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im haveing a contact issue


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Hi, I'm Jessica Lyon.. project manager of the Firestorm Viewer project. We have well over 80 people just on the immediate viewer team here between developers, support staff and QA. Out of everyone on the team, if I had to pick one person who we rely on most, someone who would be voted most valuable player if we were a sporting team, it would be Whirly. In fact I suspect just about everyone on the team would also vote Whirly.

If we were to lose Whirly we'd be nearly lost without her. Same goes true for LL, although she is not on the payroll, she spends more time on the LL jira than most lindens and has earned her badge with both us, and LL.

I'm sorry, but you cannot say or think you know more about any particular problem than Whirly does. And especially in this case, you are incorrect. Furthermore, by challenging Whirly, you will be up against practically the whole of the internet in her defense.

Really, you're out qualified here. I'm trying to be nice.

The only thing worse than someone giving wrong advice, is someone giving wrong advice who thinks they know everything.

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steph Arnott wrote:

Personal messages for which the OP was on about does not go to the sim server and never has done.

I'm afraid you are very wrong Steph. All in-world communication to an avatar after a successful login is routed & controlled by the region you are in at any one time. During the login process you are handled by a temporarily assigned login server. After that each and everything you do is routed via the region you end up on.

All the rendering servers, communication servers, asset servers etc. depend on one thing, the IP address and port of the region you are located in. It is that server's job to make sure those transactions get to your session and any acknowledgements returned to the originating server. All these transactions are also reviewed to see if they also affect the virtual world around you. If so they process visual & physics changes transactions and route those to others that may be looking at you or affected by your actions..

Only Web, Music, Voice and Video services are 1st passed to your session on your PC and then serviced by external servers/service providers for an extended period of time.

Anyone who has troubleshooted SL Issues on a PC with one of the many available Performance Monitor products knows and has see this in the results. This is the main purpose of the SLPlugin.exe program, to allow asynchronous communication with these other outside services that are better served by direct communication to your SL Session on your PC..

All the other transactions that you create are passed through the region you are rezzed on for the obvious reason of maintaining Virtual World Fidelity for all other avatar accounts on that same said region.

IM Communication [Local, Group & Private] is one of those local delivered services.

The ultimate test of this reliance on a region is the rarely experienced "avatar in limbo" issue. This is where you lose contact with your current region.  Your PC session seems to be operating normally and there you are floating between regions. You notice that none of your communication attempts will function. Nor can you TP anywhere. This is because all your requests [transactions] can't be routed any longer. Your avatar "State" is unknown as is its location on the Grid.


Please take a year or two and host your own regions on the OSGrid. Yes you are dependent on the OSGrids Managers Grid, Asset, Communication & Login servers. Watching the transaction logs of each your regions, you'd be amazed what you learn during this time.



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Jessica Lyon wrote:


Hi, I'm Jessica Lyon.. project manager of the Firestorm Viewer project. We have well over 80 people just on the immediate viewer team here between developers, support staff and QA. Out of everyone on the team, if I had to pick one person who we rely on most, someone who would be voted most valuable player if we were a sporting team, it would be Whirly. In fact I suspect just about everyone on the team would also vote Whirly.

If we were to lose Whirly we'd be nearly lost without her. Same goes true for LL, although she is not on the payroll, she spends more time on the LL jira than most lindens and has earned her badge with both us, and LL.

I'm sorry, but you cannot say or think you know more about any particular problem than Whirly does. And especially in this case, you are incorrect. Furthermore, by challenging Whirly, you will be up against practically the whole of the internet in her defense.

Really, you're out qualified here. I'm trying to be nice.

The only thing worse than someone giving wrong advice, is someone giving wrong advice who thinks they know everything.


Thank you so much for chiming in.

I tell you, where is a nice per-transaction process flowchart when you need one!

Carry on.



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I can speak from personal experience to this OP. I recently had just this issue with my BFF, Josie.  She could not read my IMs to her.  It was very frustrating for a couple of days until Whirly got involved.  I asked the sim owner where I live to restart the sim. She did and it resolved the problem.

Good luck!

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Jessica Lyon wrote:


Hi, I'm Jessica Lyon.. project manager of the Firestorm Viewer project. We have well over 80 people just on the immediate viewer team here between developers, support staff and QA. Out of everyone on the team, if I had to pick one person who we rely on most, someone who would be voted most valuable player if we were a sporting team, it would be Whirly. In fact I suspect just about everyone on the team would also vote Whirly.

If we were to lose Whirly we'd be nearly lost without her. Same goes true for LL, although she is not on the payroll,
she spends more time on the LL jira than most lindens
and has earned her badge with both us, and LL.

I'm sorry, but you cannot say or think you know more about any particular problem than Whirly does. And especially in this case, you are incorrect. Furthermore, by challenging Whirly, you will be up against practically the whole of the internet in her defense.

Really, you're out qualified here. I'm trying to be nice.

The only thing worse than someone giving wrong advice, is someone giving wrong advice who thinks they know everything.

I second the accolades for Whirly.

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Seductive Dreamscape wrote:

I had a very rude response from Steph on another issue, but now I see it's just her personality. Steph... You can't possibly know everything, and sometimes it's OK to back down and agree that someone else has more expertise than you. Hope you manage to calm those aggression issues <3

Some people are just born asshats hiding behind the usual excuses. Treat them with the contempt they deserve.

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DejaHo wrote:

Venus Petrov wrote:

I can speak from personal experience to this OP.
I recently had just this issue with my BFF, Josie
. . . 

Good luck!

But, but I thought I was your bff!?


If you're thinking of the first definition, yes, you are. If the second, no, you are not.  Don't worry. It's just a feeling. It'll go away.

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Venus Petrov wrote:

DejaHo wrote:

Venus Petrov wrote:

I can speak from personal experience to this OP.
I recently had just this issue with my BFF, Josie
. . . 

Good luck!

But, but I thought I was your bff!?


If you're thinking of the first definition, yes, you are. If the second, no, you are not. 
Don't worry. It's just a feeling. It'll go away.

I could sue you for that statement.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Well that's the thing: no one has treated her with contempt, altho she certainly seems to think so. All I have seen people do is point out the inappropriateness of her attacks and insults, or the incorrectness of her assertions.


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Perrie Juran wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

Well that's the thing: no one has treated her with contempt, altho she certainly seems to think so. All I have seen people do is point out the inappropriateness of her attacks and insults, or the incorrectness of her assertions.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas 

Toys in every store . . .

Sing along with Perrie Perry Como.

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DejaHo wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

Well that's the thing: no one has treated her with contempt, altho she certainly seems to think so. All I have seen people do is point out the inappropriateness of her attacks and insults, or the incorrectness of her assertions.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas 

Toys in every store . . .

Sing along with
Perry Como.

I think the record must have some scratches in it.  It keeps repeating itself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There are Chat Servers in the SL System and they handle chat. In April 2011 the Lindens were looking at changing to XMPP Chat and deciding it was no better than the current chat system.  See: Second Life’s XMPP Chat Dies. They began a years-long effort to resolve chat problems and improve chat, which they have done. Chat is way better now than it was in 2011.

In November 2014 in a Third Party Developer’s meeting Oz Linden talks about chat servers overloading as regions restart. There is a YouTube video of the meeting. See: Second Life News 2014-47 TPD for a link to the video.

During this time the Lindens were rolling out chat system changes without updating region servers. They explicitly stated they were not telling us when these updates happened so they could get honest feedback on the chat system performance. I couldn’t easily find the reference in my user group meetings coverage, but it is there.

So, we have Linden words discussing the separate chat and region servers. But, those instances tell us nothing about how the system keeps track of who is online and where they are. Discussions and tests using residents to help improve chat and find problems were performed on the Beta Grid where that tracking was specifically tested to see how well regions kept track of avatar location and relayed that information to the chat system.

In March of 2012 another aspect of the Online Status came up as the Online Status feature changed to solve an abuse problem originating with viewer tags. This is back in the day when viewers displayed their brand name in the Avatar Name Tag. The change affected the scripting function llRequestAgentData(). Both the function and the status system were updated by updates to the region server software, not updates to the chat system.

Kelly Linden spoke about a common solution that people were proposing (Link) for the online status and name tag issue. It isn’t as definitive as one might like in regard to which servers handle status, but discussion clearly supports the idea region servers are involved in online status.

The SL Wiki has more about Online Status but never really defines how status is tracked or which system carries primary responsibility for maintaining an avatar’s status.

You can test for yourself that regions and online status are closely tied. When you encounter the online-status-failure move to another region or check the status on a web page. Check status again in the problem region after a restart.

Whirly is not ALWAYS right, she has been known to make mistakes. But, even the Lindens have asked her to help when figuring out a problem. I could make a good argument from personal experience that Whirly knows more about the general SL System than a number of Lindens. Don't bet against Whirly... ever... she is amazing. 

Rumor has it she is related to Marvin (starship Heart of Gold).


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