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OzwellWayfarer wrote:


Whatever you choose to do I wish you well Rya!

Thank you :). it's very unlikely I'll change my mind. While my rl job pays very well, I've come to a point in life where contentment and job satisfaction is much much more important. I do have some financial backup if things go wrong, I'm not silly :P.

Giving up my rl job and working in SL full time will be like a dream life for me :). I can't wait. Actually, I'm literally ticking off the days. I'd rather be poor and happy, than miserable with a big bank account.

Thank you, Phil and Sassy too, for the advice and concern :).

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Thank you, wherorangi,

you seem to know everyone fairly well here, so you've been around for a while even though you only have 50 posts.

I have considered all factors, including that we could have another mining boom causing the AUD$ to skyrocket again, taking 30% of my SL income with it. But then that would be offset in other ways - like a bounce in the local share market, so I won't starve :)

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Rya Nitely wrote:

Thank you
. it's very unlikely I'll change my mind. While my rl job pays very well, I've come to a point in life where contentment and job satisfaction is much much more important. I do have some financial backup if things go wrong, I'm not silly

Good! (that you're not silly). I totally agree with you about contentment etc., and I do hope that your path is successful, and remains so for some considerable time.

Incidentally, contrary to what was said, the market didn't shift on me. I think that maybe the poster was incorrectly combining the advent of the marketplace, me objecting to it, and me deciding to let the store fade away. I just got a bit bored with it, that's all, and I didn't need the income from it. I didn't even aim at the income. The success took me totally by surprise. As I've often said, I stumbled into it.

But I'm not you, and I do get a bit concerned when someone talks about aiming at an RL livelihood from SL, solely because of the inherent instability in SL. It does sound like you have your head screwed on the right way though, and you know what you're doing, and, more importantly, you have a financial base should things fall apart. I'm all in favour of people 'going for it'. If you don't, you'll always wonder if you could have had your dream had you gone for it, and you'd probably regret not having even tried.

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you will be ok Rya. I am supportive of what you want to do with your life and I wish you all the best and happiness (:

ps. about my post count

is more like 50 zillions over my time. This is my 5th main account now. I go away from SL and come back at different periods

I am pretty much a compulsion-driven person. When I do something then I do it pretty full on for hours and hours and hours. So to give it a rest I have to cancel my account. That way I can't login unless I go thru the sign-up process, and then have to re-get another whole inventory of stuff which is a pretty big undertaking to do

compulsion-driven. The 50+ posts so far have just been in the last week about  (:

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Look, this nonsense about the crashing of the LindEx -- let's be frank in calling it what it is -- is NOT about any "buydown".

I realize a lot of self-serving types who either don't care or *want* their customers to have cheaper dollars to buy their stuff that they either a) don't cash out quickly or b) don't care if they lose money on are spreading this notion.

And people who are just spreading hearsay and mean well are spreading it too.

But let's use common sense and logic.

Then there is $1.3 million US dollars trying to get out the door, that is NOT about any "buydown". That would mean 2,000 buydowns and there aren't that many. Plus, it's irrational to use cashed-out Lindens you'd lose money on now, and have to pay a fee on, to buy the buydown. You'd use your regular debit or credit card for that of course if you were at all business savvy.

Sure, maybe some little old ladies who rent sims on Sundays and horde their Lindens bought some. But not 2000 such people.

So it's about Project Sansar's beta opening wider and people escaping before the inevitable.

And others taking advantage to buy cheap Lindens and play the LindEx.

What's been truly annoying is to see all the denials and fanboyz stuff about this trend for the last 3 weeks visible in this thread.

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Prokofy Neva wrote:

Look, this nonsense about the crashing of the LindEx -- let's be frank in calling it what it is -- is NOT about any "buydown".

I realize a lot of self-serving types who either don't care or *want* their customers to have cheaper dollars to buy their stuff that they either a) don't cash out quickly or b) don't care if they lose money on are spreading this notion.

And people who are just spreading hearsay and mean well are spreading it too.

But let's use common sense and logic.

Then there is $1.3 million US dollars trying to get out the door, that is NOT about any "buydown". That would mean 2,000 buydowns and there aren't that many. Plus, it's irrational to use cashed-out Lindens you'd lose money on now, and have to pay a fee on, to buy the buydown. You'd use your regular debit or credit card for that of course if you were at all business savvy.

Sure, maybe some little old ladies who rent sims on Sundays and horde their Lindens bought some. But not 2000 such people.

So it's about Project Sansar's beta opening wider and people escaping before the inevitable.

And others taking advantage to buy cheap Lindens and play the LindEx.

What's been truly annoying is to see all the denials and fanboyz stuff about this trend for the last 3 weeks visible in this thread.

I agree with you. The buydown has never made any sense to me. I've asked people to explain it here and in SLUniverse, and this idea of spare Lindens floating around inworld that are now suddenly being sold doesn't make a lot of sense. People usually don't hold onto that amount of money in SL. They sell it regularly for tier or to take profit.

I'm more inclined to believe it's being controlled by LL, and sellers can do nothing about it, but accept it.

The reason the L$ is being devalued could be a plan to stimulate spending, although I'm not sure this would work, because people may rather save a buck than spend it. Ths has been shown in RL where decreasing interest rates has only resulted in people saving more rather than spending.

Money for Sansar? LL are spending money on Sansar, and Ebbe did look at the $US60 million cash out figure as a source of extra revenue for LL - this is true.

Although it is possible now to trade the LindeX, it wasn't before. Supply Linden always kept that under control, but not now.

Also, those small volumes (< L$10 million) would have sold quickly before, but it's not moving now. Anyone placing a sell order before would have known that L$10 million disappears fast. There was no need to place an order above it, until now.


'So it's about Project Sansar's beta opening wider and people escaping before the inevitable.'

The 'run on the bank' theory has already been proposed. But if people were cashing out where do these extra $L come from? This takes us back to your 'little old ladies' argument. What are people selling to generate more L$. Is it land? If so, then someone must be paying for it, which evens things out again.

A 'run on the bank' doesn't make sense.

Furthermore, I DO NOT believe that LL will intentionally do anything to damage SL or the confidence of its creators. This would be silly and not a wise business move. LL is depending on the people of SL to migrate over to Sansar, especially the creators. They wouldn't want these people to lose confidence, and decide not to invest their time and money in Sansar.

Also SL is not going away. There will be many people who will still prefer it to Sansar. As long as LL makes some money out of it, it will stay.

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if it does have any to do with Supply Linden then is pretty much to do with the reduction in private sims tier

when the amount in USD earned by LL from the same volume of private sims tiers goes down, and a significant portion of that amount is gathered by estate rental barons [and shopkeepers/venues] in L$ then it makes sense for LL to claw some of that back by depreciating the L$

it may not make good business sense for LL to do this, the sense is just that it would be consistent with how LL have always behaved


eta: [and shopkeepers/venues] with private sims tiered from LL directly

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wherorangi wrote:

if it does have any to do with Supply Linden then is pretty much to do with the reduction in private sims tier

when the amount in USD earned by LL from the same volume of private sims tiers goes down, and a significant portion of that amount is gathered by estate rental barons in L$ then it makes sense for LL to claw some of that back by depreciating the L$

it may not make good business sense for LL to do this, the sense is just that it would be consistent in how LL have always behaved

Yes, I have just tried to explain to a friend that LL is a very special company, and no, they are not going to communicate with us about this or respond to any questions we may have, and yes they have demonstrated that they are okay with sabotaging not only people's businesses but the entire grid. For example, if they intended to offer the buy down, then ensured that those who paid it do not in fact recoup the value of it in six months. A shell game.

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Prokofy Neva wrote:


So it's about Project Sansar's beta opening wider and people escaping before the inevitable.


yes. Thats pretty relevant as well

those SL people who have gained early access to Sansar are I would think amongst some of the biggest content creators in SL. Like you say, they are most likely moving on and ridding their SL-generated L$ gained from their existing copies of content, as quick as they can, for whatever they can get 

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wherorangi wrote:

Prokofy Neva wrote:


So it's about Project Sansar's beta opening wider and people escaping before the inevitable.


yes. Thats pretty relevant as well

those SL people who have gained early access to Sansar are I would think amongst some of the biggest content creators in SL. Like you say, they are most likely moving on and ridding their SL-generated L$ gained from their existing copies of content, as quick as they can, for whatever they can get 

The biggest content creators in SL are making the most money (big money). Why would they dump that and move on? And in order to have L$ to sell, someone needs to be buying L$ - supply would have to equal demand, no matter how cheap they sell their assets for.

What you said about LL clawing back $L to make up for the reduction in tier makes sense to me too. 

When I said LL wouldn't intentional do damage to its customers, I meant irreconcilable damage.

eta - I really don't believe that content creators hold large amounts of $L inworld without regularly cashing out the excess, either for tier or take profit. The assumption that tpeople are selling excess L$ doesn't make sense as they would be selling it anyway as they have always done.

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Rya Nitely wrote:

The biggest content creators in SL are making the most money (big money). Why would they dump that and move on? And in order to have L$ to sell, someone needs to be buying L$ - supply would have to equal demand, no matter how cheap they sell their assets for.

if think about it like old stock. For virtual content stock/products then is no resources or time cost to leave old stock available for sale for ever 

if as creator designer then the effort goes into creating new product/stock and SL is no longer the focus of this effort, and the creator designer has no intention of creating new SL stock, and their SL costs are now practically zero, then is basically money for jam, however much or little that might be

is not so much L$ dumping per se. Is stock dumping



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I've stared and refreshed the LindeX on many occasions in the past (I trade shares/stocks so this is interesting to me). When I look at the LindeX at the moment the buying activity is very slow. It's a Sunday night so I would expect it to be a bit more active.

If Supply Linden is involved here then maybe a significant part of the new buy orders are not being filled on the LindeX, but in the background with newly printed L$.

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I think this is all a plot to make us leave so that we will go to Sansar.

First they made everything laggy, and scheduled 'unscheduled' maintenance for the most inconvenient times.

When that didn't work they installed some program that periodically goes in and removes random items from your inventory.

They let griefers run wild, and when you retaliate by blasting a griefer out of existance then it is you that is banned!

When educational institutes moved into Second Life, lured by discounted tier,  the Lindens raised their tier in mid-semester. Plus, no one warned the educators that maybe it wasn't a good idea to put their campuses right next to the "All Night Hootchie-Kootchie Palace".

People who loved sailing got upset when the Lindens started selling plots in the water because there was a land rush, and then the Lindens didn't open new sailing channels.

And the railroads? I've been told that the Lindens at one time were talking about taking out some software that made the railroads possible.

And small businesses? First they set up the Marketplace so that businesses that have never set foot in Second Life can compete with businesses that have established "brick and pixel" showplaces inWorld, at the same time giving volume discounts to the big landowners so that landlords with less land found it hard to compete.

When mesh was introduced making things became more difficult for the average person.

Deferred maintenance: For example, the Magellan's Quest Quest board has been "temporarily out of service" for several weeks now, even though the Magellan Quest is still listed in the destination guide*

And surely the fashionistas will leave now that only their best friends can see their glorious selves...

Lindex inflation? That should take care of anyone who was making a living out in Second Life.

Did I leave anything out?


Before everyone yells at me I would like to say that the above is my attempt at humor. I intend to stay in Second Life, because, with all its flaws, it is the best virtual world I know.

*The "Destination Guide" is an attempt to make sure that nobody ever meets other people.

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But they can still sell Lindens, I do. I just accumulate the US$ until I have a large amount to process. I have a small order in now at 256. I don't know if it will sell. The way the LindeX market is going it might not be worth it to hold off selling.

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Rufferta wrote:

I think this is all a plot to make us leave so that we will go to Sansar.



Before everyone yells at me I would like to say that the above is my attempt at humor. I intend to stay in Second Life, because, with all its flaws, it is the best virtual world I know.


i won't yell at you :) bc like you I think that SL is the best thing since forever, virtual world wise

i dont think is a plot tho. bc at this time there is zero for anyone ordinary in Sansar. Ordinary meaning people who want to buy stuff

there is a perfect storm in SL at the moment tho



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Just speculating, but I have not been in a hurry to sell because I was not going to process credit often anyway. So I put in orders I figured would take a few days to sell. And they did not sell at all, so I cancelled and tried again. Long story short I ended up with a lot of Lindens unsold. 

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