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Backwards logic, ARs, and you!

Daria Afterthought

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Every now and then I find a tard that does something to bother me. Its rare, but it does happen. Earlier today I had an exchange of words in world with someone who was highly offended by something I had said to someone on the flogs. They left me about 5 offline messages about how I'm a big meanie poo poo head and that sort of juvenile crap. Of course, I could have ignored it, but being my sleep deprived self, I replied "I could care less." Short and simple, hopefully got the point across. Apparently it didn't. Later, after I had logged off, they sent another offline message with the words "I smell something. Is it you?" I came on later to do some stuff and hang out with a friend, and replied to the message with "Is it bacon?" because, who doesn't love the smell of good awesome lovely bacon? Everyone loves bacon. They even have kosher and vegan bacon and vegetarian bacon flavored mayo. How bad is that? But I digress. The person in question responded with "Are you" which confused the hell out of me because I've been called many things in my life but never delicious glorious bacon. Of course, my reply reflected as such. The tard replied "you ned 2 lrn you som slang girl" so I immediately urban dictionary'd bacon to make sure it didn't mean something other than fried pork, and to my surprise, it didn't. Almost every entry said bacon = delicious. So I told her of my lack of knowledge to any meaning of bacon other than the kind you eat. She informed me she didn't appreciate my drama. I called her an attention whore. She informed me she was going to AR me for abusive words. Now, at this point she has harassed me about something not in world, told me I smelled funny, potentially like bacon, and wasted my time with not stfu'ing. How is it that people have this mindset of "its only harassment/libel/defamation/abuse when someone else does it!" Presumably, this person muted me. Not surprising, and I don't mind. But I'm pretty curious as to how people are so clueless and contradicting within a few sentences.

tl;dr why do people AR you for the exact offense they just commited themselves expecting results?

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Pussycat.Catnap wrote:


There are some people who I have chosen not to interract with in world due to the poltics they've expressed in forums (and I mean expressly, rather than implications both sides might make in a debate. If you expressly declare a certain set of political ideologies)...

- But that's it. I don't take the arguments and discussions in world. I just tell myself "there is a person I could not get along with, no matter how hard either of us tried." I leave it at that, and simply don't bother them. I'd probably leave if I landed somewhere and found one of those people there, just because I'd feel awkward. But that would be it.

Not many people even that. Choosing to actively pursue someone inworld over something out, is just not a good way to go about things. But I have vented about a person inworld on an outsde blog...


yea some ideologies are just skin deep and not much to bother about but others go clear to the bone.  that said i generally dont meet someone on a blog or forum and then develop much of anything in world from it anyway, friend or foe, tho there are exceptions on rare occasion on the friend side and usually by the other person's invite not mine.

but yea if something i say outworld bothers anyone, believe me when i say, bugging me in world about it is gonna get a lot more ugly rather than less, and by the same token no i will never ever bother anyone in world about anything said outworld.  tho i did notice a sharp uptake in the general craziness and moronity on this blog, starting as the weekend was being born and commented to someone in world about that, just in a 'are you noticing that too, is it a full moon on the internet?', but idk if they even got the message.

in the other direction, as far as venting outworld about inworld stuff, i'm too reclusive, nothing ever happens to me inworld to vent about.  tho i get sappy from time to time and say something about how wonderful my partner is.

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AOXOMOXOA.Ansar wrote:


please use correct spelling on contractions     it is spelled "you're"   for the contraction of  "you are"    The word "your" is a posessive prononun...even a third grader knows that ya dummy   thanks and have a pleasant tomorrow

OH Do you need a hug too? Poor, Poor thing we will pray for you too!!

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Daria.Afterthought wrote:


Go away Eli. Alt posting is stupid.

I'm sorry are you speaking to me?  Oh dear, what will I tell my son? "Hi honey I'm sorry to tell you this but your mother is really an alt and a Male one at that."  Hmmmmm.  I don't think so but libel is always fun.

libel (harmful statement in a fixed medium, especially writing but also a picture, sign, or electronic broadcast), each of which gives a common law right of action.

Daria I am not an alt of Eli and libel is a tort.

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