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Help with Boy Avatar


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I'm agreeing with the previous poster. People in SL tend to be very touchy about even the suggestion of inappropriate sexual use of child avatars. It's best to not even have genitalia on a child avatar. Also stay away from areas with adult activities, even if it's just a dance club in a Moderate rated area. You may want to have both an adult and a child shape for you avatar, so you can go to Moderate & Adult rated regions without being asked to leave or even ejected without a warning.

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Fact is, barring any kind of sexual activity / roleplay, the only moments when your lack of actual genitals would matter is is you get naked and stay like that, not just change into another outfit (even if you roleplay said change). The only scenario that comes to mind where you'd need  that is when taking a shower, which begs the question: do you plan to have your avatar taking frequent enough showers that you'd need realistic pre-pubescent genitalia?


If the answer is 'yes', then I'd suggest actually going by that word when performing a Marketplace search: 'realistic'. That will somewhat filter out adult genitalia designed towards 'impressive' looks in favour of more subdued modelling and texturing, especially for flaccid states. 'Tiny' is another possible keyword, but that tends to yield merely scaled-down products which nevertheless still look adult -and most are quite unrealistic anyway.

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Slightly off-topic, but as a result of this post I noticed that genitalia are categorised as "Avatar Accessories" (along with scarves and handbags) and not "Avatar Components".  So is hair, for that matter. No wonder the Marketplace is so hard to navigate. 

Prim feet *are* considered a component, by the way, as is make-up, including prim eyelashes. Does that make sense to anyone?

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KlistiesSeMio Ewinaga wrote:

You won't find any.

Not necessarily true, I've seen boy parts for kids in world, though it's been a long time and I couldn't remember where I did if you paid me.


KlistiesSeMio Ewinaga wrote:

You also shouldn't be looking for any, as that can be considered sexual ageplay, which is against LL TOS.

For it to be considered sexual ageplay, they'd have to be doing something sexual with them.  Simply being naked isn't an indication of sexual activity and nowhere in the TOS does it say anyone can't be naked, even child avatars.

I was once at a kid's store and they were selling a bucket into which a boy could pee... I would think that you'd need something to pee out of in order to make that work.  Plus, some people are very into realism and may not feel "complete" without one... even if they rarely ever wear it.

All that being said, I would certainly caution the OP that people are very wary of child avatars and sexual ageplay, whether or not that's what a child avatar is engaging in.  As demonstrated so very well in this very thread, you, simply having a member, might cause those types of people alarm by the mere knowledge of you having it... so be careful with whom you share that information.

And by all means, if your intent was to use this part in a sexual manner, please GTFO and never come back.


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I appreciate the thoughts that you share here. I hope I had made clear in all of my posts that this is a matter of having a complete avatar and that I have NO interest (NONE, ZERO, NADA) in sexual activity. I understand the problems that can result from a child avatar engaging in sexual activity of any kind, and I have NO intention of getting anywhere near that.

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schoolboypaul wrote:

I appreciate the thoughts that you share here. I hope I had made clear in all of my posts that this is a matter of having a complete avatar and that I have NO interest (NONE, ZERO, NADA) in sexual activity. I understand the problems that can result from a child avatar engaging in sexual activity of any kind, and I have NO intention of getting anywhere near that.

 since you've been so adamant about no ageplay (mentioning now in 3 posts), my suggestion is to go to a place like xcite and buy one that can be shrunk to the right size. I would suggest doing that as an adult AV and then going back to being a kid so that you don't get reported for being in an adult place. When I've gotten "things" for my maids, that's what I did.

Inquiring minds want to know...uh...what are you planning on doing with it, if not something sexual...or shouldn't we ask?? :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:

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jujmental wrote:

Tex Monday wrote:


 since you've been so adamant about no ageplay

On the charge of persistently misreferring to sexual ageplay as ageplay:

Obiter Dicta: It's idiots like you that get innocents banned.


 I know the difference between sexual ageplay and ageplay, thank you

On the charge of being a pompous a** : GUILTY

Obiter Dictum (since I wanted to make sure I got the right spelling and that I knew what it meant and since you said it wrong according to merriam-webster.com) : It would be nice if you had something constructive to say instead of constantly being guilty of the above charge....

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Tex Monday wrote:


 I know the difference between sexual ageplay and ageplay, thank you

On the charge of making it apparent that you don't when it comes to typing about it: GUILTY

On the charge of blindly relying on a single dictionary source when you don't understand a word: GUILTY

Obiter Dicta: It's not enough to mean what you say, you have to say what you mean.

© The Judge

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jujmental wrote:

Tex Monday wrote:


 I know the difference between sexual ageplay and ageplay, thank you

On the charge of making it apparent that you don't when it comes to typing about it:

On the charge of blindly relying on a single dictionary source when you don't understand a word:

Obiter Dicta: It's not enough to mean what you say, you have to say what you mean.

© The Judge

  On the first charge...fair enough.

  On the second charge....let's see...

 Obiter Dicta per dictionary.com (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Obiter+Dicta?s=t )

                     per Merrium-Webster: ( http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/obiter%20dicta )

 In your defense, your "honor", I did find one in here (http://dictionary.law.com/Default.aspx?typed=obitar%20dicta&type=1) and the definition is perfect for your remarks. But one out of three doesn't cut it.....

The prosecution rests......


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Tex Monday wrote:


The prosecution rests......


On the charge of laziness: GUILTY

On the charge of failing to understand Latin: GUILTY

Obiter Dicta: Try this legal stuff for morons explanation. An extract: "Latin terminology for legal interpretation can be a little confusing to begin with but a little learning will take you a long way". Dicta is merely the plural of dictum (qv the general usage of data for a single item of information, which is technically a datum, which is hardly ever used, other than by quibblers), and is a less restrictive method of indicating thoughts pertaining to a verdict, dictum suggesting that there is only one single further comment to be made. My comments are multi-dimensionally deep and meaningful, even if usually skilfully couched in a single sentence to encourage analysis, and merit the plural descriptor.

© The Judge


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How you build your child avatar is your business but I see no issue with proper body parts if the avatar is used ina 'PG' way like skinny dipping :) or in the privacy of your own land/home.

Nude Is Not Lewd In the real world BUT I would suggest you run a support ticket to LL to be safe.


You could also build an older young male avatar, say just over the legal age then frolic at the nude beaches all you like.


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