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Crazy how most people aren't here to really chat

Kaidin Ulrik

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Most topics that I see people speak on are very specific and don't look to be for the sake of just having conversation. I have to say it makes the net quite boring. I love forums, blogs, and chats but since 1999-2002 ish things haven't been exciting at all, and it bleeds into rl. I've noticed my social interaction with 'friends' in physical is hand in hand with the people I talk to on the net..... If I'm not at work I'm usually keeping myself company!

And what's odd is a know a good bit of people reading this are in the same place. Yet what is it about the topics that doesn't make you want to at least rant a touch of random for the sake of interaction???? Do I really have to spoon feed convo to enjoy this!?!?!? o.O

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I just don't get why I have to spend more time digging than talking. I've had maybe 2 threads carry on for some time but most of them are short lived, even if I'm just replying...

I've never seen that one..... Hmmmm i may have to check it one day... We have always had really tall edifaces on Anarchy Insland, so to compare would be wellllll.... a long way up =P

I am glad I said something to catch a little attention though, just maybe it will get a few more rants that will turn into a session of awesomeness

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To take part in a conversation, it needs to be either a topic that interests you and others, or you talk just for the sake of it. Others in the conversation will soon see through the latter and leave you talking to yourself, so you're really left with topics that interest you and at least one other person. So, unl;ess you have friends you spend time with, you're not going to have many interestion conversations.

Note: The title of this thread is inaccurate. Most people - everyone, in fact - likes to chat whether in RL or SL. Some people spend a lot of their time busy with other things but, when they're not busy, they also like to chat. Perhaps the difference between you and most people is that most people have made friends in SL, and chat is the norm.

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Kaidin Ulrik wrote:

Most topics that I see people speak on are very specific and don't look to be for the sake of just having conversation. I have to say it makes the net quite boring. I love forums, blogs, and chats but since 1999-2002 ish things haven't been exciting at all, and it bleeds into rl. I've noticed my social interaction with 'friends' in physical is hand in hand with the people I talk to on the net..... If I'm not at work I'm usually keeping myself company!

And what's odd is a know a good bit of people reading this are in the same place. Yet what is it about the topics that doesn't make you want to at least rant a touch of random for the sake of interaction???? Do I really have to spoon feed convo to enjoy this!?!?!?

Conversations generally should really be about things that mutually interest those taking part, ie some people really do enjoy watching TV soap operas and while that might be very boring to some, its interesting to others. Ditto car maintenance, the latest about occulus rift, or whatever.

You could start a group inworld and call it something like "random rants" (check though if a group of this name has already been created - and join that group if it is) - and encourage people to just blah on about topics of no particular relevance or consequence if thats your thang.

I'm generally not in Second Life to chat - and I don't feel that is at all odd. I do my chatting elsewhere, real life, on the bus, to family, people in my neighbourhood. The internet for me personally is for research, shopping, being generally nosy.

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This was a convo that went on for a year or so...


It veered off into different - although not totally unrelated - places, although now the bots have vanished, the thread has died. It was entertaining while it lasted.

This one also was a good one ...



I start threads or join them, they inevitably die pretty quickly.



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The volume of discussion here is way down from when SL was more popular. The old General forum used to get a page and a half worth of updated threads in the time I spent at work. I doubt there are that many non-advertising threads updated on the whole site these days.

If it's just chat you're looking for, this particular forum has another problem for you: the people still interested in SL are generally not very outgoing.


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Aislin Ceawlin wrote:

Marigold, Thank you so much for posting the link to the "Our Lady of Perpetual Silence" thread. I went back and revisited it, and it was every bit as entertaining as it was back then. My only regret is that I never got to see her

Lady Brokli's owner made her and all the others invisible, so eventually, even when she was there, we couldn't see her either :(

But they were fun (and bizarre) times (and a little bit spooky too).

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I'm simply speaking of the forurms, just seems that most people are only on browsing for a specified thread to hop on... I enjoy just browsing the general forum and seeing which threads are live with new replies coming in.... I'll post even if no one talks to me for the sake of getting on a forum to interact, or at least attempt to... Who knows where the 'random rants' go in forum land

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What's the point of doing this if all you do is focus on the same threads over and over... there is someone somewhere sitting idle with plenty to say, but the topuic doesn't appeal to one browsing through enough.... for me I look at the last reply time when I look to post....

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I haven't looked, but that's what I'm used to in posting in forums.. Threads that never really end because someone in the future of things will see where others found a place to enjoy the little things and let go in conversation... I like General Forums the best because there is no stay on topic, it's just chat

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Lmao, that's exactly why I have grown to like them, when the forum slows down it's easy to switch over to a chat or instant messenger.

I've always enjoyed being able to stay busy in blog/forum land. There really is someone always looking to talk and some really good ideas can come together out of crazy randomness.

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I've not seen anything like facethejury in years and it hurts my feelings much >.<

It was built on posting in more threads to open up access to the site. It made it fun, that's when pwning newbs was the it.... Now people talk like they really know what a newb is.... most these smartphone users are still in diapers when it comes to what really goes on on the net!!

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Kaidin Ulrik wrote:

I'm simply speaking of the forurms, just seems that most people are only on browsing for a specified thread to hop on... I enjoy just browsing the general forum and seeing which threads are live with new replies coming in.... I'll post even if no one talks to me for the sake of getting on a forum to interact, or at least attempt to... Who knows where the 'random rants' go in forum land

Yeah, I didn't get it at first that you were just speaking of the forums. (My bad, as they say.).

I'm sure a lot of people do actually do the same as you, hop onto a thread, in the hope there'll be some interaction. Looking at this though, there are more "lurkers" than logged in folks:


Maybe they are just waiting for a specific thread or theme that particularly interests them - who knows for sure?

As for where the random rants do go in forum land, I reckon there's one (or two or three) that went halfway to digging a ditch somewhere out towwards Arizona ;)  Yellow furry monkey people weilding banana spying devices, and pillow fights could break out at any time during the dig.


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Glad you're on page now =P

One thing that gets me about SL, people hold onto it like a prize possession and forget that it all has to do with real life and the internet =x

But yeah you said it, people have concentrated focus when it comes to thread posting.... it has to be a title that makes them want to read, or just that one topic they've been fuming on to be able to vent.

I started forums at 15, now 29, I can say people aren't as absorbed in who is the top poster trying to be cool with them, but seems more want to fuss and argue than actually express views to come to a meeting place about what we all are going through.

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Kaidin Ulrik wrote:

What's the point of doing this if all you do is focus on the same threads over and over... there is someone somewhere sitting idle with plenty to say, but the topuic doesn't appeal to one browsing through enough.... for me I look at the last reply time when I look to post....

Unless I'm totally missing the point, that is the very point of doing this - the focussing on the same types of threads over and over. I used to focus on ghosted avatar threads, when that was a theme for a while. Although I'd read a ton of other posts/threads, even if I didn't know much about it, and some even hurt my head with their intellectual nature.

Some threads will obviously interest more people than others, and different people on different days will be interacting. Some days therefore may seem more friendly or busy or sociable than others.  I do forums on a dip in and out of basis, the last reply time figures nowhere when I look to post. Hence why the curiouser and curiouser thread mentioned before went on for a year and a half, and sometimes 'died' for a month or two in between posts, and then some days there would be several responses, new posters, and some great photos added.



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I miss those days of posting!!!

Even if you post and it's days later you know someone is going to read something that makes them trail off and then it just gets infectious.

But it takes people being random even on a specific topic.....

I'm all over the place with forums, not just on sl.com because people have lives that are on whatever schedules, i just look to get thoughts out and let go of stress... maybe why the past 7 or 8 years haven't been so exciting, I now realize how much therapy this was for me when I was closing out high school and entering college.

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Kaidin Ulrik wrote:

I miss those days of posting!!!

Even if you post and it's days later you know someone is going to read something that makes them trail off and then it just gets infectious.

But it takes people being random even on a specific topic.....

I'm all over the place with forums, not just on sl.com because people have lives that are on whatever schedules, i just look to get thoughts out and let go of stress... maybe why the past 7 or 8 years haven't been so exciting, I now realize how much therapy this was for me when I was closing out high school and entering college.

Aye, de-stressing, de-railing, distracting. All good. :D

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Kaidin Ulrik wrote:

i think too many people are too worried about looking sophisticated they forgot that the web was made by dorks, nerds, and geeks labeled social outcast by the who's who in school hallways

My older brother calls me a geek and I wear that title with pride, as I'm actually quite a technophobe underneath this mask I wear for Second Life.

I hate chess, and I've never watched the original Star Wars film (although I think I was once married to Chewbacca!). At my school we had a "**bleep**" (mods might edit that word but its "c0ck" as in big bloke for his age who thought he was king of the thugs), some after-school classes for the bendy gymnastics people, and a half-hearted music club that fizzled out because the old man who taught us music used to fall asleep quarter of an hour into the session. Being pretty at my school wasn't encouraged, but the hairspray brigade could be found congregating around the mirror in a certain toilet block. They were the nearest I suppose to the "who's who in school hallways".

Ah memories of not the best days of my life!

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I'm the dork in his shell of the family and my tech-guru inside is bored with reality =x

I now love chess hated it when i was younger. but I don't love it for actually playing it, it's more so knowing how kick as my mental strategy in life is becoming.... it really is an artform.... don't mind my tongue as I'm not a prude when it comes to language.

Star Wars bores me for the most part the only thing I've really like was Yoda in 3d stomping darth maul.

Lool at my school we had a lot of that, and it was 'the white boys trying to be black"

On the other side I was the blackie on the outside, white guy on the inside.

I was a runner and played baseball, was going to be in theater but sports meant well more to me.

LMAO at the instructor!!! OWNAGE!!!

Being pretty was overrated back then so don't worry, us real guys wanted the girl we knew was going to be a good woman and mother.

And the hairspray brigade hasn't changed much, things for them will always be the guys their looks get in bed. (the popular pretty girls aren't really so pretty as they were the ones who were easy for the poser thug!)

Yeah it was absolute crap, but there was nothing like it looking back, if only it had been all it could be!! OMG THE IMAGINATION IN THE STATEMENT IS LIKE NO OTHER!

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Kaidin Ulrik wrote:

What's the point of doing this if all you do is focus on the same threads over and over... there is someone somewhere sitting idle with plenty to say, but the topuic doesn't appeal to one browsing through enough.... for me I look at the last reply time when I look to post....

My reply was to your first post in the thread and the title of the thread. In the post you didn't specify that you meant the forum, and the word 'here' in the title was unclear as it can be used to mean here in SL, even though it's written in the forum.

As far as the forum is concerned, it's not used for just chatting. Threads sometimes develope into a bit of banter and arguing, but not just regular chat. In other words, this isn't the forum for just chatting. You're in the wrong place for that so, if you want to just chat, find a forum that suits it, or go inworld, make some friends and aquaintances, and chat with them..

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