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l understand that several posts have recently been removed from the forums without the authors either being informed of the reasons for their deletion, or indeed, that the action has been taken.

This appears to conflict with historic commitments from Community Managers that all unilateral forum actions would be informed and justified to the principal participants affected, and indeed, contradicts the new CEO's public commitment to transparency.

Has the policy changed?


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You poor, ignorant child. The moderators here have been removing posts and handing out warnings with no discernible reason for years now.  You may be suffering from some sort of delusional, slightly homoerotic, bromance hallucination involving our new CEO, but rest assured that disciplining the incompetence of the barely coherent moderators on this sad excuse for a forum is likely to be very low on his list of priorities.  My advice to you is to stop being so poorly ignorant and childish.


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Wooja wrote:

l understand that several posts have recently been removed from the forums without the authors either being informed of the reasons for their deletion, or indeed, that the action has been taken.

This appears to conflict with historic commitments from Community Managers that all unilateral forum actions would be informed and justified to the principal participants affected, and indeed, contradicts the new CEO's public commitment to transparency.

Has the policy changed?


I take it several of your own posts have been removed by moderators without them informing you as to why?  Obviously its because your post has been part of a string of posts that have just been tip-tappy, and far too petty for any other response except quick removal. 

Did you want a suspension of something?  One warning, two warning and then - POOF - gone? Did ya? did ya?

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Derek Torvalar wrote:

Is "tip-tappy" in Chapter 2 or 3 of "The Idiots Guide to Forum Moderation" Mari?

I personally understood it was the official FIFA term for the extremely successful short-passing game practised by Spain when winning the last World Cup.

Nevertheless I shall bow down to Marigold's obvious expertise, while noting that if trivial posts were to be removed willy-nilly (I recommend not looking up the etymology of that particualr phrase on a full stomach) then the forums would be composed of nothing much but feminist propaganda and n00bs asking why they were wearing  boxes.

Of the posts which were nuked, my particular concern was regarding one which was an extremely serious and valid criticism of a lack of transparency in the announcement of the restoration of the JIRA. I presume Community Linden has god-like powers, and that one of their uses is to avoid embarrassment.


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Derek Torvalar wrote:

Don't forget about the esocrt ads.

Actually, I have noticed in the last few days that the mods, once they have actually got online, have been able to dispose of the detritus at a stroke, unlike previously when it seemed as if they were having to delete each spam post individually.

Congratulations LL on some progress, however, minor.


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Woos wrote:

l understand that several posts have recently been removed from the forums without the authors either being informed of the reasons for their deletion, or indeed, that the action has been taken.

This actually is more the norm than the exception.  It's been awhile since we've had a proper (and appropriately experienced) community manager.  Amanda and sidekick Lexi were the last to promise that mods would give a reason for removing an offensive post.   If a post is removed because the offending language was quoted, no reason need be given.

Obviously things changed over the past three years and the 'policy of opaque' has been the rule. 

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Wooja wrote:

Derek Torvalar wrote:

Is "tip-tappy" in Chapter 2 or 3 of "The Idiots Guide to Forum Moderation" Mari?

I personally understood it was the official FIFA term for the extremely successful short-passing game practised by Spain when winning the last World Cup.

Nevertheless I shall bow down to Marigold's obvious expertise, while noting that if trivial posts were to be removed willy-nilly (I recommend not looking up the etymology of that particualr phrase on a full stomach) then the forums would be composed of nothing much but feminist propaganda and n00bs asking why they were wearing  boxes.

Of the posts which were nuked, my particular concern was regarding one which was an extremely serious and valid criticism of a lack of transparency in the announcement of the restoration of the JIRA. I presume Community Linden has god-like powers, and that one of their uses is to avoid embarrassment.


I read your comment - thought it was valid - Pool Linden or someone had made the announcement rather than the Big Man himself.

(Got an empty stomach currently and still not gonna look up "willy-nilly" ;)  )

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It's the weekend.

And it's not that some LL staff don't work weekends, but the message about empowerment has probably not extended to public actions which might generate embarrassing recriminations, without senior management sanction.


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  • 11 months later...

LlazarusLlong wrote:

I would be interested to know if the policy still applies, or has been unilaterally and secretly rescinded, regarding an LL senior management commitment to informing posters when their posts have been removed.

I haven't heard anything regarding this either.

Parenthetically, I have received a strange email regarding a legendary mythic entity, one of those mass emailings that tend to annoy. Have you checked yours recently for any?

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  • 1 month later...

LlazarusLlong wrote:

I would be interested to know if the policy still applies, or has been unilaterally and secretly rescinded, regarding an LL senior management commitment to informing posters when their posts have been removed.

Apparently the policy must have been suspended, at least on weekends when perhaps the part-time staff are given free rein to kill posts without informing the posters.

***Or maybe actual Lindens are doing it, from spite at having to work seven-day weeks***

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  • 1 month later...

Does anybody know exactly what the protocol is nowadays for forum discipline?

I understand that it used to be that three warnings caused you to be banned for a week.

Then three more got you a two week ban.

Then three more meant a month's ban.

Then three more could mean you were banned sine die from all LL's web properties.

Is this still the case?

Are people still receiving warnings?

Or were these just Guidelines, which LL could operate or not at their whim?

Maybe Xiola could let us know.

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