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Mainland crazy prices


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So,  on mainland a parcel will be for sale with a price set at 21. L$/m , or 104 L$/m , then surrounding it will be a bunch of abandoned land. 

I see high land prices all over but they are surrounded by abandoned land. 

what gives? Why do some people price their land so high, just to abandon it in the end.  

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Hello EBM5555

Thank you for bringing up this.

I would like to start with the part of the price.

Not all parcels are high priced, its just our brains who get shocked when we see the prices you mentioned and we remember them all the time, opposite of when we see a normal priced parcel that it gets no attention...

Its like when we see a Ferrari  .. We will remember it more than when we see a normal car at the streets.

Now as for the why they doing this..

Well, most of the times is because they are young children or men who remain internally children who don't know the real value of money and they think that maybe someone will be irrelevant or stupid enough to pay those outraged prices..

Some times people overprice their parcels, just for to have them shown in search engines with the hope to advertise whatever they have into the parcel. Having it that high, nobody will ever buy it and it will still remain in search.

Another reason is the greedy part of the humans. I 've seen many times people trying to get more and more ... and more, of what the real value of a parcel is. Usually aren't that high as you mentioned because those people know the real value and they asking 2-3 times more than the usual price so it can be easier for someone new to this to buy it, since L$2000 is like less than 10 real dollars and they could afford to pay it for a piece of land, especially when they don't know what a 512m parcel is and whatever else can be found if they knew how to search...

Another reason is the gangster part of humans. I have seen established landlords who buy the very centered parcel of a sim and then asking an arm and a leg, blackmailing that way the potential buyer of a full sim who cannot have it all unless they surrender to those "gangsters". I personally find this the worst case and I wish that will stop one day.

Another reason is the location and the age of the simulator (sim) Some sims are old and rare as we call them and they cost really a lot of money.. For example the very first 16 sims of secondlife are really high priced, as well as part of  Nautilus, bay city and some more.






Thanks again for bringing this up!

Wish to all a happy new year and with lots of fun in our second life  ( oh well and our Real life ... :P  )

beethros Karas

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  • 2 weeks later...

one thing i wish to illustrate


something being old and rare doesnt make it anymore valuable,at all (unless we are talking wine which physically changes taste with age)

these peices of land never change there function or there structure (aside from maybe parcel division) overtime


the only reason why humans equate "old and rare" with high priced is because of the unfortunate phenomenon of "status symbol" which is to say a minor ego boost due to owning something no one else can have,while the particular usefullness of something never actually changed

and before the likely response to this post ill llustrate something else

"a rock is still a rock,whether it came from mars,a comet,your backyard or the depths of the ocean floor.none of that makes it special at all.people turn it from useless into grandure with there vain aspirations,luck yfor us the human animal is a fickle thing and will lose interest quite quickly after this "rock" is aquired"

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MishkaKatyusha wrote:


"a rock is still a rock,whether it came from mars,a comet,your backyard or the depths of the ocean floor.none of that makes it special at all.people turn it from useless into grandure with there vain aspirations,luck yfor us the human animal is a fickle thing and will lose interest quite quickly after this "rock" is aquired"

While I may agree with some of your sentiment in the rest of your post, to varying degrees, this analogy you are using is a terrible way to express it. A rock is NOT "just a rock", as there really is no such thing. We, humans, tend to call things by simple names, for whatever reasons we choose. A rock from mars, a comet, my backyard, and the ocean floor are all vastly different in more ways than either you or I can possibly identify. Those rocks may very well have unique features that do, in fact, make them "special", or at the very least "different", whether or not some humans want to believe they are, indeed different.  We should also feel far more lucky that at least some of the human species don't lose interest so quickly ;) If it were not for those who fail to lose interest quickly, we'd never learn a darn thing, about anyone, and we certainly wouldn't be where we are today.

Of course the idea of something being rare, special, different, is situational. Even if it is merely for sentimental value alone, that is a value someone, or some group of someones, has placed on an item(in this case, perhaps land in a virtual environment, though it could realy apply to anyone). I have to ask then, who are you, I, or anyone else to decide that item does NOT have the value someone else placed on it? Perhaps it doesn't have that value for you, but that doesn't mean it has no value for others. We all have things we place at different levels of value, with which others may not agree. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Does it change an items overall value, or worth? Maybe, or maybe not, that's why I say it is situational.  As an example, I am willing to bet you hold the things you own, clothing, the roof over your head, the ability to do the things that you do, etc... at some level of value. Now talk to someone that has lived in a far more primitive, less developed aea of the world, and see if they think those things have value. Odds are, they won't, at least not to them. That's perfectly okay, too. It still doens't change the fact that YOU hold them at some value. Have you lost interest in their value, or having these things? Perhaps some of them, certainly not all, or you'd not still possess them, now would you?

Why wine, to you, has more value as it ages, is beyond me, lol. It should fit the same analogy everything else does, including "a rock". A rock can change over time. Just as land within a virtual world can change over time, as can their perceived value, either on a whole, or even just in part. It really doesn't matter *why the value is placed on something, merely the fact that *some value is placed on it, is enough. 

Not everything of value is given value because of status symbol. Again, I can refer back to some of your basic necessities in life. Do you think they give you status or an ego boost? Do you have anything in your life that has sentimental value, and therefore worth more, to you, than it would likely be worth to anyone else? Does that give you a feeling of status symbol or an ego boost? I know I have some pictures, momentos, and most definitely loads of memories that, if lost, would make me terribly sad. They hold an extremely high level of value to me.(though those aren't the only things I hold as valuable). None of those things give me any kind of ego boost, or a feeling of having some kind of status symbol. They hold a different kind of value. Now whether or not you agree, personally, with my idea of them being valuable, is irrelevent. They old value *for me*, and that is enough.  Just as the things you hold as valuable, for whatever reasons you choose to do so, likely don't hold the same value for everyone else Personally, I hate wine and I don't think it, regardless of age, is valuable in the least. You seem to think otherwise, which is perfectly ok. But your beliefs, or my beliefs, on its value, don't speak for the whole. SO, in other words, wine, is not "more valuable" overall....it, like everything else, is situational. 

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Because it's a free market. 

That's what you get to do in a free market.

I agree with beetros that there's this persistent minority of sellers who think that someone will pay them some ridiculous sum of money "by accident" (that would be cruel!) or because they are so rich they won't care. That seldom happens. Most land at those ridiculous prices isn't worth it, unless it's actually near some high-traffic venue where you could make money based on that proximity. But that's seldom.

Land used to be considered "normal" at $7/m or $10/m if waterfront. Today, this seems "crazy." 

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  • 5 months later...

The funny thing is you call these people children and other degrading names because you thihk they over charge and yet on your markeytplace items the first thing I see is a badly made Concert Stage for 499L$. Your post here could be talking about yourself. 

The value of a piece of land is only known to the person who wants to buy it. Some land may have more value because it is the last piece available to complete a nice square lot. Other land may be next to a busy mall which means you will get free traffic. There are lots of reasons why some land is more expensive than others. 

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