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How/why can't I transfer money directly to my credit card?

MasterEdward Avril

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I just sold money via Lindex, was charged a fee from LL, NOW they want me to use PAYPAL which will charge me ANOTHER FEE, to transfer the money to my bank account, when I already have a credit card on file with SecondLife!   They have no problem TAKING money from that account directly, why can't I TAKE MY OWN MONEY back out to that SAME ACCOUNT DIRECTLY????

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MasterEdward Avril wrote:


why can't I TAKE MY OWN MONEY back out to that SAME ACCOUNT DIRECTLY????

Linden Lab rules.

But see http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:How_can_I_use_my_US_dollar_balance%3F

Process credit (withdrawal)

You may choose to withdraw your US dollar balance via PayPal or bank wire.

64px-KBnote.png Note: You should only use the bank wire option under  the following circumstances:
  • PayPal will not permit payments to your country
  • You're expecting payment of $10,000 or more
For instructions on setting up wire transfer payments, see "Instructions for setting up Process  Credit payments through wire transfer".
  • PayPal will not permit payments to your country
  • You're expecting payment of $10,000 or more

For instructions on setting up wire transfer payments, see Instructions for setting up Process  Credit payments through wire transfer. |}

Depending on which withdrawal option you choose, you may be  subject to fees and minimum withdrawal amounts. For current information  on Process Credit requests, check out the Process Credit page on the Second Life website. To  view a full history of your Process Credit transactions, view the Process Credit History page.

64px-KBcaution.png Important: You must be in full compliance with the Second  Life Terms of Service to receive any payment through the credit  payment process. This includes, without limitation, the requirement to  have accurate and complete registration information, including  verifiable billing information.


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I don't KNOW.

Why don't you CONTACT BILLING, and ASK?????


If you have a non-technical issue with your account you can also call  our Billing team at:

Toll-Free (US/Canada)
Long Distance

Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Local Toll-Free numbers

France: 0805.101.490

Germany: 0800.664.5510

Japan: 0066.33.132.830

Portugal: 800.814.450

Spain: 800.300.560

UK: 0800.048.4646

Support is in English Only

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And the above is the EXACT reason why people should be CHECKED before allowing them to answer questions.


Rudeness is not necessary in any facit of life.  Nor, is it proper in such a forum.


I sought out the answer here because you are HERE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS!  *NOT* be rude, ignorant, self absorbed a$$holes.


Thanks for nothing.


And to the answer of "wire transfer", are you aware that they then charge a $25.00 fee to do so?  I suppose you probably never checked that.

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MasterEdward Avril wrote:


I sought out the answer here because you are HERE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS!  *NOT* be rude, ignorant, self absorbed a$$holes.

Sorry, but why and for what I'm here (an the the others residents) is something I decide, nobody else.

MasterEdward Avril wrote:


And to the answer of "wire transfer", are you aware that they then charge a $25.00 fee to do so?  I suppose you probably never checked that.

It's an official answer from an offcial document of Linden Lab. But as Unklebob said, you can ask directly to Billing Team. I'm not a Linden, I only read documents .

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"I sought out the answer here because you are HERE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS!   *NOT* be rude, ignorant, self absorbed a$$holes."

My dear sir, you came here miffed cause you are having issues that displease you... thats fine, but whatever issues and attitude you arrived with and possess remain - yours.  Show me a rude comment made in reply and maybe you have a point, until then you seem to be the only one being rude... which again is perfectly fine - certainly no reflection on us.  Even in that your question was answered, not by people who had to... so chill a little.  Or not for all the difference it makes.

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Re: How/why can't I  transfer money directly to my credit card?

I don't KNOW.

Why  don't you CONTACT BILLING, and ASK?????


That, dear sir, was your response.. not a very nice one to say the least.  I do not wish to start a war here, I was merely frustrated, and asked a question, which you could have answered, but insisted on doing so rudely at my expense.

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You asked: why can't I TAKE MY OWN MONEY back out to that SAME ACCOUNT  DIRECTLY????

Two answers:

  • Linden Lab rules (Irene)
  • I don't know (Unklebob)

And two suggestions:

  • See a LL offcial document (Irene)
  • Ask to Billing Team (Unklebob)

Sorry if we don't know more, but you have answers and suggestions as far as we know.

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Frustrated or not, your question was phrased rudely and nobody here likes OPs shouting at us in capital letters and four question marks. You were still shouting in your next post. Yet still, you got your question answered.

I thought Unklebob's answer was really funny but I guess you didn't get the irony.

Next time you have a question, ask politely. We're residents here of our own volition, not Linden employees. We answer questions best we can but none of us appreciates rudeness so please take your own advice in that regard.

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"That, dear sir, was your response.. not a very nice one to say  the least."

I am well aware of how I responded.  Granted there are those that feel typing LIKE THIS!!! in bold upper case is yelling and rude, yes I could've been an asshole as you describe and flamed you for yelling at the very people who are here only to help you, yes I could've thought screw this - i'm not going to help out or reply to someone who has attitude the second they arrive, etc.  I didn't disparage, or disrespect when indeed i could've opted to do so... fact is i didn't utter one unkind word.

Instead my greatest sin is typing in the exact style you feel is perfectly fine to address others with.  If the typing style rubbed you the wrong way or i'm wrong in doing so, food for thought perhaps.

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MasterEdward Avril wrote:

No, I did NOT just want to "bitch".  I had a legitimate question that I needed answered, I was frustrated, yes.. but I did ask a question.

Nonsense.  You used the same demeaner as an eight year old throwing a tantrum because his mommy told him to clean his room and he has to cry and pout and ask his mommy why she's being so unfair to him.


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Oh, for pity's sake, Ed.

You're applying a double standard here...can't you see it?  You open the thread shouting, in bold oversize text.  When someone responds in kind, poking a little gentle fun at your ranting, you get all ruffled and start telling them to leave you alone and just answer the questions.

Uh...if you can choose why you want to post, so can we.  I don't have a Linden Lab Seal of Approval, nor does anyone else here (except for posters who ARE Lindens, of course).  We're just residents, like you.  If you're rude to us, guess what?  We're likely to be rude right back.

"People who volunteer here ought to be checked"...they used to do that, when there was an official Mentor program.  Linden Lab disbanded that, it was too much trouble to them to run it.

Here...calm down a bit, and I'll give you another answer to your question.

Your credit card is not intended as a bank account, with both debits and credits.  Yes, you can get a credit on your card...for returned or defective merchandise, for example.  But credit card accounts are not designed as ways to RECEIVE money.  PayPal, on the other hand, IS a "two way" type of account.  For this reason, LL uses PayPal transfers to help you get your money out of SL.  They also allow wire transfers, but that method is intended primarily for very large dollar amounts and for special cases, where PayPal is not available to a person.

They used to have a third method...they would issue you a check.  But that was discontinued about two years ago.  Another example of excellent customer service, sorry.

There...that's your answer.  I'll throw in an unasked-for bit of advice too, for free:  Knock that chip off your shoulder, or you'll be targeted for roasting and toasting in ANY internet forum, not just this one.

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LL is not the problem. We are supposed to have laws which prevent monopolies. The instant you deposit money into your local bank, that bank will lend 10x your deposit. It's called the fractional reserve banking system. A $50 customer deposit enables that bank with $500 in lending power.

Let's follow a $50 deposit into a savings account for 1 year @10% interest. The bank lends $100 to 5 different people. Each person pays a rate based upon what a private corporation (credit reporting) tells the bank. Borrower 1 pays 18%, 2 pays 22%, 3 pays 10%, 4 pays 15% and 5 pays 34.99% because of bad credit. If any of the customers are late on repayment a fee will be added.

18+22+10+15+34.99 and most importantly, the principle +100+100+100+100+100 = $599.99

from the $599.99 the bank returns your $50 + $5 to thank you for allowing them to make $544.99 plus fee's.

This is a huge social hurdle. Is lending money a skill?

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"Why" doesn't matter. You can't, and that is clearly stated in all the stuff you should but probably did not read when you signed up, when you sold lindens, etc.

Easy Solution: Get a PayPal debit card, then you can actually get money back against any fees.


I posted this before I read the rest of your sniveling posts and responces. Don't expect much help in the future, after all, we are all just a bunch of assholes right?

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OP:   "why can't I TAKE MY OWN MONEY back out to that SAME ACCOUNT DIRECTLY????"

Thats a big Wahhhhhh  if ever there was one. Bottom line, its the rule as they currently stand.  They clearly show what you can and can not do with regards to selling Lindens for money and transferring that money out of SL. Don't like the rules, then don't play the game. How freaking hard is that? Screaming here, and calling us assholes just puts you on my "Never respond to this jerk again" list.


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Because you're asking them to do a chargeback.  Even if they did it, your bank would probably still charge you for the chargeback, with most banks, that's a $50/transaction fee.  Note that using a credit exchange like Visa or Mastercard isn't the same as an EFT on Star or Nexus...

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Because you're asking them to do a chargeback.  Even if they did it,  your bank would probably still charge you for the chargeback, with most  banks, that's a $50/transaction fee.  Note that using a credit exchange  like Visa or Mastercard isn't the same as an EFT on Star or Nexus...


Technically not, since it is in fact a Debit card Visa..  irrigardless..  the fact is, LL is double if not triple fee'ing everyone for both buying and selling lindens, and you would all rather jump down my throat then look at the truth.


(the last part not intended toward the replied)

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And you call us assholes?  ESAD!


Doc, look... triple ESAD!  Why you had to take the time to chime in, is beyond me. lol..


Anyway.. listen.. this is to ALL of you..


I appologize if I hurt anyone's feelings..  I was clearly frustrated, and everyone seems to love a villain.. so have at it.. but.. know that I could give a shit less what you say at this point.. k?  thx bye

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