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Please help! Landlord do not want to return money!

Rexy Absent

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I paid for some weeks (requirement just one week but I paid a few) and now I found another land and moved there but land owner said she will not return money to me! Even if I abandoned land and do not wish to continue renting she said she does not care. Please advice what can I do in this case? It is about 10 000 lindens :catsad:

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Rexy Absent wrote:

I paid for some weeks (requirement just one week but I paid a few) and now I found another land and moved there but land owner said she will not return money to me! Even if I abandoned land and do not wish to continue renting she said she does not care. Please advice what can I do in this case? It is about 10 000 lindens :catsad:

I'm sorry to say that, but you won't get your money back. Firstly, because Linden Lab does not get involved into disputes between residents and secondly because even if they did....it was your decision to spend more money than needed (which I would call not careful, if you rent at a place for the first time) and essentially you have the land now for that time rented and there is no fault on the Landowners side, if you suddenly want to live somewhere else.

Also many estates have a "no refund" policy, because in the end they have to pay LL for the land anyway...even if a client deciedes to suddenly rent elsewhere.

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But how should I stop renting?  Landlord pays after - not before, as me. And she can rent land to other since I abandoned it.

It is abnormal. It means this rent land business is completely fraud if they take money on deposit and do not withdraw if renting further is not possible. Linden Lab should stop it. Btw I did not read anywhere about NO REFUND policy.

Well seems I can only wish to die to this Estate. And I am another cheated resident. No rent from Estates anymore. At least Linden Lab withdraws money.


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Rexy Absent wrote:

But how should I stop renting?  Landlord pays after - not before, as me. And she can rent land to other since I abandoned it.

It is abnormal. It means this rent land business is completely fraud if they take money on deposit and do not withdraw if renting further is not possible. Linden Lab should stop it. Btw I did not read anywhere about NO REFUND policy.


Well seems I can only wish to die to this Estate. And I am another cheated resident. No rent from Estates anymore. At least Linden Lab withdraws money.


You're not cheated out of anything. You chose to go elsewhere, you were not kicked out. You still have all the use of the land you paid for up until your rent is due again. So you are not out anything, you merely want to be out, which is not the same thing.

Also, you do not know if the land owner pays his or her tiers before or after you pay your rent, unless the person tells you. For all you know he or she may pay every single penny for the land upfront, and then later hope all the rent comes in on time to cover what was paid in tier.

If you do decide to leave the land, you are leaving the land owner in a pickle, so to speak. There are absolutely no guarantees the owner will be able to rent to someone once you leave. So the land owner could easily find his or herself paying tier on land that is not bringing in rent money to cover that tier. Yes, it is a land owner's choice to, put their neck out, so to speak, by owning land in the first place. No land owner has guaranteed renters, and the land still has to be paid for whether or not there are renters there.

Just as in rl when you try to get yourself out of a contract before it is up, you often are out a deposit or a fee of some kind to get out of the contract. You can consider the rent you have paid already as something along those lines. Or, better yet, you can continue to use the land you already paid for, get your money's worth, and be in the exact same position you would be in had you not decided to find other land. In either scenario, you are not out a single cent, the land still gets paid for(as it well should when one decides to rent) and both you and the landowner are in a good position.


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I just thought it is really headache for landlord if I just stop paying rent and disappear lol. But I decided to do like responsible person - warned for 2 weeks before leaving so she could find new renters. Rofl. I feel myself like piece of stupid dork.

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So you find it is OK if land owner covers her inability to find new renters from my wallet? Great:) Looks like you are also landowner:) But tell me please then WHY Linden Lab has withdraw policy and landlords - no?!  Linden Lab also buys servers (or rents) and I do not care when they should pay for them. They take tier AFTER month ends. And if I do not want to continue keep land - I just abandon land before tier date comes and Linden Lab does not MAKE me use all money that I have on USD deposit account.

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I rent land in SL for 2 years and this Estate is the first one with policy like that. Fraud policy - to have ability to fill deposit (even word "deposit" means withdraw option) and to decline request to return money that is not used. If I would ask to return me full month living there half or something. It is completely fraud and unfair. I hope people will read my post and think next time about renting from private persons or estates. It is more safe to have deals with LL because what LL never do is taking money for nothing.

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What makes you think you have any right to get your money back? A contract is a contract is a contract. The landlord kept his side - you on the other hand want to break it. Can you bring back gas from your car to the gas station when you notice that the one next door sells a cent cheaper? No. Not even if you pump it out of your car all by yourself into a bottle and give that bottle to the cashier of the gas station. Grow up.

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Rexy Absent wrote:

Btw I did not read anywhere about NO REFUND policy.

For your information, the Buyer Beware policy (same thing as no refunds) can be found here.

Buyer BewareLinden Lab does not exercise editorial control over the content of Second Life, and will make no specific efforts to review the textures, objects, sounds or other content created within Second Life. Additionally, Linden Lab 

does not certify or endorse the operation of in-world games, vending machines, or retail locations; refunds

must be requested from the owners of these objects.

All users agree to this when they sign up for Second Life.

Good luck in future! :)


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Contract?! Are you serious? The only one contract here is conscience and honor. I did my part according to this words. I DID NOT sign any contacts and YES it was my will to pay more but also my will to stop rent. Are you joking about contracts yes? The only ones who always asks me to sign any contracts is Linden Lab (I mean SL of course)

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Yes, I understand that all is between me and landowner and as you see I do not prey LL to help me. I just asked residents if there is anything that can help me. Most I hear is "your fault to be so dumb". Sure I feel myself dumb of course but there is no reasons to remind me about it reply by reply.

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Thank you. Sure I would. But 10 000 ld - it is not so much for RL. Of course I will spend more for lawyer:)  I actually thought maybe somebody already got situation like that and somehow reached justness. But I think my mistake to post here because as I see on this Forum only "Rent! Rent! Rent!"  Actually I talk with landlords here I think. LoL

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 It is more safe to have deals with LL because what LL never do is taking money for nothing.


If you pay premium for 1 year, and delete your account after a month...you will not get refund either.

If you own mainland for only 2 days - you still have to pay fee to LL for the whole month...you will not get refund.

And so are the rules, and it is okay, as we all know (or should know) before paying. No one forces us to pay for anything in SL. You paid for a "product" which was your own choice, and you got what you paid for. I do not see, that you have the right to complain.

Every refund that happens in SL (from MP and shops too), just because we change our minds, is out of kindness, and nothing we can demand with an angry and injured attitude.


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Rexy Absent wrote: [...] 
Great:) Looks like you are also landowner

That's a dishonest debating ploy -and a pretty naïve one, at that: no one will reasonably believe that everyone who dares disagreeing with you (and therefore becomes your target for such offhanded accusations) is, in fact, a landlord. Most users here have been around enough to know that, at most, we're often skeptical and use healthy critical thinking instead of flat-out accepting every fact as told by another user, along with his / her interpretation of it. We're overall willing to consider your point, but whether you like it or not, we're also going to consider the landlord's, for the sake of objectivity. And if that means not automatically agreeing with you, and you getting upset because of that, then so be it.


Rexy Absent wrote: [...] But tell me please then WHY Linden Lab has withdraw policy and landlords [...]

 Maybe because Linden Labs have better tools to verify what the users do and do not regarding their services. Landlords have in fact to rent their sims to LL, so they don't have the ultimate word on how these operate or are used.


Rexy Absent wrote: [...] I just asked residents if there is anything that can help me 
Hmmm there is Land tab in Abuse report option. Going to use it! Maybe luck will be on my side [...]

No, it most likely won't. Linden Labs won't intervene, as you already know... they might do somewhat frequently for very large cases of land fraud... I'm talking scamming a lot of residents out a lot of money in a lot of parcels, and repeatedly. Certainly not for an individual case like yours. Whether they should involve is a whole other discussion (and one that's been also debated to no end), but matter of factly, in your case they just won't.

And no, there really isn't much we can say to help you, either, other than being more careful in the future; keep in mind that even tenants who do everything properly and carefully, are subject to potential scams by landlords who'd flat-out “run with the money”... and LL would still unlikely intervene, at least for small cases; it may be regrettable, but it's also all the more reason to be extra careful planning what you'll rent, how, where and to whom. Ask your future landlord all the questions that you might not see already answered in the land's covenant or their advertisings; try never paying much in advance unless you're positive you're going to have trouble doing it on a more tightly timed basis; and generally weigh prices, risks, etc.

As for your ex-landlord... at this point it might depend on exactly how you've dealt with him so far, especially in the verbal, attitude sense. If it's been like in this thread you opened, easily triggered into uncalled-for personal accusations the moment you were disagreed with, instead of sticking to the reasoned points and trying a compromise agreement, you might have already upset him beyond the point of doing what he might have otherwise been willing to do, if at least under-the-table and for no other reason than to keep a prospective customer happy: to refund you at least some of the rental. But if you've kept your temper, you might still achieve exactly that; just don't threaten him with ARs or shaming him publicly or anything like that, because that might prompt him to either revert to strict legalities, or devise ways to backfire at you... or both. And you'd still be out of your money.

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P.S: Especially if you indeed ended up in angry terms with your landlord, one thing you might try (most preferrably after cooling down yourself as much as possible) is to find out who the rest of the rental company's staff are, pick the one you deem with the highest authority, and explain to him/her briefly what happened... NO accusations, verbal attacks or threats... very politely and matter-of-factly, and actually explaining that you regret having lost your temper a bit, that you understand the landlord's position and that it's at least partially your fault... and that you would be content to recover at least a part of the money, because “it's a big deal to you, difficult to acquire...”, etc. Not too long or over-dramatic, you get the idea. The point is, be anything but hostile, if only because your purpose is supposedly to get back at least some of the money, not enter into a pissing contest.

If you do so and convince this other person, he or she may in turn talk back to the owner and convince him to cool down a bit and reconsider a bit more lenient attitude towards you :smileywink:

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But I think my mistake to post here because as I see on this Forum only "Rent! Rent! Rent!"  Actually I talk with landlords here I think. LoL


You seem to forget, that some landlords are also renting from other landlords. The same way you rent from your landlord.

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hehe) same here) only my loss is 33000 and padam! i bought sim from them for 450 usd))) and asking refund me tier i didnt use since i bought sim. what i got? ignoring) they got price of land and rent from me)) maybe it is same estate Rexy?)))) it is pure stealing. i also subrented parcels to renters but since i am store owner and i uderstand money should be paid only for goods that received i always refunded payment if renter decide to leave. it is my risk if i give something for rent. but i am from proud country. ok if they are sooooooooooo poor guys they may take this money for their therapy from greedyness. i do donate money sometimes to people in need.

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Just how is your buying your own region a problem for your former landlord? Why should it even be? You could have simply timed your move smartly and used up what you paid for already before getting your own region. There is no stealing involved at all, the landlord kept his part of the contract, his only obligation beeing to provide you with the rental land you paid for. The "goods" that were paid for were received - the buyer or in this case the tenant aka you simply decided to throw them away. Calling this stealing (wrongly) is actually a very real crime called slander.

A contract is a contract is a contract. Turn on your brain before entering one. SL business is no game, it is for very real money.

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if you pay for the year - but you cant pay for 2! and they wont just take it from your balance if you unsubscribed from membership. in my case they just take funds from balance i have in this estate. i pay for month. but keep some money in balance. this balance doesnt mean i pay for more i just keep balance and they have no right to use this balance without my acception. and yes it is also called DEPOSIT. looks like these guys have no idea what is deposit.

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Hello, Rexy

I haven't read through the other responses on this thread, but I am sure I will not be the only one to tell you that unfortunately, once you have paid money to a landlord (and this often happens in real life too), and decide to move during part of that rental period, you are very unlikely to get a refund.

Its a hard lesson to have to learn, but generally speaking, in real and virtual realities, you should never part with money for anything, unless you are happy to say goodbye to that money forever. Some landlords, however, will state within their pre-contract sales notes that they are happy to refund part or all of unused rental.  Please in the future check the small print, and be absolutely sure before you commit. 10,000 is a lot of lindens to lose. :catsad::catfrustrated:

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