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Linden dollar


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is there a way to earn those dollars for free? Or could it be pit up as a suggestion to the SL staff? At some places there are ways to earn the money in the game by watching videos, sign up onto newsletters/games and so on. I mean everyone don't afford to put real money on here =)

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L$ is not like "gold" in some fantasy game, because it can be converted into real money. This means that there is no such thing as free L$. Behind every amount of it stands a defined amount of possible real life money. They only options to avoid transfering real money into L$ are basically:

- creating something people want and then sell it

- working for someone

Both options require time and pay not necessary much and you might have to ask yourself if thats what you want to spend your time in SL with.

Now a bit from personal experiance:

I didn't spend a single Dollar in Second Life for the first two years. I searched for freebies and reduced things. The little money I had came from sploders and contests and later from a job in a club. I did work in a club, because at that time I already visited the same club two nights a week and thought, I could also help organizing the parties that I already enjoyed. Of course, I was limited. I couldn't just say "hey I'm buying this dress for 500L right now!" I had to save up a while before I could buy it...but it was fine for me.

Today I spend around 5$ each month in SL, but I can easily afford that. I don't smoke and I reduced my habit to drink fancy coffee at Starbucks and similar shops.

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linden realms, LL has down sized it a lot but you can still make a few L$ there, on a good day (not crowded) may be 30 L$ to 50 L$ an hour once you know all the bast places to look. 

Get a job at a club, hosting, dancing, DJ

learn to make things in SL and open a store on the market place.  The marketplace is a good place to start because it free to list there.  It can be fun and is a great way to learn how things work in SL.  I make enough to cover my rent in SL and have a little left over for shopping in SL.


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To be honest, I'm the sort of person who would just put that little bit longer into working in RL to support playing SL! :)

But if you do want to make money in the game itself... I'm new as well but I would imagine the approach is similar to real life.

What you need to think is "What would make people part with their money and give it to me?"... like, anything that people will happily give you their hard earned (Linden) dollars, is probably a good idea!

Usually I spend my Linden dollars on new gear for my avatar (which can of course be made and sold) or tipping DJs (so of course you could just be a DJ).

Any form of dancing is probably good (not just pole dancing I wouldn't think).

Perhaps services for other avatars in-world, like helping people out with things they don't know how to do.

Not sure what else really... but I hope that helped anyway :)

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The OP brought up earning free cash by watching videos, signing up for things, filling out surveys etc. which are mechanisms for earning in-game currency that a lot of free-to-play MMOs and mobile games are currently using. The activities are done outside of the game and then the in-game currency is added to their accounts. The in-game currency of these games can also be purchased with real money as well and is used to purchase items that are priced similar or higher than SL, e.g. an in-game costume can cost $8 US dollars.

I don't know if LL has looked into these options but most of them seem like ways for marketers to establish a relationship with you so they can legally spam you with advertisements. Getting spammed for linden dollars? I guess some people would be willing to put up with it.

There are other ways to work on the internet for small amounts of cash like Amazon's Mechanical Turk. I made 15 cents on it! I've seen other sites come up on the news like Taskrabbit or FancyHands. Maybe the OP can try those.

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CmpZ wrote:

For any of you old-timers: I've read about camping for L$.  Do people still do that?


Since traffic has lost its much of its importance, it is very unlikely to find a place that still gives out money for camping. Even when I joined SL, camping was already dying out and last time I saw it, they gave you 1L for 15 or even 30 minutes of camping, which is definitly not worth it in my opinion.


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CmpZ wrote:

For any of you old-timers: I've read about camping for L$.  Do people still do that?


To follow up on Syo's post - when camping was around back in the day, as mentioned it was a method for a merchant/business-sim owner to increase his venue's traffic number (ie. the number of people in a given locale for a period of time) which boosted the venue's placement when people used in world search to find places; the more traffic (which was just one measurement, iirc, that figured into placement, but a key one) the higher in search the venue rated and the easier to find in search.  Quite a few years ago camping to increase traffic numbers was given the axe by LL, along with bots some business owners used to place on their parcels for the same reason.

There are still a few camping places in SL (at least one of which I'm aware), but it has to be in a sectioned off piece of the parcel so that it does not influence traffic numbers, therefore the business owner offering camping is basically giving back to the community.  I even ran into a money tree the other day.  Now there's something I haven't seen in awhile.  Going to money trees used to be one of the standard pieces of advice to new residents who were looking to get some lindens to spend back when I first joined SL.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

 I even ran into a money tree the other day.  Now there's something I haven't seen in awhile.  Going to money trees used to be one of the standard pieces of advice to new residents who were looking to get some lindens to spend back when I first joined SL.

Was going to mention money trees, although the odds of finding any with lindens on it are pretty slim. I did that as an experiment on a new AV that I made, just to see if it would work. I managed to collect about $10L before I gave up. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:

 I think there are still a few camping sites around...although, the last ones I've seen give away product instead of L$. Speaking of that, you could think about finding some MM (Midnight Mania) boards or Lucky Chairs. It's a way to get some products for free, as long as enough people know about it.

As others have mentioned, the easiest way to earn lindens is to get some kind of a job (whether it be adult or not) or create something that people want to buy. It can be done. I've also never put a single dollar in to SL and by working and other...um...stuff, I've managed to earn a tiny little nest egg that I can use to pay my rent and buy things that I want.

Keep your chin up....you'll be fine.

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I've made good money in SL by doing scrpting.

BUT if your aim is to make money instead of having fun, SL becomes a chore you would be better off distributing newspaers in RL and buying L$ with the proceeds.

Some years ago I calculated the US$ income I was making per hour of scripting time and figured I was earning less than 10 cents per hour.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello Hoppi,

There is many ways to earn Ls in SL. I used to breed horses and have a farm with 250 horses. They were races horses so i needed to train them and hire jockeys, or ride myself if my PC allow it. there were purses for each races and Crown Cup events also, just like RL, My main incomes was to sell horses to other ppl cause after some years i had a good reputation and great pedigree of horses, yeah even pixel horses has pedigree ;-) Of course to feed those horses used to cost a lot and pay for the land, i need to earn 20k a week to pay everything. Wich i did very easily and i lived in SL 2 years without RL money at all just by selling horses. But to earn 20k a week or more it became almost a full time job in SL , breeding, training , racing and also like any other breedables in SL... prices finally drops and it was not as good as it was.... I am finally back to just living la vida loca in SL, exploring with my GF, enjoying SL for what it is. RL is job is enough ;-))



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