  • 3 weeks later...

i have had several problems as well.. on a regular basis.. and it's not JUST chat lag.. group chats taking up to four minutes to start.. this lovely error: "unable to start the group chat session"... messages not being delivered at all.. members showing online in chat when they are actually offline..

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WeeWillie Wylie wrote:

1) Chat lag

2)Not being able to start chat sessions.

3) messages not posting to chat.

these all are regular occurences for myself and many people I know...clearing group cache doesn't help either.


I have these same 3 problems on a daily basis with 2 of my most important groups (both for jobs).. plus messages showing up out of order.. (2nd message shows up BEFORE 1st)...

its very frustrating to finally have the chat session start (after several attempts), type out my message to co-workers.. and have it: 1) never show up - getting the pop up that it was unable to send my message

OR 2) getting the pop up message that it was unable to send my message - then re-typing the message a 2nd time .. only to have the original one show up after all.. and the 2nd message showing up also

OR 3) messages showing up out of order and confusing everyone (ok that one can be funny, but I digress)..  ugggg... so yes..

LL please (pretty please with sugar and a cherry on top) fix this!!


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I don't use viewer 2.0 and have been in SL quite a while... group chat has always been an issue in SL.

How this effects me in order of worst to least:

1.  Chat lag. Usually, if it's effecting me, it's got everyone in the conversation too.  There have been times it's been impossible to keep a flow of conversation going due to posts wind up out of order, or even showing up 5 minutes later!

2.  Failing to post at all.  This one is.. hit or miss.  And sometimes, the miss is a hit, just taking 5 minutes longer to post.  This makes it really frustrating to actually join conversations. 

3.  Starting group chats.  I don't do it very often, so this one effects me the least.  But the inability to start conversations may be why there are days where my chattiest groups are unusually quiet...

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