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I lied about my age and now I can't access my accounts.

Nuesha India

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I stupidly lied about my age to gain access to a Hogwarts Role Play school. I had no intention of doing anything unsutiable for my age group. However, prior to an email I recieved from Lindens lab explaining that my account could no longer be accessed, I could not log on. It told me that If I had any problems, to contact support@secondlife.com, so I did. Only to find, that once I sat and wrote out a long and appologetic email, it told me none of the emails sent to this address were read. Great! So I came onto secondlife.com expecting their to be some form of help. I began to write out a ticket, but apparently my account type would not allow me. So now I am writing a thread in the hope someone will reply. I think it is rediculous. There is no fast and efficiant way to get help. I have to wait untill a member of the public answer my question. Does this not suggest Secondlife are lazy? I will have no problem switching to Teen second life, I just hope this matter is resolved before they cancel my account. In the email they sent me, they told me that if no age verification is sent, my account will be cancelled. I obviously can't sent age verification. I know I sound like I'm completely blaming second life, but I'm not. I know I am to blame for lying in the first place, but I have already appologised my ass off in the email I sent them - and they won't even read it! -sigh- Basically, finally, my question is, How do I ask Lindens lab to not cancel my account, un-ban my IP/laptop? I can't find any direct way of contacting them.

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If you are fourteen years old, you are NOT ALLOWED TO PLAY SECOND LIFE.  Provided you were honest, Linden Labs would allow you to play Teen Second Life, but you were not.

Let me put this as simply as I can.  You're asking for your account back, but you're still under the minimum age to hold an account.  It's simply not going to happen.  You've admitted you're under 18 and Linden Labs - quite rightly - have taken the attitude 'come back in four years'.

Sorry, but they aren't going to change that.  The legally required age is 18.  You're 14.  You aren't getting your account back until you're 18, if then.

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Pickle Soup wrote:


i find it really odd that LL forces you to create an alternative account(if you didn't already have one) in order to submit a ticket for a banned account - let's face it, a lot of times accounts are banned unfairly. why would they cut off one of a very limited number of ways to get in contact with them in case of a problem when they ban your account? it just doesn't make a lot sense to me. i think if an account gets banned, it should still have access to the ticket submition forms for at least 48 hours after a ban.

just my opinion.

But Pickle, can you imagine the number of tickets their support portal would recieve just for this kind of thing? I have noticed that many banned or suspended people post in these forums, completely admitting what they did to get banned, but whine and carry on that it was "unfair." Although I do agree that there should be some form of redress in the case of real unfair bans, I wonder if LL makes it hard to contact them in order to weed out the whiners. I think if the person is really, truly, unfairly banned, they will do what it takes to contact SL in whatever roundabout way to get their accounts back. I'm pretty sure I would.

As for the OP....really? I was bad, I said I'm sorry, now lets just forget the whole thing. Face the consequences and learn from this...please...

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LeeHere Absent wrote:



I'm just going to take a moment to applaud Linden Labs on their actions to uphold one part the ToS.

Thank you.

Fixed that for you (my parts in italics)

The behaviour of some people in this thread, irregardless of stated age, gender, intent or correctness of their response to the issue the thread is addressing, are in violation of the ToS and has been ignored by Linden Labs despite numerous claims that certain posts were reported.

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I know this is kind of late, and I wasnt going to reply, but I feel I have to. Vaughen is right. Everyone just needs to lay off of her. Maybe she wouldn't be so snippy if you guys just kept saying "You lied, Your a predator, Your so stupid, blah blah blah" I agree, it obviously wasn't a smart move to lie about your age, I've made that same mistake too, then was transferred. But my point is, the teen grid, or teen second life site, needs to be a whole separate thing, and forums and all of that stuff.

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Wow I can't believe people are still replying to this thread when it's 4 months old.


Also I looked at the date this was posted and her profile in-world.

Member Since:
Apr 2, 2010
Last Logged In:
Apr 2, 2010 7:25 AM


Her account wasn't even a day old from the day she got banned.


My advice: Make another account and STUHFOO.

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My two cents and you all can take them or leave them.   She does seem to be taking Responsibly for her actions by trying to fix the problem and NOT passing the buck onto some one else.  That is combinable, considering that both my 17 and 19 year old bother in-laws have issues with that..... That being said I do in some ways have to wonder about the motives. is it to try the keep her parents in the dark if that is the case they porbly know what is going on already conceding the fact that if my account/ip was blocked I would find out in porbly less than 12 hours. if nothing else form my wife...


I think espasly since you have run into road blacks you should 1 go to your parents, or 2 go to the other adults that access the grid for help.  The reason it is so hard to fix this is becuse if ll cant prove they are diligent in these matters than the whole grid could be shut down by us court order, so they cant full around with this....


I wish it was that it did not have to be this way...... but in the us parents have a bad habit of not wanting to do there jobs wonting there people to tell them what there children can and can not do, read see, or watch, and worse are thows that try to tell me what books I should let my children read. I have children and get mad at people for telling me what my children are and are not ready for them. I know them they don't

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But would that not be ban-dodging, which is discouraged?


Not that I know how to appeal offenses either, but whoever asked this question could try Manual age-verification like you said.

And a piece of advice to him/her, as you said too:

"Just make a vow to yourself not to falsify any information on the printed document, or forge it, even if it IS your real DOB. If you uphold this vow, maybe... just maybe... LL might forgive you for that incident."


NOTE: I was not banned from SL all together. I was only exiled from a few parcels: 6, tops. Two in which furries were unallowed. That's it; never griefing, never racism, never creedism, never gender-prejudice and the like. etc.

PS: It has been approximately 5 deays since I was age-verified.


Best of luck on appeal to whoever posted the question/comment.

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