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Attention Merchants, IMPORTANT!

Marina Ramer

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Arwen Serpente wrote:

The answer from Support was the same at that time: contact the customer and ask for payment.

I've read about a lot of ridiculous things that LL support has done on this forum, but this has to take the cake.  I know I shouldn't be surprised by their utter incompetence, but I simply can't help being awestruck by the level of stupidity they've achieved with this nonsense.


ETA: It occurred to me to ask if anyone knows whether or not any of these customers were actually charged for their purchases.  Is it possible that they actually paid for what they bought and their payment just didn't go through like it's supposed to?  In other words, could LL actually be keeping it?

I experienced this issue both as merchant and as customer. As for the customer case, I got the item without being charged for it. The money where charged and instantly refunded.

I contacted the merchant in question to send her the payment and asked out of curiosity since I noticed several failed deliveries myself, if she even got the payment. She only had a message of failed delivery with no payment for it.

As for myself, I noticed several failed transactions and I contacted Linden Lab before I saw this forum thread, to hear, could it be possible the same issue as we experienced before, has started again?

The only answer I got was the same as you all seem to have received, file a JIRA and contact the customer.

I'm vivid. This is ridiculous, we seem to have gotten back the same issue as was existing not too long time ago with fake "failed deliveries" without payment, where Linden Lab refunded a huge amount of merchants over a long period of time.

So now what? The previous fix didn't work? And what does Linden Lab do about it? Nothing! Silence, not a word about a problem as far as I am informed. Just file a JIRA and be silent.

At least they would by now be aware of the issue with so many contacting support with the same issue.

I am going to file JIRA's for my failed deliveries, but what good does it do me? No information from Linden Lab how they are going to handle the issue, not even acknowledging they have a technical major problem with payments to merchants for actually delivered items. 

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There is another angle which merchants might want to take. 

Instead of asking the customer to pay, which is the most absurd of all, since it is LL that has instantiated an unauthorised delivery, open a support case asking for the item that was given freely, to be removed from the "purchasers" inventory.

It's then up to LL to explain to the "purchaser" why they have corrected THEIR error!

Slopeyshoulders Linden really does grate at times but it's what I did after "Poseballgate" when LL took back all the funds from the fraudulent purchases of my L$1,000,000 pose balls.  Just out of principle, I opened a support case asking that they remove the 27 pose balls from the other persons inventory.  I shouldn't have even had to ask.  To properly correct a transaction, you fix BOTH SIDES to balance.


(I use the word purchasers in quotes because they are only a purchaser in principle, if there has been no financial transaction, then they are not a purchaser!)

Oh additionally, for those saying "it delivered but I didn't get paid" or "I only got a message but no payment", this is the problem.  If you read carefully how I have observed the apparent architecture, because it's all so loosely coupled, it's very difficult to tell if all the bits of a transaction tie together.  You can have a delivery, then the payment and the message all at different times, that's why it looks so very much like process passing to process to process and each bit doing its own thing autonomously.

If one bit stalls, then although the delivery may work, the payment reconcilliation may happen much later.  This is why it's all so very wrong and if only they had architected OUT the payment intermediary, WE, the merchant would have been first point of contact for payment adjustment and product delivery.


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Sassy Romano wrote:

There is another angle which merchants might want to take. 

Instead of asking the customer to pay, which is the most absurd of all, since it is LL that has instantiated an unauthorised delivery, open a support case asking for the item that was given freely, to be removed from the "purchasers" inventory.

It's then up to LL to explain to the "purchaser" why they have corrected THEIR error!

Slopeyshoulders Linden really does grate at times but it's what I did after "Poseballgate" when LL took back all the funds from the fraudulent purchases of my L$1,000,000 pose balls.  Just out of principle, I opened a support case asking that they remove the 27 pose balls from the other persons inventory.  I shouldn't have even had to ask.  To properly correct a transaction, you fix BOTH SIDES to balance.

Sassy, I must ask out of curiousity; When you requested this from support last time the issue was ongoing, did Linden Lab actually responded and did what you requested of them, i.e. deleted the items?

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The items were removed from the other avatar inventory as requested and confirmed that my ticket had been actioned.

Point being that instead of letting the system be a thorn in your side, use the system provided to stick it back the other way.  I'm pretty good at that :matte-motes-wink-tongue:

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Sassy Romano wrote:

The items were removed from the other avatar inventory as requested and confirmed that my ticket had been actioned.

Point being that instead of letting the system be a thorn in your side, use the system provided to stick it back the other way.  I'm pretty good at that :matte-motes-wink-tongue:

I understand your point and agree with you :) Clever and right back at them (LL).

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When LL delivered a bunch of high-ticket items without paying me -- after DD was introduced but  before I had transferrred all my Magic Boxes -- LL said I should contact each customer, preferably while holding out a tin cup, and ask the customers to pay me.

Fortunately they all did, but not after I had extended discussion with a certain CT employee, who pointed out that the entire thing was my own fault because Magic Boxes were "unsupported". News to me!

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Fortunately they all did, but not after I had extended discussion with a certain CT employee, who pointed out that the entire thing was my own fault because Magic Boxes were "unsupported". News to me!

Which then begs the question, "which SUPPORTED method should a merchant use when selling limited permission products?"

Oh, let me help you here, that would be... MAGIC BOXES!

"Left hand, meet right hand, you should say Hi! to each other"

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This is sad Pamela but actually its same than happens to me over and over and the worst is happens to me on ANY issue, doesnt matter whats about. Always Dakota answering, hey fix yourself nothing we can do and as I say, washing her hands, over and over. Important only is go and closing the ticket and when you reopen to close it again till you get tired, like a game.

I took the desition that right after Valentines will start migrating to other grids, and this one i just see it going down, and not only because the unexistant support but also for so many other reasons that we spoke before, like the freebie and almost freebie makers all over MP and many other rocks on the way that makes it harder and harder to make an income here.

And I insist again I will never understand why MP allows freebies there and alsmot freebies, pages and hundreds of pages before our products when thye make zero income of that, and never will. And our products which pays enhacements, which pays comission of 5% to them gets last in search everytime. Pople is free to do what thye want like giving up their things for free for sure! but in their own lands, paying for it at leats, on MP? come on. Changed a lot the subject here I know, but wlel after all is all related, MP problems for us, merchants, never solved


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Thanks to all who let us know that some items were getting delivered and orders were reported as failed. We were able to quickly fix this on Monday, February 3, 2014. We have been monitoring since then and have seen no continued problems in this area.

Please file a JIRA if you see this or other issues in the future.

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CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

Thanks to all who let us know that some items were getting delivered and orders were reported as failed. We were able to quickly fix this on Monday, February 3, 2014. We have been monitoring since then and have seen no continued problems in this area.


if you see this or other issues in the future.

... and those JIRA's filed for this issue until now, how will they be handled? As for the items being delivered but not paid for?

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As you may read above, we totally disagree wiith the impossible task that you are asking which is aksing for the money to our customers, this is totally ridiculous and also impossible, customers cannot see their money transactions of more than 30 days and this merchandises had been delivered from months ago. The correct way to go is that linden fixes this money issues withdrawing form customers and letting them know as corresponds!

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Pamela Galli wrote:

To be fair, Dakota is between a rock and a hard place.. She has to tell us to fix it ourselves because support is not going to fix it and the devs are not going to fix it. She is the only one I know of who even seems aware that there are merchants in SL.

I second this.  I have had some very positive interchanges with Dakota.


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CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

Thanks to all who let us know that some items were getting delivered and orders were reported as failed. We were able to quickly fix this on Monday, February 3, 2014. We have been monitoring since then and have seen no continued problems in this area.


if you see this or other issues in the future.

fine that you have found the issue.. however..  i insist you check those incidents and transfer the money to the seller, wher the wares were delivered, but the "buyer" kept the money.

Its not our fault the Marketplace Software is buggy there, why should WE run after OUR money, YOUR software failed to collect?  Respectfully awaiting Lindens answer here.



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Lucky you, for me has been terrible each answer this was last:

Answer 1 form Dahota: search the transactions yourself

My answer: Yes of course I can do that myself, but customers don't, so you will agree with me when I say that I cannot ask money to someone that cannot even check the transaction when its older than 30 days., I would like that linden gives me a solution at least for transactions older than 30 days or that removed form inventory the products of all this customers, not paid, I do need a possible solution please?

Her second answer here:

A comment has been added to your Case..

Case: 01852136
Avatar: Marina Ramer 
Type: General Marketplace Issues
Status: Waiting for Customer Acceptance
  Hello Marina Ramer,

Customer Support cannot assist you with resolving the issue that you have raised.

Linden Lab has never guaranteed that Second Life will run without issues or errors and this is specifically laid out in the Terms of Service.


9.2 Linden Lab provides the Service on an "as is" basis, without express or implied warranties, and all Content, Linden Dollars and virtual goods have no guarantee or warranty of any compensable value.

"Linden Lab does not ensure continuous, error-free, secure or virus-free operation of the Service, the Linden Software, the Websites, the Servers, or your Account, and you understand that you shall not be entitled to refunds or other compensation based on Linden Lab's failure to provide any of the foregoing other than as explicitly provided in this Agreement"


Dakota Linden


So basically, we told you that our software could fail and you accepted it under the tos, so screw you, great

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I briefly went through this lengthy thread.  This does sound similar to an issue a while back.  But, can anyone that knows the details of this currect Commerce MP screwup provide a summary of how an MP merchant can check if this the screwup has happened to him / her?

If it was like the last similar screwup, there was no way of checking as there is no transaction evidence available to the Merchant.  It was only a matter of an honest customer telling a merchant they got your content and didnt have to pay for it.

This was the reason some Merchants applied a ON REZ script on the vendor prim to get a clue that a new purchase happened.

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Hey Toysoldier yes its similar to when we had the boxes before wit hthe being delivered stratus bug if you meant that, not i am afraid that all status has bugs respecting we not getting money, customers yes getting our products and LL doing nothing aobut it, a script wont help on this cases I believe.

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me who I happen
I am the creator machine style Zyngo, no devil
have put in a full perm games
the buyer and buy linden lab has taken my money linden 200000
and the buyer has received the item
and I find myself with nothing: (
apart the games that is offered for sale on the walk by another person
waiting for a reply from linden lab .................

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hank you for contacting Linden Lab. The Lindens that were used to purchase the item were assessed because they came from an unauthorized source. Our decision to assess the Lindens will stand. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused.

Thank you,

So if I understand well just buy a lot of things to declare his avatard fly
and you return your linden dollars and object in your inventory :)

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