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Land that I grouped to the rest of my Land

rhian Milena

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HI I own 2 parcels that aren't together and has a strip of land between them on Marmela.  The smaller parcel is group to my larger parcel .  The smaller parcel,  I  have noticed  if I am  standing there and make it "Open to Everyone".  A popup states "I am not allowed on the land and will be evicted in 15 seconds"   If I stand off that parcel and walk over, while it's still Open to Everyone,   I do not get the popup.  Not sure why this happening? How can I fix it?  

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I haven't heard of an issue like this before. So, a couple of questions to help me understand a bit better -  You mentioned that you were making it "Open to Everyone" - what was it before, and did you get the message before about not being allowed on the land?  And when you have it "Open to Everyone" and walk over to that parcel, and don't get the message, do you walk over to the location where you were standing when you did get the message?  Does the message say who (or what) it is coming from?  I'm wondering if one of your neighbors has a security orb that is scanning further than it should be, into a section of your smaller parcel.  

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the land is normally set to my Home group.  its when  I am standing on the land ,  I go into About land and change it from Group to Open to Everyone, is when I get the pop up.  If  I put it back to Home group I  will not get evicted. There is a small piece of land,  that is open between the 2 parcels. if I stand there and walk over.   Yes I can walk over to the same location on my land and walked around, will not get a pop up.    The pop up doesn't give a name of the owner, cause I was wondering the same thing.   Also it doesn't matter if I wear my home tag or not.   



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Hmmm...  when you say you change it from Group to Open to Everyone, you're doing that on the "Access" tab of About Land?  (unchecking the 'Allow group <group name> with no restrictions' and checking 'Anyone Can Visit'?)  Unless there is some obvious contradiction on the Access tab, I'm not sure what would cause the situation your experiencing.  It does look like the message is coming from SL and not a security orb, (but that's a guess because I haven't ran into a parcel with security where I've gotten a message for awhile, so not exactly sure the message from a security orb looks).  Unless someone else comes along with some other suggestions, I would suggest calling Live Chat in the morning, or opening a support case.

Edited by moirakathleen
added some additional info
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Naughty me went spying on your sim ... for the others, the setup is like this: Rhian owns a 512sqm plot on the sim edge and a 6000+sqm plot inside the sim, separated by a strip of a Linden road, both plots surrounded by neighbors.

The difference between the setup is that the bigger plot is owned by Rhian and set to her group, while the small one is fully deeded to her group.

Big plot:



Small plot:



I noticed something in the air above a neighbouring plot of the small plot, however...

If that orb is active and badly configured in such a way that it won't respect the owner's own parcel boundaries, it is quite likely that that orb tries to evict you from your own plot.

While idling on the Lindon road, I didn't get any eviction notices.

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I could understand if Rhian was getting a message when changing from public access to group only access, but it's the getting the message when changing from group only to public, that has me confused.    I'm interested in hearing how all this turns out, once it's resolved, because this is something I've not come across before. 

I've been thinking some more about this, and tending to think it's some issue from that security orb.  If you don't have the public access checked, it I recall right, it puts up ban lines that prevents other from even entering the parcel.  A message that you have 15 seconds to leave or be evicted doesn't sound like a message that would come from the parcel and its settings (especially when setting access to public) - it seems more like a message you would get from a security orb, though the timing of the message and Rhian changing land accesses is a little odd, if it is the security orb causing the issue - unless the person who owns the orb was making changes to the settinga in that at the same time?

Edited by moirakathleen
fixed spelling of name and added more info
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I'd guess it's the orb, too, but I think it's a little more complicated. That particular message is what the system sends when one is added to the parcel ban list while over the ban-adding land. Adding an avatar to the ban list can be manual, or a security orb can use a scripting function, and can then remove the avatar from the list later. (This is all in contrast to the messaging when a different scripting function ejects an avatar from the land immediately.)

The thing is, this is a message generated by the system, not a warning from the security orb. Orbs can be misconfigured to send meaningless warnings to avatars outside their effective area, but they cannot trick the system into actually ejecting or banning anybody on land not owned by the orb's owner. And since this warning comes from the system, not an orb, it seems the recipient must have been eligible for an actual ban.

So I'd guess the message was generated while briefly passing thru the orb's true protection zone while moving between parcels.

EDIT: Or, wait, maybe this system message could be generated by changing an About Land / Access setting, too. Is it possible the "Must be 18+" or "Must have payment info on file" is checked when "Anyone can visit" is used in place of group access?

Edited by Qie Niangao
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45 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

That particular message is what the system sends when one is added to the parcel ban list while over the ban-adding land.

That's good information to know about, (I guess I haven't been adventurous enough to have encountered that situation yet :P).  And it does make sense for the system to generate that message in that situation.  

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Thank you all for your help and suggestions  much appreciated.   The smaller parcel land was purchased after I purchase the big plot.  I clicked deeded by accident.  Not knowing how to correct it,  I left it like that,  since this is my first time owning land.   I will talk to my neighbor about their security orb.

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ok   I have a question, the person on the other side of me,  claims that their security "Script" has put me on their ban list.  Looking at Qie's response, sadly IM that neighbor to see if they could help by removing me off their the script to test. As far as they are concerned since it not impacting my land,  they don't care.  


Edited by rhian Milena
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3 hours ago, rhian Milena said:

ok   I have a question, the person on the other side of me,  claims that their security "Script" has put me on their ban list.  Looking at Qie's response, sadly IM that neighbor to see if they could help by removing me off their the script to test. As far as they are concerned since it not impacting my land,  they don't care.  


if you are on your own parcel and their orb stays bothering you or visitors, ánd they don't care ..?.... AR them.


[edit] AR them for this doesn't mean they get banned,  some people think AR is resulting in bans. It's in this case to bring the issue under LL attention. They will look at it and possibly notify the owner, or remove the cause of the disturbance.

Edited by Alwin Alcott
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4 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

if you are on your own parcel and their orb stays bothering you or visitors, ánd they don't care ..?.... AR them.

Except in this case, the warning didn't come from the orb, it came from the system actually adding the recipient to the ban list while they were on that orb-protected parcel. I don't think there's any way to get that system warning while on one's own parcel...

But maybe a change in one's own parcel access permissions could end up with one's own parcel being inaccessible, and maybe the system would generate such a warning -- I haven't tried to test this myself. That's indeed how this thread started, and may still be part of the picture here in addition to the neighbor's orb and bans.

So, back to the neighbor's parcel ban, whether it was by orb or manually installed, it's true that it won't affect access to one's own land. So if that own-parcel access is still a problem, its a separate problem from the neighbor's ban and we should try to figure it out.

In contrast, whatever the neighbor decides about their parcel's access is exclusively under their control, so if that's a problem (and banlines are ugly) the options are limited: perhaps a charm offensive? living with it while waiting for them to move? shopping for new land?

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I can't seem to find the orb shown in Lillith's post (now?), but I've encountered other orbs over parcels on either side of the 512. The one over the "DQ" parcel (where Rhi was on the banlist for a while - as am I for the next three hours or so) is called "Land-Security Orb 3.5.75" but it gave me a 10-second warning and used llTeleportHome() before it added me to that banlist, so I never saw that System-generated 15-second warning I would have gotten if I'd been able to stay on the land until the ban kicked in.

The parcel on the other side allows open access to all (so no ugly banlines) but it also has a "LazyGuy - Security Orb 4.1" - which doesn't seem to care that I'm floating right next to it for an extended interval, and there's nobody at all on that parcel's banlist. I see clues that this may have been the parcel that held that green "QuickProtect Security Orb V1.0.3" shown in Lilith's post, so maybe that was a (welcome) change. Anyway, despite the scary sounding group name, this parcel is way less hostile, and would be a great one to emulate for the whole neighborhood, because this region is uncommonly rife with banlines.

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Maybe related, maybe not:

If I stand on one side of a sim border... and say... put an orb 10m from the edge of the sim that works for an 11m radius... and someone not approved of by my orb stands on the parcel that is just over the sim border... they will get spammed by my orb.

(I found this out because I did just this back in 2009 and thought the "-p" flag on my orb would limit it to parcel, so got sloppy measuring the radius. A year later, a different neighbor elsewhere did it back to me for the exact same accidental reason. Fortunately in both cases we had cool heads on all sides and quickly fixed things.)

The interesting thing here is that the cross sim spamming is not limited to the 1m overlap (or whatever the overlap is)... and seems to be kind of 'weirdly sized' if I remember it right.


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