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Hackin Situation


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Evening everyone, im here on behalf of my partner who has been terrorized for as long as i can remenber for certain people aka hackers...yes and i mean plurar that have been using and abusin her account over the years and she already tried everything we know...change pass...change email...IP block...callin autorities...callin SL suport system..and nothin have seem to help to stop nor even delay the outcome of this stressfull situation...and the worse is that its afecting her RL when she perfeclty know who this person is...but unforntly she hasnt been able to reach that person...nd today she had the dyin need of makin a new account hope it will stop but im afraid it wont be of good use...cuz if this person is able to go troo everythin and everysingle time manages to snuff out her acc once more...we´v tried everythin i can´t dnt as muchs as i wanted besides suportin her and helpin her everyway i can...but it rly is becomin to much for us specially her cuz this person doesnt know the meanin of "stop" his main objective is to humiliate and use her acc to his heart contente since he never had what he wanted...he tried another rout...anyho...pls if by anychance anyone is able to help out any info at all..pls it would be most helpfull just to even we know what we can possibly do


Thank You for your time....

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Your partner/friend  can do a number of things to protect herself. She has all the power needed to eliminate the burden of her ex or stalker. This was written originally for another whose ex was stalking her but applied to your situation as well.

Here are the various steps she should have taken.


1) You can A.R. Anyone who abuses you or threatens you in chat or is just plain annoying to the point of violating Community Standards as described in the SL TOS.

2) Don't over A.R. the annoying person as you have steps you can and should take to protect yourself as well



1) You and she need to have your own parcel whereby you have land privileges.

2) Make sure that you have created a Land Group that you are both the Owners of and Deed the parcel to this Group.- This allows you both to enjoy privacy as you wish.

3) Add each of the annoying Avatar Accounts to the Banned List [ World / About Land / ACCESS / Banned Residents List ] - This prevents physical intrusion of any ALTs into your parcel.

4) Uncheck the [  ] Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel option located at  [ World / About Land / OPTIONS ] - This prevents visible intrusion of any ALTs into your parcel.

5) Ask your landlord [if you lease a parcel on a Private Estate  to ban the Stalker and his ALTs. [As a land owner and formerly staked individual I do this on request for my tenants.]

6) If this individual has also been annoying in open chat at a Club or similar venue they may have been banned there as well. Remember it's not the Managements place to decide if any action needs to be taken when Residents have this type of issue with each other. Muting the annoying individual protects you and any open chat by them will never be seen by you.



1)Mute each of the Ex.'s ALTs. - This prevents seeing the numskull and any message receipt by him both directly and in any Group Chat where you are both still members. You will not get any forwarded emails either.



1) Protect your information by setting your SL Profile visibility to Friends Only - https://my.secondlife.com/settings/privacy

2) Hide the Groups you both belong to by editing each membership and selecting that option -  This is only needed if you have not set your SL Profile visibility to Friends Only.

3) After all the above has been completed , start visiting different venues. Change you habits.

4) Don't live as a victim. Once you know how to do the above go out and enjoy SL. You know what to do if you encounter anyone that annoys either of you.



You mentioned that when she logs in using a particular Avatar account that this person locates and hovers about. Well then do all I've outlined here as clearly she has made it easy to locate herself. She needs to delete anything that her Ex may have given to her from her inventory. There may be a spying script included. [ e.g. I once had an idiot give me a necklace with a locater script in it. I kept the necklace and deleted the script...and the idiot - :D  ]


Moral: Idiots like you are describing get bored once you start ignoring them, this is especially easy once you have muted them, You can't see them and can't hear them ever - LOL

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I pulled up this thread in order to recommend you take a good dose of alcohol based cough syrup, preferably with codeine, then I read it and realized that wasn't the kind of hackin you meant.  So, though it probably won't help alleviate your situation, you might want to do it anyway.  If nothing else, it might help make you feel a little better about the whole ordeal.


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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:


Moral: Idiots like you are describing get bored once you start ignoring them, this is especially easy once you have muted them, You can't see them and can't hear them ever - LOL

Pretty much. In the online world once you truly ignore someone, either they move on from lack of attention or you just don't care because they're not in your world anymore.


It may be as simple to fix as going to the top folder of inventory. The one called 'inventory' - right clicking it, and choosing the remove all option.

Then put things on individually that you know you want to wear.

If you lack the knowledge of removing (and shutting off) scripts from things - then get rid of things the person gave you.

If there is land nearby where you live that this person may have left an object in - move if you lack the ability to remove the object, or again - once you've got them properly blocked, just ignore their drama.

If something like this has actually gone on for years... which people always seem to claim in here as if it would make it sound more severe... then it likely means both parties are actively involved in a mutual conflict. Simply stop responding at all to the other party. Don't seek to get in the last word, don't bother to defend yourself. Just vanish from the conversation. Let them scream about how horrible you are to the empty wind...



Mind this is not always easy advice to follow - especially when you're still occupying the same discussion space as someone you've been feuding with. I've certainly had that problem myself. It can be very hard to disengage.

That's where it comes in handy to actively take advantage of muting / blocking features when they're available.

When not available, sometimes it takes some forceful self-censoring for a while, followed in the end by a bit of glossing past moments where you see the other party until you've hit a point where you're not so attached to the issues anymore.

Oh, and NEVER run about posting up announcements that you're going to / have blocked a person - that is NOT disengagement, that is a form of proactive re-engagement.


Its taken me years to learn that on an intellectual level, and I know full well how easy it is to completely forget it on an emotional level when in the heat of the moment or some trigger occurs...

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

If something like this has actually gone on for years... which people always seem to claim in here as if it would make it sound more severe... then it likely means both parties are actively involved in a mutual conflict. Simply stop responding at all to the other party. Don't seek to get in the last word, don't bother to defend yourself. Just vanish from the conversation. Let them scream about how horrible you are to the empty wind...

This is excellent advice, Pussycat.  I can't count how many times I've given similar advice to friends that simply refused to listen to it and were caught in a seemingly, never-ending feud with their so-called harassers.  If they hadn't have tried dragging me into their drama on more than one occasion, I doubt I'd have had to distance myself from them, but alas, it could not be avoided.  Now that I have, my SL is pretty much drama free and undoubtedly a much more pleasant place to be.  The OP should indeed take note.


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I notice the OP never really mentions in-world griefing, only unauthorized use of an account; as far as I can decipher.  

With this person's account being so often "compromised" I can only see a couple of real possibilities here.  One is that the person's computer has been compromised with a key logger, and they need to secure their computer and learn about computer security.  The other option is that the "partner" is not totally on the up and up about their activities in Second Life and uses the "I have been hacked" clause as a defense for covering up dubious actions.

Call me jaded, but it's just a gut feeling that hit me when reading the post.

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

KarenMichelle Lane wrote:


Moral: Idiots like you are describing get bored once you start ignoring them, this is especially easy once you have muted them, You can't see them and can't hear them ever - LOL

Pretty much. In the online world once you truly ignore someone, either they move on from lack of attention or you just don't care because they're not in your world anymore.


It may be as simple to fix as going to the top folder of inventory. The one called 'inventory' - right clicking it, and choosing the remove all option.

Then put things on individually that you know you want to wear.

If you lack the knowledge of removing (and shutting off) scripts from things - then get rid of things the person gave you.

If there is land nearby where you live that this person may have left an object in - move if you lack the ability to remove the object, or again - once you've got them properly blocked, just ignore their drama.

If something like this has actually gone on for years... which people always seem to claim in here as if it would make it sound more severe... then it likely means both parties are actively involved in a mutual conflict. Simply stop responding at all to the other party. Don't seek to get in the last word, don't bother to defend yourself. Just vanish from the conversation. Let them scream about how horrible you are to the empty wind...


I so agree. The whole long term stalking / abuse thing usually has a co-dependent relationship component gone bad.

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Its lovely that you are supporting your partner.

You need to tell your partner to block/mute the person/people who are making her Second Life a not very nice place to be.

But, as I asked in a previous thread you started last week (which seems to have been removed), it is unclear why anyone would be hacking your partner's account, or indeed if she really has been hacked.

We can give you tons of advice, that you can relay back to your partner, but at the end of the day, your partner is responsible for the welfare of herself and her computer, and if she has not taken the necessary precautions that would deter/prevent hackers from getting into her system, then there is very little anyone can do.

If she is feeling threatened in real life, she MUST go to the local law enforcement body in her area.

But has it got that far?

From what I understand in your postings here, it looks like your partner is just feeding someone, and they are getting much pleasure from being a nuisance to your partner.  If you give a griefer no attention, they do get bored and go away.

I will stress yet again though, if your partner is feeling threatened in real life, she MUST go to her real life law enforcement people.

Linden Lab will not do anything if they assess the situation described in any abuse reports you make on behalf of your partner, or any your partner makes herself, and find that she has not discouraged abuse in all the ways that are at her fingertips - ie to block inworld, to ensure anti-virus software and firewalls are used on her computer(s), and that passwords are protected at all times. 

"... when she perfectly know who this person is...but unforntly she hasn't been able to reach that person..."

Why is she trying to reach that person? Why is she unable to ignore that person altogether?

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

If something like this has actually gone on for years... which people always seem to claim in here as if it would make it sound more severe... then it likely means both parties are actively involved in a mutual conflict. Simply stop responding at all to the other party. Don't seek to get in the last word, don't bother to defend yourself. Just vanish from the conversation. Let them scream about how horrible you are to the empty wind...

This is excellent advice, Pussycat.  I can't count how many times I've given similar advice to friends that simply refused to listen to it and were caught in a seemingly, never-ending feud with their so-called harassers.  If they hadn't have tried dragging me into their drama on more than one occasion, I doubt I'd have had to distance myself from them, but alas, it could not be avoided.  Now that I have, my SL is pretty much drama free and undoubtedly a much more pleasant place to be.  The OP should indeed take note.


I'll second that sentiment.

Yet despite how many times in this Forum it has been recommended to people it just seems that they don't get the message.  Especially when dealing with "Griefers."  The odds are if you try to take on a Griefer you are going to lose that battle. 

However, on a foot note, based on the OP's initial response to me, I at least do not think that this thread is genuine.  It is possible the OP will come back and prove me wrong.  But that is my opinion at the moment.

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Kenbro Utu wrote:

I notice the OP never really mentions in-world griefing, only unauthorized use of an account; as far as I can decipher.  

With this person's account being so often "compromised" I can only see a couple of real possibilities here.  One is that the person's computer has been compromised with a key logger, and they need to secure their computer and learn about computer security.  The other option is that the "partner" is not totally on the up and up about their activities in Second Life and uses the "I have been hacked" clause as a defense for covering up dubious actions.

Call me jaded, but it's just a gut feeling that hit me when reading the post.

That's exactly what I thought right from the start...he said 'changed password' and so the only way this guy could get in again is either he's logging keystrokes on her computer, or she's sharing that password with him willingly.

I call it being justifiably suspicious based on previous real peoples behaviors.. no tin foil hat required.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

If something like this has actually gone on for years... which people always seem to claim in here as if it would make it sound more severe... then it likely means both parties are actively involved in a mutual conflict. Simply stop responding at all to the other party. Don't seek to get in the last word, don't bother to defend yourself. Just vanish from the conversation. Let them scream about how horrible you are to the empty wind...

This is excellent advice, Pussycat.  I can't count how many times I've given similar advice to friends that simply refused to listen to it and were caught in a seemingly, never-ending feud with their so-called harassers.  If they hadn't have tried dragging me into their drama on more than one occasion, I doubt I'd have had to distance myself from them, but alas, it could not be avoided.  Now that I have, my SL is pretty much drama free and undoubtedly a much more pleasant place to be.  The OP should indeed take note.


I'll second that sentiment.

Yet despite how many times in this Forum it has been recommended to people it just seems that they don't get the message.  Especially when dealing with "Griefers."  The odds are if you try to take on a Griefer you are going to lose that battle. 

Some people enjoy the back and forth and can't help but play into it.  Hell, I've done that myself from time to time and will most probably do it again in the future.  But I take full responsibility for my own actions.  What I feel to be disingenuous is when someone knowingly engages in the ridiculousness, then cries and complains that they're being harassed... no, they're not being harassed, they're simply fighting with someone and won't just stop.

Unless a person is willing to take responsibility for their part in an altercation and realize that the only person's behavior they can change is their own, they're doomed to continue digging themselves into a mire of drama and, quite frankly, I believe they will have gotten just what they deserve.


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Perrie Juran wrote:

Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

If something like this has actually gone on for years... which people always seem to claim in here as if it would make it sound more severe... then it likely means both parties are actively involved in a mutual conflict. Simply stop responding at all to the other party. Don't seek to get in the last word, don't bother to defend yourself. Just vanish from the conversation. Let them scream about how horrible you are to the empty wind...

This is excellent advice, Pussycat.  I can't count how many times I've given similar advice to friends that simply refused to listen to it and were caught in a seemingly, never-ending feud with their so-called harassers.  If they hadn't have tried dragging me into their drama on more than one occasion, I doubt I'd have had to distance myself from them, but alas, it could not be avoided.  Now that I have, my SL is pretty much drama free and undoubtedly a much more pleasant place to be.  The OP should indeed take note.


I'll second that sentiment.

Yet despite how many times in this Forum it has been recommended to people it just seems that they don't get the message.  Especially when dealing with "Griefers."  The odds are if you try to take on a Griefer you are going to lose that battle. 

Human nature and emotions can be a LOT stronger than what our intellect tells us to do. I have only to look at myself to see that. :P

Knowing how I should behave is often not good enough to keep me out of a mess. But after a bit of wallowing in it, I can usually recover my senses and somewhat extract myself - given a little time. That's one reason why I feel the best response is to "vanish" from the argument. Sometimes after you step away for a spell, you are able to look back and see yourself more honestly once emotion has passed and 'hindsight' has set in... :D


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

If something like this has actually gone on for years... which people always seem to claim in here as if it would make it sound more severe... then it likely means both parties are actively involved in a mutual conflict. Simply stop responding at all to the other party. Don't seek to get in the last word, don't bother to defend yourself. Just vanish from the conversation. Let them scream about how horrible you are to the empty wind...

This is excellent advice, Pussycat.  I can't count how many times I've given similar advice to friends that simply refused to listen to it and were caught in a seemingly, never-ending feud with their so-called harassers.  If they hadn't have tried dragging me into their drama on more than one occasion, I doubt I'd have had to distance myself from them, but alas, it could not be avoided.  Now that I have, my SL is pretty much drama free and undoubtedly a much more pleasant place to be.  The OP should indeed take note.


I'll second that sentiment.

Yet despite how many times in this Forum it has been recommended to people it just seems that they don't get the message.  Especially when dealing with "Griefers."  The odds are if you try to take on a Griefer you are going to lose that battle. 

Human nature and emotions can be a LOT stronger than what our intellect tells us to do. I have only to look at myself to see that.

Knowing how I should behave is often not good enough to keep me out of a mess. But after a bit of wallowing in it, I can usually recover my senses and somewhat extract myself - given a little time. That's one reason why I feel the best response is to "vanish" from the argument. Sometimes after you step away for a spell, you are able to look back and see yourself more honestly once emotion has passed and 'hindsight' has set in...

I agree with you completely.  Though I've no idea what you have personally gone through, I feel as if I've been through very similar experiences.  If not truly similar, then at least I know that we have pretty much reached the same conclusion... for we are both seemingly caring individuals who have been hurt by the destructive nature of the people we once thought of as friends, or still do.  Yet, we can do nothing to help them in their endeavors, but to advise them, then sit there and watch them fall to their own folly.

It hurts me to realize that I put myself in a position where I had no choice but to rid myself of some people for whom I cared very deeply.  I wish it would have turned out differently and did my best to make it so... obviously, my best was just not good enough.  I'm sure that one day I won't be as bitter as I am today... but that will take time and only time will tell.  I am, after all, only human.


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Try not using any Third Party Viewers to login make a new account only use Linden Lab Viewer, Also do not transfer any old objects from you're old accounts to new and see if they find it.

Also Disable Media functions via the viewer.

If that solves it then its either someone linking you with a Ban-Link system in world, or TPV Viewers that are compromised.

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