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Drama in SL

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One of my friends asked me the other day: "If I find out that my gf is cheating on me with another man, and I get upset and angry, and I show my true feelings to her, is it the same as making drama? - Where exactly is the difference between to show one's feelings and to make a drama out of a situation?"

I did not know what to answer him, because I have always wondered myself, why some write in their profiles, that they 'avoid and loathe dramas in SL' - and what that means more precisely.

So now I ask you, where the border is, between showing how one feel and to be a drama-maker?

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Well, having a virtual girlfriend in itself can be seen as the first step of drama, if you consider the huge amount of people saying they are in love and have found their true soulmate after knowing each other for a couple of hours together.

Of course someone who finds the love of their life so quickly, will have this happen more than once...which results in a case of unavoidable cheating.

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is a proper drama when there is a audience

some dramas are way better than others. bc the actors know whats needed to indulge themself engage the audience

some actors tho dont mind if is no audience. They quite happy performing just for themself, even when the audience already left. Or they never even had one to start with. Altho that can become a drama itself sometimes. Like come back !!! come here !!! whicheva !!! 

is quite hard tho to sustain a audience these days seems like. To many squirrels running round loose I think


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Venus Petrov wrote:

The ones that love and thrive on teh dramazzz are those that make a note of putting something in their profile like 'DRAMA FREE ZONE' (caps mandatory).  Sharing 'true' feelings is not drama if delivered appropriately. 

Yep, caps mandatory.  I have found the usually, 'NO DRAMA' in the profile is a sure clue that you might be dealing with a crazy person.  Back in the day, when I did other things than just run a lil business here, my profile said 'BRING ON THE DRAMA!'

It was one way to help ensure I was only dealing with the sane.  Didn't always work but hey... what does?


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One person’s drama is another person’s honest feelings... it’s one of those hugely subjective things. For me, drama starts the moment when there is no further positive purpose in airing one’s feelings; I can express my annoyance to the person that caused it, but if I start going to Facebook to rant about it to strangers that realistically couldn’t possibly care less, or maybe repeating my expressed annoyance to the person over and over, past the point of useful communication and yet not taking any further practical step (like, getting rid of him/her), that’s drama.

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Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and your points of view on…drama. 

You are right, I think. The border, when one’s expression of feelings turns into a drama, is subjective and depends on how the “audience” sees it.

 My border is, when my toes begin to crumple up under my feet, because I feel embarrassed on behalf of the other person who is “showing feelings”.

 Maybe feelings are to be compared with underwear in this way: We all have them, but we don’t all expose them to everybody and everywhere, anytime.

 Syo: You have a good point that drama can also be about “Look at me! Look at me! I am sooooo in love!”. Drama doesn’t have to be only about negative feelings always.

 Venus and Spinwilly: Hahaha.. maybe you are right…But I also know a person, who likes drama, and seriously tells so in her profile: Drama makes her feel alive, she claims.

 Irihapeti: I am not sure I understand. What is a “good drama” worth, if there are no audience to watch it?

 Dejaho, no no…I don’t assume they are mutually exclusive, hehe.

 Madelaine: True, so true, in most cases. But can anyone honestly say, that we haven’t made a drama ourselves, just once in our life? Just a single little teeny-weeny small one? :matte-motes-bashful-cute:

 Ren, you wrote: “For me, drama starts the moment when there is no further positive purpose in airing one’s feelings (…)” – A very wise defination, I think.


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Muletta wrote:

Madelaine: True, so true, in most cases. But can anyone honestly say, that we haven’t made a drama ourselves, just once in our life? Just a single little teeny-weeny small one? :matte-motes-bashful-cute:

People who know me well have said I'm intimidating (at first), analytical (always), stubborn (sometimes), maddening (the nerve!), silly (mmm) and weird (mmmhmm). Nobody has ever told me I'm dramatic, not even the director of our local theater troupe. Yet I have been known to feign impending death when a friend fails to being me chocolate. I've convinced people there are sharks in Lake Michigan by running hysterically from the water during a beach party. I can pierce eardrums with my screams, but vex a dear friend of mine who screams whenever I sneak up behind her and say "Boo!", because she's never been able to get so much as a twitch out of me when she does the same.

When it comes to the expression of real emotion, I'm pretty reserved. I come from a "no public displays of affection family". I've certainly caused enough drama in my life, mostly through being contrary. But I usually sit in the middle of the resulting firestorm, unperturbed.

I'll try to give you an example elsewhere.


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Muletta wrote:

Madelaine: True, so true, in most cases. But can anyone honestly say, that we haven’t made a drama ourselves, just once in our life? Just a single little teeny-weeny small one? :matte-motes-bashful-cute:

People who know me well have said I'm intimidating (at first), analytical (always), stubborn (sometimes), maddening (the nerve!), silly (mmm) and weird (mmmhmm). Nobody has ever told me I'm dramatic, not even the director of our local theater troupe. Yet I have been known to feign impending death when a friend fails to being me chocolate. I've convinced people there are sharks in Lake Michigan by running hysterically from the water during a beach party. I can pierce eardrums with my screams, but vex a dear friend of mine who screams whenever I sneak up behind her and say "Boo!", because she's never been able to get so much as a twitch out of me when she does the same.

When it comes to the expression of real emotion, I'm pretty reserved. I come from a "no public displays of affection family". I've certainly caused enough drama in my life, mostly through being contrary. But I usually sit in the middle of the resulting firestorm, unperturbed.

I'll try to give you an example elsewhere.


Maybe you are just phlegmatic by nature, or you have learned to keep your emotions for yourself. Sometimes age also teach us to not explode everywhere and anytime, when something is making us angry...

Personally, I like the solution, with going out in my kitchen, close the doors, and jump furious up an down at a bag of chips...It makes me feel good afterwards, and it calms me down, so I can deal with the problem in a more "grown up way" against the people who has caused my anger...

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Muletta wrote:

Personally, I like the solution, with going out in my kitchen, close the doors, and jump furious up an down at a bag of chips...It makes me feel good afterwards, and it calms me down, so I can deal with the problem in a more "grown up way" against the people who has caused my anger...

I hope you really are jumping down at them, and not on them. I'd get pretty angry if I destroyed my bag of chips in... anger.

I have quite a temper and can swear like a sailor. When I'm angry, I sometimes go out in the woods and yell obscenities at the deer. I'd yell at the squirrels too, but I feel even better if I steal their walnuts.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Muletta wrote:

Personally, I like the solution, with going out in my kitchen, close the doors, and jump furious up an down at a bag of chips...It makes me feel good afterwards, and it calms me down, so I can deal with the problem in a more "grown up way" against the people who has caused my anger...

I hope you really are jumping down
them, and not
them. I'd get pretty angry if I destroyed my bag of chips in... anger.

I have quite a temper and can swear like a sailor. When I'm angry, I sometimes go out in the woods and yell obscenities at the deer. I'd yell at the squirrels too, but I feel even better if I steal their walnuts.

At/on ... grrrrrrrr - I think I will never learn the difference. But I smash, smash, smash the chips. I always keep an extra bag in the cupboard for angry-smash-hoppings.

It is okay to steal walnuts from the squirrels, I think. They often forget where they have their depots, anyway.



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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

My squirrels are chubby. I think that makes them easier for the coyotes to catch, resulting in chubby coyotes. I'm doing the entire food chain a favor by stealing the walnuts.

...borrows Maddy's stash of walnuts so I can make my Sugar Glazed Walnuts for the salad tonight.

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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

My squirrels are chubby. I think that makes them easier for the coyotes to catch, resulting in chubby coyotes. I'm doing the entire food chain a favor by stealing the walnuts.

...borrows Maddy's stash of walnuts so I can make my 
for the salad tonight.

Send me some of those or I'll give you a can of soup.

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Muletta wrote:

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and your points of view on…drama. 

You are right, I think. The border, when one’s expression of feelings turns into a drama, is subjective and depends on how the “audience” sees it.

 My border is, when my toes begin to crumple up under my feet, because I feel embarrassed on behalf of the other person who is “showing feelings”.

 Maybe feelings are to be compared with underwear in this way: We all have them, but we don’t all expose them to everybody and everywhere, anytime.

 Syo: You have a good point that drama can also be about “Look at me! Look at me! I am sooooo in love!”. Drama doesn’t have to be only about negative feelings always.

 Venus and Spinwilly: Hahaha.. maybe you are right…But I also know a person, who likes drama, and seriously tells so in her profile: Drama makes her feel alive, she claims.

 Irihapeti: I am not sure I understand. What is a “good drama” worth, if there are no audience to watch it?

 Dejaho, no no…I don’t assume they are mutually exclusive, hehe.

 Madelaine: True, so true, in most cases. But can anyone honestly say, that we haven’t made a drama ourselves, just once in our life? Just a single little teeny-weeny small one? :matte-motes-bashful-cute:

 Ren, you wrote: “For me, drama starts the moment when there is no further positive purpose in airing one’s feelings (…)” – A very wise defination, I think.


Maybe it is because I am a fairly new forum avatar but it seems to me from what I have seen and what you have summarised here that drama is a response by sensitive people to things that don't really matter that much.


((Real drama is when the cops burst into your house in the middle of the night.))

(((Looking for the guns and drugs that they say the terrorists left here when they broke intoi the house last week.)))

((((And you have to explain that this is 101 Walnut AVenue and their warrant is for 101 Walnut Drive))))

(((((And give them a handout for the adult literacy classes that you teach.)))))

((((((And they trash your grden anyway on the way out))))))


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MissTeriMahn wrote:

((Real drama is when the cops burst into your house in the middle of the night.))

(((Looking for the guns and drugs that they say the terrorists left here when they broke intoi the house last week.)))

((((And you have to explain that this is 101 Walnut AVenue and their warrant is for 101 Walnut Drive))))

(((((And give them a handout for the adult literacy classes that you teach.)))))

((((((And they trash your grden anyway on the way out))))))

Narh, not here in SL...The situation you describe here, sounds more like an act of a daily roleplay happening, from one of the sims...

I think that real drama, do have to include loooooove in some way. :matte-motes-smitten:




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There is drama  and then there is DRAMA

Some people  and some clubs  seem to thrive on it 

As for my self  i dont tolerate people who continue to drag me in to there.  I get rid of them   Second Life is supposed to be fun.

As a club owner   i ejected people causeing drama with out notice

they come back  and continute  they are banne


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Roche Runo wrote:

There is drama  and then there is DRAMA

Some people  and some clubs  seem to thrive on it 

As for my self  i dont tolerate people who continue to drag me in to there.  I get rid of them   Second Life is supposed to be fun.

As a club owner   i ejected people causeing drama with out notice

they come back  and continute  they are banne


These dramas in your club, how do they take place? Are people shouting at each other, or what do they do?



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Muletta wrote:

Roche Runo wrote:

There is drama  and then there is DRAMA

Some people  and some clubs  seem to thrive on it 

As for my self  i dont tolerate people who continue to drag me in to there.  I get rid of them   Second Life is supposed to be fun.

As a club owner   i ejected people causeing drama with out notice

they come back  and continute  they are banne


These dramas in your club, how do they take place? Are people shouting at each other, or what do they do?



it usually starts with

o.m.g !!! get ur cross hairs off me. u pervert !!


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Okay my post has nothing to do with what the poster was asking.  Sorry  i was tired  and should have paid closer attention.

Well its first instict to lash out at the people who cause you pain.   I am a guy and i think you should be lashing out at the guy who hurt you .  Emotions are real  in in second life .   The girl would havent been with your guy if he hadnt let it happen. 

if it is just between you two.  I wouldnt consider this drama.  Now if the two of  are fighting it out in public  then yes its drama

Hope your heart heals soon.  Lots of good guys out there.

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