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That happens every now and then. Most likely caused from lag.

It is nothing to worry about. Usually happens for me when my avatar is still in world after disconnecting. You don't immediately disappear once you log out. It can sometimes up to 30 seconds before that happens.

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In addition to Tristan's response, note that the timestamp is always exactly 5 minutes in advance of the time you got forcefully logged out. It's preset. Your account will typically be available earlier than this. Nothing to worry about, just keep trying (but not so frequently).

If the time listed on the error passes and your account is still not available, or the timestamp continues to distance itself from the current time, you've been 'Ghosted', and this is more serious.

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I've been using Singularity for the past hour, but gotta go to RL. And I'm really hoping I don't have to switch over to singularity or the LL viewer permanently. They... Are horrid. Pop ups have no "x" to exit out of them, there are no options like firestorm has as far as graphics (being able to change draw distance and such WITHOUT having to turn the entire graphics up, etc.). It's just... Bad. And for some reason on singularity, the windlight looks ridiculous. The water is way too glassy and reflects purples and greens that aren't even there. I know the graphics setting changes the way it looks. But at least on firestorm the WL looked perfect, even with graphics down.

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Ghosting is when you show up as a cloud. It usually goes away after a few minutes. If not, you can usually force it away by doing a replace outfit with something very different (and then replacing back to your look if desired). Or by rebaking textures (command-alt-R or command-shift-R I think).

When all of that fails and if you're ghosted for more than an hour or so - a support ticket will get it looked at. But this is pretty rare.

Short term ghosting, especially when just logging in or just arriving at a very busy place - that happens all the time.


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I'm pretty sure the 'ghosted' term as Freya meant it describes something that used to happen frequently but that I thought had been fixed years ago.

You log out of Second Life but somehow the simulator you are on at the time does not see you leave. You personally are going happily about your RL business, unaware that  your avatar is standing around wherever you last were. Not only that, but people passing by will converse with your avatar (or attempt to do so: you naturally do not reply). When you do go to log in you cannot, because SL thinks you  already ARE logged in. Maddening. Especially when the IM's from people you've never heard of keep popping up in your email.

As I said earlier, it's not supposed to happen anymore and I haven't heard a mention of it for at least a couple of years. Marigold Devin once wrote the definitive do it yourself guide to recovering but it was so long ago I gave up trying to find it in search just now.

edt: I think I actually do remember how to fix it (if that's what really happened, which I doubt). Keep trying to log in, over and over. There's a brief period every few minutes during which all the login data resets or something, and if you happen to catch it at just the right time, you're in. Some people have stayed at it for thirty minutes before getting in. Once in, visit the place  you were visiting when  you logged out last. Look for yourself (weird, huh?) on radar, then just approach yourself. At some point you and your ghosted self converge, and you are once again whole.


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Hmmmm I don't think you are "ghosted".  Look at the time the system says your account will be available - not until 2.37 this afternoon!

Have you been able to log in yet since you posted your message?

"Ghosting" has not happened for a long time.  It was a bug that was fixed several years ago, but it did make a brief return at the beginning of 2012.  You could fix it yourself, BUT then it was advised against. See full information over on the official Second Life Knowledge Base (link given below).

Important though - if you still are unable to log in right in this moment, check that message again. It looks like, for one reason or another, your log in has temporarily been restricted until 2.37pm today - but you are not ghosted/stuck as a presence inworld.



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Thanks Tristan, Dillon (I got dragged away from replying). I did indeed mean this:-

TristanMercer wrote:

Ghosted means you are stuck in world while logged out. Friends still show you online and the like.

Showing up as a cloud is typically a 'bake failure' or a result of a poor connection.

And yeah, OP, I wasn't saying that this was your issue. That ought to be fixed by now

Apple-ogies for any confusion. :)

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hazeonelove wrote:

I've been using Singularity for the past hour, but gotta go to RL. And I'm really hoping I don't have to switch over to singularity or the LL viewer permanently. They... Are horrid. Pop ups have no "x" to exit out of them, there are no options like firestorm has as far as graphics (being able to change draw distance and such WITHOUT having to turn the entire graphics up, etc.). It's just... Bad. And for some reason on singularity, the windlight looks ridiculous. The water is way too glassy and reflects purples and greens that aren't even there. I know the graphics setting changes the way it looks. But at least on firestorm the WL looked perfect, even with graphics down.

Whupps, I posted before reading this post, and so you weren't ghosted after all. It was just a slow log out which happens sometimes. Good-oh!

You'll never have to switch over to the Singularity viewer permanently, and I strongly suspect that it is unlikely ever to be the case that Linden Lab will make us all use their official viewer. Linden Lab work closely with the approved third party developers, and I believe its why the official viewer has changed a lot for the better since its original inception several years ago (although I still prefer Firestorm using Phoenix settings to all the other viewers I've tried, including the Linden lab official one which is too... user unfriendly ).

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I know this all sucks monkey rectum... But I would love to see the "convergence" of myselves lol. That's just on some weird doppelgänger stuff lol. Sounds interesting. But I'm sure the actual convergence itself isn't anything special. Sounds kool tho. And as far as ghosting goes, it does still happen. But easily fixed. Just test the default avi then put back on the saved outfit you had on. That's all I've ever had to do when that happens. I've never been perma-logged tho. Glad they fixed that long ago.

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I use Singularity and love it. It's a light viewer and I don't get the glitches I had in Firestorm. If you look on the bottom right of the viewer, there is an up arrow, to quickly change draw distance, etc. And you can change your settings easily in preferences for water, etc. Everyone has their own preference in viewers as to what works best for them. I don't think one can say any viewer is "bad", just not for you.

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I use singularity now for more than one year and I must say I love it too:)

Had to switch from firestorm cause I was not able to play any longer, got frozen all the time and had many many crashes.

Singularity in my case is the most stable viewer and like the old phoenix which I loved too.

But yes, everyone has its favorite viewer...but would not say that firestorm is bad all the way, just for me.

SL Viewer was never an option, with that one I crashed right when I logged in....haha.


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Lol I agree, it's just not my preference. But I didn't know about the draw distance button and I honestly didn't spend time searching hard through preferences. But at a glance, I didn't see any water settings. The settings under graphics were pretty minimal. But, I never used it before and it was a last resort due to my firestorm flub. But I'll definitely search through it and learn it better so I can be as savvy with it as I am with firestorm. Thank you two for the input!

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I got ghosted, just the other night.  My ISP decided to go offline with no warning, leaving my Avi in limbo.  For a few minutes, I lost all contact with the web.  Then got it back, but could not log into SLfor 10 of 15 mins. When I did get back, I was told I had been standing there non-responsive, never showed going offline, just suddenly showed up on-line as I re-logged.

Hehe.  My alt got ghosted a few years ago, I could go see her hanging there for days, till they reset the sim.

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Lol dang, that must've been crazy xD it would be kinda odd to see yourself. Even tho it's not RL and looks nothing like you, or your new avi, still pretty eerie lol. And it's convenient you mention that about getting ghosted. My friend, who's in the UK, always seems to stick around after getting disconnected. I have no clue he's gone, avie is still AO-ing, and it never says he logged off OR logged in. He just begins to speak and apologizes lol. But I ask him why, you never left! Lol so that's odd. It hasn't happened to me, I don't think. I'm sure my friends would tell me if I was being an antisocial weirdo and just lurking there unresponsive lol.

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