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Learn English, please.

Paul Hexem

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Vous êtes très chanceux d'avoir des voisins internationales! Une des choses que j'aime le plus à propos de Second Life, c'est qu'il me donne autant d'occasions de rencontrer des gens de partout dans le monde. J'ai des amis de presque tous les continents sur la terre!

Ce que nous devons faire est de démolir lignes interdiction plutôt que de les construire. Je comprends que c'est ce que vous faites. Je vous félicite.

Voulez-vous un Coke, au fait?


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I have no idea what you're talking about.  Honestly, I don't.  I must have missed a thread or something.  Anyway, I recently had reason to do a search and the following video seems relevant here:

The quote in the link was obtained from YouTube commenter Sanguiluna (i.e., I didn't write it but I thought it was funny).  :-D

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LaskyaClaren wrote:

Vous êtes très chanceux d'avoir des voisins internationales! Une des choses que j'aime le plus à propos de Second Life,
c'est qu'il me donne autant d'occasions de rencontrer des gens de partout dans le monde.
J'ai des amis de presque tous les continents sur la terre!

Ce que nous devons faire est de démolir lignes interdiction plutôt que de les construire. Je comprends que c'est ce que vous faites. Je vous félicite.

Voulez-vous un Coke, au fait?


Part of your post reminded me of a recruitment advertisement  for the Armed Forces: "Go to exotic locations, meet foreign people - and kill them!"


This is an English language forum, as indicated by there existing multiple subforums specifically for those who wish not to communicate - or attempt to do so - in the world's most ubiquitous and unforgiving language.

Having said that, at least it is possible to ignore posts obviously written in a foreign language, while those who believe - erroneously - that they can write comprehensible English (whether ESLers or simple semi-literates) can waste a considerable amount of the time of less perceptive readers, and generate conflict of misinterpretation.

I would not dream of telling people what they should do, whether it be not posting, reappraising and improving their English or literacy skills, using spelling, grammar, and style aids or starting every post off with "I be not an good English" as a warning; what I would say is that if you continue to post nonsensically then be prepared to have it ridiculed and your opinions dismissed as the ravings of a subnormal intellect.

© The Judge

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Translation (thank you Google):  "You are very lucky to have international neighbors! One of the things I love most about Second Life is that it gives me so many opportunities to meet people from all over the world. I have friends from almost every continent on earth!

What we must do is to demolish ban lines rather than build. I understand that this is what you do. I congratulate you.

Do you want a Coke, anyway?

I agree this is one thing that I enjoy about SL.  However, the OP was about rants in languages other than English.  I have also experienced this.  I do not have a translator so when someone keeps ranting (as someone did recently in IM while I was DJ'ing), despite my attempts to redirect them to someone else who might help them, my alternative in that moment is to block them.

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Venus Petrov wrote:

Translation (thank you Google):  "
You are very lucky
to have international
One of the things
I love most
about Second
is that it
gives me
so many opportunities to
meet people
from all over the
have friends from
almost every continent
on earth!


we must do is
to demolish
rather than
I understand that this
is what
you do.
I congratulate you.


Do you want a
, anyway?

I agree this is one thing that I enjoy about SL.  However, the OP was about rants in languages other than English.  I have also experienced this.  I do not have a translator so when someone keeps ranting (as someone did recently in IM while I was DJ'ing), despite my attempts to redirect them to someone else who might help them, my alternative in that moment is to block them.


Well, yes. Or should I say, bien sûr! :-)

What I was attempting to convey, of course, in my temporarily Gallic way, was that the mildly xenophobic ire of the creator of this thread was somewhat misdirected.

I imagine a scenario in which two people shout incomprehensibly at each other in different languages. Both might well be fluent in their tongues of choice, and both languages, as you note, will have their legitimate place in Second Life.

What is more, as you further demonstrate, we have at our disposal marvelous new tools to facilitate that communication. (As it happens, O Serendipity!, I posted upon the subject of machine translation in SL a month or so ago).

It seems logical to conclude, then, that the problem is not the languages employed, but the tendency to shout them at others. A "rant" will always be poor communication, because it is always one-sided, and not intended to form part of a dialogue.

What of course was required in this instance was a cosy chat over Google Translate and a communion of ideas oiled, as it were, by an iced glass of linguistically-inclusive carbonated beverage.


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"As it happens, O Serendipity!,"

You are wasting your time, because unless others write to the exact grammatical standards of some (who use programs like "Ginger") then they abuse you, inferring you are ignorant and uneducated, the usual comment is "I am correcting your grammar, so you learn", no these people are just racist and abusers.

Who gave people like "j m" the right to be a self appointed grammar teacher?

BTW: J I earn over US$1,000,000 year talking and writing the way I do. "while those who believe - erroneously - that they can write comprehensible English". What is yours?


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Well, as one who has had to rely upon machine translation frequently in Second Life (and occasionally in RL as well), I am in no position to demand perfect grammar from those whose first language is not English. To insist upon utter grammatical correctness in those with whom we speak is, I think, to doom ourselves to mutual isolation. I know a great many native speakers of English who are far less grammatically competent in the language than are ESLers.

I am sure there are pedants in all languages; I know that the French are sometimes known to be contemptuous of misuses of their language (or as Madelaine might say, they'll tear out your heart and stomp that sucker flat), but I have personally run across this phenomenon far more among English speakers than in my dealings with those who speak other languages.

I think that Stephen Fry is, as always, particularly insightful on this subject:

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LaskyaClaren wrote:

Well, yes. Or should I say, bien sûr! :-)

What I was attempting to convey, of course, in my temporarily Gallic way, was that the mildly xenophobic ire of the creator of this thread was somewhat misdirected.

You're making two assumptions.  

First that the OP is "mildly xenophobic", second that the OP was referring to someone who was not a native English speaker.  It's just as likely that an "incoherent rant" could be from someone who is a native English speaker.

But, anyway Scy...err Laskya....my reply to Gadget was a goodwill gesture, as I think he's been lonely.  (my observation from his posts lately) ...and now he's pronouced as being "mildly xenophobic".....so..uh..."no thanks" to your misdirected umbrage.

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No, I'm not xenophobic. I don't know anything about the person that sent me the IM.

I got a message that was complaining about ban lines at my new airport. Except I couldn't make heads or tails of it because the message made no sense. Something about bad advertising and ban lines.

I have no ban lines. On any of my parcels. I don't even have security orbs.

So it'd be nice if people learned to communicate with semi-literate English (this includes some Americans and British) before they sent an IM to an English speaking person. Especially if they expect said person to be able to do anything about it.

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I asked for clarification. They never answered. That's when I thought it was time for a PSA here on the forums.

It's apparently advice you should take.

That said, I welcome them coming here and posting. Maybe they'll make more sense in public.



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