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"SAVE MY NAME!" Campaign

Bogart Bloobury

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Many people have been chatting with anticipation and sometimes anxiety about the new virtual world being developed by Linden Labs. Some have stated that it is going to be a replacement for Second Life. This always seems to have been a starter discussion for many people expressing very passionately that they do not want to loose everything they have worked years to develop and create.

Despite the possibility that this new virtual community may not be able to include some or all of the content we have spent a decade or more to create, this will be a new opportunity for everyone to take advantage of new technologies and creative tools. You are all awesome and will continue to be no matter what software you use to express that.

Those of us that do not create content still have concerns about losing the identity we have expressed here. We have spent so long living our second life in Second Life that there is anxiety involved in the speculation of having it all dissolved and deleted. The fear of this death has prompted us to begin this campaign.

If we could be assured that we would simply be able to remain ourselves as we stepped into this new world, the numbers of users would increase dramatically and instantly. Tell Linden Labs that if they would save your life and save your name you would be more likely to do just that. Change the fear of an ending into the excitement of a new beginning!

Second Life will not just vanish as this new community develops. But it would be so simple to allow the existing customer base to use the same log on information to migrate ourselves into a new world of creation and life. Even if it is without anything but our names, let the builders of this world begin again.

Please contact them and let them know. Don't hesitate. If you want to be able to keep your name and they hear enough from the users they have valued for so long, then perhaps they would consider letting us live on. For us it will always be our Second Life.

Please freely distribute the information kiosk that will be available on my Market Place.  It contains a notecard with contact information to express this to Linden Labs and all the information in this post as well.


  I have heard and read about the new project Linden Labs is launching in the future.  As a user of Second Life I would love to be a part of that.  I need to be assured that I can retain my User Name if nothing else before I can be excited about even stepping a digital toe out of SL.  Let me continue my life.  Don't end it.  Please~ SAVE MY NAME! SAVE MY NAME!

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Bogart Bloobury wrote:


Many people have been chatting with anticipation and sometimes anxiety about the new virtual world being developed by Linden Labs. Some have stated that it is going to be a replacement for Second Life. This always seems to have been a starter discussion for many people expressing very passionately that they do not want to loose everything they have worked years to develop and create.

Despite the possibility that this new virtual community may not be able to include some or all of the content we have spent a decade or more to create, this will be a new opportunity for everyone to take advantage of new technologies and creative tools. You are all awesome and will continue to be no matter what software you use to express that.

Those of us that do not create content still have concerns about losing the identity we have expressed here. We have spent so long living our second life in Second Life that there is anxiety involved in the speculation of having it all dissolved and deleted. The fear of this death has prompted us to begin this campaign.

If we could be assured that we would simply be able to remain ourselves as we stepped into this new world, the numbers of users would increase dramatically and instantly. Tell Linden Labs that if they would save your life and save your name you would be more likely to do just that. Change the fear of an ending into the excitement of a new beginning!

Second Life will not just vanish as this new community develops. But it would be so simple to allow the existing customer base to use the same log on information to migrate ourselves into a new world of creation and life. Even if it is without anything but our names, let the builders of this world begin again.

Please contact them and let them know. Don't hesitate. If you want to be able to keep your name and they hear enough from the users they have valued for so long, then perhaps they would consider letting us live on. For us it will always be our Second Life.

Please freely distribute the information kiosk that will be available on my Market Place.  It contains a notecard with contact information to express this to Linden Labs and all the information in this post as well.


  I have heard and read about the new project Linden Labs is launching in the future.  As a user of Second Life I would love to be a part of that.  I need to be assured that I can retain my User Name if nothing else before I can be excited about even stepping a digital toe out of SL.  Let me continue my life.  Don't end it.  Please~ SAVE MY NAME! SAVE MY NAME!

I'm feeling toooo lazy to go back and find it now but this was one of the few things that Ebbe really answered.

He said we'd be able to keep out names.

But we shall see.

In the new world mabe we'll all be assimilated and only have numbers.

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Bogart Bloobury wrote:

That is good to hear!  I hope this is in some way comforting to the people I encounter that are distraught over the changes that may occur!  I will dig around for it and confirm anything I can find. 

See here... link.  A quote from that post (boldface added)...


Ebbe Linden wrote:

We are embarking on a huge project to build a better virtual world from the ground up.

We are not going to constrain how good it can be by forcing some levels of backwards compatability (Sine then I've added some detail that
identity and social connections and Lindens$ will come across
and quite a bit of content as well, but with content we need more time to figure out exactly what will be backwards compatible, people will have plenty of time to see how this plays out and get a chance to try the new while still also hanging out in SL)

We will continue to invest in SL and keep improving and have no plans for any shutdown.


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I’m not personally concerned about this issue: if I get a different one in SL2 but am still able to do what I do, then that’s fine with me; and if my friend “John X” from current SL changes his name to “Mike Y” in SL, he’s still going to be my friend.

However, not preserving names in SL2 might lead to many dishonest people pre-empting those of current SL users for scams, in a manner similar to when display names were introduced and some tried labelling themselves as “Emilia Redgrave” or “Jessica Chung”. So yes, it might be the best option; it will be a pity because they’ll have to preserve a HUGE number of account names that haven’t been used for years and would likely stay that way, names that may be desirable for new users; I doubt that can be avoided, unless they devise a sort of extended period for “current users to reserve their name for SL2”, to try and weed out the actual unused accounts.

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in a world of millions and millions that LL still wants then the idea that can only ever be one person called say Jane Doe is not feasible

i never got all the shouting about impersonation when the Display Names came in. Some of the most shouty were them into Commerce. I think their shouting was more to do with them wanting to preserve their brand for marketing purposes than any allusion to impersonation on a personal level

everybody has a unique key. For commerce then the key is all that is needed for validation when transacting business

was also the allusion to ignorant newbies in the shouty arguments back then. That new people somehow wont know which Jane Doe I am in a world of many Jane Doe. Is a bit presumptuous this. Is based on the premise that new residents are dumb. That they not able to understand that everybody does have a unique avatar/account key


the question I think is: will avatar keys be transferred? Or at least linked between the old world and the new world

i think so. As I cant see how the same L$ balance can be accessible from both without a link from a dB pov

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Ebbe has said that we can keep our names, but will I become TeaganTobias or Teagan.Tobias or Teagan_Tobias, because that is NOT my name. I don't care about brand names but I do care about my name, and if I can't keep it, I will not move to SL2, OpenSim is getting better and a big influx of people will make it that much more better. If there are no last names in SL2, its DOA.

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Teagan Tobias wrote:

Ebbe has said that we can keep our names, but will I become TeaganTobias or Teagan.Tobias or Teagan_Tobias, because that is NOT my name. I don't care about brand names but I do care about
and if I can't keep it, I will not move to SL2, OpenSim is getting better and a big influx of people will make it that much more better. If there are no last names in SL2, its DOA.

I have news for you... you already are teagan.tobias... https://my.secondlife.com/teagan.tobias


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Teagan Tobias wrote:

Ebbe has said that we can keep our names, but will I become TeaganTobias or Teagan.Tobias or Teagan_Tobias, because that is NOT my name. I don't care about brand names but I do care about
and if I can't keep it, I will not move to SL2, OpenSim is getting better and a big influx of people will make it that much more better. If there are no last names in SL2, its DOA.

I have news for you... you already are teagan.tobias...


Very true, but that is not what you see in world or on the forums, or even on that web page once your logged in. You could say that Teagan Tobias is a display name with no one being able to see my account name, a nonchargeable display name, set it once and thats it. Although I think that would be a bad idea if it worked like the current display names where you can have any name, even one that is in use. People could see hundreds of Dresden Ceriano running around and not be able to tell one from the other. I think its save to say that SL2 names will continue to use the current system of display names, and if we can take our SL1 names to SL2 I hope that will be in the SL1 format.

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Teagan Tobias wrote:

I think its save to say that SL2 names will continue to use the current system of display names, and if we can take our SL1 names to SL2 I hope that will be in the SL1 format.

I don't think you understand.  When LL did away with the two name user naming system, your user name automatically became teagan.tobias (which means your display name automatically became Teagan Tobias)... the fact that you can still see and use your two names separately in some places doesn't mean that, as far as LL is concerned, they're actually still in the from of two names.  Obviously, LL set it up that way for a reason... one reason (probably among many) being that, had they not done it that way, a lot of scripts, which use the old format, would have been broken.

Clearly, LL couldn't integrate the new name format as thoroughly as they probably wanted to... otherwise, new one name user named users would not have had to resort to using Resident as a last name.  This is just one example of why LL decided to create a new platform which doesn't rely on backward compatibility to begin with.  No one really knows how it'll work, but I predict that your user name in the next platform will be exactly what it is now in SL... period and all.

...Dres ("New one name user named users"... sheesh.  Try saying that three times fast.)

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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

In the new world mabe we'll all be assimilated and only have numbers.

Shut up number six.  They're watching you.

I am not a number!

I'm so sorry I didn't check the forum yesterday.  This post was practically screaming for a response. Here it is, more than a day late but hopefully less than a dollar short. Best television series ever.

Oh, and to the OP. Relax. Part of the fun of coming to SL for me was choosing a name. If I have to choose a new one for the version ahead, I'll probably have fun with that too.






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One might think this would be an excellent opportunity for LL to fix the name problem (that LL created in the first place). SL2 should enable Joe447hatemyname32 Resident to become Joe Michael Starshine, or perhaps Joe Starlight or maybe Joseph Stargazer. Why do I just know LL will mess this up? Rolls eyes. Of course, LL should also enable residents to keep their existing proper names (ensuring that they are not cyber squatted). Good luck in your campaign. No doubt, LL will ingore it completely, as usual.

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