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Proposing a Gacha Resale MP category.


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I think that it would be beneficial to have a separate Marketplace category for gacha resale items.  Regardless of what people feel about the concept of gacha resales, the reality is that there are an increasing number of marketplace stores dedicated to them.

Since there is no gacha resale related category, sellers have to choose from the other categories (such as apparel, home and garden, etc). Some people do use the"Used Items" category, but others do not feel it is fitting since they have not used the items.

Having the listing in the same category as that where the original creator is listing their other items seems problematic to me for several reasons, primarily skewing the search results away from the creator's other items  And if a buyer is not familiar with gacha, it can be confusing that there are multiple people selling one creator's items (something that is often taught to new residents as a red flag when buying from Marketplace). I think this would be less if it was clear that the items were gacha resales.  

In addition, it would help the search function for buyers who may not know the exact name of the item if there were a gacha resale category that they could use to narrow their search.  I think it would be better as a stand-alone category, or at the very least a subcategory of the Used Items category.

I am sending this to LL via the support portal and possibly a JIRA new feature request, though I am holding off on the JIRA for now since i don't know that I think that is the way to go.  I am posting here to see if anyone has some feedback.

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I think it's a good idea, it's not really a bug it's more of a feature request, so Think filing a suggestion would be good way to try in addition to the support ticket.  The more people put in suggestions about this, the more likely LL is to do some thing about it.  I suspect even if they wanted to fix it it won't happen until after VMM is completely rolled out. 


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  • 1 month later...

The gacha items are like an infection of marketplace.


Not to mention a large amount of gacha items are being placed in the wrong categories.


Last night I flagged approximately 60 items in the building objects and components category because they do not belong there.


That category is for full perm creators' items. 


I spent at least an hour in world trying to get this point across to the poster of those items who argued with me because they did not understand why the items didnt belong there.


Gacha items would best belong in the collectibles category.  They are special items that in 9/10 cases are only sold for a brief time and then you cannot get them. That by definition is a collectible.


LL can add subcategories to the collectibles section to break it up further.


If you are going to be a gacha reseller, putting items in wrong categories is against the tos of the mp so please be sure you are using the right categories in the future.


And please readers keep sending suggestions thru the suggestion link posted in this thread. I chose L$ commerce as the category if anyone wants a suggestion on what to choose.


It is very annoying to go to the full perm section and find it flooded with 66 gacha items.  Something needs to be done. 



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There already IS a category for those types of items.  It is called "Used Items".

Used Items are those items that you got, that you didn't create, that you don't want. Just like used items in real life.  Even if the item is "new, in the box" it is still considered a used item.

The gatcha items have completely junked up the marketplace.  So many people are trying to get rid of the exact same items, that any single one item has 50 or more listings, many times from the same seller. (which is against the rules, too!) and usually in the wrong category.

It is like going to walmart and finding that a bunch of homeless flea market sellers have set up shop in the store. There are buildings in the misc. categories, there are neckalces in the clothing areas, there are shoes in the avatars areas.  Half the stuff isn't set to adult when it should be. So if I try to find something to buy while I am at work, I run the risk of having boobs, or worse, show up on my computer screen.

Lots of the items have keyword spam in them, which is completely screweing up any type of searching for stuff anymore. Search was bad enough before with the regular sellers junking it up with bogus keywords, now the place is flooded with these gacha items that are making everyting 1000 time worst.

Yeah, no.  They do not need their own place, they can use the one that is already there for stuff like that. USED ITEMS!




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  • 2 weeks later...

flagging the items worked fine.  but no one should have to flag so many.  it is sad that nothing is being done about this issue that i am aware of........


after thinking this thru even further......... the ones hurt most by this are the full perm creators because this flood of gacha items in the full perm sections  is just pushing their listings out of the sight of the builders who might want that product and it affects their income.....



for the builder it makes finding the right components to complete your build so your income is affected as well. 


this is a lose lose situation for the two most vital parts of the creation equation.    and then not to mention the annoyed customers who are searching for a new home, or some trees for the garden, etc.   and all the get are gacha items, sigh. 


so who will ever know if so and so came out with a new house this week, i dont even want to use mp anymore because its just a mess.  sometimes i feel like gacha is an sl infection.  i know that sounds mean,  but i am sure when LL comes up with a antibacterial cure for gacha that stops it from infecting every other part of commerce on the mp........ yes, then and only then will i feel better about gacha.  until then, i have built up an immunity and i steer clear of it all if i can.  but i wont let go of my what next anywhere chair and thats just how it is lol.



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  • 3 months later...

I think this is a very good idea and I like the suggestion already stated of putting a sub-category in Collectibles, because that is what gachas really are.  People buy, sell and most importantly trade gacha items.

It is sad that the only category anyone wants them to be in carries the stigma of the word USED. 

Before I got involved in Gachas, I just recently returned to SL after a long illness, I would never even open search results in the USED Item category because of the feeling the word gives.

As for the earlier poster who so bitterly described gachas as used, no they are resale, not used.  Resale items are new, with or without tag items.  It is not lingerie that has been worn a dozen times then thrown on a flea-market table. 

Gacha resell is a great way for people who, in RL, cannot afford a 3,000L+ bed because they live on limited incomes, The items are in most cases exquisitely designed. And are a very positive affect on inworld and marketplace economy. 

Are there issues that need to be resolved, yes...but becoming bitter does not solve problems. Cooperation, communication and courtesy does.

As for the Gacha seller who did not understand, after an hour of discussion, well your just can't fix stupid.  But being a part of the Gacha seller community, I will state emphatically that they fall into that 1-5% that any and every category has.

Just my humble opinion.

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