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I saw a pic in the "How does your avatar look today?" thread, and it reminded me of the time (in our early-ish days) that my RL best friend, and SL sister showed up one day dressed in a wedding gown and veil claiming to have married herself because all the guys she was meeting were crap (can we say crap?) She wore that gown and veil for about a month. It made me laugh every time I saw her. She also wore a tiny Chinese dragon avatar and went around claiming to be speaking from inside the dragon  because she had been eaten. It was really funny at the time, lol. She never ceases to have me laughing at one thing or another! She doesn't come in much anymore, I really miss her (she lives over 1,000 miles away now) and the fun of having someone goofy to hang around with. 

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We talk on the phone all the time, she's been my best friend since 3rd grade ( a loooooong time ago, lol) but since she lives so far away, SL is where we would hang out and do bestie things like shopping and just goofing around.

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39 minutes ago, AmandaKeen said:

I wonder if SL wasn't more fun before we all go SO serious about it?

I'm with Ivanova on the Skydiving - I loved it here and I'm not remembering why I stopped. I see myself landing on someone's house tonight!


I used to tell people,Aim for the ones that have ban lines..

If they work like they used to,you can land on the top and can do some fun things up there,like this.. hehehehe

Animations not included..;)


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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6 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I wonder if SL wasn't more fun before we all go SO serious about it?

I remember when I first discovered SL, I was so totally clueless. I used to wander the grid and explore peoples houses not knowing that it was just plain rude, lol! It was so much fun in those days, everything was so new and amazing! I honestly had no idea what I had found, I came upon it entirely by accident, don't even remember how. I met an Italian guy who was also a newb and we wandered the grid together trying everything! (and I mean EVERYTHING, hahaha) Yep, good times!

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1 hour ago, Aislin Ceawlin said:

I remember when I first discovered SL, I was so totally clueless. I used to wander the grid and explore peoples houses not knowing that it was just plain rude, lol! It was so much fun in those days, everything was so new and amazing! I honestly had no idea what I had found, I came upon it entirely by accident, don't even remember how. I met an Italian guy who was also a newb and we wandered the grid together trying everything! (and I mean EVERYTHING, hahaha) Yep, good times!

I think you got me instead of Amanda in that quote..hehehehe

I was pretty much the same way,But not at first though..I remember my first day and getting frustrated and left..Only for like three days though..

Orientation Island felt like I was in the movie,The Island or Logan's run or something..Hearing this voice coming from everywhere ,people walking around like zombies..

I was like,what's so great about this,this feels terrible..I don't want to do this..Before I even left Orientation Island I quit..hehehehehe That's how uncomfortable I felt there..

My friends talked me back in after a few days..Telling me it's not all like that and to just wait and see how big it is outside of where we were..

So I went back in and was in Orientation Island again and was like,where the hell are you guys? I'm still in this zombie place!

They teleported me to mainland to a store with skins and shapes..I forget the name..

They said look..you can buy these things to fix youeself up and you can buy clothes and all kinds of things..They have lots of free stores also..

I said ,well take me to the free stores because I'll never spend a dime in some game like this..oh how newbie I was back then,thinking I would never spend a dime in SL..hehehe


I got to that free store and about lost my mind just grabbing as much free as I could get. after about an hour I started to see the really good stores and went premium and bought lindens and a shape and skin and haven't stopped shopping since..

None of my friends went premium,only me..I ended up buying land and a big house the next day that we all lived in..I got a job right away at a place called Rockets dancing..Not nude dancing,just dancing..I didn't even know about dancing like that yet..Then a month later found GOL which hadn't opened up yet..

I was like the first dancer they had there counting two of my roomies from the house..So it was just us three on opening day..

It ended up being one of the biggest Clubs in SL for a really long time..

I ended up working there for like 4 years..

I stayed in that first house for about a year and got my own sim from my dancing money..still I kept paying for that place so my friends could have a place to stay..It was like Home base I guess..hehehe

Wow I got on a ramble there,didn't I.. it's like my mind hits those memories and tries to get them all out at once or something..

What was I originally trying to say again? Oh yea,I had a lot of fun and experiences..

I remember being kind of sad when I turned one in SL because that first year was so much fun that I didn't want it to end..But we all have to turn two sometime I guess..hehehe

Now I forget how old I am in SL..*scratches her head*



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Skydiving, sailing, and mermaiding. Theses are three among several things I found in SL that turned into loves of mine, and gave me some of the best laughs. Doing the skydiving from moderate heights is fun when I'm by myself. Starting from greater heights is more fun when you do it with friends. That way you can IM or chat during the fall and try to maneuver around each other. This is all before deploying the parachute of course.

One of the friends I used skydive with liked to wait until the last second to open her chute. She was pretty hard core about it too, having an animation/pose and an attachment that produced all the appropriate results if she didn't open her chute in time.

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