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Is it okay to sell L$ directly to other user for RL currency?


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The reason I asked this is because I'm thinking about getting the initial $1 Skrill fund from other user who use Skrill, which LL requires me to have before I can use Skrill as my payment method and start using it on LindeX. Is it not against any rule? Just being cautious.

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Ah, alright. Thanks for the clarification. Now I need to wait for Skrill's 5 days waiting period for adding fund via bank transfer > .> I don't really get why LL requires us to have $1 in our Skrill account before we can start using it, but oh well.

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So I can't I use an unverified Skrill account to withdraw my SL fund (given that I passed the initial $1 charge)? Because Skrill said I can use my unverified Skrill account normally until I reach a €2,500 transaction treshold, at which point they will require me to verify my identity using certain goverment-issued documents.

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Yeah, I'm doing just that right now. I guess I can borrow the money now, sell my Lindens on LindeX after I can use Skrill for SL, then give the money back to my friend after I sold my Lindens on Lindex. A bit more complicated but at least it's not again the rules :D

Thanks again for the feedbacks and clarification, I was really confused on how to deal with this :matte-motes-sour:

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lucagrabacr wrote:

So I can't I use an unverified Skrill account to withdraw my SL fund (given that I passed the initial $1 charge)?


they will require me to verify my identity using certain goverment-issued documents.

no you can not use a unverified account


the requirements also count for LL, they also report to the government for the money you transfer to RL.


i also think it is a bit strange you want to borrow 1 dollar from somebody else. You really need to connect a rl bank account or Credit Card to the skrill or LL will refuse all transactions. The one dollar on the skrill and no account connected will fail every test.

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There are two types of verification here...

The verification you can read about in Skrill TOS asks you to enter additional RL data (I think card infos) in order to transfer more money (forgot the limit because I don't come even close to it lol).You do this verification on Skrill site.

The other verification is about LL and Linden dollars and we need to do that verification in order to prove that the Skrill account we want to use is really ours. Its the one that asks for 1US$. This verification is done on LL site.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, not that I am going to do it, I don't even have the opportunity to do this, but say I knew someone who had an account and a bunch of lindens, and I handed him a twenty and he then paid me lindens in SL, that is against the rule So? How would anyone ever know?

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Talligurl wrote:

Ok, not that I am going to do it, I don't even have the opportunity to do this, but say I knew someone who had an account and a bunch of lindens, and I handed him a twenty and he then paid me lindens in SL, that is against the rule So? How would anyone ever know?

It's probably against the rules but I did it once a long time ago for someone who didn't have a premium account and couldn't cash out - something like that. She gave me one or two hundred thousand L$ and I sent her a cheque. She was the one doing the trusting so it was fine with me. At that time, there wasn't the caution about money laundering and such.

As you suggested, nobody would actually know, but what could, and possibly would, happen if the amount of L$ is very high, or if signifcant amounts of L$ are regularly gifted, is LL noticing the gift(s) and thinks there may be something fishy about it. At which point they could freeze the account(s) pending investigation.

My guess is that, for small amounts from time to time, nothing would happen. It is not against the rules to give L$ away. But to be absolutely safe, why not use the twenty to buy L$ on the Lindex?

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