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Help me please: I have a very serious problem and I'm panicking.


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Pamela Galli

"We have all been new here.  When something went wrong for most of us, we assumed that we needed to learn something, not that someone else was to blame.  NO the seller is not obligated to explain to you about your inventory, that is ridiculous. Imagine sellers trying to personally IM every buyer with basic information like that!  That information is already provided  in numerous places, and in fact when you buy something, you are automatically informed where to look for your purchase. You didn't bother to read that, though. Instead, it is the seller who is the criminal!"


If I ever I go vendor in Second Life, you'll see how I can be a very different and sympathetic seller ... especially with OculusRift You may have forgotten how hard it is to be new in SecundLife. The website is very confusing and needs to be replaced by more practical and modern website. I feel lost me here.

Who buys deserves more attention and respect. Of course I will not do more shopping with this seller. And he will lose a lot of money because I'm addicted to shopping, LOL


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Kelli May

"Thank you very much for all the help evryone offered.

I just thought someone ought to say it."


Finally, always have a less friendly people who like to complicate everything. Especially when we have to use the Google translator ... But fortunately, there are also simpaticas people willing to help us. And without judging us.


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I did 4 more purchases (In other seller). Unfortunately, it seems that nothing goes well for me here. Now I have an error when I try to open the package. Does anyone know how to solve this ?  


 "Script trying to take controls from owner but PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS permission not set! Script trying to take controls from owner but PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS permission not set! Script trying to take controls from owner but PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS permission not set! Script trying to take controls from owner but PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS permission not set! Script trying to take controls from owner but PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS permission not set! Script trying to take controls from owner but PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS permission not set! Script trying to detach from agent but PERMISSION_ATTACH permission not set! Script trying to detach from agent but PERMISSION_ATTACH permission not set! Script trying to detach from agent but PERMISSION_ATTACH permission not set! ..."

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The purchase that I can not open can only be sports shoes...

I bought

1 Blue jogging pants long

1 Blue short jogging pants

1 jeans

1 shoe

And I got 4 purchases.

The first I can not open.

The second, third and fourth, are exactly alike.

I received 3 Blue jogging pants long




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Look in your inventory where the sports shoes are.

Are they in a folder with the other clothes?

If so is there a note card in the folder? if there is a note card ,does it have instructions on how to rez the shoes

If not,look at the shoes in your inventory and see if it say's (wear) or (wear to rez)



It will look something like


Blue sports shoes (wear)


Blue sports shoes (wear to rez)

or Something similar..


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jwjaii wrote:


If I ever I go vendor in Second Life, you'll see how I can be a very different and sympathetic seller ... especially with OculusRift You may have forgotten how hard it is to be new in SecundLife. The website is very confusing and needs to be replaced by more practical and modern website. I feel lost me here.

Who buys deserves more attention and respect. Of course I will not do more shopping with this seller. And he will lose a lot of money because I'm addicted to shopping, LOL



NOBODY that sells things in second life must teach you how to use second life. You are having problems with not learning, the problem is NOT the seller! They are paid for the product, that you got, NOT to teach you to use the Second Life viewer!

No seller has to teach you to use oculus rift. They are not paid for that! They are paid for a product they made, not to hold hands of people who want to blame everyone else for not learning.


If you have a problem with the website Linden Lab made, you have to complain to them, not to people who have nothing to do with it. What you are doing is like complaining to someone that sends you an e-mail, that you don't understand the e-mail program and they must change the e-mail program for you.

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just about anything you really need can be found in these forums or google or youtube..


if you get an error you can put that error in the google search and  forum threads will pop up related to them,or someone will have blogged about them,or torley made a video about it or something..

there is so much information out there now compared to before,that it is pretty good chance you will find threads from other new people in the past that have went to similar or same situations.:smileywink::smileyhappy:


Signed Ceksay Ceka <3 :smileytongue: I'm outta heyah for the rest of the day..have to go to sleep so i can get up later.:smileywink:


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I think I've found everything. Thank you for your patience, dear :matte-motes-big-grin:

You know, this is all very confusing. Shopping in SecundLife is nothing exciting. SecundLife need to change everything. We should get our shopping in a more practical and interesting.

A catalog with all our clothes and buying would be ideal (with photos of each item)

Uffff..  after these experencias I lost all will to continue shopping.


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Reading instruction manuals should only be necessary in the latter case. If everything was pretty intuitive, as in other sales sites, everything would be much better. But in SecundLife shopping is very complicated and, apparently, the sellers have no obligation to provide support. They just want our money...

Michael primrosestar

Biografia the seller

"No Bargains. No Refund. Who Am I? I am the creator of "Samurai" mens skin. Like: I love listening to customers' constructive feedbacks. Don't Like: I am not here for dramas, bs, controversies. Don't IM me if you want me to prove you wrong. Don't like to make people looking like an idoit when proven wrong. By all means, I love helping my customers. My IMs are capped, send me a NC would be the best."

You have been warned!

This seller disrespects all legal standards of selling on the internet. And treat all their customers like garbage


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No, you are just not able to handle the product, out of a mixture of being new and impatient. Selling virtual goods in second life is not the same as selling something real on amazon (for example). It all operates on a "buyer beware" policy and since there is nothing you can send back to them, there is no way to refund you, without running the risk of being scammed.

And because of customers like you, who first blame the merchant, this person wrote this text in a grumpy way. I mean...didn't it teach you something, that the skin you brought earlier was actually in your inventory the whole time and you just weren't able to find it because you didn't looked everywhere?

Second Life is no daycare center, yes, you have to figure things out but its perfectly possible to do so.

Just an example: Do you know what an alphalayer is? Read it up. Its what makes your legs go invisible. There is probably an item in the same folder, that looks like a box. Wear it. Your pants a probably mesh and therefore require an alphalayer. (By the way....you did buy again without reading or checking the demo?)

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The manuals would be unnecessary if the site was more intuitive. But SecundLife site is old and is getting senile

This is why almost everyone hates Second Life. ...  And my friends think I was crazy for being here, LOL


See, I'm not the only one with this problem


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I can read the manual, but the manual does not solve everything. I'm emfrentando many strange problems with my purchases.

I bought

1 training pants, long leg.

1 tracksuit trousers, short leg (Missing)

1 pair of sports shoe. And because I have all the colors? That must be why I paid so dearly! But I just picked one shoes...


But I can not complain because here in SecundLife, the blame is always on the customer...  "because I have not read the manual."


Pamela Galli

"Imagine that, after all this complaining about the seller, it turns out that the problem was with you. Like so many others who come to this forum to complain and blame and threaten, at no point did it occur to you to investigate that possibility." 

And you think the forum is for? Perhaps you are in the wrong place. Or, perhaps, people in this forum are old ladies disguised barbies

Eheheh...  just a little joke, LOL


 Of course it has some nice people here, and trying to help us with relevant answers. Too bad some are so boring... and use the forum to spew their frustrations



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We all remember being newbs and having to learn everything.  SL is not an easy place but if you stick with it and use resources provided, you'll soon get the hang of it.  It is well worth it.  You are lucky too that you have so many places to go with people that are willing to help you.  When I joined in 2006, there was hardly any of that and I had to learn most things on my own.  If you are not willing to use the resources available for free or find SL too frustrating for you, perhaps SL is not for you.  You wouldn't be the first to leave because you just can't grasp things.

If sellers were required to teach newbs everything they need to know they'd have no time to create items to sell  Suppose you pay 250L for an item.  That's about $1 US in RL money.  Do you really think someone should be required to spend 15 minutes explaining basic SL knowledge to you for that amount of money? That doesn't even take into account the time they spent making the product and writing up notecards to give you directions specific to the product you did buy!  Get real.  It always astounds me that people like you expect people to be at their beck and call, work for pennies and bend over backwards answering every question you have about SL when you can't even take the time to learn the basics yourself.

There are plenty of places where you can go to learn the basics of SL.  There are classes as well as individual mentors available if you take the time to find out where they are.  New Citizen's Inc. (NCI), The Shelter, and Cambridge University are just three of them.  The SL Knowledge base and the SL Wiki are also there to help you and contain just about all the knowledge you need to do anything.  Both are offered in a number of different languages.

There is also the Answers section of this forum for specific questions and the forums themselves.  None of the people here are paid to answer your questions or teach you things, yet many people spend a lot of time doing just that.  If you come with the right attitude and not blame everyone but yourself for the problems you have due to your lack of knowledge, then show some gratitude when you are helped, it goes a long way. 

If you have problems understanding English look in the International Forum for help, or search for places where your language is spoken go there and ask for help or where you can go for help.


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When you pay in seconf life to a merchant, you pay for the product. You got the product.

You can not complain that you don't understand it.


When you buy a new phone, do you go to the store and say " i don't understand how batteries work! it turned off and now it's dark" and expect they sit with you like a baby and explain to you how a phone works? No.

Also remember that your rights are not rights of an european consumer, but american consumer rights because you are using an american product. Refunds because you don't know what you are doing are not a right.


You need a slow and patient teacher, but you know, there are classes for beginners!


There are plenty of places where you can go to learn the basics of SL.  There are classes as well as individual mentors available if you take the time to find out where they are.  New Citizen's Inc. (NCI), The Shelter, and Cambridge University are just three of them. 

Amethyst Jetaime
gave you great advice here!
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Yes, it's like buying a bike then demanding the bike dealer teach you how to ride. Not just with merchants but also with Second Life as a whole. You can always ask politely for tips and assistance but there is no way to escape the fact that ultimately unless you are willing to take responsibility for taking advantage of the resources available -- beginning with a simple Google search -- no one else can do much for you. Coming into a forum and complaining, blaming, and insulting others because of your own willful ignorance just does not work. 


ETA:  By "you" I do not mean Lexbot, but "anyone".

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jwjaii wrote:

Just because I spent only 30 euros, I have no right to anything.

$1900L's, which you stated earlier that you paid for your skin/shape, does not equal 30 euros.  It equals $7.69 US which at today's rate of exchange equals $5.96 Euro.  If you spent more then you bought more things.  You purchased products not the merchants time.

You must be very rich, but I'm not, and I value my money. And my rights.

I am far from rich and value my money too.  However I don't expect people to work for nothing and don't expect them to spoon feed me.  As far as rights, you have none other than what the TOS gives you.  No where does it say you have the right to make a merchant, or anyone else, spend time with you teaching you basic SL living skills.  Luckily for you there are people willing to do that and I gave you information about where to find them.

System error:

My purchases are down there, and I can not come down, but that does not matter because I only paid about 10 euros, LOL

You say you got a system error.  What specifically did it say?  There is no error that says "My purchases are down there, and I can not come down"  That is a USER error, but of course you have to blame the system not your lack of control over your

And I'm also a baby, LOL


BTW, it is against the rules of the forum to post naked pictures of your avatar.  All content must be G rated.  You should edit your post and remove it before a moderator removes you.

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This problem is easy to fix. And you are not the first one to have problems with alpha layers. Mesh clothes come with an alpha layer, and the mesh item in different sizes. But here is the tricky part: You must "add" new things. If you wear an alpha layer for your pants and "wear" the alpha layer for a shirt, the first layer is kicked off. Use add instead. You can wear 5 alpha layers if you remember to add them. Same goes for tattoo layers and clothing layers. You can wear hairbase, beard, and tattoos, all on the tattoo layer and together.

I use add for mesh clothes too, because it's no way to tell where they are attached before I put them on. One of the hands is the default attachment point when designers upload mesh. Some change that, but there is the "intuitive" aspect again. Should they attach the shirt to chest or stomach? What if you will wear a necklace and that has chest as attachment point too? You kick off your shirt when you put on the necklace unless you "add" the necklace. It is no intuitive attachment points named shirt or pants.

We can complain about LL but they don't have to listen to us. When you sign that you accept the TOS, terms of service, you do not have any more rights then the TOS states. SL is a private business and the TOS means you can not use your customer rights from other places like Amazon. You can always try a ciwil lawsuit against LL (Others correct me is I say something wrong here, I don't know the legal aspect so well).

jwjaii wrote:


The manuals would be unnecessary if the site was more intuitive. But SecundLife site is old and is getting senile

This is why almost everyone hates Second Life. ...  And my friends think I was crazy for being here, LOL


See, I'm not the only one with this problem



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