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Ask for help!How to promote my shop?Who can guide and help me?

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Hehe. I remember when I was at work looking up something on Altavista and my co-worker comes over and introduces me to the new search engine called Google. So I used it to google for Alanis Morisette mp3s and this girl had all of the newest songs on her Geocities page.

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I used Yahoo exclusively when I first started using the internet. I remember Google being around, but it wasn't very popular and I remember thinking it couldn't be as good as Yahoo ever. 

Now I go to Google for searches, read the news, my email, my calendar... 

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Ninisgarden wrote:


I want to create a store.
All this is only the beginning.
Sells clothes, shoes, hair, furniture, jewelry...
And so on.
Women will be my main customer.



Since you haven't started yet

I'd stick with one general category to start with.  It's ok to sell clothing with shoes and jewelry as they are accessories to the clothing and many a shop has been successful  by selling whole outfits that include clothes shoes and jewelry.  If you want to sell other things, do it under a different brand name in a different shop in world or under an alt's name on MP.  It will be much easier to market it that way as it will be more focused.

Another alternative is to sell full perm items if you are good at design and rigging.  There is a big market for mesh templates fashion merchants can buy and texture themselves.  See the MP to get a better idea of what I am talking about and pay particular attention to the various terms of sale the creators impose, which you are allowed to set yourself.  You can sell unlimited quantities for a very reasonable or reasonable price and/or if you are really good you can sell limited edition full perm templates and get a lot for them.  The more limited the edition the higher you can charge for them.  

Lastly you can avoid a lot of marketing headaches by hiring yourself out to established shops to do custom work.  You can charge by the job, or take a commission from each item they sell.  If the latter, be sure your cut is scripted into the vendor so you are automatically paid and have a way of verifying that the script is not changed without your knowledge.  A good scripter can help you with that.

My final piece of advice is don't expect to be rolling in the money any time soon.  Many of the most talented creators see a lot of time pass before they see a profit, and most don't ever see one. Competition is stiff and there will always be merchants that are better than you and have better marketing.  Starting a SL business is like starting a RL business in that regard.

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Very thank you very much for your reply and guidance. I'm very sorry, due to the time difference, I did not reply in a timely manner. I am planning to open a shop.My country is not SL games.So I am not familiar with the game.I know I need to learn a lot. Now, the store does not exist.In fact, about 2 years ago.I tried to open a shop.I don't know how to promote my products.No one shows any interest in the store.Now I want to start again.I want to know how to promote the store. This is the reason why I release the Topic. My avatar is exist.If you are willing to.Please contact: Ninisgarden If still can't find.Please contact: princessbox Thank you very, very willing to contact me.Thank you for your guidance!

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Very thank you very much for everybody's reply and guidance. I'm very sorry, due to the time difference, I did not reply in a timely manner. I am planning to open a shop.My country is not SL games.So I am not familiar with the game.I know I need to learn a lot. Now, the store does not exist.In fact, about 2 years ago.I tried to open a shop.I don't know how to promote my products.No one shows any interest in the store.Now I want to start again.I want to know how to promote the store. This is the reason why I release the Topic. My avatar is exist.If anyone is willing to.Please contact: Ninisgarden If still can't find.Please contact: princessbox Very thank you very much everybody willing to contact me.Thanks for everybody's guidance!

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Very thank you very much for your reply and guidance.
Thank you for your willing to contact me.
My world name: Ninisgarden
I'm very sorry.To cause you trouble.My country is not SL games.So I am not familiar with the game.I know I need to learn a lot.
In fact, about 2 years ago.I tried to open a shop.I don't know how to promote my products.No one shows any interest in the store.This is a failure experience.Now I want to start again.I want to know how to promote the store.
This is the reason why I release the Topic.
Thank you again!

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I am good at design clothing and hair.
And I the mesh quality is very high.
I was once a game makers.Now I contact the SL.I think this is a will is a very interesting job.It can make my own open a shop.Making money on my own, rather than working for someone else.
Thank you for your guidance.It is important to me!Thank you very much.

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Nalytha wrote:

I used Yahoo exclusively when I first started using the internet. I remember Google being around, but it wasn't very popular and I remember thinking it couldn't be as good as Yahoo ever. 


Now I go to Google for searches, read the news, my email, my calendar... 

You see how much you didn't know at the time? Yahoo! didn't have a search engine. It was a human-edited directory that had a search engine on the side, with the search results provided by Altavista. Then two students from Stanford university approached them to ask if they wanted the 'Backrub' search engine that they'd produced at uni. Yahoo! declined it, but suggested that the students set it up themselves. And that's what they did. They changed the engine's name from Backrub to Google (because they thought that's how googol was spelt - a googol being a 1 with 100 zeros after it - big number). So the name Google was a mistake. It took a while, but, by word of mouth about the quality of its results, Google came to the fore and competed favourably with the top engines of the time.

Then they added AdWords to the results pages, and later AdSense to other people's websites, and became the world's biggest advertising agency that it is today. It was such a financial success, and search engines normal struggled to make any money at all, that other engines copied Google's advertising system in their own engines. They also copied the method that Google used to produce such highly relevant search results. Microsoft didn't have a seach engine at the time either (they used Altavista), so they created one, called Bing. Yahoo! had to get into the search engine advertising market and bought a number of engines, including Altavista. But the main one they bought, the one they actually use, was Inktomi. Never heard of Inktomi? It wasn't an engine that was available for the public to use. It was an engine that provided the results for a myriad of big websites. If you got highly ranked in Inktomi, you were highly ranked all over the web.

I've often wondered if Yahoo! regretted not taking on the Backrub engine when it was offered to them. They wouldn't have done what those two students did with it, so it wouldn't have succeeded, but I've often wondered if they have any regrets.

That's just a little bit of history :)

For me in the seo business, it was a happy time. I had a webpage template, in which all I had to do was change the targetted searchterm, submit it, and 90% would rank in the top 5, the other 10% in the top 10. So I could get clients' sites very highly ranked all over the web. It became harder after Yahoo! bought Inktomi, and kept it for themselves, and Google rose to dominance, but it was still doable, and it still is.

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Alwin Alcott wrote:

you say there is no SL in your country, but you are here and inworld... ehm.. that doesn't match.

you getting a bit jaded on here Alwin

OP means that there is no large SL community in their RL country in the creative/modding circles they move in, that they are aware of, to which they can turn for advice

so they came on here and did their best to communicate this in English which is clearly not their natural language. And when they did,  then apart from some English lessons and corrections, they got the advice and help they were asking for


to OP

Ninisgarden, good luck and happiness with what you want to do (:


eta; burbles


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