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No narcissism and no greed

Nimue Galatea

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People on Second Life, much like that on any other MMO - are prone to narcissim and rampant greed. Which is why, for the 10 years that I've been here, I've been merely the observer and not a participant in the materialism and the sex. I believe Second Life can be a great resource to humanity, and that is the reason I return - to find value and substance in the virtual places created here.


If anyone identifies with this, let's be friends!

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Unfortunately, I have to be a self-centered when describing my interests to an audience of potential friends. You are probably calling attention to this in order to avoid having to address a larger issue at hand, that of narcissism in SL.

Either way - If anyone else is also searching for simple beauty and simple acts of kindness in this alternate universe, please drop me a line.

Have a nice day.

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Nimue Galatea wrote:

People on Second Life, much like that on any other MMO - are prone to narcissim and rampant greed. Which is why, for the 10 years that I've been here, I've been merely the observer and not a participant in the materialism and the sex. I believe Second Life can be a great resource to humanity, and that is the reason I return - to find value and substance in the virtual places created here.


If anyone identifies with this, let's be friends!

The most useful thing I have in my inventory is a ten foot pole. (Second only to my cloak of invisibility).

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Nimue Galatea wrote:

People on Second Life, much like [real life] - are prone to narcissim and rampant greed...


There, I fixed that for you.

Its not that I disagree with your statement, I'm just wondering what the point is. Second life is an ultra capitalist world where everything is for sale and the struggle for survival is nonexistent. So yeah, people have a lot of sex and buy stuff.

I mean no offense, just having a bit of fun. I hope you find the value and substance you're looking for.


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Nimue Galatea wrote:

Unfortunately, I have to be a self-centered when describing my interests to an audience of potential friends. You are probably calling attention to this in order to avoid having to address a larger issue at hand, that of narcissism in SL.

Either way - If anyone else is also searching for simple beauty and simple acts of kindness in this alternate universe, please drop me a line.

Have a nice day.

Unfortunately, you don't know much about how narcissm manifests itself and even less how it looks like when it turns into a psychological problem that makes the person itself and his or her environment suffer.

First of all, describing yourself and your interests and motivation isn't an act that can be definied as "self-centered" in general. Its an act of discribing something. You wanted to communicate, that you are looking for people to spend your time with, friends and like-minded people. Thats not why I call you the true narcisst here.

SL in general has no problem with narcissm. People are spending their free time here. They shape their own little virtual playground and if they lack the skills or admire the skills of others, they buy stuff. Buying to satisfy a need for virtual goods is not an act of narcissm. If it was, then every shopping trip that goes furthter than satisfying basic needs would be an act of narcissm. Enjoying goods is not narcistic, bragging unasked about them is.

In a world where everyone can live the life of a milionair, bragging about stuff you own is nearly impossible. Most people buy goods because they like them, not because they care about what anybody else thinks.

Next thing you are calling out is sex. Guess what, its human nature that sex comes up as a topic and interest, when you have a big group of people. And you don't have to participate in it, but calling it out like a prude from 1800? I see no reason for that. Sex is nothing bad.

Now...lets come to the part why I called you a narcisst. And that can be summed up to one sentence: You see yourself and your view on SL as superior. Nobody can touch you or your ideas, because they are better and right by nature. Everyone in any MMO and especially in SL is dirty, greedy, primitive and bad. You may be in the same MMOs but you are just the superior watcher, who may feel pity for those poor souls once in a while.

Now you seek other semi-gods to ride in superior manner with you, so you are not alone, looking down from your upper position, down on the rest of SL. Last but not least you get aggressive and defensive, when someone points out how narcistic your own presentation is.

Do you know what one common trait of many narcistic personalities is? They put others around them down, if they can. Be it with words or actions. And thats just what you are doing right now.



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Hehehehe! I identify! Tho...i used to have a porno mag (thay actually sold ad space! Yay monies!) And i often refer yo myself inna third person. I do identify. This time when i ressurect my mag it wont be porn. Just gossip and such. Plus Imma refer to myself inna second person, which is just plain talkin to myself. So if you dont mind a psycho pal im game! :)

Tho i gotta few fish to fry and we might have to get our virt hands durty. But Jumpy came to get DOON!

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I have no idea what you even mean and you don't explain.  What is an example of what you call narcissism?  How about greed?  

Does caring how you look qualify as narcissism?  A look at your profile shows you have a pretty nice avatar.

Do you define greed as charging money for things you make and not giving them away?  I hear it all the time, mostly from people who don't create anything and are looking for free handouts.  Maybe you don't like the capitalism in SL at all.  But is the ability to sell items and land that has created everything that most people enjoy.  If content was only created by people who just like to do it when they feel like it and share it around, SL would have only a fraction of the content it has. 

Maybe its where you go and who you hang with but I would not say the people I know are narcissistic or greedy.  I have run into some.  People who think that they are 'it' in some way or superior to everyone else.  People who think they should have everything, including land, for free.

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Nimue Galatea wrote:

People on Second Life, much like that on any other MMO - are prone to narcissim and rampant greed. Which is why, for the 10 years that I've been here, I've been merely the observer and not a participant in the materialism and the sex. I believe Second Life can be a great resource to humanity, and that is the reason I return - to find value and substance in the virtual places created here.


If anyone identifies with this, let's be friends!


The narcissism first (you left out an 's', btw, but it's a tough word to spell). Yes, in fact, people on SL (I don't know any other MMOs so don't know about that) ARE prone to narcissism, in a way. We look at ourselves a lot*. I mean, who could blame us? We're cute! But that's only narcissism 'in a way'. It isn't what the term was named for nor what it currently means.

Narcissus was a character from mythology who saw his reflection in a pool of water and fell in love with that reflection (I'm guessing he was cute, too) That's the point. He didn't fall in love with himself. He fell in love with his reflection.

His name was borrowed to describe people who actually do fall in love with themselves. It's been pointed out already by Syo but you seem to have a big crush on yourself, so I'd have to agree with her narcissistic diagnosis, just based on the evidence (I peeked at your blog, too).

Like some others have said, I've no idea where you're coming from with the 'greed' comment. All I can say is, "Not in my experience so far."

*In a long ago post I included a picture of flowers in my hair. The flowers were daffodils. I pointed out that their species name was 'narcissus' making them the perfect flower for Second Life.


ETA: I should have left the spellcheck comment out. In the OP's title the word is spelled correctly; I was looking at the text of the post.. As I said, it's a tough word to spell. I probably got it wrong somewhere myself but my eyes are crossing looking at it so I'll leave things as they are.

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  • 2 weeks later...

regarding narcicism  and greed you can be part of the problem or part of the solution.

Narcissism solution-  Have crappy cheap avatar you spend no money on and be humble without bignoting yourself.

Greed solution- make virtual goods in sl and give the money you make from it to a Rl charitable cause!

 Also dont use the internet or sl too much because the electricity you use impacts on the environment and destroys native ecosystems because of RL mining to make computers and electricity. Too much of something for yourself is a form of greed!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Nimue Galatea wrote:

People on Second Life, much like that on any other MMO - are prone to narcissim and rampant greed. Which is why, for the 10 years that I've been here, I've been merely the observer and not a participant in the materialism and the sex. I believe Second Life can be a great resource to humanity, and that is the reason I return - to find value and substance in the virtual places created here.


If anyone identifies with this, let's be friends!

"narcissism" if you mean people have standards of how the look and dress. Yes, unless one is RPing who wants to look like a hobo.

"rampant greed" 1% of SL?

"and the sex" I do not and neither do any of my friends, as for others that's their private decision.

You seem to have a rather black view on life.

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