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Fortyniner Beck

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  1. In my case I always have the viewer set to ask about streaming music and most of the time say “deny” - being on a work machine tends to mean that I don’t want music ( or voice) on in the office.
  2. It may have changed but a couple of years ago I used to run a shoutcast server for a plot on mainland and I know that I couldn’t see ip addresses of people that didn’t have the stream turned on, it only listed “listeners”. This was seen both when I visited the plot and also with av’s that didn’t belong to me - in my case the ip address only appeared in shoutcast logs/ listener stats once I started to listen to the stream in the client ( firestorm).
  3. As a small ex-landlord I would have been very uncomfortable taking a years rent. My rental boxes would only allow people to rent for a maximum of 8 weeks at any one time and when I finally stopped renting out I made sure that tenants knew 4 weeks in advance and got a refund of any unused rental ( plus, as I’m not a good business man and it felt the right thing to do as some had been tenants for 2 or 3 years I paid them a bit extra for the inconvenience). I sympathise with the OP though, they didn’t think that anything would go wrong, but without knowing the landlords side of things ( rl might have bitten them in the bum with illness, a death, or a sudden need to cut back on expenses or some other reason) it’s hard to “blame” them.
  4. Until I moved house last year I was on a 3Mbps down and 2Mps up ( in a rural location in the UK) and used SL successfully for 10 years on that speed. The main thing I learnt was to stay away from busy hunts as they would take forever to load so I used to monitor the green dots on the map for each location to decide when to visit..
  5. I’d suggest looking at Maya’s stuff ( I’m not in world at the moment so can’t give an lm but she is on marketplace as Maya’s buildings), she has several bathroom sets.
  6. Personally, I’m not a fan of videos that loop. I found it distracting while looking at the rest of the content on the page with the movement drawing my eye to it. In the old days of webdesign you might have talked about the fight or flight syndrome. Having said that it’s better than the “blue lady” that might have raised expectations that that was what Avis looked like in SL.
  7. In over 15 years I don’t think I’ve ever used anything but the search to find a destination - not that I look for them very often. Of course that might be because of what I do in RL ( I’ve been in seo for 25 years, going back to pre Google days - so automatically search)
  8. Small landlord for many years offering houses and stores cheaply. The homes were aimed at people who were getting the stipend and wanted a cheap rent that was more than covered by the stipend - typically L$50-100 a week. Then came Linden Homes and my market died almost overnight. The shops were on the same basic, individual shops on their own plots in a complete landscaped mainland sim ( so tenants could set their own music, land descriptions etc). I can’t remember what happened but again the market dried up overnight and not long afterwards the three commercial sims were sold off. Now I use SL to potter. After 15 years or so I don’t have the energy to try to do anything special ( and after a major inventory crash I lost most of the buildings anyway ). and most, if not all, of the people I knew and was friendly with have moved on from SL.
  9. You can terraform mainland, maybe not as much as a private island ( but that depends on the island settings ). I think I’ve only ever had two mainland parcels that I had a problem terraforming in nearly 15 years of mainland ownership and in both cases it was still workable by moving bits around.
  10. It’s a hard life being a cat in my house. and, yes, I need to find the instructions for Oliver, the ginger one as he appears to be “broken”
  11. I have a main and two “alts” although only one is used much nowadays. The first was created when I used to DJ, my main avi was running a land business and the alt was a more outgoing character. The second is more of a bot that was used until recently for group invites for new rentals. All are male characters. What I find interesting is that the DJ character allowed me to be a completely different personality, he would get on with everyone whereas my main is much more reserved.
  12. If you mean a Linden home for 2048m2 I don't think they have released those yet. What you can/should be able to do it have a 1024 Linden home and buy 1024 on the mainland with no tier (you have to pay to buy the mainland plot) or you could have 2048m2 of mainland and not have a Linden home, again you have to buy the mainland.
  13. Snowy rectangular plot sloping to Linden river, near Linden Road and railway (I had a bridge from the land to the road with no problems) and not far from the skiing area. Sim edge as you can see from the map below, with 9717 prims available. Long established neighbours and the only land on this sim that's available. For sale for L$101,000. Taxi to the land --> http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Skari/155/198/110 View from the river. Map of the area showing plot for sale, waterway, road and railway. Any questions please ask
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