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Defeating "Avatar Online" Scanners

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Simply; how can someone who wants some "alone time" mask ther global presence from "Avatar Online Scanners" such as those purchased in the SL Marketplace?

Will toggling "off" all presence controls in the client do the trick, or does that still leave one detectable to those HUD scanners that stalkers love so much?


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just about why this is. Why cant we totally hide ?

the basic principle is: If you can see me then I can see you (scripted or visually)

if we were unable to be seen then our ability to see others would necessarily have to be turned off also

were this not to happen then it would be the stalker's perfect scenario. The ability to see their victims while not being seen in turn. The phantom stalker

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While you can't actually solve the problem you can do some things.


HIDE ALL YOUR GROUPS so that no one looking for you can find you that way (easily anyway).

TURN YOU LAND TAB TO KEEP OTHERS FROM SEEING YOU FROM OUTSIDE YOUR PARCEL (in the land tab - if you are renting you might ask your landlord to change that for you if needed)


TURN OFF VISIBILITY IN THE VIEWER  - Preferences > Only friends and groups know when I am online.


Turn off the "know when I am online" for all your friends that you don't really care about knowing -- so like your REAL FRIENDS.


Find a new piece of land to buy or rent if the person stalking you knows where you live. Turn on privacy setting there also and maybe a security orb *wink*.


I am personally against making an alt just to hide from someone. That let's them win. And yes, I have and am there :D.  You could if you wanted to be nasty and the person CAN find you fairly easily (home, store, traditional hangouts) -- become completely invisible so you can be there and no one can see you - LOL. I haven't done this but ....


You can of course mute whoever is hassling you but they likely have alts that can also hassle you. Some folks seem to have an ARMY OF ALTS. Worse is the game play and time wasting. Really stupid. Most of us aren't 13 any longer.


Good luck.


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Chic Aeon wrote:

While you can't actually solve the problem you can do some things.


HIDE ALL YOUR GROUPS so that no one looking for you can find you that way (easily anyway).

TURN YOU LAND TAB TO KEEP OTHERS FROM SEEING YOU FROM OUTSIDE YOUR PARCEL (in the land tab - if you are renting you might ask your landlord to change that for you if needed)


TURN OFF VISIBILITY IN THE VIEWER  - Preferences > Only friends and groups know when I am online.


Turn off the "know when I am online" for all your friends that you don't really care about knowing -- so like your REAL FRIENDS.


Find a new piece of land to buy or rent if the person stalking you knows where you live. Turn on privacy setting there also and maybe a security orb *wink*.


I am personally against making an alt just to hide from someone. That let's them win. And yes, I have and am there
.  You could if you wanted to be nasty and the person CAN find you fairly easily (home, store, traditional hangouts) -- become completely invisible so you can be there and no one can see you - LOL. I haven't done this but ....


You can of course mute whoever is hassling you but they likely have alts that can also hassle you. Some folks seem to have an ARMY OF ALTS. Worse is the game play and time wasting. Really stupid. Most of us aren't 13 any longer.


Good luck.


Thanks Chic!  I agree with you that alting is giving a victory to the abusive ones, but the army of alts you mention is what I'm up against and I try to be practical.  By alting, I effectively gave up ten years of Inventory (and I am a serious shopper) - and I didn't take that step lightly.


Hopefully someday better controls will be in place - but people are always the wildcard thats immune to logic and reason ;-)


Luckily, I like my alt :-P

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I'll say this.  putting tools in place to prevent it from being seens is ok, BUT if it prevents the LSL from seeing the true online status then it's a no go.  I've got to many items out and about that RELY on these functions, LL learned from when they planned on nerfing it last time that if they did it would break content.    maybe a viewer side change online would be a compermise for people such as yourselves.  but this function to hide is not wanted, that was proven the last time

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- If you are in a private land or in a private place, they will can't come to you.

- If you are in "do not disturb" mode, noone will can contact you.

(Go to Me/Status and check "Do Not Disturb.")

So "Avatar Online Scanners" can't disturb yours "alone time"

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bigmoe Whitfield wrote:

I'll say this.  putting tools in place to prevent it from being seens is ok, BUT if it prevents the LSL from seeing the true online status then it's a no go.  I've got to many items out and about that RELY on these functions, LL learned from when they planned on nerfing it last time that if they did it would break content.    maybe a viewer side change online would be a compermise for people such as yourselves.  but this function to hide is not wanted, that was proven the last time

it wasnt proven that it wasnt wanted

iIt was proven that a lot of existing merchants use this knowledge to target their customers and have built a lot of content that incorporates the ability to know when a avatar is online

nerfing this capability would break this content. So LL chose not to break content  

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The Online status detection, it's just used by merchants and advertisements.

To use this function for others things it's a very bad idea because this function is not optimized at all for that.

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We spoke about scanners and Online status detection.

But it's true that my post was not perfect. It was the reason of my edit:

-> Well, that's for the scanners.


LlRequestAgentData is used for the Online status detection and Grid Wide but not used in Scanners (Radars) because the scanners use others functions and there are Sim-wide.

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PaigeTurnerSL wrote:

Simply; how can someone who wants some "alone time" mask ther global presence from "Avatar Online Scanners" such as those purchased in the SL Marketplace?


Will toggling "off" all presence controls in the client do the trick, or does that still leave one detectable to those HUD scanners that stalkers love so much?


So it's not enough to adopt a fake name (and in this case a compounded fake name upon your first fake name), but now you want additional layers of insulation? I'd suggest consulting a professional.

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Online scanners can be gridwide.




I bought it to keep track of exactly one avatar. I never try to contact or engage the person any way, but i still have my reasons for wanting to know when they log in.


As an added use, i have several close friends on it as well, so I get an extra notify in case i miss the standard log on notify.




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Radium Soup wrote:

PaigeTurnerSL wrote:

Simply; how can someone who wants some "alone time" mask ther global presence from "Avatar Online Scanners" such as those purchased in the SL Marketplace?


Will toggling "off" all presence controls in the client do the trick, or does that still leave one detectable to those HUD scanners that stalkers love so much?


So it's not enough to adopt a fake name (and in this case a compounded fake name upon your first fake name), but now you want additional layers of insulation? I'd suggest consulting a professional.

But professionals are very expensive. Fortunately "Fantasy Therapist" is free-to-play.

Still, I'm apparently not understanding the problem. Is it not possible to just block these "stalkers" and go on as if they don't exist? That is, does "block" not really work as advertised? Sure, they can know when we're online, but what do we care as long as we are no longer bothered to know of their existence because, after all, they're "stalkers."

Or is it that they aren't really stalkers, and we are horrible people and want to secretly avoid our friends (whom we've just called "stalkers") without their knowing we're horrible people?

Or do we want to pretend to ourselves that we're not horrible people for ignoring our friends and label that pretense "privacy" -- which is to say, our time is just too precious to bother interacting with those stalkers friends?

It is now time to embrace our inner shame: No more shall we hide behind a false offline status! Let the world know we're self-important jerks.

Or maybe "block" doesn't work as advertised?

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A few comments :D


First of all Second Life is not JUST a social platform. Some folks here are working, not playing. Not everyone hangs around in sex sims or clubs. So there are SOME folks that would like their privacy so that they can work. It doesn't mean that they need to see a psychiatrist.


It gets old and tiring when folks (army of alts) try and chat you up -- in my case pretending to be a customer so that I pretty much have to be nice. The problem is that not everyone is good at the alt game -- or certainly not as good as they THINK they are. They drop the ball and show there hand. All in all its pretty boring and really a time waster.


There ARE legitimate uses of the online function such as delivering updates or in my case blogger boxes. We did manage to do all those things without the function for a long while though. Good for some, not so good for others.




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Block only works for folks you KNOW not for the long line of folks that appear one by one as the "game" (their words - certainly not mine) continues. You could of course block those avatars also but there is not much point when a new one will just show up.


Since most of the folks replying to this thread have no experience with the actual issue, their points of view are less than relevant in my book :D.


If you haven't walked in someone's shoes, disparaging remarks are simply uneducated rhetoric.


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Chic Aeon wrote:

There ARE legitimate uses of the online function such as delivering updates or in my case blogger boxes. We did manage to do all those things without the function for a long while though. ...

Before llRequestAgentData? Really?

The first jira whining about DATA_ONLINE functionality is from 2007. The functionality is there, has been for at least a decade, and isn't going away.

"Defeating 'Avatar Online' Scanners" has long since become a topic suitable only for poking fun.

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