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Oh go on Phil. Like you said it hasn't stopped you in the past.

But, something has changed hasn't it? Or perhaps it has more recently become more evident.

In the past it was the norm to enter into a thread and engage one or more of the participants in various aspects of what one might have posted about. The thread growing, evolving as the discussions diverged, filled with humour and insight as the participants exercised their wit, or demonstrated their lack thereof.

In the past it was nothing to be able to point those out and make judgements based on the individuals written word, their self declaratory pant removal on display to everyone's delight. Frankly the stench of fear was not present in the forum. The fear that keeps one from  posting anything but the most banal superficial tripe. The fear that some special snowflake is going to in faux rage incite a campaign of censorship putting anyone's account at risk. This fear is palpable. It is destructive and stifling to discourse and creative expression of ideas that promote healthy growth.

It is a pity that you felt you couldn't post as you once had.

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I am flattered..you do not even know me...you spatters, or is spitters?? kill me...feed on attention like a meth junkie does on crank..please I can not take anymore..you are boring me to death...no real life huh..please keep posting sure someone is getting amusement out of your spatting, or spitting? I guess it is a difficult pill to swallow when someone comes along & posts answers that really work; instead of just copy n pasting TOS....etc great example of why THOUSANDS left SL took their real life walletes & purses with them...not to "go to another cafe, there is no other cafe in town..they chose to do without"...like real life where did they go?...IMVU...no....Moove...no...big old clap for ppl just like you & other spatters..."greaaat job"  i am not interested try match.com, etc Yawwnzz

"I Love Simplicity"....I laugh at yours P.S. still say you'd make a good Forum moderator even ya hate men  :)

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Derek Torvalar wrote:

Oh go on Phil. Like you said it hasn't stopped you in the past.

It is a pity that you felt you couldn't post as you once had.

In the past, I often had something to say. I didn't feel that I couldn't post. I had nothing to say, that's all. I didn't even have a reasonable excuse to join in the fray. Sadly, the good old days of many 'lively' threads are long gone. For many years, there has been precious little for me to get my teeth into. I miss the good old days :(

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LinuxGod4u wrote:

I guess it is a difficult pill to swallow when someone comes along & posts answers that really work; instead of just copy n pasting TOS....

You mean by repeatedly bragging that you use Whinux, before telling people to use Dr Frankenviewer's crudley reanimated rotting 13 year old corpse of viewer 1, and informing them that their pc is too poor to run SL because it doesnt match your over inflated 'min spec' based on your extensive experience as a failed amateur hobbyist tech-support wannabe, with the result that because their RL doesn't allow them to buy your overspec box from one of your sponsors (who apparently send you free stuff) that it's time to just leave?


And as a side note, if you hadn't chosen to repearedly Whinux about getting banned from places for talking to women, we wouldn't have known about it and you would have spent less time being justifiably ridiculed.


Oh and Congratulations "MISTER Forum Member" on your new BLUE Forum Title Blobby

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You whine alot here..like some cheese ?? Excuse me I am about to go answer some more Forum issues. FYI according to a Linden rep she/he stated its a "rank" LOL why don't you im the rep & correct him/her. I assume this where you think you pull more personal info out of me?  Thank you for the congrats! Personally I could care less what my "rank" is here. I about helping residents. "Live long & prosper"  

"I Love Simplicity"

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Anyone call it anything they like - rank, title, whatever - but, as I already said, it confers nothing on anyone. In the real world, ranks confer authorities, and sometimes powers, on people, but not here.
Here it is useless and pointless, and is merely a word.

Much like the false gods posts.

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Avaraia Aljon wrote:

years ago when i first started, there where tons of people who where very open to talking to you and groups you could just hang with, along with people you could discuss things with.

whats happened to the community?

If you could put conversation into a gatcha machine at a monthly branded event, people would start doing it again.


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Avaraia Aljon wrote:

years ago when i first started, there where tons of people who where very open to talking to you and groups you could just hang with, along with people you could discuss things with. now people seem to shut themselves off from other people (along with myself but for good reason) you can't really talk to someone, and theres no place you can just hang out and feel welcome.

whats happened to the community? have we just come old and jaded?

Old and jaded I think. 

Although somewhere in the thread is that old Friday thread feeling ;)

I just logged in a new unused avatar to test the latest version of the tutorial and that was fun (heck, I can't seem to jump any more! - laptop noob) but on leaving "forever" o.O Learning Island and landing at Social Island, first thing I encountered was a far from noob male avatar, fully clothed but with appendage hanging outside of his trousers, and clicks to IM me before I've even stood back up from teleporting in position with a very imaginative "Hi" (*snorts*).

Some things never change.



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Klytyna wrote:

LinuxGod4u wrote:


You mean by repeatedly bragging that you use Whinux,
before telling people to use Dr Frankenviewer's crudley reanimated rotting 13 year old corpse of viewer 1, and informing them that their pc is too poor to run SL because it doesnt match your over inflated 'min spec' based on your extensive experience as a failed amateur hobbyist tech-support wannabe,
with the result that because their RL doesn't allow them to buy your overspec box from one of your sponsors (who apparently send you free stuff) that it's time to just leave?





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I could not agree more. If I am wrong please correct me. I thought the purpose of this Forum is to help those SL residents in need of accurate-factual answers/advice to resolve their issues & not post in-Forum personal grievances/vandettas against other residents? I am far from perfect; however I think my posts speak for themselves. Have a great day Kristin Linden!

"I Love SImplicity"

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I could not agree more. If I am wrong please correct me. I thought the purpose of this Forum is to help those SL residents in need of accurate-factual answers/advice to resolve their issues & not post in-Forum personal grievances/vandettas against other residents? I am far from perfect; however I think my posts speak for themselves. Have a great day Kristin Linden!"

"I Love SImplicity"


Ok, since you asked.

The Forum has many purposes. Unfortunately the delineations between sections has not been enforced such that now people posting in the wrong areas which are a violation of the CG typicaly are not sanctioned for it or have their posts/threads moved to the appropriate area. For eg posting questions in the GD section here related to tech issues is not supposed to be permitted, or questions regarding Mesh heads or clothing which can be better placed in the appropriate areas or even the Answers section.

The General Discussion area has always been for miscelaneous discussions loosely or not associated with SL. In the past, it tended to be policed a lot more liberally, allowing for spirited banter and exchange of dissenting ideas. Now however that is not the case as has been witnessed in the last week or so with threads being deleted, posts deleted, and heavy handed admonitions from mods speaking to us like kindergarten teachers to their charges instead of adults. A left lib backlash by the agents of POOP (whichg you still haven't understood btw) very reminiscent of other repressive tactics by other regimes and administrations throughout history.

Like most subjects, there is sometimes more than one "accurate-factual" answer or piece advice depending on  the prerogative of the person being asked. Something you don't seem to be able to understand. Such that for example Linux is only the best according to  YOU and may not be to another person.

Finally, I find it hilarious to see you obseqiously running around here now, trying to appear the innocent victim after following  me around a few weeks ago in numerous threads here in the GD section after my first encountering you in the Tech section merely because I suggested that it would be better to have more RAM than what you were erroneously advising, which I might add you have now revised to approach my original recommendation, but still is questionable, as suggesting to someone to just slap a 2GB stick of RAM into their system is ridiculous when you don't know what their MB or CPU is to see if they need single, dual or quad channel RAM or what the latency should be etc etc. And If you have forgotten, I suggest you go back and look at the threads here in question and see where you have deleted your posts but been stymied by the fact that I have your words quoted in my responses to ensure your foolishness remains visible. So yes, your posts do speak volumes. Unlike you I do not delete what I have said and stand by my words with integrity. Until of course someone has them deleted, more times than you have actually have had yours posted I might add.

So please, climb down off your high  horse, do some research here, so you can modify your behaviour accordingly.

 ETA And just heads up, Alt hunting is against the CG. Though you already admitted that that isn't your original account didn't you.

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Thanks for trying to help Derek, but now you are speaking for a Linden too? I am really confused IF I have done soo much wrong then I should be banned??? I'd rather read it posted straight from Linden Support Team than a biased resident. It would appear ALL the personal attacks have gotten the Support Team's attention. Name calling,  personal attacks on deceased parent, off topic nonstop replies etc. are not really the source I desire to get my answer from. I am sure the Support Team has seen who started attacking who first. I like the report option. We ALL should drop this & act in a civilized manner. FYI you & share some commonalities: we both like fast pcs & use Nvidia GPUs. Have a great day! !~~~

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Xiola, if she is still the Community Manager, and her team of mods do not answer to Support. They are independent and make decisions here in the Forum based on their sole interpretation of the ToS and CG.

If you like I will send you a copy of the series of emails I exchanged with the head of the Support Dept. one eyed Deb. Or the record of the chat I had with Viale Linden a few years ago, who wanted my assisstance in correcting policy here in the Forum.

Research is your friend, go to the Forum Feedback Section, read the thread Clean up the Forums. Look into the History here.

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