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Someone ? Anyone? Help me please! (getting a SL message about lag)

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Hi all! I just joined yesterday so I am a bit confused.

My comuter is running really slow, just ony on the secondlife program. Even typing a chat takes forever. So today I get this message:


Discokitten, You are having a impact on the sims performance, please reduce your scripted attactments as we would like to reduce Sim lag for everyone to enjoy themselves.

To help us, look into obtaining resizable hair and other attachments which utilise todays high performance scripting routines. Contact the creator(s) and request they upgrade

You're running an amazing 455 scripts and will cause lag in sims.

Total memory consumed by your attachments is: 7.9 Megabytes


What do I do? I am NOT computer savy at all. I tried changing the hair style based on what the message said. I am unsure how to size it but even so,I am not sure that would help make the computer run faster. I assume some others have had the same problem as well based on what was said in the message. Anyway any other site runs fine, it's just going to the virtual part of the SL program is the problem. Can someone help me. Keep in mind I am not really computer literate lol 

thanks in advance!

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The message you got is not a system message. Some sims are using objects that are able to detect how many scripts you are running on your avatar and how much ressources those scripts eat up. And good lord, 455 is a unbelieveable high number...I'm not even sure how to reach that!

I would suggest you inspect the things you have attached to your avatar. You can chose edit and then click the content tap to see whats inside each item. I suspect you have some very badly scripted hair, shoes or clothes. Very old items can be a source of badly done scripts, for example hair with resizescripts in every prim. :catfrustrated:

Make a copy of the items in question (just in case) and delete the scripts from the original item. That should reduce your scriptcount. This will be good for others and for you.


The general slowlyness of your PC can have serveral reasons. Second Life is not a simple browser game (like Farmville) and not a website. Its a pretty demanding program. Reasons for what you experiance can be a slow internet connection or the use of wifi. But it could be also, that your hardware has a hard time keeping up.

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thank you for your help. I tried removing everything from her, the clothes and the hair. But that didn't help but maybe slightly. I saw this tip and I followed this but....

Optimize your display preferences

Optimize your preferences to help Second Life run more efficiently. Try the following:

  1. Choose Me Preferences 
  2. Click on the Graphics tab.
  3. Move the Quality and speed slider to Low
  4. Click the Advanced button 
  5. Move the settings on the Mesh detail sliders to "Mid" or "Low."


Now I can't use the chat box. So I can't use this one solution. I am so lost! lol

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Welcome to Second Life, Discokitten!

Only attachments can contain scripts. The Second Life starter avatars are (I think) script free. If you haven't yet gone shopping for attachments like hair, shoes, jewelry, you should be wearing no scripts. I suspect the script counter that reported you wearing 455 scripts was broken.

As for the slowness of your computer, that can be caused by an iffy internet connection. Second Life is very fussy about the quality (not so much the speed) of your internet connection. Here's a tome, filled with things to try to improve that connection, written by Nalates Urriah...


Tell us more about your PC and operating system. Someone may have other ideas for improving your performance.

Good luck!

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There's lot of types of lag could be your computer, your inter connection, the sim your in if it's resources are used up, this frequently happens in large crowds.  Knowing what viewer your using, and the other infromation listed above will help others help you.

There's nothing in the graphics preferences that should prevent you from using chat.

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Discokitten wrote:

Now I can't use the chat box.

Wait. What?

I don't understand what's happened here, but it sounds awfully inconvenient. Are you able to see the chat box and just not type into it? or it's gone missing? or... what's going on here?

About removing the scripted attachments (hair, etc.), it's not surprising that this didn't solve your problem, but it was something you clearly needed to do anyway. To get some insight into which attachments are script hogs, check World / About land / Script Info / My Avatar tab. Any attachment over maybe 200 kb may be worth more detailed inspection. But again, these scripts affect the shared "sim" servers, rarely the performance of your own machine.

I don't want to overwhelm you, but if you could do Help / About Second Life / Copy to Clipboard, and then paste the contents into a reply post, it may help figure out what's possible on your machine. (But the chat box thing, that sounds like something else is going on, too, besides performance limitations.)

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455 is easy to reach if you have scripted hair made before 2011. Back in 2009 through 2010 it was common to see people with much more than that all over SL.

RLV collars and XXX-furniture from before 2011 or 2012 or so also could do this. I think many RLV collars might still do it, I see someone with script usage like this once a week or so in my hom, and there's a person who just moved into the sim north of me who is nearly always from 10mb to 25mb in script usage.


To the original poster:

Remove EVERYTHING you are wearing. then attach them one by one while checing your script memory to find the abusing item:


 In the screenshot above I have instructions on how to find this out. You want to get under 2mbs, nor more than 3mbs if possible.

 As for counting the number of scrips you have - for that you might need some kind of script meter. If you stand right outside the front door of my home in SL, one the wall opposite the door is such a meter I bought. I forget if the one there is the SHX one or the 'new one' I was planning on buying / may have bought... :P

- But if you get below 3mbs, you will likely have very few scripts going.

Once you find the offending item, toss it for something... less offensive...


Modern made goods are a lot better than the older stuff.

The bad high script stuff is still often given out by less ethical builders in their freebie bins...


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Welcome to Second Life, Discokitten!

Only attachments can contain scripts. The Second Life starter avatars are (I think) script free. If you haven't yet gone shopping for attachments like hair, shoes, jewelry, you should be wearing no scripts. I suspect the script counter that reported you wearing 455 scripts was broken.

Maybe so. BUT there was a wave of them put out in 2010, right during the height of the scripted-resize-hair nightmare... when makers were putting a script inside every prim, resulting in... 455 script hairs...

Or worse...

Those avatars were contracted out to a rather poor quality builder (look at how bad the anatomy is), who's responses when called on issues with them suggested a person who was not open to learning, but more of the 'my way or the highway' mindset.

So they're outdated, and may in fact have issues.

They appear script free - but we might do well to check them all, and report any offending ones to the lindens for 'cleanup / removal'.


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Welcome to Second Life, Discokitten!

Only attachments can contain scripts. The Second Life starter avatars are (I think) script free. If you haven't yet gone shopping for attachments like hair, shoes, jewelry, you should be wearing no scripts. I suspect the script counter that reported you wearing 455 scripts was broken.

Maybe so. BUT there was a wave of them put out in 2010, right during the height of the scripted-resize-hair nightmare... when makers were putting a script inside every prim, resulting in... 455 script hairs...

Or worse...

Those avatars were contracted out to a rather poor quality builder (look at how bad the anatomy is), who's responses when called on issues with them suggested a person who was not open to learning, but more of the 'my way or the highway' mindset.

So they're outdated, and may in fact have issues.

They appear script free - but we might do well to check them all, and report any offending ones to the lindens for 'cleanup / removal'.


I'm just playing the odds here. It seems unlikely Discokitten would have obtained such a hairstyle, then visited a script counting sim, all on her first day in SL.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Welcome to Second Life, Discokitten!

Only attachments can contain scripts. The Second Life starter avatars are (I think) script free. If you haven't yet gone shopping for attachments like hair, shoes, jewelry, you should be wearing no scripts. I suspect the script counter that reported you wearing 455 scripts was broken.

Maybe so. BUT there was a wave of them put out in 2010, right during the height of the scripted-resize-hair nightmare... when makers were putting a script inside every prim, resulting in... 455 script hairs...

Or worse...

Those avatars were contracted out to a rather poor quality builder (look at how bad the anatomy is), who's responses when called on issues with them suggested a person who was not open to learning, but more of the 'my way or the highway' mindset.

So they're outdated, and may in fact have issues.

They appear script free - but we might do well to check them all, and report any offending ones to the lindens for 'cleanup / removal'.


I'm just playing the odds here. It seems unlikely Discokitten would have obtained such a hairstyle, then visited a script counting sim, all on her first day in SL.

Some of those old hairs now show up as freebies.

And I had a friend (creator) who made a mistake in a necklace that wound up with 3Mb of resize scripts.

Fortunately she had only sold a couple of them before finding and correcting the mistake.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

I'm just playing the odds here. It seems unlikely Discokitten would have obtained such a hairstyle, then visited a script counting sim, all on her first day in SL.

Freebie shop followed by visit to 'XXX-escort-u-long-time' :P

- This is basically the path of a very large number of newbies. Want to find first day residents with ease? go hang out at any place with 'free' and assorted adult terms in its search listing.

And there are good odds most of them will be wearing what we were paying for in 2009-2010.

These 'escort-u-long-time' places ALSO tend to be drama-fests, so they have all kinds of things at the door to inspect, disrespect, and reject you. In part because the noobs keep showing up with 50mb-scripted hair freaking out the owners who are "OMG teh lagz, it hurtz"... so a cycle kicks off...


Many an unscrupulous merchant with a bad product, rather than update it to be like their current stock, will hand it over to 'Al's discount free emporium, you want it, we got it, and you'll hate us once you use it.'

- The stuff will be haunting SL for years to come. At least now its only on the newbies, and they toss it rather faster than they used to. I remember landing in sims with 2-5 people wearing this stuff and then... crashing... Its spread more thin now...

I think several actual places meant for newbies tend to disable scripts... :)



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Wow, I must be one of the slow-pokes. I'd been here a couple weeks at least before I ever knew there were freebie places, and that was because someone who took pity on me dragged me to one. While not denying my interest in adult places, it was even more than a couple weeks before I found out how all that worked, and that too was because someone dragged me to one and explained what poseballs were all about. We were both, of course, fully dressed at the time. She was probably laughing at all the people who were laughing at us because we appeared to be without a clue. Only half true, in this case.

I seriously doubt very many newcomers even discover the availability of free stuff or the workability of sex poseballs on their first day. Unless they spend like 20 hours inworld and ask a whole lot of questions.

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And I was an even slower poke - couldn't shake that darn torch out of my hand for days, and didn't dare get changed in case I set fire to something. Must have been around Day 2 or 3 when someone helped me with the torch and took me to a freebie place, where I promptly got ejected and banned because I remarked in open chat that I had arrived and landed face to face in someone's crotchless trouser area - unfortunately it was one of the sim owners who was crotchless.

Some randy Frenchman grabbed me on Day 4 and got me to click on a dance ball, and all was well and good until he said to click on another "dance" ball and it looked like he was trying to eat my face while kneading my boobs into cottage loaves!

We live and learn.

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Marigold Devin wrote:

And I was an even slower poke - couldn't shake that darn torch out of my hand for days, and didn't dare get changed in case I set fire to something. Must have been around Day 2 or 3 when someone helped me with the torch and took me to a freebie place, where I promptly got ejected and banned because I remarked in open chat that I had arrived and landed face to face in someone's crotchless trouser area - unfortunately it was one of the sim owners who was crotchless.

Some randy Frenchman grabbed me on Day 4 and got me to click on a dance ball, and all was well and good until he said to click on another "dance" ball and it looked like he was trying to eat my face while kneading my boobs into cottage loaves!

We live and learn.

Dammit, I could have entered SL as a randy Frenchman. But nooooo, I hadda climb aboard as a randy blonde from Wisconsin.

Next time.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

I seriously doubt very many newcomers even discover the availability of free stuff or the workability of sex poseballs on their first day. Unless they spend like 20 hours inworld and ask a whole lot of questions.

I meet day one noobs in freebie shops or with freebie boxes on their heads all the time.

When I myself came "back" to SL in 2009, I googled up how to get started, found an old blog that said "go to these places and get free loot", so I did. When I was here for 2 days back in 2006, I landed on some orientation place, and walked down a pathway to a long wall of freebies, many of which had info on finding more freebies - if I'd stayed I would have had tons of them. As it was when I came back in 2009, I found much of that info was still valid.

Now my own blog's getting started page recommends like advice, has a few places along with how to find more, and gets 20-40 hits a day.

If you visit places like "The Shelter", NCI, Freebie Dungeon, Free Dove, etc... you will find a LOT of day 1 newbies - asking newbie questions as well as grabbing loot.

 For much of 2010 (or 2011, I forget now already), I had a newcommer parcel of my own adjacent to The Shelter and I got a lot of new people clicking the signs and taking the stuff. I was even added to the destination guide (although they added me the week I sold the lot and kept me in there for another month or so).


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Marigold Devin wrote:

And I was an even slower poke - couldn't shake that darn torch out of my hand for days, and didn't dare get changed in case I set fire to something. Must have been around Day 2 or 3 when someone helped me with the torch and took me to a freebie place, where I promptly got ejected and banned because I remarked in open chat that I had arrived and landed face to face in someone's crotchless trouser area - unfortunately it was one of the sim owners who was crotchless.

Some randy Frenchman grabbed me on Day 4 and got me to click on a dance ball, and all was well and good until he said to click on another "dance" ball and it looked like he was trying to eat my face while kneading my boobs into cottage loaves!

We live and learn.

Dammit, I could have entered SL as a randy Frenchman. But nooooo, I hadda climb aboard as a randy blonde from Wisconsin.

Next time.

Listen, matey, your beret and the string of onions around your neck is never going to fool me !

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Ah the scourge of the script counter nazis!

While the script count is accurate (and a lot), the memory reported could well be completely incorrect since the script counters only get back information that describes the maximum possible and for mono scripts it's always 64k per script, even if that script is only using 1k.

What irritates me about these stupid script stats products is that they make mono compiled products look much worse than LSL counterparts when they're actually more efficient.

Reduce scripts but stick your tongue out at the memory use figure.

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