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Giant rotating adfarm monoliths - back, but still banned. :)

Pussycat Catnap

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Last night when touring one of the sims on mainland where I have land for helping out newbies, I found a 30m tall rotating monolith adfarm thingy. Three 4x4x10m stacked cubes rotating independantly with the center one CCW and the top and bottom CW (or the reverse - don't recall).

Something not seen on the grid since 2006 or so, to my knowledge, when they used to fill large parts of mainland.

I've got screenshots, but I'd have to doctor them heavily to post them without calling someone out.


Rejoined a land-watching group I'd left back when I needed more group space (yah for more groups, even though I now only belong to a tiny handful) - and asked for help.

My system crashed and I went to bed, but come this morning, the adfarm thingy is gone.


So... if you see one of these things popping up again in SL's mainland, please AR it, or contact somebody for some help and advice on it. The ToS on these is in the wiki here.

And if you're thinking of making one - don't. ;)



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Wow, I need to read this section more often. I just learned something in the 'thread below' that you mentioned, but this one is even more interesting. I wonder if you could define 'giant'. There's a store right next door; was there when I moved in. Everything else on the sim has changed and most of it is now owned by a single group. The store has a very tall rotating sign; at least 20m high. I've got trees and stuff in line with all the windows just to try to block it from view but it's still impossible not to see it. There's only one signboard, mounted on a tall pole.

The owner of the group has tried many times to buy the property but has never gotten a reply. The place generates close to zero traffic; I haven't seen anyone in the store in over a year. We've given up. But if I can AR it (or maybe a better idea would be a screenshot in this thread) I'd be thrilled.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Wow, I need to read this section more often. I just learned something in the 'thread below' that you mentioned, but this one is even more interesting. I wonder if you could define 'giant'. 

I think it covers that at:https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:About_ad_farms_and_network_advertisers


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Blondin Linden wrote:

Found it. It's been taken care of.


Yeah one of your office mates got em good while I was sleeping it looks.

And as for that other place a few posts in with all the for sale signs... OMGWTFBBQ! :)

- Don't they realize that nobody's going to want to buy a lot next to those signs...? So that unless you plan to buy the entire thing from them, they're hurting their own sales -as well as- violating the ToS...


That's the thing about most of these adfarmers... they seem a little short on something upstairs.


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Dillon Levenque wrote:

The store has a very tall rotating sign; at least 20m high. I've got trees and stuff in line with all the windows just to try to block it from view but it's still impossible not to see it. There's only one signboard, mounted on a tall pole.


Adverts in the ToS are limited to:

8m tall

touching ground

1 per sim (or is it 3?)

50 per 'real life person behind all those alts of yours' in all of SL


no animation

no glow (or similar effect I assume).

no scripted giving you of spam.

- and maybe more. I forget the URL to the part of the ToS with this, its on a notecard I've got somewhere...

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I forget the URL to the part of the ToS with this, its on a notecard I've got somewhere...

I think you mean this which is included by reference in the Mainland Policies which is in turn referenced in the TOS .

I had actually forgotten that animation was forbidden, but: "They must contain no rotating or flashing content and no particles" -- where "rotating" may not be limited to llTargetOmega() but should reasonably apply to smooth texture animations, and "flashing" to cel animated textures.

The FAQ also includes:

Does this policy include signs advertising parcels for sale?

Yes it does.

So... somebody has some tidying up to do.

On the other hand, the FAQ explicitly excludes from the policy signs above stores, so that may not be good news for Dillon's case, unfortunately.

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Marianne McCann wrote:

 I think it covers that at:


Thanks, Marianne. Clearly my 'neighbor' is neither an adfarm or anyone trying to sell land, but it seems the sign violates this section:

In addition, advertisements must comply with these requirements:

  • They must be grounded to the terrain, not floating.
  • They must extend no higher than 8 m from the ground.

I went over there tonight and took a pic, I know it looks dumb because I don't have the smarts to do it any other way but that beam I'm next to is 8m long—I brought that with me as an attachment; the sign is free-floating. Wasn't sure if the rule was in reference to the top or the bottom but it looks to me as if even the bottom of the sign is out of bounds.

Before I file an AR, something I've not done, I just wanted to take advantage of the brains in this thread and ask if it really does look to be against the rules.

Measuring Sign.jpg


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Marianne McCann wrote:

I dunno. I mean ti is "tethered" in so far as there's a prim connecting it to the build... and it's not really a microparcel or anything like that... I dunno. I don't think it's "enough." But that's just me.

Well, actually the tether is an 8m object attached to my spine. I couldn't rez on the land so I had to bring my own yardstick. The objects are all set so that I can't read the dimensions using the Edit feature; I assume there's a way around that but I've never had a reason to learn it.

In any case it's a bit lower than I thought and even though it's free-floating and not on a pole as I'd remembered, it's probably  borderline. I'll continue to live with it, I guess. From what I've seen in this thread it could be a heck of a lot worse.

Thanks for the advice, all of you.

ETA this from Qie:

On the other hand, the FAQ explicitly excludes from the policy signs above stores, so that may not be good news for Dillon's case, unfortunately.

I'd say that answers that. It's clearly above a store, and advertising same. To little purpose since as I said the place gets virtually no visitors. (No virtual visitors?). Anyway, I'll leave it alone.

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Are those Giant Snails in that shot? Hmmm!


Yeh no taller than 8m from local ground level (you cant terraform a spike and put the 7m on that and expect leniency), no glow, spinning, chatspam, audiospam... I dont know why anyone would do that either. Put it in search and make something flat for the map.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

ETA this from Qie:


On the other hand, the FAQ explicitly excludes from the policy signs above stores, so that may not be good news for Dillon's case, unfortunately

I'd say that answers that. It's clearly above a store, and advertising same. To little purpose since as I said the place gets virtually no visitors. (No virtual visitors?). Anyway, I'll leave it alone.


It excludes adverts inside a store, and I would say reasonable signage outside of it. Not so sure that what you're looking at would qualify as reasonable.


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Well the rotating sign is gone.


Now its a giant sign that changes every few seconds and is half on the linden land (but a lot of people do that when near roads).

Didn't yet measure it to see if its under 8m, but I've been told by a linden once that these changing signs count as more than one advert. Not sure myself if its in or out of ToS this time. But you can see the owner has also adopted the 'extortion price and advert' tactic to get out of this lot he's stuck on. :)



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