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is it possible


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GondolaBar wrote:

It's possible. I have both SL viewer and Firestorm, so I can open two accounts at the same time. However mine is a laptop, so it gets laggy quite often. Best if you use a desktop.

As already said in this thread you do not need to have two seperate viewer softwares to do this. You just have to set your options to allow more than one running instance of the viewer and then you can run as many accounts simultaniously as you want (or as your computer can handle).

I once did this when I went to a ballroom but wasn't willing to put up with some random dance partner. It was quite relaxing. Finally a well dressed, good looking dancepartner who didn't start some chessy conversation. :smileylol:

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Syo Emerald wrote:

I once did this when I went to a ballroom but wasn't willing to put up with some random dance partner. It was quite relaxing. Finally a well dressed, good looking dancepartner who didn't start some chessy conversation. :smileylol:

Sounds terrible to me.  But then again, my alts usually just find reasons to argue with me.

...Dres (Especially when they've been drinking.)

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CheriColette wrote:

Haha Syo & Dres....good solution.

I once signed in twice as myself but when I went to same place, the 1st me disappeared. Didnt want to be seen with me I guess  

I call BS.  Yes, it's quite possible to sign on two alternate accounts from the same computer, but you can't sign on the same account again once that account is signed on.  Perhaps you remember the exact situation incorrectly.


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CheriColette wrote:

Well no...I remember it quiet clearly.  I was sailing and my computer crashed so restarted FS and arrived at home and messaged my partner. He said I was still with him on the boat but anchored and tp (the 2nd)  me over. 

Being ghosted doesn't count.


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CheriColette wrote:

Well no...I remember it quiet clearly.  I was sailing and my computer crashed so restarted FS and arrived at home and messaged my partner. He said I was still with him on the boat but anchored and tp (the 2nd)  me over. 

That kind of thing has happened to me and my friend while sailing.

We were chatting. After a while I was wondering why my friend got very silent, not answering to anything what I said. Well, I thought maybe there's been some sudden RL thing the friend had to take care of. After some minutes I got an IM from my friend:

Friend: Where are you?

Me: What do you mean? I'm with you in the boat.

Friend: What! I'm not in the boat. I crashed and logged back in. Now I'm at the place where we started from.

Me: You definitely are with me in the boat.Friend: Humm...  TP me.

Me: Ok, it would be interesting to see two of you here.

What happened next was:

- My friend's avatar was still sitting near me in the boat.

- I TPed my friend.

- After a short while I saw my friend's avatar appearing hovering in the air near the boat.

- At the same instant my friend's avatar sitting in the boat vanished.

- Thus I never saw two of his avatars near me at the same time.


This surely was some glitch in the system. When my friend crashed the system gave me no message that he went offline. His avatar was still in my view. When he came online the system gave me no message either that he came back online. How the system saw things and how he saw things, was that he indeed crashed. But for me, the system failed to deliver that information. The friend's avatar sitting in the boat while my friend was offline was just a ghost. I only new what had happened when my friend IMed me.

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