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The Forums Are Far Too Boring

Magnus Brody

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

I thought when they made all those other sections that used to be talked about in general,is when they really slowed down..

There was a wider range of topics in the version before this one..


Taking all the forums together, its not a slowdown so much as a categorization.


As for moderation and tone - some folks have trouble having discussion without resorting to snarkiness or hostility - and then moderation sets in. Because such folks have trouble NOT communicating in this way, they may not realize its not how others wish to engage, and not even needed to make a point.


I find it usefule to come back and reread whatever I might have written a half or so later - IF I remember to do this, I can sometimes catch unwise posts and edit them.

As for the moderation - I appreciate it a lot, especially after seeing certain other SL forums that lack such.


And some people it is near impossible to disagree with without being accused of being some kind of ne're do well no matter what tone of voice one uses.

What obligates me to cater to hypersensitive single celled amoeba?

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irihapeti wrote:


i dont think the volume of posts has gone down all that much. They just more spread out on here


pretty much everything ended up in RA in those days

probably the most interesting thing about the old forums is that they never had a GD section. General chat about stuff was just tolerated in the RA


since Ebbe Linden came and told his people to chill out a bit these forums have lightened up (mod wise) quite a bit since I find. Much of the heavy-handedness (timeline wise) was done in the time of the previous boss linden

Agreed that some things are spread out more and some people have their chosen niches.

The previous boss Linden sleeps with the fishes now.

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I would rather have over moderation than no moderation, but I was involved in the very lively and busy SL Exchange / Xstreet forums, which had strict but fair moderation, and I miss that.

The "other forum" I think is much better now that some are no longer posting, but it does not have very much content relevant to SL, compared to this one.

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TDD123 wrote:

irihapeti wrote:

They are like legends to me. Inspirational even. I am aspire to be like them



Maddy is absolutely a bad influence on you ... :robottongue:


Maddy is a bad influence on everyone. That's her mission.

As for the GD forum (this one), the last couple of months have been pretty quiet, to say the least. At first I blamed the holidays, but we're well past those now. I expect we'll get something interesting to poke at soon. And in the meantime we can always go over to Role Play and wonder why some people think having other people make up secret imaginary stuff about 'em is somehow a TOS violation.

I like it here. I have from the start (for me), and that was in 2009. I've never liked the fights, although I know many people do. Jump into that flaming train wreck of a thread and start swinging. Or just read along and laugh. I've done my own unfair share of flaming posts, and I regret all of them. I don't mind at all that it's held to a minimum these days.


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Perrie Juran wrote:

The previous boss Linden sleeps with the fishes now.

i heard he ran off and joined some cult. Spreading religion to the masses. He is doing it with daggers apparently. I maybe misremembered that part tho. Might just be with bread knives or fish filleters maybe

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

TDD123 wrote:

irihapeti wrote:

They are like legends to me. Inspirational even. I am aspire to be like them

Maddy is absolutely a bad influence on you
... :robottongue:


Maddy is a bad influence on everyone. That's her


I like it here....
I've done my own unfair share of flaming posts
, and I regret all of them.
I don't mind at all that it's held to a minimum these days.


Yes, Dillon, this is certainly Maddy's forum these days.  Just as she wanted, and in a cult-ured sort of way.

Three cheers for Maddy.  Hip-hip-horray. 

It is no wonder to me that many no longer participate here - the OP nailed it. 



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DejaHo wrote:

It is no wonder to me that many no longer participate here - the OP nailed it. 


You swing, but missed the nail completely : Not once has the OP mentioned glorification of sockpuppetry and the current lack there of. You are more of a problem to these forums than Maddy could ever be. 

Some keep blaming forum moderation or other participants ; they'll never learn I'm afraid.

I don't miss 'them' ... :robotindifferent:

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well for some maybe the cause of their absence is because of the moderation of this forum, but this is not true for everyone.

I ended up losing all interest for this forum because of harassement from some forumers because my english is not to their taste. 

And also, it was no longer possible to have a serious discussion on a topic here, whatever was the topic, without being interrupted and flooded by some peoples who seems to enjoy to behave like kids in a kindergarden.

So THIS was boring. A lot. To the point i prefered to stop reading this forum. 

So well, rarely, when i have a bit of time, i come and read here and i dont find it so boring. Recently i found some threads super hilarious. Of course, one could cry reading these threads because, yeah, that's just pathetic to see human nature like that. But well, if you are in good mood at this moment you can laugh super loud. 

I noticed indeed there is less threads, less activities in this forum, but imho, moderation is less to blame than those ppl who rotted this forum for years. 

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I always thought the version just before this version ,was the worst..

As far as there being fighting and stuff..that and what felt like bot moderation..

There used to be A lot of fights in that version..

Old RA on the other hand was pretty tame compared and had no moderation really..There was always someone around..

That has to be my favorite time i think..It was pretty strong community wise then i think..


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Ceka Cianci wrote:

I always thought the version just before this version ,was the worst..

As far as there being fighting and stuff..that and what felt like bot moderation..

There used to be A lot of fights in that version..

Old RA on the other hand was pretty tame compared and had no moderation really..There was always someone around..

That has to be my favorite time i think..It was pretty strong community wise then i think..


I agree... the one before this was atrocious.  A lot of that fighting moved over to the feeds once they were introduced and just got worse.

I wasn't around for the old RA forum, so I've no point of reference as to the feeling of community there as compared to now or even in the last version... but, I do believe that even the last version, as bad as it was, had more of a sense of community than what we've got now.

It was the fighting which fractured the community, but it was the moderation practices set in place by LL which pretty much finished it off.  As far as I'm concerned, a sense of community is the very heart of a forum and LL is clearly uninterested in properly building up that sense.  It's as if all they really want is a group of people willing hanging around waiting to answer the same questions over and over again, like an army of customer service robots who they don't have to pay.

Of course, there's a number of hyper-emotional individuals who are perfectly happy with the status quo around here... because, who cares if people are driven away by the gross lack of substantive conversation here, as long as they don't get their little feelings hurt?  Why should they care about nonsensical warnings, when, in their little minds, the right people are the ones who're receiving them?  And, by right people, I mean the ones for whom they don't much care.

I don't want moderation which is so lax as to virtually be nonexistent... I just want some consistency, a bit of common sense applied to the process and a measure of accountability involved.  I don't think that's too much to ask for.


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Magnus Brody wrote:

I think the title says it.  I remember some brilliant, fascinating discussions here once. 

What do we have lately? 

 - OMG I think voting things are unfair and my mummy agreed

 - Things are really laggy and I'm too stupid to realise my comp is basically a pile of outdated rubbish

 - What is the best graphics card because, really I want to boast about the one I am buying

 - I complained about something on marketplace and the seller has banned me.

Long time since, when the general discussion forum was removed I was one of those campaiging it be brought back, with the benefit of hindsight - good call ;-)

You have to be more specific, Magnus; ALL the SL forums have ALWAYS been boring (especially Answers, with its hordes of helpful professional cut-and-pasters) EXCEPT the GD one (aka RA in a previous incarnation)..

Nowadays the GD forum is boring because those who made it interesting have got fed up with the ladies who lunch whinging to the mods - who after all, are paid to act, not to think - and can't generally be bothered to post interesting, individual, provocative viewpoints (it's a discussion forum after all, NOT a "me too" one) when those very posts are likely to be removed because they annoy one or two people.

Of course, some of us appreciate the true nature of internet interaction, that it is ephemeral, and most of the benefit accrues to the writer and those few lucky souls who manage to appreciate the literary snowflakes before they melt away.

And what remains? The grubby, crusted slush that has been cast aside as unworthy of any worthwhile response, like the vanity threads and the "happy day-of-the-week" ones.

If you look carefully though, you might still be able to unearth a few semi-hidden gems, which might perhaps be not as accidentally interesting as they seem, and which have slipped through the rather wide gauge moderating net, possibly because of the use of polysyllables and complex sentence structures, or more probably because sarcasm, irony and general sardonic wit is almost impossible for morons to identify purely through the medium of the written word.

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irihapeti wrote:

i so agree

was absolutely way more riveting in the olden days on RA

like on 29 Jan 2010 then:

Affliate program - about LL advertising program. Anybody buying this

Red beacon - whats that red pointing thingy on my screen

RL causes in SL - how can I know that I wont get ripped off if I donate money

Meshes introduction - like about mesh

SL crashes at start up every time - bc it does

Inventory Listing goes blank when Friends log on/off  - bc it does

Karma clothing - is gone and nobody much noticed

How to get noticed - my own shop is here but nobody much notices

Classified payment - LL pinch my money on Sunday instead of Monday

Caprica - about some TV show

Scorpions - some RL band broke up and they had this amazing song whose name I cant remember

Selling Account info - some RL thingy

JD Salinger died - can he please say Hi to Ernest Hemingway for me

SL website Develop page - absolutely fascinating read about what that was gunna be maybe


and that was it for all of RA for all of that day. A whole 14 new posts

amazing topics, totallly full of witty, insightful world-saving commentary from all kinds of amazingly witty, insightful and world-saving olden days people. They are like legends to me. Inspirational even. I am aspire to be like them


I remember that particular day EXTREMELY well. A large number of wonderfully perspicacious posts, and even threads, disappeared from GD due to the mass ARing of an emigre pigalike and her zombie harem, and left behind the dross you mention.

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:


I ended up losing all interest for this forum because of harassement from some forumers because my english is not to their taste. 

Well, it is an English language forum which is broken, not a Broken English language forum.

Could you not get the interactivity you desired in whichever of the specific language sub-forums relates to your native tongue, whatever that is? Or did you spend your time there complaining, too?

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

I always thought the version just before this version ,was the worst..

As far as there being fighting and stuff..that and what felt like bot moderation..

There used to be A lot of fights in that version..

Old RA on the other hand was pretty tame compared and had no moderation really..There was always someone around..

That has to be my favorite time i think..It was pretty strong community wise then i think..


I agree... the one before this was atrocious.  A lot of that fighting moved over to the feeds once they were introduced and just got worse.

I wasn't around for the old RA forum, so I've no point of reference as to the feeling of community there as compared to now or even in the last version... but, I do believe that even the last version, as bad as it was, had more of a sense of community than what we've got now.

It was the fighting which fractured the community, but it was the moderation practices set in place by LL which pretty much finished it off.  As far as I'm concerned, a sense of community is the very heart of a forum and LL is clearly uninterested in properly building up that sense.  It's as if all they really want is a group of people willing hanging around waiting to answer the same questions over and over again, like an army of customer service robots who they don't have to pay.

Of course, there's a number of hyper-emotional individuals who are perfectly happy with the status quo around here... because, who cares if people are driven away by the gross lack of substantive conversation here, as long as they don't get their little feelings hurt?  Why should they care about nonsensical warnings, when, in their little minds, the right people are the ones who're receiving them?  And, by right people, I mean the ones for whom they don't much care.

I don't want moderation which is so lax as to virtually be nonexistent... I just want some consistency, a bit of common sense applied to the process and a measure of accountability involved.  I don't think that's too much to ask for.


I sometimes forget ,that was the "M" period also..

A lot of changes divided people into different camps it seemed as well from what i remember..They also drew a lot of people to the forums from those camps..

Just some examples:

V2 vs emerald

Teen grid merger

Child avatar

Red zone..

Just lots of big changes when M was here..

Red Zone was actually the last one..They shut the forums down for 10 days after those threads kept being deleted..That had to be the worst period of them all i think..

After the 10 days, we were given this version..

I remember when we first got the last version,it was pretty good for awhile..


Omg what was that tough girls name that got banned?She was always calling her parents The Rents? hehehe

She was a blast!

Darlene maybe? Oo


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Magnus Brody wrote:

Well, at least this thread has not been boring, it's already had more tangents than a trig lesson :matte-motes-smile:

yes agree

trig is ever so helpful. and useful to know about for when in SL. bc it is. Like this I copypasta off Wikipedia

"consider three unit vectors OA, OB and OC drawn from the origin to the vertices of the triangle (on the unit sphere). The arc BC subtends an angle of magnitude a at the centre and therefore OB.OC=cos a.


introduce a Cartesian basis with OA along the z-axis and OB in the xz-plane making an angle c with the z-axis. The vector OC projects to ON in the xy-plane and the angle between ON and the x-axis is A

therefore the three vectors have components: OA (0,0,1)  OB (sin c, 0, cos c)  OC (sin b cos A, sin b sin A, cos b)

the scalar product OB.OC in terms of the components is: OB.OC = sin c sin b, cos A + cos c, cos b

equating the two expressions for the scalar product gives: cos a = cos b cos c + sin b sin c cos A

this equation can be re-arranged to give explicit expressions for the angle in terms of the sides: cos A = frac {cos a - cos b cos c} / {sin b sin c}

the other cosine rules are obtained by cyclic permutations."  [obviously]


i can consider this all day. Working out what are all my sins in SL. cos A mostly and sometimes cos b and c


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it didnt took really long for one of the persons (harrasing) i was talking before come here and makes the demonstration of what i was saying.

SL is not only for english native ppl but it looks like the non natives doing the effort to talk another language than their own are just not welcome here as this person seems to think.

So it should work, according this person, like this : ppl with same language talk together and don't mix with other ones. 

So sad ...

So well, i have no regret to not participate to this forum.... i have better to do with my time... 

Have a good end of day !

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

LlazarusLlong wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:


Omg what was that tough girls name that got banned?She was always calling her parents The Rents? hehehe

She was a blast!

Darlene maybe? Oo


Last I heard she'd got a life.

Yes,it was a perma ban..


She scammed a pervert into buying an Elevator Pass from her. 

The pervert didn't take kindly to that.

The charge was "Impersonating a Linden."

Daria Afterthought


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