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I think I'm done with Mainland

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Alicia Sautereau wrote:

...we will always hear stories about unfortunate people who suddenly have a horsefarm as a new neighbour on the mainland.

And yet another...  let's talk Breedables.

Presto, just like that, overnight, script time went to 20ms and spare time to pretty much 0ms.  Let's talk lag... no, let's not.  The sim has been rendered pretty much useless IMO.

For years I could find good mainland parcels, check the stats and health of the sim, evaluate all the neighboring parcels, look for steady ownership and script friendly builds that have been, and were most likely to stay in place for a while etc. There was always the risk a nightclub or some other type of hotspot could move in but with due diligence, you could lower that risk. Get many parcels, spread the risk and keep prices competitively low for your customers.

Yeah, I have always been keenly aware of the risks, but things change and new risks emerge.

In the past few years, a new threat, breedable farms and their enormous script loads have been punishing sims at ever increasing rates.  I don't think too many of these farmers understand the impact their zoo has on the sim... if they do, that's kinda uncool.  I put in a great deal of effort to keep the script loading on my builds to a minimum (as well as appropriate sizing of textures but that's a different discussion).  I understand however that everyone has the right to do what they please on their parcel within the TOS.

Suffice to say, my 40+ tenants on that particular parcel aren't happy and complaining about all kinds of bizarre lag related issues now.  I guess I will have to move them, shut that particular parcel down and sell it uber cheap.  Sure is a lot of work down the drain getting everything setup and functioning properly.

So for me, it looks like that's it for Mainland.  If it isn't greeiefers it's script overload.  If I want to continue, a private region looks like the only option going forward, just much harder to be profitable... not that I really do it for the money but lindens are the points I use to keep score to see how well I'm playing.  If I have the most lindens when they shut this whole operation down, I win... right?

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well..... i can imagine the breedables are a pain when the owner doesn't disable animations and sounds BUT...

the same as you do, as long he pays his rent/tier he simply has the right to do what he does.

Using to much resources can be reported, but i also could think that 40 renters cause quite some lag ... 40 people on a sim isn't really a fair use of resources either, unless you own whole sim.

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Alwin Alcott wrote:

i totally agree with you Jenni, but if the OP states he has 40+ tenants/renters, it's somewhat strange to blaim another for overusing resources, 40+ on a single sim is way to much, for sure when he doesn't own the whole 65k sqm.

In fact, I believe that he's simultaneously renting to more avatars that can fit on the region at once not even taking into account any other parcel owners.

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Alwin Alcott wrote:

i totally agree with you Jenni, but if the OP states he has 40+ tenants/renters, it's somewhat strange to blaim another for overusing resources, 40+ on a single sim is way to much, for sure when he doesn't own the whole 65k sqm.

How can 40 tenants, with totally different time zones, and spread out up in the sky, be a bigger problem, than a club on a 2048 sqm parcel, with 20 guests at the same time, participating in an event?

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If you move to a private region, make sure you check the covenant with regards to script usage and breedables.  I see some regions where breedables are acceptable but they are required to turn off the scripts that make them move about and otherwise cause lag.

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of course a club is a bad idea too, but imagine 40+ tenants... with their s*xbeds, cuddles and scripted items rezzed....bad textured items and much more....

you can't ignore their load, even when they'r not in the same timezone.

I keep my point of view that the OP isn't less abusing the sim resources than the breedables.

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Maybe a little education here for all.  The sim load for renters is rarely, if ever greater than 10% meaning there are no more than about 3-4 avatars at a time on the parcel... if that.  The vast majority of the time, the parcel is empty.  Additionally, rental units only rez when avatars are in the vicinity and are derezzed otherwise.  The sensors are on, but not a load.  Way different than a club or hotspot which is designed to attract a lot of AV's simultaneously.

The sim load for my rentals is almost 'nil' as is the prim count.  It's that way by design.  

Mainland air is nothing but rentals these days.  Most parcels I look at have adjacent rental skyboxes from 300m to 4000m, sometimes on all 4 sides.  You really don't wan't to come in and place your skyboxes right next to others, it's not cool.  It's really difficult to find clean airspace to work with anymore.


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Alwin Alcott wrote:


of course a club is a bad idea too, but imagine 40+ tenants... with their s*xbeds, cuddles and scripted items rezzed....bad textured items and much more....

you can't ignore their load, even when they'r not in the same timezone.

I keep my point of view that the OP isn't less abusing the sim resources than the breedables.

It just doesn't make sense to me Alwin, because when I am in a club with more than 10 - 14 other avatars, or I am near some breadables, I crash frequently.

I almost never crash, when I am at a rental, no matter how many homes and furniture are rezzed. My thought was then, that spreading stuff, and some few people, to the 4000 meters of available sky-space, does not impact the resources in the same way.




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Spinwilly Saiman wrote:

Maybe a little education here for all.  The sim load for renters is rarely, if ever greater than 10% meaning there are no more than about 3-4 avatars at a time on the parcel... if that.  The vast majority of the time, the parcel is empty.  
Additionally, rental units only rez when avatars are in the vicinity and are derezzed otherwise.
 The sensors are on, but not a load.  Way different than a club or hotspot which is designed to attract a lot of AV's simultaneously.

The sim load for my rentals is almost 'nil' as is the prim count.  It's that way by design.  

Mainland air is nothing but rentals these days.  Most parcels I look at have adjacent rental skyboxes from 300m to 4000m, sometimes on all 4 sides.  You really don't wan't to come in and place your skyboxes right next to others, it's not cool.  It's really difficult to find clean airspace to work with anymore.


Interesting - take a look at this JIRA about mesh rezzing lagging out regions, particularly the note about "a rezzer with multiple mesh homes."


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Muletta wrote:

How can 40 tenants, with totally different time zones...

Mulleta, what the hell are you talking about?! How on Earth (which is where I presume you live) can 40 tenants live in "TOTALLY DIFFERENT TIME ZONES"? There are only 30 time zones on our little planet!

And "totally different" implies there are less than totally different time zones. Yes, six of the thirty are a half hour out of kilter, but that's still a significant difference, enough to cause you to miss a rerun of "The Andy Griffith Show" or suffer through a wretched half hour of "I Love Lucy" only to have the hotel bar open just as that adorable Opie walks through the door of the sheriff's office with a puppy in his arms.

I can't tell you how much this kind of sloppiness annoys me, Muletta. I'm so enraged I've spilled soup down my blouse. It's hard to drink from the can when your hands are shaking in anger.


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Muletta wrote:

How can 40 tenants, with totally different time zones...

Mulleta, what the hell are you talking about?! How on Earth (which is where I presume you live) can 40 tenants live in "TOTALLY DIFFERENT TIME ZONES"? There are only 30 time zones on our little planet!

And "totally different" implies there are less than totally different time zones. Yes, six of the thirty are a half hour out of kilter, but that's still a significant difference, enough to cause you to miss a rerun of "The Andy Griffith Show" or suffer through a wretched half hour of "I Love Lucy" only to have the hotel bar open just as that adorable Opie walks through the door of the sheriff's office with a puppy in his arms.

I can't tell you how much this kind of sloppiness annoys me, Muletta. I'm so enraged I've spilled soup down my blouse. It's hard to drink from the can when your hands are shaking in anger.


Hahahaha Madelaine - I guess this is your "example" from the drama-thread :smileyvery-happy:

I am so sorry about your blouse (and for the waste of good soup)...I hope you will not be starving the rest of the day...

But you know, how it is:

1 tenant is only online on Saturdays

1 tenant is only online on Tuesdays

1 tenant is always online, but lives in the Northern area on the Earth

1 tenant is also always online (when he doesn't have to walk his dog), but lives in the Southern area on the Earth.

1 tenant is on vacation

1 tenant can't find his home, after renting it

1 tenant is always away for visiting clubs elsewhere

etc etc


yes, yes...I shouldn't have used the word 'time-zones', I know....please go and change your wet blouse now, before you catch a cold :matte-motes-smitten:


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Muletta wrote: A flimsy defense of her misuse of time zones, followed by a half hearted apology and a maternal pat on the head. 

Don't patronize me, Muletta, I'm hopping mad here!!!

Care for some soup?

Still hopping mad?  You will soon have increased your condition/fitness so much, that you will need more to eat than a half plate of soup.

Nah, I had Hungary soup yesterday, so today I will have some solid food...But thanks anyway.


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Alwin Alcott wrote:

sighs...i'm hungry and want soup now...

... hands you a can, a can opener, and a spoon.

Just in time for some Andy Griffith.

Tonights episode, Opie shoots a bird with his slingshot, but feels bad later..


"Retched" I Love Lucy?

*happy dance!* I'm not the only one! woo hoo!

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Jerilynn Lemon wrote:

"Retched" I Love Lucy?

*happy dance!* I'm not the only one! woo hoo!

I like Fred and Ethyl, but the Lucy/Ricky relationship feels wrong to me. I understand that Lucille Ball broke new ground for women in comedy/entertainment, but she did it with an old plow. That may have been the only way, but I just don't like Lucy.

That dislike raises the same eyebrows as my love of The Three Stooges. I've had a lifelong crush on Curly...

My young (male) boarder agrees, the chorus mispoke. It's not "Curly's a dope", it's "Curly is dope".

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Alwin Alcott wrote:

sighs...i'm hungry and want soup now...

... hands you a can, a can opener, and a spoon.


Alwin, if it's not too late.....

Don't—DO NOT—open the can. Push it way to the back of the cupboard and leave it there when yoiu move out.

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Theresa Tennyson wrote:


Interesting - take a look at this JIRA about mesh rezzing lagging out regions, particularly the note about "a rezzer with multiple mesh homes."

Yes, rezzing a build will temporarily utilize resources and cause a spike in script time on the server.  It generally lasts for about 5 seconds at the most.  2 minutes sounds like an exaggeration unless it's a colossal build of some sort or a very inefficient rezzer script.  Breedable farms are hammering the server relentlessly 24/7 however.  There's not a single avatar in the region and the available script time is < 1ms.

Rezzers are perfectly fine -- with the exception maybe of temp rezzers which load continuously.  Rezzers actually save server resources because as long as nobody is using the property, the scripts within the objects that aren't rezzed aren't running.  If all the builds were sitting there waiting for tenants to show up, the number of scripts and active scripts would be significantly greater.

Still nothing like a breedable farm.  One neighbor on a 4096 parcel just added something like 4000 active scripts to the region with their little zoo.  That just seems like a blatant abuse of resources with no regard for others.

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