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Any tips on how to earn L$ in large quantities ?

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there is about a billion things in SL I want to buy


but due to the fact my only option of payment for the internet is Prepaid credit cards I cant buy my own 


the officially listed 3rd party L$ sellers no longer accept prepaid credit cards so where that used to be an option it no longer is :/


paypal currently has me on limited access due to useing prepaid credit cards and i have no way to remove it due to lack of  scanner or a camera that can take a clear image of text 




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Sure.  Same as in RL.

1) Work very hard in a low paid job

2) Work less hard in a very well paid job

3) Work hard in a well paid job

4) Create something that is:-

  • In huge demand
  • Appeals to a customer base who do have L$
  • Market it superbly

(all of the items in 4 are related to 1 through 3)

Don't for one moment imagine that there's a quick magic fix, nor is the above unattainable to anyone who is prepared to invest time and effort.  It's doable but you're unlikely to be rich by this time next week!

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I think I saw you ask about this in a group chat. Regardless, as Sassy mentioned, there is no magic fix or unknown secret. Getting free Linden is a horrible grind, and you need to provide some kind of service to generate any revenue. While you can do things like camp at sploders for 5 hours or play the traffic cone game, you are only going to get individual Linden for doing these; it's really only good for pocket change, like tipping at a club or buying a L5 item from the Marketplace.

As for your situation, there absolutely has to be something you can do. Internet cafes have scanners. Even the most horrible of horrible phones has a camera. Failing that, you can get a scanner for less that $50 Canadian (not sure where you live, but $50 Canadian really isn't that much) and a cheap digital camera for even less. Heck, it's frowned upon and a terrible idea, but you could probably go to a cell phone provider and use one of their phones to take a picture. If none of this works, do you know anyone who has a camera or scanner you could use? What about your workplace? Or school, if you're a student. The answer is probably less, unless you live in a cave or in a country where such things simply do not exist. Even printshops will usually scan things for you, either for free or a small charge. And I just noticed that you can also pay with something called Skrill (no idea what that is, but it's a payment option). The point I'm trying to make is that there is always some kind of option, and unfortunately, it sounds like you aren't trying very hard to solve this.

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HarrisonMcKenzie wrote:

I think I saw you ask about this in a group chat. Regardless, as Sassy mentioned, there is no magic fix or unknown secret. Getting free Linden is a horrible grind, and you need to provide some kind of service to generate any revenue. While you can do things like camp at sploders for 5 hours or play the traffic cone game, you are only going to get individual Linden for doing these; it's really only good for pocket change, like tipping at a club or buying a L5 item from the Marketplace.

As for your situation, there absolutely has to be something you can do. Internet cafes have scanners. Even the most horrible of horrible phones has a camera. Failing that, you can get a scanner for less that $50 Canadian (not sure where you live, but $50 Canadian really isn't that much) and a cheap digital camera for even less. Heck, it's frowned upon and a terrible idea, but you could probably go to a cell phone provider and use one of their phones to take a picture. If none of this works, do you know anyone who has a camera or scanner you could use? What about your workplace? Or school, if you're a student. The answer is probably less, unless you live in a cave or in a country where such things simply do not exist. Even printshops will usually scan things for you, either for free or a small charge. And I just noticed that you can also pay with something called Skrill (no idea what that is, but it's a payment option). The point I'm trying to make is that there is always some kind of option, and unfortunately, it sounds like you aren't trying very hard to solve this.

i have an ipod 5 gen selfie cam only


the camera is **bleep** 


dont live near any internet cafe's unless you count places with free wifi 


dont really want to spend $50.00 for a 1 time use thing


dont work or go to school (yet)



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Sassy Romano wrote:

Sure.  Same as in RL.

1) Work very hard in a low paid job

2) Work less hard in a very well paid job

3) Work hard in a well paid job

4) Create something that is:-
  • In huge demand
  • Appeals to a customer base who do have L$
  • Market it superbly

(all of the items in 4 are related to 1 through 3)

5) Hope I'll feel sorry for you and send you money and announce my generosity here in the forums.

Don't for one moment imagine that there's a quick magic fix, nor is the above unattainable to anyone who is prepared to invest time and effort.  It's doable but you're unlikely to be rich by this time next week!


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There is really no way to make a large amount of money in SL without a lot of time, work, or talent. If there was, there would be a million people in SL exploiting it. Maybe get no fee credit card and pay off the balance every month so you don't pay any interest? Plus, you build up your credit score.

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The only way to truely earn tons of linden I think is to be able to be a creator. For hair or clothing as well as shoes. To make money in sl you have to spend it. The Walmart prepaid cards work well for me. Ive never once had an issue with it. The best way to have money in sl is to work in rl and splurge like 10 to 20 bucks. 

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Sephina Frostbite wrote:

The only way to truely earn tons of linden I think is to be able to be a creator. For hair or clothing as well as shoes. To make money in sl you have to spend it. The Walmart prepaid cards work well for me. Ive never once had an issue with it. The best way to have money in sl is to work in rl and splurge like 10 to 20 bucks. 

walmart cards arn't in canada :c




Bobbie Faulds wrote:

well....you could always try the old fashioned way and become an escort...oh...wait...you have to spend money for a top quality skin, clothes, hair and, in these days, you need a mesh body as well....never mind.



fortunately I have quality avatar im fairly sure its mesh friend bought it for me 


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Although I have managed to earn petty cash a few times doing that, like 100 L or less, yeh I'm cheap when desperate, most of the guys told me off by saying when they are getting it for free all over the grid why should they pay, others laughed in my face.

I have had male friends tells me quite openly they escorted using female alts, which was a revelation in itself, and that they earned qutet handsomely, but keeping my own expeirences in mind I find it really hard to believe them.

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Back in the day, they could. There weren't all the free sex rooms there are now and not as many that give it away for free. As for the ones that laugh in your face, you can tell them there's a big difference between poseball humping and getting off and a true escort that does a full RP for the scene. You're paying for the RP basically. A good escort can still make decent money, but has to work at it more. Think of it as writing a scene in a romance novel versus just watching 2 people going at it in an amateur porn video.

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bebejee wrote:

I have had male friends tells me quite openly they escorted using female alts, which was a revelation in itself, and that they earned qutet handsomely, but keeping my own expeirences in mind I find it really hard to believe them.

Men are much more successful at being escorts, since they know what men want.

And it is fairly obvious that women don't have a clue about that.

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Unfortunately, you haven't addressed what I said. You mentioned that you live in Canada. Canada is a first world country. Unless you live in a log cabin on the top of a mountain (though the recent Lumbersexual movement would even call that into question), there is a way to solve every single problem and rebuttal you've put forward. I know what it's like to be dependant. I know what it's like to be out of work. I know what it's like to not have a paycheque or other income for months straight. But there are ways, in a first world country with ubiquitous internet and tech access, for you to either acquire the funds needed to play SL or resolve your issue with Paypal. But you simply aren't trying. You want everyone here to fix your problem for you instead of investing 10 minutes to find the solution yourself (and I know what this is like because I sometimes get upset and do the exact same thing). But we can't fix this for you.

You said you live in Canada. Go to Staples or anywhere else that has a photocopier. They have scanning, printing, and email services your can use. The Kinko's near where I used to live (I can't remember their name now) have free scanners and computers you could use if you just asked. Walmart and any photolab can develop pictures from a disposable onto a CD. Pull up your Board of Education's website and email a computers teacher for help. I cannot even write all of the ways I can think of to help because there are too many. There is literally no reason why you cannot get this resolved in Canada. And it's almost comical how much effort you are expending into trying to get free money instead of just fixing the problem before you.

Again, I'm sorry if I'm coming off as a jerk. But I could literally walk into any commercial building in the tiny hicktown I live in and get my ID photgraphed for Paypal, and the whole thing would take maybe an hour. I can pick up the phone and call almost 100 people (and I don't really know that many people here) or make a post on Facebook and get 100 more volunteers who could help; friends, family, old co-workers, friends of friends, etc. It would be awkward and it would be embarrassing, but I could get it done in very little time because people will help you. I have been so embarrassed and ashamed to ask for help, only to have almost everyone I know offer me ride or a warm meal with only a comment. There is simply no where in Canada you can be living (even the Lumbersexual's cabin, 'cause it probably have wifi and a powerful gaming PC) and under almost no ciurcumstance where such options would be closed to you. Heck, when I lived in Japan and knew no one and couldn't speak, I could probably have gotten this done inside a few weeks. You just have to try.

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LlewLlwyd wrote:

HarrisonMcKenzie wrote:

Canada is a first world country.

Please can you provide verification of this, Derek, or perhaps Laskya.

If this doesn't validate our northern friends . . .

And they have a half dozen teams in the NHL, as well.

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DejaHo wrote:

And they have a half dozen teams in the NHL, as well.

I understand that they may also have a team that (very) occasionally wins something called a World Series.

They gotta be first world if they are big enough to be the best in the whole world I suppose.

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